Fallen Angel: Mythic Series, Book 2 (12 page)

Read Fallen Angel: Mythic Series, Book 2 Online

Authors: Abbie Zanders

Tags: #Romance, #angels, #paranormal romance, #fantasy romance, #vampires

BOOK: Fallen Angel: Mythic Series, Book 2
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Was it because he had just lost his mother?  Sure, Elizabeth Corrigan had always been a huge part of his life. Mother and mentor, the woman had had a core of pure steel.

Steel. Steel was gray, like Ryssa’s eyes. Steel was strong, like Ryssa, who dealt with death and demons but remained pure of heart.

That was the problem right there, he realized. Ryssa. A study in contradictions, that one. A small, fragile looking creature with a vulgar mouth and the stones to stand-up to him. A women with a priceless gift who had nothing herself.

A woman who had somehow ingrained herself indelibly upon him until she had become nothing less than an obsession.

Of course, there was the little fact that she detested him and thought of him as an arrogant, condescending prick.

He should just say the hell with it. Have Vlane do a Mr. Clean on his mind and go back to living happy and ignorant in his mansion, far away from all this supernatural bullshit.

But... Masterson said he
be able to help Ryssa. To get her away from the freak Karthik for good. Maybe.
he was her destined soul mate.

All he had to do was die.

Eventually, David finally dozed into a restless slumber, plagued by visions of Ryssa in chains being beaten and whipped yet standing tall and daring the tall dark-haired man for more. Of diaphanous ghosts flittering around the scene, placing wagers on who would win the battle of wills while vampires licked their lips and waited for her to fall.

A golden-haired angel hovered on the fringe of the gathered crowd, doing nothing but watching. It was the same angel who had been there for his mother. Zach.

Why don’t you help her?
David asked him.

I might ask the same of you,
Zach replied with a sad smile.

You’re an angel!
 David yelled, angry.
I’m just a man!

A man perhaps,
Zach countered,
but the only one with the power to save her.

I can’t be her soul mate. She hates me.

Ryssariel is incapable of hate. She simply does not allow herself to hope.

Zach waved his hand and the brutal scene disappeared, replaced by another. Two young girls, weaving wildflowers into each other’s hair as they sat in a meadow. Both were exceptionally beautiful. One had wings; the other didn’t.

One was a younger version of Masterson’s wife, delicate and fragile, timid as a mouse. The other looked a lot like Ryssa, but not the Ryssa he knew. This dream Ryssa had long golden hair instead of black and shimmering golden eyes set in a face kissed by the sun. Still, David would recognize that glint of fire in her eyes and the stubborn tilt to her jaw anywhere.

An exceptionally large snake slithered up through the tall grass, unseen until it wrapped itself around the smaller of the two children, the one without the wings. David tried to yell a warning, but no sound came out of his mouth. He waved his arms, but they never even glanced in his direction.

“Mmmm,” the serpent hummed, its forked tongue slipping out and tasting the timid little girl first. “Faerie. I do love Faeriesssss.”

“Leave her alone!” the winged girl demanded. She lunged at the snake, beating it with her tiny fists and feet.

“I think not.” The serpent unhinged its jaws, white fangs glistening.

“Take me instead!”

“Tempting,” the cunning snake said, pretending to consider it. “But I cannot. You are an angel. It is forbidden. Unlesssssss...”

“Ryssariel!  I’m scared!  Make him stop!” the little girl cried.

“Unless what?” the winged girl asked. “Say it!  I will do anything if you leave her alone.”

“Give yourssssself to me.”

The little angel bit her lip, clearly torn. The snake tightened its coils and elicited a pained cry from the other. “All right!  Take me!  Just let her go!”

The snake unwound itself from one and slithered to the angel, poised to strike.

“Ryssariel, no!” A boy’s voice shouted. David turned around to see a young golden-haired boy with wings emerging from the clouds, and knew instinctively he was looking at a young Zach.

“Too late,” the snake laughed, and struck.

The little angel screamed in agony as the snake coiled around her and latched on to her neck. David watched in horror as her golden skin paled to a pearlescent white, golden eyes turned gray, golden hair turned black. The brilliant white wings tipped in gold ripped away, leaving seeping trails of blood down her back...

David yelled and sat up in bed. Soaked with sweat, his entire body was shaking violently. He took several deep breaths, willing his pounding heart to slow.

Had it been a dream?  Or had he seen the truth?

Chapter 10 – It Will Only Hurt For a Minute

re you certain this is what you want?”

David nodded, stretching himself out on the grass beneath the tree. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared shitless, but that dream-that-might-not-have-been-a-dream had shaken him to his core. If he
the only one who could free Ryssa, he had to try. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself otherwise.

The ground felt cool and just a bit dewy. He concentrated on that instead of what was about to happen.

“I’m sure.” They had been over the plan several times. It was nearly midnight; there was nothing to be gained by waiting any longer. “Do it.”

Vlane allowed his fangs to lengthen and sat down next to him, grabbing his arm. “Try to relax, David.”

“Yeah. Relax. I’m on it,” he mumbled. He turned his head away; he didn’t look at the wrist now clasped in the master vamp’s unbreakable grasp. Knowing what was going to happen and watching it were two different things. On the other side of him, Ana touched his arm and he felt a wave of peace wash over him.

“Thanks, Ana.”

She smiled at him, counteracting the chill now invading his body with the loss of blood. “Trust in Vlane. He knows what he is doing.”

“It’s not him I’m worried about.”

“She will come, David.”

God, he hoped so. “Ryssa...”

David felt the pull of the blood leaving his body, but it wasn’t anything like he imagined. It didn’t hurt, not really, just a gentle, tugging sensation. He hadn’t even felt more than a slight bit of pressure when the fangs pierced his skin, and realized that either Vlane or Ana was making the experience as pleasant as possible for him. He appreciated the effort.

“Ryssa...” he called out, letting his voice carry.

Within moments, the breeze picked up, and David opened his eyes to see a familiar specter. Marcella floated over him, her eyes growing wide with alarm. “David Michael Corrigan!  What are you doing?”

David met her eyes as his life force began to fade. “Ryssa...”

The ghost vanished. David closed his eyes and floated on a sea of numbness. Ana sat next to him, speaking quietly of how wonderful it was when you finally found the one you were meant to be with. How everything fell into place if you let it. She spoke of forever love, of unconditional love. Her voice was lovely, so soothing. It seemed like hardly any time at all had passed before he felt cool hands on his face.

“David!  Oh God, David!  Look at me!”

It was her voice, Ryssa’s voice, pulling him back from that pleasant sea of darkness in which he’d been floating.

“You came,” he whispered.

“Of course I came,” she snapped, and he couldn’t help but smile a little at her ire. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Dying,” he breathed. “You wouldn’t see me. Had to get your attention somehow.”

“You had to get my...
” She yelled at him when his eyes started closing again. Both hands closed around his head, forcing him to look into her face. How had he ever seen her as anything less than beautiful?

His lids felt so heavy. All he wanted to do was sleep, to float on this lovely cloud of peace wrapped around him. He was so tired, so weak. Forcing his eyes to stay open, he looked over her shoulder at something behind her. “Hey. Zach, right?”

Ryssa’s head whipped around. “Go away, Zachariel!  This is a mistake. You can’t have him.”

Zach gave her a sympathetic look. “This is what he wants, Ryssariel.”

“What?  Why would he possibly want this?” She turned disbelieving eyes to David and slapped his cheeks, pulling him back from that lovely void. If this was death, it wasn’t so bad. It was a hell of a lot easier than living with the pain of grief and loss and loneliness.

“Tell him, David. Tell him you don’t want this, that it was all a stupid mistake.”

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I never told you that.”

Crystalline tears flowed over her lashes, dropping on his face. They felt so warm. “Shut up about that shit, will you?” she said.

“It’s okay, Ryssa. You can be free now.”

Ryssa, now straddling his body, grabbed his face with both hands. “Stay with me, David!  What are you talking about?”

“Giving ... for you...”

* * *

ealization dawned as she looked around at those gathered. She hadn’t noticed them before, other than a passing glance. She’d been too concerned with the man dying in front of her. Her gaze went directly to the dark vamp radiating tremendous power. The one now pulsing with David’s life blood.

“Don’t just stand there. Do something!”

“What would you have me do?” Vlane asked calmly. Too calmly. She wanted to grab him around the throat and throttle him, demand that he fix this. Power began to seep from Ryssa’s skin, setting her pearly skin aglow.

David’s breaths were shallow now; his heartbeat had slowed, the sound far too small, too weak for such a large, vital man. He didn't have much time. If somebody didn’t do something fast, he would be gone. Zach would take him away. She couldn’t let that happen. It wasn’t his time.

. Gilligan!  Listen to me, goddamn it!”

David’s eyes fluttered open, the hint of a smile on his face. “I love your sassy mouth,” he said, the words slurred.

“Do you want this?  Do you want to die?”

“Want... you...” he said before falling back into unconsciousness.

What the hell did that mean?  He wanted
?  He hated her, didn’t he?  Yet he’d said something about giving, for her. Giving what? And why? None of it made sense. She wished she had time to sit back and figure it all out, but she didn’t. David’s soul was already trying to separate from his body. She draped herself over him, trapping it between them as it struggled to break free.

“Turn him.” She spoke to the master vamp. Approval flared in his eyes, but he made no move to do anything.

“You will assume responsibility for his soul, then?”

“Yes!” she said without hesitation. “Yes!  Do it!  Turn him before it is too late, you fanged motherfucker!”

In less than a heartbeat, Vlane was there, pressing his wrist to David’s lips. Seconds ticked by in silence, but nothing happened.

“Why isn’t it working?” Ryssa demanded. “Drink, David!  Swallow, damn you!”

Ana was suddenly there, shoving her bloody finger into Ryssa’s face. “Wish it!” she commanded urgently.

Ryssa recoiled, her mind too jumbled to process the familiar face before her, the one she hadn’t seen in centuries. The taste of something sweet flowed across her tongue as Ana pushed her finger into Ryssa’s mouth anyway.

“Wish it!” Ana urged. “What do you want most, Ryssa!”

“David!  I want David to live!” she cried through tears she hadn’t even realized were streaking down her face.

Ryssa felt a ripple of energy travel out through her and into David. She saw him swallow – once, twice. Then two hands suddenly gripped Vlane’s arm and greedily demanded more.

“That is enough, I think,” Vlane said quietly after several long moments. He laid one hand on David’s forehead and reclaimed his arm. He flicked his tongue over his wrist, sealing the self-inflicted punctures. David’s features eased as he slipped into a peaceful, transitional slumber.

“He’s not breathing,” Ryssa said, pushing a lock of hair away from David’s face. “His heart is not beating.”

“No,” agreed Vlane. “He is vampire. He will not pass over now.”

Ryssa looked behind her. Zach flashed her a knowing smile and then vanished. But she saw another familiar face, too. Jax.

“You’re Vlane Masterson, aren’t you?” Ryssa asked, putting the pieces together.

Vlane nodded. “Come. We must get him back to the estate.”

Ryssa bit her lip and looked back down the hill. “I can’t. I have to go back.”

“Yes, you can. You are free now, Ryssa. And David needs you.”

“Free?” she blinked. “I’m...free?”

Chapter 11 – Day of Reckoning

ou really are a stupid bastard, Gilligan,” Ryssa mumbled as she held David’s hand, but there was no bite in her tone. She stroked his face, paler than the last time she had seen him, but baby smooth and free of imperfections. “But you’re
stupid bastard now.”

Beyond the beveled windows of the guest suite, the sun was making its final descent. Ryssa had been sitting by his side all day, trying to wrap her mind around everything that had happened.

Ana, the young Fae she had saved –
her half-sister
, lived right here in Mythic. She was happily soul-bound to a master vampire. Ana did not remember her, but that was okay; that meant the memory block placed on her all those years ago was still holding. It had been Ryssa’s only request of the demon that had taken her. As a condition of her continued willing service, all recollections of her and what had happened would be removed for Ana’s peace of mind. The Fae was such a sensitive soul, Ryssa knew that the events of that day would cause her untold anguish if allowed to remain.

Given what she had seen of Ana, Ryssa knew she’d made the right decision. Without the pain of those memories, Ana was still the warm, gentle, loving creature she had been. It would have been such a tragedy if she had lost that. Maybe someday Ryssa would tell her the truth, but for now, she would be happy if she could get to know her again. Fate had seen fit to cross their paths, and who was she to argue with Fate?

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