Fair Play (10 page)

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Authors: Janna Shay

BOOK: Fair Play
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Chapter 11

For the past couple of days, Dani hadn’t been able to control her emotions. Just this morning she’d cried because she couldn’t find the matching shoe to her green heels. She had to get away. Every time she happened to catch a glimpse of Jace, he had the same coldness in his eyes. A coldness that froze her heart with icy fingers of disdain. She missed the warmth he brought to her life and everything about him. She could still see in her mind’s eye the twinkle in his gorgeous hazel eyes when he laughed, his devilish grin when he played around with her, and the amber fire that shot through his eyes when he was aroused.

Her body shuddered as she recalled how exciting it felt to be held in his embrace and kissed until all she could think of was him. He made her body come alive with his hands and mouth, bringing her to heights she never knew were possible. She missed going to sleep with his strong arms enfolding her and his warm body nestled next to hers. But more than anything she missed waking up to his smile and the promise of another day with him.

Dani sat down in the nearest chair of the casino as she felt the weakness of sorrow penetrating her body. Her cell phone vibrated. She tapped her screen. A text from Julie.

Come by n C me. Important I talk 2 U.

She texted back.

On my way. B there in 2.

A couple minutes later she arrived at the counter. “Hey, Julie, you needed to talk to me?” She tried, but failed, to muster a smile for her best friend.

“Damn. You look like death warmed over.” Julie leaned on the counter and examined Dani’s face. “You’ve been crying.”

“I’m depressed, that’s all.”

Julie turned and called out to her coworker. “I’m going on my break now. Be back in a few.” She grabbed Dani’s arm. “Come on.”

Her best friend dragged her to a section of blackjack tables that were closed and sat her down.

“Is there a problem with the party?” Dani asked.

“That’s not why I needed to talk to you.” Her friend grasped her hand. “Hear me out before you say anything.” At Dani’s nod, she began. “You’re all wrong about Jace. He’s still in love with you. I’ve ...”

Dani’s eyes opened wide and she squeezed her best friend’s hand. “How do you know? Did he tell you? Tell ...”

Julie reached over and covered Dani’s mouth with her fingers. “Whoa, slow down. Let me finish.”

“Sorry, go ahead.”

“As I was saying. I’ve caught glimpses of Jace watching you when you’re not aware, and there definitely isn’t coldness in his eyes. I see a lot hurt, heat, and love. You must’ve done a number on him, because he isn’t the same person I know. He talked to me a couple of times and he’s miserable. And to answer your unspoken question, no he didn’t talk about you. I think he feels betrayed that you didn’t trust him enough to believe in him.”

Dani reached up and wiped the tears that had slipped from her eyes. “I can’t blame him. I should’ve never been so faithless, but I don’t know how to fix it. He doesn’t show me any of things you saw, only that damn frigid ... ” She gasped when she spied Jace watching her. This time she glimpsed the flash of hurt in his eyes before he shuttered them with ice.

Julie’s head swiveled to see what had caused her best friend to stop talking and fastened on Jace’s retreating back. “See what I mean? He watches you when you don’t know he’s there.”

“Yes, and I also saw the pain. Help me, please. I need to find a way to get him back. I don’t care what I have to do, beg, plead, grovel, whatever it takes.”

“Give me a minute to think.” Julie drummed her fingers on the table. “I think I know a way you can get him back. But you’re going to have to lay it all on the line. You’ll be leaving yourself open and vulnerable if he rejects you. Are you able to handle it if he pushes you away?”

Dani’s heart started beating faster. “I’m willing to do anything to make this right. It can’t hurt anymore than it already does. Besides, I only have today and tomorrow, then I’ll be gone. Even if he rejects me, at least I gave it everything I could. What do I have to do?”

“Here’s the plan. Tomorrow is his birthday, and you’re giving him that party at the club. Just to warn you, I’m sure Arlene will be there even though she wasn’t invited. The main thing is Jace will be there. He can’t hide from you, but he might give you the cold shoulder. He might even pretend to be interested in Arlene just to prove to you he doesn’t care anymore. Are you able to take that?”

“Do I have any choice?”

“I guess you’re right. You need to buy yourself some slinky my-body’s-yours-for-the-taking dress, and some spiky screw-me shoes. Doll yourself up with some sexy makeup and dab some perfume that’ll make him want you like crazy. You show up at the party, and let him know with your body that you’re his if he wants you. If he doesn’t bite, then he doesn’t want you anymore and nothing you do is going to make a difference. But if he walks around with his tongue hanging out, then he’s yours and you never lost him.”

“Do you think that’ll work? What if he doesn’t notice me?”

“Girl, you walk in looking like that, and he’ll notice you all right. So will every other man in the place, except Steve, of course. But you have to play hard to get. If he knows your intention is to get him back, he’s going to ignore you. He’s hurt and you’re going to have to make him jealous enough to talk to you. Once he does, you are going to have to beg, plead, and grovel for him to forgive you.”

“Whatever it takes, I’m willing.”

“There might be a chance it won’t work. He may talk to you but still not forgive you for not trusting him. You’re going to be vulnerable and it might break your heart. Are you able to take another blow and survive?”

Dani clasped Julie’s hands. “Tomorrow is my last chance. It may be the last time that I ever see him. I have to try even if it destroys me. The one consolation is if he does reject me, he’ll never see the devastation it caused, because I’ll be gone.”

“I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I don’t think he’s going to let you go. I saw the heat between you two. There’s no way that sizzle isn’t still hot.”

Dani hugged Julie tight. “Thank you. I love you so much. I’m so lucky to have you as my best friend.”

Julie cleared her throat. “Get going and find your killer outfit. I’ll pick you up at ten tomorrow.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

Dani glanced at her watch, then left to go shopping. She had to make sure everything was perfect, because this was her only chance. Even if Jace didn’t want her anymore, she had to try to get his forgiveness.

Chapter 12

Dani was a nervous wreck. She took a leisurely bath, then dabbed on Jace’s favorite perfume. She laid her new lingerie on the bed, then put on her dress. She examined herself in the mirror carefully. Her eyes followed the plunging neckline of her black halter dress, and saw that it accented her full breasts. Swaying, she made sure it shimmied on her body like a caress, clinging to all her curves. She moved to check if the slit on the left side exposed enough leg to entice Jace into wanting to see the rest. She twisted as she studied the back, making sure it exposed her back to the waist in invitation to touch her skin. Satisfied she slipped into her stiletto heels, noticing that they completed the outfit. She carefully applied the kiss-me-red lipstick she’d bought to make her lips seem like they were begging for his kisses. Pulling her hair up loosely and pinning it to her head, she left a few strands around her face and neck to soften the look. She nodded, satisfied with her appearance.

As she waited in the living room for Julie to arrive, doubts about what she was doing plagued her. She hoped this was the right thing. At 10:00 p.m., the doorbell rang.

“What do you think?” She spun around to let Julie see the whole picture.

Her friend whistled. “Girl, you’re one hot mama, and he’s toast.”

Dani laughed. “Does it say enough for Jace to notice me?”

“It’s not saying anything. It’s screaming ‘Take me if you dare.’ Let’s hope it doesn’t kill him in the process. One thing I do know, he’s going to be sniffing at your heels all night long.”

She eyed Julie’s outfit. “You look fantastic yourself, kiddo. You trying to make a statement, too? I’m going to take a wild guess and say Steve is going to be there?”

“Of course. You don’t think I dressed this way for you, do you?” Julie put her arm through Dani’s, then they went to the club.

“Let’s go grab a drink, then find someone for you to dance with. You have to make Jace jealous enough to talk to you,” Julie explained.

They spied Steve and a friend at the bar. “Perfect. You’re going to dance with Eddie, Steve’s friend.”

“What if he doesn’t want to dance with me?”

Julie rolled her eyes. “He’ll want to, believe me. But if he doesn’t, then someone else will.”

Sure enough, a few minutes later Eddie approached her, a shy smile on his cherub face.

“Would you like to dance?” Eddie asked as his eyes checked her out.

“Love to.” She grabbed his arm to go to the dance floor.

Jace was upstairs at the VIP table when he saw Dani walk in with Julie. Damn, she looked sexy. He gave an inward groan. It was going to be a long night. His eyes followed her onto the dance floor. Possessiveness hit him, rattling his cool, as he watched her dance in another guy’s arms. He was going to be hard-pressed to act indifferent. Damn it! She hurt him when she doubted his fidelity. He had to keep his distance. He didn’t think he could take another blow like the one she’d dealt him when she walked out on him.

The trouble was he wanted her. Not seeing Dani was killing him. Just the sight of her tonight heated his blood so much he could feel and taste her as if she was in his arms. His treacherous body began to stir as he recalled how crazy she could make him feel. He didn’t know how he was going to get through this party. All he could think about was tearing off that dress and making love to her until she begged him to stop. Those traitorous thoughts had to be avoided at all costs, or he was going to do something to embarrass them both.

When the dance ended, Dani went to the bar to sip her drink.

“Do you want to go up and say Happy Birthday to Jace?”

“Yes.” She gulped her drink. “Let’s get it over with.”

Julie hugged Steve. “We’re going upstairs to wish Jace Happy Birthday. You want to come with us?”

“No, go ahead. I already did. Don’t stay too long cause I want to dance with you.”

Julie gave Steve a quick peck on the lips. “You’re such a sweetheart. I’ll be back in a flash.”

Julie turned to Dani. “Ready?”

She took a deep breath for courage. “Ready as I’m ever going to be.”

“Be careful there, Dolly. Don’t take too deep a breath, or you might spill out of that dress. You want him to want you, not have a seizure because you’re topless.”

Dani let out a shaky laugh. The ball was in Jace’s hands. The only thing she could do now was pray. She spied Jace staring at her as she climbed the stairs. She couldn’t determine if his eyes were cold or warm from this distance, so she walked slowly and seductively, hoping he’d notice her legs as she climbed. As she drew near, she skimmed her hand from her ribs to her thigh slowly, noticing his eyes follow her hand. Her breath stopped while she waited for his eyes to raise to hers so she could see if the coldness was still there. For one brief second his eyes weren’t frozen green, but hot molten amber, before reverting to ice. She swallowed the moan of anguish clogging her throat.

When Dani reached the table, she watched as Jace’s eyes raked her body, lingering at every curve from top to bottom. When his gaze returned to her face, he taunted her. “Dani. I notice you wore your battle gear. Who’s the bastard you’re trying to annihilate this time?”

She cringed at the coldness in his voice. Her chin lifted with a bravado she didn’t feel. “I came up to wish you Happy Birthday. Whether you believe it or not, I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry for everything and wish you nothing but the best in your life. I won’t be staying long so you don’t have to worry about me raining on your parade. Goodbye, Jace.” She turned and hurried down the stairs before he could spy the tears forming in her eyes.

Julie sat down. “Sometimes you can be such a bastard.”

Jace clenched his teeth. “Keep out of it, Julie.”

“No, I won’t. Someone needs to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours. She’s been trying to talk to you and make amends for what went on between you, but you won’t give an inch.”

“You don’t know anything about it.”

“I know plenty. I know she made a mistake when she didn’t trust you. I also know she threw it back in your face when you told her you loved her. But unless you’re an ignorant ass, you’d notice there’s something that makes it hard for her to trust or love. From my experience of dealing with people, when that happens, there’s usually some kind of abuse in their past. Tomorrow morning she’s leaving. If you love her like I think you do, you’d better swallow that wad of pride you’re stubbornly holding on to and go after her, or you’re going to be sorry.”

Jace kept silent. Julie stood up, placed her hands on the table, then leaned toward him. “I like you. You’re a great boss and a great guy, who usually has a good head on his shoulders. But you’re riding on a two-edged sword my friend, and you’re going to bleed.” She stood up and walked away.

“Are you okay?”

Dani swiveled toward Julie, who’d taken the barstool next to hers, then tossed down the shot of vodka, relishing the burn of the liquor, wishing it would obliterate the hurt. “I’m fine. We both knew there’d be the chance he’d reject me, and he did. At least I tried.”

Julie reached over and gave her a hug. “I’m so sorry. If I knew he was going to be such an ass, I would never have suggested you try this. Can you forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive. I was a willing participant in this fiasco and knew the risks. Don’t blame Jace, though. He can’t help how he feels. I’m going to go now, before I bring the party down.”

“Don’t leave yet. You went to all the trouble of dressing and you look so great, stay a while. Don’t give Jace the satisfaction of knowing he ran you off.”

Steve walked over to them. “Besides,” Julie said, “Steve told me he wants to dance with you. You don’t want to disappoint him, do you?” Julie motioned to Steve to lead her to the dance floor.

“Will you dance with me?” Steve asked with a mischievous grin on his face. “I want to make Eddie crazy. He thinks he’s in love with you after one dance.”

Dani forced a half-hearted smile to her face. “I’d love to dance with you, even if I don’t believe your reasons.”

Once they were on the dance floor, Dani leaned toward Steve and spoke in a soft voice. “Thanks for dancing with me. I know you agreed to make Julie happy. You’re good for her, you know.”

“I’m crazy about her. She’s the greatest person and has so much to give to everyone.”

“I love her to death. She’s my best friend,” she said, and a wave of sadness washed over her. “You know, she’s the only real friend I’ve ever had, and I’m going to miss her terribly.”

Steve tilted his head. “Are you going somewhere?”

“I’m surprised Julie didn’t tell you. I’m leaving Vegas in the morning.”

“Does this have anything to do with Jace?”

She gazed at him before answering. “No, it has everything to do with me and my stupidity. Do me a favor, will you?”

“Sure. Name it.”

“Be good to Julie and take care of her. She deserves all the happiness in the world.”

“Not a problem. I love her. I haven’t told her yet but I figured I’d put your mind at ease.”

“Thanks for that. Your secret is safe with me especially as I won’t be around to spill the beans,” Dani said on a half laugh, half sob.

Steve got a worried look on his face. “I don’t mean to upset you, but Jace is headed this way ... alone. Do you want me to waylay him?”

“No, he isn’t coming this way for me. We’re not together anymore.”

Jace tapped Steve on the shoulder. “Do you mind if I cut in?”

Dani’s heart fell when she felt Jace’s hand on her back. She closed her eyes afraid to see the biting frost in his eyes.

“Afraid to face me?” He yanked her body closer to his.

Jolts of electricity shot through her body, nearly bringing her to her knees. Damn him for torturing her like this. He knew damn good and well what his proximity was doing to her. Her spine stiffened as she fought the heat coursing through her veins. She raised her chin and opened her eyes. “Is this Round Two? Didn’t throw enough daggers the first time so you came to finish the job?”

“Damn it. I’m not the one that walked away,” he said, anger evident in his voice.

“No, I did, but you’ve made it impossible for us to part as friends. After tonight, you won’t have to worry about running into me, because I’ll be gone.”


“No what?”

“You’re not leaving.”

Dani laughed bitterly as she felt the pressure of tears behind her eyes. “Forgive me if I don’t finish this dance, but it’s time for me to leave.” Dani tried to draw away, but Jace’s arms prevented her from moving. Her eyes lifted to his. “You have to let go.”

“I can’t. I know I haven’t the right to ask you, but will you come upstairs to talk?”

“For what purpose? It’s obvious you’re still irate about my walking away. What good will it do?”


Something in his voice made her nod. Wordlessly she allowed him to lead her off the dance floor. She waited quietly while Jace poured them both a glass of champagne then turned toward her. “I’m sorry. I know I caused you a lot of heartache, but I couldn’t forgive you. At first I was angry because you didn’t trust me enough to believe me. I may not have liked what happened, but I was able to understand your reasons. But when you walked away, I couldn’t forgive you.”

“Seeing you and Arlene in the lounge about killed me,” she said. “I thought everything was good between us until Arlene told me she was your girlfriend and always had been. When you went to dinner with her, I started doubting you. When I witnessed that kiss between you, I knew she was telling the truth.”

Jace took her hand in his. “I only dated Arlene one or two times then couldn’t stand to be around her. We were never together.”

“I know that now, but at the time I didn’t. When you declared your innocence, I had no way of knowing if you were telling me the truth. I’d seen with my own eyes that kiss in the lounge. The only thing I was sure of was I couldn’t let myself be used by any man again, so I walked out.”

Jace’s voice became quiet. “That’s what I couldn’t forgive.” Dani’s read the torment in his gaze when he looked at her. “You walked away from me just like my mother. I felt my body shut down and close you off, and I couldn’t stop it. You didn’t want my love, and neither did she.”

She reached over and hugged him. “Oh Jace, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It isn’t that I don’t want your love, it’s that I’m afraid to accept it.”

“What are you afraid of, Dani? Who hurt you so badly it made you walk away from me?”

Dani felt the telltale cramping of her stomach. She sipped the champagne, knowing her voice would tremble if she spoke.

“It’s obvious you’re afraid to talk about it. I’ll let it go, for now. Do you forgive me for being pig-headed and hurting you?”

She caressed his cheek with her palm and cleared the knot from her throat. “If you’ll forgive me for walking away.”

Jace framed her face and lowered his mouth to hers. His lips moved over hers hungrily.

“It’s about damn time.”

Dani started, then glanced up at Julie smiling broadly at the top of the stairs.

“Maybe now we can get this party started.” Julie gestured toward the lounge. “Can you save it for later, guys, right now you need to come downstairs and have some fun with the rest of us.”

Sufficiently chastised, Dani stepped out of Jace’s embrace, then allowed him to escort her arm-in-arm back to the party. Her heart felt lighter and she stood straighter, the tension having eased out of her shoulders. While her seduction hadn’t gone exactly as planned, Jace had forgiven her.

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