Farmers & Mercenaries (47 page)

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Authors: Maxwell Alexander Drake

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy

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Names in () were never mentioned in the book.

They are added here for completeness

Aalholm - [ALE-holm] - A port city in north-west Ro’Arith

aftermore - The place a person goes when they die

Aktita - [ack-TEA-ta] - A port city in south-east Silaway

Alant Cor - [ah-LAWN-t CORE] - A young man of twenty winters and a Shaper Initiate

Alimia Felts- [ah-LEEM-ee-ah FELTS] - A leftenant in Clytus Rillion’s mercenary troop

Arderi Cor - [are-DARE-ee CORE] - A farmboy of sixteen winters

Argillian - [are-JILL-ee-an] - A constellation of stars known as the archer

Aritian Mocley - [a-RIT-ee-an MOCK-lee] - The Prince of the Elmorr’Antien people

(Gill) Arminton - [gill ARM-inn-ton] - A scout in Clytus Rillion’s mercenary troop

Arthimius Blanch - [are-THIM-ee-us blanch] - The Grand Elder of the Shaper’s Order in Mocley

Artimus Mocley - [are-TI-muss MOCK-lee] - A former Prince of the Elmorr’Antiens and founder of Mocley

Artoc River - [ARE-tock] - A major river running through south Ro’Arith

Asgarthian Plains- [ass-GARTH-ee-an] - The grasslands covering much of the area east of Mocley

aurn - [ARE-n] - The amount of time it takes the sun to travel its own width in the sky

Baith’Ona Cor - [BAY-th OWN-ah CORE] - The eldest daughter of Tanin and Mel’Ona Cor

Baroth Sarlimac - [BA-roth sar-LI-mack] - A Master Shaper and instructor at Chandril’elian in Mocley

Baylain (Roonlath) - [BAY-lane rune-LAY-th] - A gladiator

Bin’Satsu - [BEEN sat-SUE] - A Mountain citadel and stronghold of the Tat’Sujen Order hidden in the northron mountains of Silaway

Brin (Wist) - [BRIN WIST] - A Bodyguard to Rohann Vimith

Chandril’chi - [Shawn-DRILL-chee] - The Tree of the Essence

Chandril’elian - [Shawn-DRILL-el-ee-in] - School of the Essence

Charver Vimith - [CHAR-ver VIM-ith] - The son of Rohann Vimith in Mocley

Chi’tar - [CHEE-tar] - A power the Elmorr’Antiens posses that can foretell possible futures for an individual

Chi’utlan - [CHEE-oot-lawn] - Essence pool

Clytus Rillion - [CLEYE-tuss RILL-ee-un] - A mercenary commander out of Mocley

coldbox – An Essence enhanced box that maintains a cold temperature for storing food

Crysineis - [cry-SIN-ee-us] - The northron most star

Darma Di’Anty - [DAR-ma Dee-AUNT-ee] - The cook of the Rillion family in Mocley

Dartin Sim - [DAR-tin SIM] - A Guarder Captain of the Third Watch in Hild’alan

Dasha’alan - [dah-SHA-a-lawn] - Meaning ‘Town of the docks’ Located outside of Hath’oolan

Delmith (Bathool) - [DELL-mith bath-OO-l] - An instructor at Chandril’elian of Hath’oolan

Dispaxion - [dis-PACKS-ee-on] - A rare disease that is fatal if untreated

Dorochi - [door-OH-chee] - Clytus Rillion’s sword

Drakon - [DRAY-con] - A winged beast of legend said to have once ruled much of Ro’Arith

eastron - In the east

elderfolk - People who are in their later seasons of life

Elmorian - [el-MORE-ee-an] - A derogative term used when referring to an Elmorr’Antiens

Elmorr’Antien - [el-more-ANT-ee-en] - A powerful race who hail from the isle of Elmorr’eth

Elmorr’eth - [el-MORE-eth] - An island located between Silaway and Ro’Arith

Estular Jerts - [ES-too-lar JERTS] - Slave trader and gladiatorial promoter

(Tuk) Faztilmin - [TUCK faz-TILL-men] - A captain of the Merchantillian Guard in Mocley

Felstar Lysentoc - [FELL-star LIE-sin-toc] - A Master Shaper and instructor at Chandril’elian in Mocley

Fessio’tar - [FESS-see-oh-tar] - An Essence enhanced painting that can record an image from someone’s mind

fielder - A person who works the fields

firstmeal - The first meal of the day

(Brint) Flayt - [BRYNT FLATE] - A former sword trainer to Klain

Flinnok Nime - [FLIN-nock NIME] - A Guarder Captain in Hild’alan

Foretelling - An ability some Humans have to foretell possible futures for an individual

Friaya (Earyin) - [free-AH-ya EAR-yin] - a maid to Rohann Vimith in Mocley

(Gurtred’San) Frinly – [GURT-red-san FRIN-lee] – Charver Vimith’s nanny in Mocley

(Satar) Garson- [SAY-tar GAR-son] - The captain of the Mistbreeze Trader and adopted father to Krin Garson

Gaylain (Roonlath) - [GAY-lane rune-LAY-th] - A gladiator

Ginnius Mulma’Asion - [GIN-nee-us MULL-ma-ASS-eye-on] - A gladiator

Glonlore Bay - [GLAWN-lore] - Located on the south-west coast of Ro’Arith

Gralet - [GRAY-let] - A derogative term used when referring to a Gralet’nar

Gralet’nar - [GRAY-let-nar] - The Warrior Servants of the Elmorr’Antiens

guarder - A person who is employed as a guard

halfmeal - The mid-day meal

(Bire) Harnith - [BIRE HARN-ith] - A gladiator

Hath’oolan - [hath-OO-lawn] - A port city in north Elmorr’eth

hearder - A person who tends animals

Hek’kie - [HECK-keye] - Meaning ‘Of the People’ The Warrior class in Silaway

Hezmire - [HEZ-my-er] - The God of Fallen Warriors

Hild’alan stead - [HILD-a-lawn] - The birthplace of Alant and Arderi, located north-east of Mocley

(Grant) Hindar - [GRANT HEN-dar] - The Scoutmaster in Clytus Rillion’s mercenary troop

Hinden Brue - [HEN-den BREW] - A Captain of the Third Watch in Mocley

Hobbswords - [HOBB-swords] - Guards of the Shapers in Mocley

Holiday - The last day of a tenday usually reserved for rest

Hon’nar - [ON-nar] - Meaning ‘Honored Servant’

Hon’Vanria - [ON-van-RE-ah] - Meaning ‘Honored Teacher’

Inez Quilart - [EYE-nez kwill-ART] - A Shaper in Hild’alan

(Zander) Jam’ees - [ZAN-der Jawm-EE-z] - A scout in Clytus Rillion’s mercenary troop

Jerith De’thane - [JER-ith DU-thane] - A Shapers Initiate in the Chandril’elian of Hath’oolan from Silaway

Jintrill Deln - [GIN-trill DELN] - A Shaper in Mocley

Julitan - [jewl-EE-tan] - The title given to the people who run the Games of Mocley

Ju’nar - [JEW-nar] - Meaning ‘worthless’

Ka’gana - [KAH-ga-na] - A Crystal that allows physical entities to link directly with Sujen

Ka’ilyth - [KAH-eel-yeth] - Meaning ‘Test of Power’ A device that tests the ability to manipulate the Essence

Kasu’yama - [KAH-sue-YA-mah] - A small village in central Silaway famous for its warriors

Katsujai - [CAT-sue-jie] - A port city in north-east Silaway

Kith - [KITH] - A derogative term used when referring to a Kithian

Kithian - [KITH-ee-an] - A lion-like race that inhabits the north part of Ro’Arith

Klain (Kanon) - [KLANE KA-non] - A Kithian raised as a slave and gladiator

Komar Isle - [KOH-mar] - A set of hundreds of islands off the south-west coast of Ro’Arith

Krin Garson - [KRIN GAR-son] - The cabin boy of the Mistbreeze Trader and adopted son of Captain Garson

Krugour - [CREW-ger] - A large, cat-like creature common throughout Ro’Arith

Larith Rine - [LARE-ith RINE] - A Brother of the Tat’Sujen Order in Bin’Satsu

lastmeal - The last meal of the day

Lilaith Rillion - [LILL-ayth RILL-ee-on] - The wife of Clytus Rillion and mother to Sindian Rillion

(Tasik) Lith - [TAY-sick LITH] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley

Magistra - [ma-GIS-tra] - A building within a stead that holds the Regent and their administrative staff

Mah’Sukai - [MAH-sue-keye] - An evolved Shaper who can meld directly with the Essence

Maja’Kasta - [MA-ja-CAWST-ah] - The god of protection and peace

(Rame) Mallin - [RAME MAL-lin] - A mercenary in Clytus Rillion’s mercenary troop

Masstin Wilt - [MASS-tin WILT] - A fielder at Hild’alan

Mel’Ona Cor - [MELL-OWN-ah CORE] - The wife to Tanin Cor and mother to Alant and Arderi Cor

Merchantillian - [mer-chan-TILL-ee-an] - An area of Mocley housing the best merchants

merkswords - [MERK-swords] - Elite guards who patrol the Merchantillian in Mocley

Mermidians - [mer-MID-ee-ans] - A race of beings who live in the seas and oceans around Talic’Nauth

Millitinia - [mill-i-TEEN-ee-ah] - Military barracks or stronghold within a city or stead

Mi’nathe Blade - [MY-nawth] - An Essence enhanced sword designed to fit a Kithian’s paw

Minroehe Granger - [min-ROW-he GRAIN-ger] -A retired instructor from Chandril’elian in Mocley

Mir’am - A honorific used when addressing an elder man

Mis’am - A honorific used when addressing an elder woman

Mocley - [MOCK-lee] - A large port city in south-west Ro’Arith

Morlis Mountains - [MORE-liss] - A large mountain range running along the south coast of Ro’Arith

Mu’shadar - [MOO-sha-dar] - Meaning ‘Shelterers of Life’ Ruling class in Silaway

Narian - [NAR-ee-an] - Meaning ‘Gold’

(Jaim) Narn - [JAME NARN] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley

Nektine Mountains - [NECK-tine] - A large mountain range cutting through the center of Ro’Arith

Nithshilo - [nith-SHY-low] - A port city in east Silaway

northron - In the north

O’Arkin - [OH-are-kin] - A barbaric, pig-faced race that inhabits the mountains of Ro’Arith

Oolant - [OO-lant] - An Essence enhanced drink that can heal most injuries and illnesses

Orlis - [OR-liss] - A large trade city in the center of the south half of Ro’Arith

Orm - [Oremm] - A fictitious king of the O’Arkin horde. A joke of the Julitans in Mocley

painstick - An Essence enhanced staff that can deliver a controllable jolt of pain

Palintium - [pa-LIN-tee-um] - A temple dedicated to the Twelve Gods of Man

Pents - A coin made from copper

(Sam) Poltin - [SAM POLE-tin] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley

Priests of Fatint - [FAY-tint] - A mysterious holy order based out of the Komar islands

Pyne - [PINE] - A coin made from silver

Quay’ka’gana - [kway-kah-GA-na] - Meaning ‘Travel into Essence’ A stone that allows transport over great distances “A Sending Stone”

Ques’lian - [KWESS-lee-ann] - Meaning ‘Great Hall’

Quiln Garfer - [KWILL-n GAR-fur] - Shapers Initiate in the Chandril’elian of Hath’oolan from Ro’Arith

Ragnor De’haln - [RAG-nore dee-HAL-n] - A Leftenant in Clytus Rillion’s mercenary troop

Ralin Sard - [RAL-in SARD] - A guarder in Hild’alan

Ramstone - [RAM-stone] - A constellation of stars known as the bear

Rik Cor - [RICK CORE] - The youngest son of Tanin and Mel’Ona Cor’s

rillball - A game played with a melon-sized ball made from a pig stomach

(Kal) Rilmoth - [CAL RILL-moth] - A Guarder Captain of the Night in Mocley

Riln Toln - [RILL-n TOLL-n] - A farmboy of sixteen winters and friend of Arderi Cor

Rinear (Rine) - [REN-ear RINE] - The daughter of Larith Rine in Bin’Satsu

Ro’Arith - [row-ARE-ith] - A large continent on the Plane of Talic’Nauth

Ro’Arithian - [row-ARE-ithee-an] - A person from Ro’Arith

Rohann Vimith - [ROW-hawn VIM-ith] - A diamond merchant in Mocley and father to Charver Vimith

Salintine - [SAL-in-tine] - The Mid-summer’s festival

Saltus - [SAL-tus] - The God of Healing

Saphanthia - [sa-FAN-thee-ah] - The Goddess of Wisdom

Sarshia’Mion Mocley - [SAR-she-ah-MY-on MOCK-lee] - The Princess of the Elmorr’Antien People, Honored One

Sar’Xanthia - [sar-ZAN-thee-uh] - An ancient city lost in the swamps of south Ro’Arith

Satner Timms - [SAT-ner TIMS] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley

Shaith Ku’rin - [SHAITH COO-rin] - A Shapers Initiate in the Chandril’elian of Hath’oolan from Silaway High Princess of Mu’shadar, Keeper of the Chalice, Reader of the Scrolls, and Hand of the King’s Justice

Sier - [SEE-er] - Meaning ‘To Meld’ Honorific used by Human Shapers

Silawaian - [SILL-a-way-ee-in] - A person from Silaway

Silaway - [SILL-a-way] - A large continent on the Plane of Talic’Nauth

Siln Cor - [SILn CORE] - The brother between Alant and Arderi Cor

Silrith’tar - [sill-RITH-tar] - An Essence enhanced crystal that can record thoughts and emotions

Sindian Rillion - [SIN-d-an RILL-ee-on] - The only child of Clytus and Lilaith Rillion

Sorn Toln - [SOREn TOLLn] - A fielder in Hild’alan and father to Riln Toln

southron - In the south

Spectals - [SPEC-tuls] - What a Shaper sees while holding the Sight of the Essence

Stillwater - [STILL-water] - A large port city on the bank of the Artoc River in Ro’Arith

Sujen - [SUE-jen] - A form of the Essence that surrounds things

Tak’ju’nar - [tack-JEW-nar] - Meaning ‘Worthless Spy’

Talic’Nauth - [TALL-lick nawth] - The Plane of existence on which all things reside

Talintithe - [TAL-in-tithe] - The Festival of Creation

ta’narian - [ta-NAR-ee-an] - A coin made from gold

Tanin Cor - [TAN-inn CORE] - The husband to Mel’Ona Cor and Father to Alant and Arderi Cor

Tarsith - [TAR-sith] - A medallion found in Sar’Xanthia that is Essence enhanced

Tary’Ona Cor - [TAR-ee-OWN-ah CORE] - The youngest daughter of Tanin and Mel’Ona Cor

Tat’Sujen Order - [tat-SUE-jen] - A secret organization whose members have a power over Sujen

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