Read Fallen Idols MC - Complete Online

Authors: Savannah Rylan

Fallen Idols MC - Complete (27 page)

BOOK: Fallen Idols MC - Complete
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The next morning, I walked out to find Blaze making breakfast in the kitchen, but Ryder was nowhere to be seen. “He left already?” I asked groggily.

“I guess. When I got up to go for a run, he wasn’t here, and that was a couple hours ago. I’m sure he was embarrassed.” He turned to look at me. “Are you okay? I don’t want him and all of that last night to shake you. We have a job to do today.”

I pushed up on my tiptoes, and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I’m fine. Whatever drama Ryder and Sawyer are going through is their own business. Today is about you and me and these cars. And all the money that is going to come from them.” I smiled at him, and he returned it, laughing a little at my excitement.

“You want eggs? I also made some toast.”

This was just one of the many reasons I loved having Blaze around. I couldn’t cook for shit, and before he started staying with me a few nights a week, I was considering buying stock in TV dinners and pizza joints. But, now that he was here, breakfast was made every morning. And, occasionally, he would even cook dinner, or at least bring home take-out. It was just nice to have someone else around. Suddenly, it was feeling like constantly being alone might not be for me anymore.

“Can I have my eggs on my toast? Like a sandwich?”

He laughed and nodded before scooping my meal onto a plate. “So go over everything with me again. We’re a married couple…” There was a little too much excitement in his eyes with his words, and I tried to ignore it, and the flip my stomach did, hearing them.

I sat and started to chow down on my breakfast. “Yes, we’re married. We’re not going to lie about where we live. We’re from Brooks Landing, and we own a successful restaurant. Italian. It’s called Stefano’s. We’re looking to purchase a sports car for your birthday, and that’s all we’re saying. We don’t want to seem like we know a lot about cars. That will tip someone off. We just need to get close enough to check out security, and then we can bail. I expect there will be a ton of personnel around, plus cameras and motion detectors on some of the bigger rides. I know mostly what Chen is looking for, some of the smaller vehicles, so they might not have sensors on them, but I still want to make sure.”

He sat down across from me with a ridiculous amount of eggs on his plate. “And, if all that is true? Then we hit them on the way in, right?”

I knew that Blaze was hoping for that. He was uncomfortable enough that we had to go today and scope everything out. He found the open road a lot easier, and a lot less stressful. Being around all those people made him nervous, and not just for getting caught. He didn’t want some innocent citizen getting caught in the crossfire of what was about to go down. And, if we snatched the shipment out in the desert, there would be no one there to get hurt. Just us, and the trucks. We would take them over, and have our asses home by dinnertime. Since the shipment wouldn’t come in for another two days, it gave me just enough time to scope out the security at the show, and make sure that grabbing them on the way was the best idea. Our other option was to buy them with counterfeit money. I hadn’t done much in dealing with fake money, but Bones knew a guy who could help us out. It was just another cost, and every cost cut into the money that we were bringing home. That’s why Rogue and Pops wanted nothing to do with it, but I needed to be sure. I had to keep my MC safe, that was the ultimate goal.


I walked into the car show, and held onto Blaze’s arm as I stumbled in the five inch nude heels that I bought especially for the event. I don’t think I had ever worn heels in my entire life. But here I was, in a bright yellow sundress, covering up all of my tattoos, with a matching hat and a pair of nude heels. I clutched the wristlet that one of the whores from the clubhouse let me borrow. It had everything in it that I needed: my phone, and my gun. Hopefully I wouldn’t need either of those two things. Blaze only looked slightly uncomfortable in his navy blue suit, something that we had to rent. He kept adjusting his tie, and I’d bat at him playfully while secretly giving him a message to stop touching it. Men who wore suits all the time didn’t mess with their ties. We had to play the part, or risk tipping someone off. As I walked around and glanced at security, I recognized some of the guys. They belonged to other motorcycle clubs mostly, but I noticed a couple of Las Almas standing near the exit, right where the shipments were coming in.

“Las Almas must be handling all of the security surrounding new cars coming in and going out,” I murmured with a smile, as another couple passed us. Blaze simply nodded to let me know that he heard my whispers.

“I’ve counted at least thirty guys so far that are packin’, and we’ve only been in here for ten minutes. There’s no way we can steal the cars here.”

I knew he was probably right, but I had to be sure. We walked up to one of the car owners, and started asking questions about the Maserati. “Honey, it’s such a nice color,” I said, as I dragged my finger along the side of the car. Nothing set off; no security came up to us. But this one was also in line to be auctioned very shortly.

“It is a beauty.” The man chuckled, clearly humoring the “little woman” before turning serious as he spoke to Blaze.  “You know how the wives are. ‘You can only have three, Henry’, so apparently, this girl is going to another home. Are you interested?”

Blaze smiled but put up his hand. “No, thank you. I have one of these myself, and the engine’s a bitch.”

I jabbed Blaze in the side playfully. “Language, sweetheart. You know, I think at home we’re going to have to start a swear jar.”

Blaze laughed at me but continued to play along. “Like you said, man, wives.”

The guy chuckled as the car was pushed up toward the platform. Blaze and I stood back and watched, as another one rolled up to right near where we stood. “No sensors, not when they’re in line for the auction.”

Blaze turned around, and peered behind the auctioneer stable. “Do you see that back there? All those computers and machines? They’re checking to make sure these people actually have the money. They even have a cash counter. We can’t do this. We have to get them on the road.”

I sighed heavily. Dammit. I hated that he was right. “Can’t we just stay a little bit longer to look at all the pretty cars?”

Blaze shook his head. “That Mexican over there’s been staring at me the whole time I was talking to that guy. We have to get out of here.
making a scene.”

I clutched onto my purse as he took my hand, instantly feeling the safety and security that Blaze gave me. He led me directly toward the exit as I smiled and nodded, at people we passed, to keep up the façade. I didn’t want anyone to realize that we were bailing without taking anything home. By the time we got out to the parking lot, and hopped into an Escalade that we borrowed from the warehouse, a motorcycle roared behind us.

“Time to go.”

Blaze nodded, and sped out of the parking lot, dodging in and out of cars to get us to the highway. All around us, people honked, trying to avoid getting into a car accident with the huge Escalade that would easily pummel their tiny little sedans. As I looked behind us, the motorcycle hadn’t left the parking lot. They must’ve had strict instructions to protect the cars, no matter who came onto their turf. Well, fuck, this whole job might be a little bit harder than I thought.





For the first time ever, I was invited to sit in church. I wasn’t allowed to sit at the table, but I was in the room, and that was an improvement. My main goal was still trying to get information about my father’s death, but, right now, the focus was on the big job tomorrow. It was clear to Trista and I that we couldn’t grab the cars from the auction location. Instead, we would have to do it on the road, which I preferred.

On the highway, I could see everything. I was comfortable there. I could put a bullet between a couple guys’ eyes, and still drive away in a fancy car. Besides, I trusted Trista, and this was her plan. I would do anything with her. Follow her to the end of the earth if I had to.  We still hadn’t told her dad or the rest of the MC about our relationship, officially. Sure, they knew that we were sleeping together, but they didn’t know how I felt about her. How I hoped she felt about me.

Rogue sat back in his chair, and it creaked under his weight. He put his fingers together right under his chin, obviously contemplating how this would go. “Trista, this is your project. You’re going to take lead on this. I know you already have a plan set. Just tell us what we need to do.”

She took a deep breath, obviously nervous. If her plan failed, we wouldn’t get the cars, or worse, someone would get shot. We knew Las Almas would be packing in those trucks. We weren’t stupid enough to think that they wouldn’t go anywhere without the right amount of firepower in order to protect those cars. I mean, we were grabbing fifteen items of their precious cargo.

“Their shipment tomorrow has twenty-two cars in it. We found the order form with Chen’s help. It’s a lot of little sports cars, exactly with the Red Dragons are looking for. Chen doesn’t care what seven we leave there, but he was very clear that he only wants fifteen. We don’t even have room for that many, so I have no idea where he’s putting the rest. Twelve of them will be stored at our warehouse, so the Red Dragons will pick up the other three as soon as we let them know that they’re ready.” She took another deep breath, but no one spoke. So, she just plowed on. “The original plan is best. There is far too much security at the auction house to make a move there. So, we’ll grab them on Route 37. We will have four guys on bikes at the back. Two of our own trucks will be in the front. We’re going to begin by blocking the man in the front. And then the bikes are going to come up from the back. We’re going to disable the first truck, causing a bit of an accident. Once that’s done, we have to take the trucks. You will leave your bikes at the scene once you dismount, but you’ll get them back, don’t worry.” There were mumbles from the group, but she continued. “There will be three trucks in all. The two trucks that we’re taking will go in different directions, and then meet at the warehouse. I’ve drawn maps that will get sent to all your cell phones about twenty minutes before we leave. That way, whoever is driving, you know where to go. I also have the trucks labeled on those maps.”

Ace looked her up and down, making me uneasy. “You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you? What happens when Rocco here gets hit with a stray bullet?”

She set her lips into a thin line. “You leave him.”

“What?” he asked incredulously. The whole table erupted. If there is one thing I knew about the MC, it’s that you didn’t leave your brothers behind.

Trista stood up from her seat. “You have to leave him. Cruz and Blaze will be picking up the pieces and any other fallen comrades. They will also be the ones to then call the police on a burner phone, and report the accident. Our trucks and bikes will be gone by then, and they’ll be the two picking them up.”

Bones shook his head slowly from side to side. “I don’t know, Tris. I’m not cool with leaving any of the guys behind. That’s not how we operate here.”

Rogue hit the table with his fist. “Didn’t you just hear her? We’re not leaving them behind. She has a plan. And, as long as all of our guys make it back to this clubhouse in one piece, I’ll be satisfied.” No one spoke, but I could feel the shift at the table. The guys weren’t sure whether or not to trust her plan, and if somebody got scared and pussied out, we were all in trouble. “Any problems?”

Everyone shook his head. Ryder looked at Axel, and whispered to him, “You and me, bro? If I’m going down, I want you to have my back.”

Axel nudged him and nodded. I wondered who would go with Trista. I wouldn’t be by her side to protect her, and I didn’t like that. But I knew how to follow the plan.
gone over it with her a hundred times. It would work. I just hoped that there weren’t more Mexicans in those trucks then we planned on. If there were, this could all go down in flames.

After church let out, I pulled Trista into the pantry behind the bar. No one could see us in there. “You have to be careful tomorrow, okay?”

A smirk played on her lips. “I’m always careful.”

“No, you’re not. You’re reckless and you’re trouble. And those are two qualities that I love about you. But you have to be safe.”

She nodded at me as I put my hands on her face, and pulled her soft sweet skin onto mine. Her lips tasted like the whiskey she just taken a shot of before walking back here. It was a harsh taste against her warm mouth. She pulled away and chewed on her lower lip, only turning me on even more. I considered turning around right then, and dropping my pants, reminding her that reckless could be fun at certain times. But I knew we couldn’t do it here, not now. The bar was full of people who didn’t know about us yet. And she wasn’t ready for that, no matter how much I wanted her to be.

“You better stop that.”

“Stop what?” she asked innocently.

“Stop making me want to fuck you right here, because we both know that we can’t.”

She put her hand over my dick and squeezed. “Then, why do you think I’m chewing on my lip?”

“You’re infuriating,” I told her through gritted teeth.

“Don’t I know it,” she countered.

She turned on her heel and walked out, leaving my blue balls and me alone.

BOOK: Fallen Idols MC - Complete
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