Fallen (6 page)

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Authors: Quiana

BOOK: Fallen
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I ran up the steps taking my clothes off and throwing my sweaty body onto my bed. The cool air harden my nipples as I slipped my hand into my panties and drifted into relaxation. Reminding myself that this was a Saturday afternoon, I quickly locked the door and reached for my silver bulets. I let my powerful imagination create the perfect setting. In my mind he was strong. Forcing my body down as he licked on my vagina I could feel his beard brushing against my outer wals. Tingles into my clit from the vibrating bulets had my body jerk instantly. His sculpted body puled me in close to his by roughly tugging at my waist until he plunged his penis into my clinching wals.

Hard thrusts as he stared into my eyes made his chocolaty abs tighten creating a picture perfect vision for me to cum off of. I could envision everything like it was playing back to me on the big screen. My whole body stiffened as I came and I instantly wrapped myself into the blanket and fel asleep.

I woke up an hour later refreshed, showered and came downstairs where Jay was watching TV. That nap did me in good, and made me resent Jay for having to masturbate even though I had a man in my house. The lack of attention that had been paid to my needs caused me to walk past him as if he were a stranger on the street. He must’ve felt the cold wind folow behind my footsteps as I entered the kitchen entrance but he didn’t get the clue. Jay traced my steps into the kitchen.

“What’s for lunch Mae?”

“Does this look like a high school cafeteria?” My neck snapped.

“Damn what’s your problem?”

“Jay I made breakfast, how about you make me lunch?”

“I didn’t know it was that deep Mae, your tripping. Stop acting like I don’t do nothing for you.”

I smiled at my husband and let out a light giggle. “Why don’t we have sex anymore? When we have sex you’l have lunch.” I pushed past him and opened up the refrigerator door, and took out al the supplies I needed to make myself a sandwich.

“What is wrong with you? You’re the only woman on this planet always raging about some damn sex.”

“That’s what you think?” I hissed. “What is realy going on? Is it another woman, just let me know Jay?”


“What then?”

“Damn you know how it is this time of the year, I’m just tired. I haven’t been thinking about it. They way you’ve been acting, I don’t even want to fuck you.”

“What did you just say?” I clinched the knife tighter. “You don’t want to fuck me?”

“I didn’t mean it like that?”

“Then what did you mean?” I turned to completely face him.

“I meant I’m tired of arguing, it’s getting old.” He relaxed his stance. “Let me get through this busy season and I wil get back to you.

You like the bils getting paid right?”

“Busy season has nothing to do with your wife. Something ain’t right with you Jay, you just better not let me find out what it is.”

“Okay Mae.”

I thought that that little stab would be enough to get a rise out of my husband. I thought that he would show that he cared. Al I could seem to conjure up about his indifference in our sexual life was that he had an outside situation. Jay just shook his head at me watching me pul out slices of wheat bread from the bag, and walked back into the living room.

I didn’t know what was going on in my marriage anymore. He stil pretended to love me and want me around, but showed me no true affection. On the other side, I was lusting after my son’s 22 year old friend which would’ve took my mind away from the sex anyway. Wel Jay must have his own 22 year old which may be why he no longer wanted his aging wife. With that being my conclusion, I finished my lunch, grabbed my phone and headed to my bedroom.

I want to see you

Now my old ass was becoming a texter fast, something that I rarely did. Ten minutes went by and no reply. Inside I felt kind of played, but then I remembered that sometimes people are busy and to be patient. A more convincing text may have been the answer so I shot him another one

I want you.
Another ten minutes went by before my phone buzzed from the vibrations and the display screen lit up

3423 Lanson Street

Was that it? No
hey baby
, just an address for me to meet him? I didn’t even know what address this was or what part of the city I was heading too. But I wanted to see Kai and was curious about where this adventure could go. So I texted him back
, in a half hour
, and got myself ready.

They say that the woman controls sex and that she knows as soon as she meets someone if he’s going to get it or not. I say that women know if they’re going to have sex by what underwear they wear on a date. When a female intentionaly puts on sexy underwear, her best set, it’s because she plans on someone seeing them. Porscha used to always joke about wearing her period panties on a date and labeled them her “cock blockers”! She said that as long as she had her cock blockers on she knew that he wouldn’t be getting any. It was a constant reminder that she couldn’t pul her pants down. She would wear those things for the first couple of dates or at least until she was sure what her intentions were with him.

Royal blue laced thong with the bra to match was my choice of under garment today. As I put lotion al over my body and sprayed my thighs, stomach, and the back of my neck with my favorite Gucci perfume, a pinch of guilt troubled my thoughts. This is what being a cheater is like; the lotion, the perfume, the panties, al of this that I am doing with intentions. Getting al done up just to get it messed up by another man. I wasn’t sure if I felt the guilt because I didn’t just end up in his presence like I did on the day we kissed. This time I was purposefuly going to give this man everything I had to offer. Wel curiosity kiled the cat and my kitty hadn’t been murdered in a while, so my guilt washed away with that convincing line and I slipped into a cute strapless green sundress and said goodbye to my husband. I told him I was going to Porscha’s and I would be back in a few hours.

I was unfamiliar with the address, I plugged it into my GPS and headed across Broad Street to North Phily. It’s crazy how when you know you’re about to change your life you stil dive head first into it. Folowing the directions across the screen I guided my red Accord around the city until I ended at his front door. The GPS announced that my destination would be on the right and there it stood. 3423

Lanson Street was to my right in its typical shabby North Phily presence.

The outside of the house needed to be painted, the cement on the steps were terribly broken, and the front screen door was missing it’s screen. This house looked almost abandoned. I had to remind myself that this was an old property of his grandmother’s and that he was renovating it. Hopefuly, the inside didn’t look as run down as the outside or I would have to rethink my visit. There was no way I was making love next to roaches! I didn’t even bother with the doorbel because I figured it wouldn’t work anyway. Giving the door a good knock, it opened itself without me realy having to try. I pushed the door open and cautiously crept my way in.

Unlike the outside of the house I could see the vision of this old home. Newly painted deep red wals made the house look freshly modern on the inside. I could see the transformation of newly buffed wood waiting to be stained. Dust sprinkled most of the furniture aside from the sofas which were covered with plastic, and a bar area in the dining room had already been set into place. Kai must’ve heard the echo from my shoes walking around the living room causing him to rush down the stairs to see who his visitor was. I turned around to see the look of relief on his face at the sight of me. He opened his arms wide and I rushed in like a little boy happy to see his mommy. Kai softened me up with a kiss on cheek.

“Hey baby,” He whispered into my ear. “nice to see you too.”

“Hey” I puled back and gave him an adoring look, I could barely get the same words out of my mouth. I was in awe and extremely excited to be in his arms.

Now I was being foolish I know. We barely communicated prior to today but why would we need too? We had already passed the point of meet and greet and I already knew what I wanted. Kai’s dry muscular hands clutched mines and lead me up the dusty halway. I could hear every creek and thump as my feet landed on al thirteen of the unfinished hardwood steps. Almost as if my senses were coming alive, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. The situation was becoming surreal and my body was truly fading away into fantasy. Even the smels grew more intense as I folowed to the front bedroom. Smels of incense mixed with sawed wood filed my lungs creating a new scent to engage in. I could hear the TV on. It sounded like some sports network, and the channel became clearer as I got closer. Highlights on ESPN from the basketbal game the night before, were shouted throughout the room due to the television’s volume being turned al the way up.

Entering Kai’s bedroom took me back to my own home. His room had the feel of a colege apartment. Clothes thrown everywhere, empty soda cans on the dresser, an unmade bed with mix matched bedding; this was the room of a boy.

“You can sit on the bed.”

“Oh okay.” I shot a half grin. Not wanting to show my age or how uncomfortable I was, I scooted his Vibe magazine colection over to the edge of the bed and softly sat on the lower corner. I smiled as Kai quickly scrambled around the room in efforts to straighten but it was clearly too late. He sat down next to me putting both of us at ease. Reaching for this TV stand he picked up a blunt and lit it. Now the incense aroma made sense. I watched him in silence as he inhaled the weed smoke and slowly exhaled. After a few puffs he turned to me.

“You smoking?” his tone was so suggestive that I didn’t want to say no. Who was I to act above the situation at this point?


I was so tense that al I could do is have an awkward smile on my face as I took the weed from his fingers and put them into my own.

Now of course I’ve smoked weed before, what grown person hadn’t? It had just been so long I didn’t want to embarrass myself with excessive coughing.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I was just asking, some older women stil smoke weed.”

“Why would you say that?” I was completely offended by his words but tried my hardest not to react
. Some older women still smoke
How dare he try to put me in the same category as his mother?

“I was just saying…”

“You think I’m a folower? Because I’m not.”

I wanted to smoke so that I could feel the way I needed to feel to have sex with him. So I could stop trying to decide on my actions and let my body decide for me. I took a light puff of the smoke and let it back out. I took another puff and felt the strong smoke enter my nostrils and seep into my chest. It created whirlwind circles inside my body and I could feel it passing through. Blowing the smoke back out, my eyes lit up remembering this feeling from the past. I slid further back on the bed and blew a few more puffs and passed it back to Kai.

The drug takeover my body and I was entirely relaxed. Not wanting to overdo it, I refused to inhale anymore of it when he passed it back my way. Filed with so much excitement al I could do is grin and stare at Kai. I loved the feeling of being high. My tongue moved around the inside of my mouth salivating while my eyes traced his body until my vagina clutched at the thought of him being pressed against me.

Remembering my vivid fantasy from earlier that day kept me on edge. Kai wasn’t paying me any attention. Not sure if it was a change in mind or a lack of interest but his eyes were glued to the TV.

This wasn’t how I pictured it to be. I anticipated he would be my little boy toy and have his hands al over me, but instead it was once again me yearning for him. I eased off the bed pausing for a second before standing up adjusting to my intoxicated body. Feeling high, I slowly walked over to the television set and turned it off automaticaly catching his attention. Standing directly in front of him I seductively began taking my clothes off as if I were offering my body to him in an ancient ceremony. I stripped down to the royal blue bra and panties that decorated my newly tightened body. I felt confident in my appearance; stil ful in the hips and the rest of my body, but tight and sexy.

No, I wasn’t a size 5 22 year old female, but I was a sexy size 10 39 year old woman with everything intact.

Kai’s expression said it al . His eyes gazed at my breast and dropped down to my thighs. The licking of his lips let me know he was ready for a taste. It was good to be the older woman in control of the situation. I felt like the teacher and he was my overly mature student.

I waited for him to make his move but it didn’t take long for him to react to my partialy naked body standing before him. Kai placed his hands on my hips and put soft kisses on my waist line. My body tingled as his lips hit spots that hadn’t been kissed in years and his tongue danced on the sides of my stomach. I was beyond ready for him and the marijuana took every sensation into overdrive. Little time was spent on four play, we were both ready to move to the next level. Kai aggressively threw my body on the bed and took his clothes off.

His body was a creamy black and chiseled like an African gladiator standing before me. Laying me down on my stomach I could hear the sound of the condom opening so I positioned my body for entry. Suddenly, as I dreamt earlier, he plunged into me so hard that our bodies melted together. He banged his pelvis hard against my ass resulting in jiggles with every smack. Thick and hard, his dick didn’t take a break from being strong and powerful in my body. His fingertips dug deep into my ass as he used his free hand to pul the back of my neck, propping my ass even higher into the air as my back created a deep curvy arch. I could feel my mouth growing numb as I became separated from the sexual experience. It was an out of body sensation. Sweat from his forehead dripped onto my back and I moaned and screamed for more. The more I screamed the harder he went until I colapsed bent over with the inside of my thighs soaked, but Kai wouldn’t let a win come that easily. He told me to get back up and smacked my ass letting me know it wasn’t a game. I put my ass back in the air as he dug even deeper into my stomach. Tightly holding my waist and roughly submerging into me my thoughts, fears and anxieties floated away and became a thing of the past. It wasn’t until I woke up two hours later in Kai’s arms that I remembered that I was Ramae and this was no fantasy, and I had cheated on my husband with my son’s friend.

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