Fallen (5 page)

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Authors: Quiana

BOOK: Fallen
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When R Kely is playing is the background and the drinks our pouring and everything seems like it’s connecting properly to make that big move. My eyes were locked in and I was giving him every signal of interest and he was copying them right back.

We exchanged flirty eyes as I grabbed the sides of his face and guided my hands to the tip of his beard. I tugged on the hair hard enough to pul him forward yet light enough to alow him to make his own decision. I sensed some hesitation in his initial peck but that disappeared after the pressing of our lips and the tingles sweeping across my nipples made me cringe. Kai placed his strong hands on the back of my head as his tongue drifted into my mouth sliding against my own. Instantly my body caled for repositioning as I propped my body up and let his hands guide me to where he wanted me to be. Alowing my robe to fal off my shoulder I straddled his lap letting my panty-less body apply pressure to his. I was ready for him and whatever consequences that folowed my thril seeking antics. It had been so long since I had felt that strength of passion that I didn’t know how badly I had missed that element of sex. The sound of his hard inhaling and exhaling while his hands held my body made me feel sexy and womanly. Kai used his tongue to make a line from the bottom of my neck to my chin then wrapped his arms around my waist tightly as his kissed my lips once again. Then suddenly he puled back and fixed his stare at me as if he had been temporarily hypnotized and was waking from a trance. Putting his head into his chest while shaking his head in disbelief he sat back and released his hands from my body.

“This isn’t right Mrs. Ramae.” Kai said, making me feel like the older woman that I was.


“We have to stop.”

Those words turned me off completely. I fixed my clothes in embarrassment from his rejection and stood up from off his lap. My face flushed red from adrenaline stopped me from being capable of making eye contact. He stood up also adjusting his pants which had a smal stain on them from me which I felt no need to point out.

“Kai, you don’t have to leave. You can stil keep me company.” I didn’t know what to say, but we both knew that wouldn’t be the best choice.

Kai kissed my forehead and walked to the front door. The power had shifted. I wasn’t afraid of him teling my son about our lusty moment, so as he closed the door on our moment I felt guilt free for my actions. I didn’t know if I would ever kiss his lips again, or if I truly had the heart to take it further than our lips, but I knew that that was the beginning of a new Ramae. Jay had better start getting it, because I stil had it.


My ME day was a success. I kept my mouth shut about my experience with Kai. Not even Tori would know about my lusty moment with my son’s friend. Yes, I was being sneaky but it was wel deserved. I hoped that moment would be able to hold me over until Jay got it together. His neglect for me made moving on guilt free, extremely easy. I didn’t even bring up sex with my husband anymore. If he was involved with another woman or whatever the matter may be, then that was something that I’d have to find out whenever it surfaced.

Besides, someone once told me lies in a relationship are like oil in water, they always rise to the top. I just hoped that his reached the top before mine.

It had been over a week and Kai hadn’t stepped foot in my house since. I can admit I felt played at first, but tried my best to let my insecure mind let the issue go. I mean realy where was the relationship going to go? I think the mystery behind the kiss and the fact that I couldn’t tel anyone made it bubble in my body even more. I wasn’t sure if I should’ve caled him or be grateful that I got away with my scandal. Wel , I guess I only had one choice because he bolted out the door so fast he never even asked me too cal. I was so sprung off that little moment you would’ve thought he had me handcuffed to the bed performing al my fantasies. That man realy was sexy, he inspired me to get back on my diet plan and work out harder than ever. I lost another 3lbs just a week. If he decided to come back around I wanted to be ready.

Wel, today was Jalal’s graduation and I needed to be focused on being the proud mother of a high school graduate and future colege footbal star. I couldn’t wait to cheer his name as he walked down the aisle. We sat through the long speeches given by the principal and some tal skinny dark skinned girl, the Valedictorian, my face was lit with the biggest glow.

Ear to ear I smiled and my eyes smiled along with my mouth. Kahliyah was on camera duty and al of my boys were present. I leaned over to Jamir and whispered to him that I can’t wait to see him up there in a couple of years. Jay looked so proud of our family which made my heart swel. We did it. Whether we were having the most romantic relationship or not didn’t matter anymore. At this moment al that mattered was that we had family and that we proved to be great parents. Hearing Jalal’s name being caled as he crossed the stage and accepted his diploma officialy closed another chapter in my life, and began to prepare me for a new one.

A few more photos, some waves goodbye, and we headed back to the house. Jason was having a graduation cookout so we had to hurry back to setup. Porscha was already in the house cutting up potatoes for the potato salad and had the gril going. You could smel the BBQ a mile away and my stomach yearned for some savory pork! But, I was stil on my diet so I stayed away from the ribs and prepared my own chicken breast, salad, and fruit platter to set to the side. Of course I had to have a little bit of potato salad! The Dj arrived, the food was ready, and teenagers began pouring into my house. Our family and friends filed the table with gifts and cards, Jalal couldn’t have been happier.

A little tipsy off of some red wine Porscha gave me as a “good mommy gift”, had me feeling extra nice on this special occasion.

My girl and I had been joking and laughing for hours before I even noticed how bad I needed to use the ladies room. I stumbled my way upstairs to the bathroom in the biggest rush I could manage. Too many cups of wine and not a strong enough bladder! As soon as I reached the top of the steps the bathroom door swung open and there Kai stood. It was an awkward moment for the both of us. Kai had a sense of nervousness in his eyes and he quickly looked away with a grin. Seeing him grin that gap toothed grin resulted in the same reaction from me, we were like school kids.

“How you doin Miss Ramae?”

Kai cocked his head to the side like a little puppy. His almond shaped eyes and dark skin glowed in the dim lighting like a camp fire.

The gesture was so adorable that al I could do was smile even bigger, and let out a little giggle. I walked over to him and grabbed the sides of his face with my right hand, “Better.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

I closed the bathroom door and broke down with butterflies inside my stomach. This was the feeling I missed. I did what I had to do and began touching up my hair and makeup. I felt extremely confident and was ready to prance around my household as a pure tease. My hair stil looked great despite the Phily humidity, and my makeup was light and flawless. A few spra ys of the body spray that I kept under the bathroom sink, and I was ready to mingle with my young boo.

Feeling sexy, I made my way out the door and to the top of the steps just to find Jay standing there drunk and sweaty. He staggered past me smeling like Bud Light and basketbal. I was instantly turned off by my husband’s appearance in his drunken state. At one point this may have excited me; seeing him drunk and sweaty. But right now compared to Kai, he looked like another drunken man outside the liquor store. Just as he was about to enter the bathroom he abruptly stopped and turned around. Jay’s devilish smirk made me feel uneasy, I truly didn’t know what to expect. His eyes squinted at me with a sharp stare which sent a rush through my body. Perhaps he overheard my flirting from the bottom of the steps, or even spotted the quick hand brush over Kai’s face. I wasn’t sure what his expression meant so I stood silent waiting for his next move on the defense.

“I know what you’re doing.” He pointed to me with an accusing tone.

I turned around as if to see if someone else was standing behind me. Establishing what I already knew, the upstairs was clear of any others, I scrunched up my face clueless of his game.

“What are you talking about?”

“Ramae I know what you’re doing. The makeup, the hair, smeling al good, I see everything.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh I think you do know.”

I knew that I hadn’t outwardly done anything to make him suspicious. As long as he didn’t over hear or view my conversation, Kai was the least of my worries. So I walked over and gave him a kiss on his salty cheek and smiled.

“I’m doing it al for you.”

With that being said my husband finaly walked his drunk ass in the bathroom and I hurried down the stairs. I wanted to find my beau and continue the flirting game a little longer. Kai was sitting next to Jason with two other females at my kitchen table. The girls were obviously guest of theirs, which made me a little jealous. I could tel because they were too old to be any of Jalal’s classmates, but not old enough to be from our neighborhood.

“Oh mom, this is Layla and Mimi.” Jason introduced me to the girls.

“Hi” The girls sang in unison.

“Hi” I said.

Al I could do was stare Kai straight in the eye. My eyes were piercing right into the middle of Kai’s pupils.
You’re going to bring
another female into my house?
My dark browns said what my mouth couldn’t. I don’t know why I was so upset and I knew it was inappropriate but it was a feeling I couldn’t help.

“Mom, you good?” Jason asked.

“Whew yes, just hot from the wine. ” I caught myself in front of my son. “I just need some air.” I said and walked out the room. I could feel eyes folowing me out the room and hoped that they were Kai’s and not those girls who were trying to play the nice girl role.

Feeling so many mixed emotions I needed to take a seat and think about al the things that were going through my head. How could I be feeling jealous about my son’s friend when my husband was upstairs? A couple deep breaths and another sip of wine I eased back into the sofa. But it didn’t help. I wanted Kai. This was going to be a problem. I was al for the excitement of it, but the thought of hurting my son was a deed I knew I couldn’t undo. Then again Jason was grown and so was I, as wel as Kai. He didn’t need to know everything and I was sure that Kai knew how to keep a secret. When you get a feeling you should go with it and Kai had over taken my thoughts. The only issue was being able to get him alone again and to see if this was something that he wanted also.

The BBQ carried on until 2 AM when the last of the last left my castle. Although we had a good time I was glad it was over.

Seeing females interact with Kai throughout the night made me watch his every move. How they touched, what was being said, how often one chick came around him. I wanted to know everything.

Jay cleaned up the kitchen completely with the aid of the boys and Porscha. Once everyone was off to their rooms and wiped out for the night, my scheming wheels began to take motion. Taking Jason’s phone off of the charger I scroled through his contacts to find Kai’s phone number. Transferring his information into my own phone the future began to look more than real. I put Jason’s phone back on the charger, put mines in my pocketbook and headed to bed next to my husband.

The next morning I woke up eager to use my stolen number. Making breakfast for my family like I usualy do on Saturdays, I used this alone time to be my perfect opportunity to sweeten him up. I whipped out my cel phone and sent Kai a message hoping not to alarm him.

Hey Kai its Ramae I’m cooking breakfast I wanted to know if you were hungry
? I waited a few minutes to see if he’d reply and shortly after he did

Of course I am…but how am I supposed to just come to your house for breakfast?
Out of touch with the situation I didn’t think that far ahead. Kai never just stopped by the house
it was 10am.

Tell Jason that you left something here last night and you were coming by to look for it.

Proud of myself for quickly coming up with an answer I hoped that he’d agree to the mischief. The 22 year old responded with
, which reminded me of who I was dealing with. But I liked it. By the time I finished my fried fish, cheese eggs, home fries and grits, I heard the bel rang and Jason went rushing up from the basement steps.

“Mom did you find a IPod?” He asked before opening the front door.

“Nope” I said as I continued to take plates out of the cabinets.

Kai came walking into my living room with some grey polo sweat pants on and a white tee shirt. I could picture myself waking up to that. I was always turned on by Jay or any other man in that typical outfit in my younger days. Seeing a man in his natural rugged state wil always be a turn on.

“Hi.” Kai said.

“Oh, hey Kai, I guess the missing IPod is yours?”

The sweet bass of
came from his lips as he folowed Jason down the steps in search of his “missing” IPOD that reminded me of our first encounter.

“Did you find it?” I asked. We both played it cool.

“No it’s not here, I’m not sure where I left it.”

“That sucks, those things are expensive right?”

“Yup” He said sounding pretty upset.

“Kai would you like some breakfast? I just finished cooking there’s enough for you too.” I was tripping!

“Sounds good to me.”

The kitchen was filed with al my men. Demonic fumes in me roared like flames. Seeing them interact with each other, joking and laughing, I felt a huge sense of control. I could handle this. If my cards were played right this could be the start of a beautiful beginning.

Kai ate and ran just like a young man would do but I didn’t sweat it at al. I had his number and access to his time now. Excited, I threw on my workout clothes and headed to the track. A few laps around to clear my head felt right on this sunny day. Phily summer weather had that dirty erotic feel too it. Hoping to make it home to a clear house since the weather was nice I couldn’t wait to pul out my toys and put mama to sleep. Jay was in the backyard doing some yard work which meant I would have some time to myself. The boys weren’t home, but even if they were that’s nothing that a quite halway and a locked door couldn’t fix.

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