Read Fatal Desire Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

Fatal Desire (22 page)

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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A sharp pain stabbed his rib and then a second, and his dragon let out a screech. He began to shimmer into his human form against his will; a burning started in his gut and moved out to his limbs. He looked down and found two darts sticking out from his chest then fell to the ground, his legs numb.

“What the fuck?” he snarled.

Four Wendigos surrounded him; the one he’d been following stepped forward. “Lowan wants you back at his domicile.”

He’d walked right into their trap, but it didn’t matter now. His daughter was safe so they could kill him for all he cared. Caleb would make sure she was taken care of.

Two of the demons approached him, one on either side, and grabbed an arm. They began to drag him across hardened lava, his chest ripped open by the jagged stones. After several minutes, he was pulled through a door and dumped onto a cold, hard surface.

“Well, look what the demons have dragged in.” He recognized the sinister voice to be that of Lowan. The dark lord gave him a kick in the ribs with a booted foot. “You should know better than to fuck with me.” He grabbed Odage by the hair and pulled his head off the floor. “Did you really think you could kill me?”

“To save my daughter, I would have died trying.”

Lowan released him and laughed. “You might yet. However, I still have use of you.”

“Fuck you. My daughter is safe now so you have no bargaining chip left.”

Shards of pain ripped through his skull and blood trickled from his eyes before the sweet comfort of darkness overtook him.

* * * *

Caleb marched down the corridor of the compound with determined strides.

“Wait the hell up,” Diego yelled out behind him.

“You want to talk to me then you’d best run. I wait for no one.” He flexed his hands. He was on a mission, and when he got his mate back, he was going to put her over his knee and give her the spanking she deserved. Then he was going to fuck the hell out of her.

His brother moved along side of him. “I’m going with you, and I’m not taking no for an answer.” His hazel eyes flashed green.

“Fine. Just stay out of my way and know that if you get into trouble…” He stopped midstride and eyed his little brother. “Know that I cannot choose you. My mate comes first.”

Diego’s brows dipped. “Don’t be a dumb-ass, of course she comes first. So what’s your plan?”

Caleb scrubbed his face. “I wish I had one.” He continued his stride.

“We need to get back into Hell. I assume that’s where she still is.”

He sighed. “I assume.”

“Wait…what? Are you short-circuiting? Your bond should tell you where she is,” Diego stated.

His jaw tightened. He wanted to strangle anyone in his sight but managed to restrain himself, remembering that Diego would have assumed Caleb finally mated Lileta on their journey.

“Our bond was broken.”

“How the—”

Caleb cut him off. “I don’t know for sure, but Qadira thought Lowan had somehow pulled us apart.”

Diego pinned him. “Yet you go after her, without a bond? Fuck, you have it worse than I thought.”

He wasn’t kidding. Without the mating bond to attract them to each other, he could easily walk away. There was one problem, his body still craved her touch and his heart craved her love. His chest caught. It never occurred to him she might not want him now. Could she love him back? She never spoke the words, but he thought he’d felt her emotions. Panic started to set in. Those emotions might have been only because of the bond. He replaced the panic with determination. He would win her love if that’s what it took. There was no way in hell he was giving up. Not now. Not ever.

They’d reached the end of the long corridor and flashed to the outside. “You say that as if I shouldn’t bring her back,” Caleb bit out.

“Your dead wrong, big brother. She’s the only woman who could put up with your ass, which is why I’m here to help.” He lifted his shoulders. “Besides, I really like her, and gods know you deserve to be happy.”

He studied Diego for several minutes. “Seriously, keep your ass out of harm’s way. If I have to save you, I’ll kill you myself.” He shimmered, bringing his dragon forward and shifted. Diego did the same.

Aww, you do care for me.
The younger Draki tossed his head back and snorted.

Damn punk. Let’s go.
Caleb curled his lip to expose his incisors, a warning to the younger dragon to behave before he ripped his flesh open.

Where to bro?

Back to New Orleans. We are in need of a voodoo priestess to find my mate.

* * * *

Furia was decked out in leather pants and a tank top. Several daggers strapped to her thighs and waist, but there was one special blade her father had given her, it was clutched in her right hand.

She looked at the dragon to her left out of the corner of her eye. “Defy me, and I will kill you myself.”

The man tied back his raven hair with a piece of leather. “I am your servant, My Lady.”

She turned her head to take in the full view of Odage and pinned him with a glare. “You understand our orders?”


“Good.” She moved her attention to the ten demons behind her. “Let’s go. It’s time to raise some hell.” The corners of her lips turned up when the troops hooted and hollered. She strode with purpose toward the fissure, placed her palms on the either side of the crack, and forced her power into the rock. The crack widened until it split enough to allow them to pass.

She entered first. Enveloped herself in power, thinking of the place she needed to go and flashed to the surface. Odage and the others followed close behind. Furia sucked in a breath of crisp night air. It felt good to be back on top again. “Everyone move into position and keep yourself cloaked. We may have the element of surprise and numbers, but don’t let them fool you. The guardians are very powerful,” she whispered.

“Won’t all the blades strapped to your body make them suspicious?” Odage asked.

“No. Remember, I helped protect them while the child was born.” She sheathed the blade she’d been carrying in her palm. “I’ll distract them, and you grab the baby. Lowan says her blood is pure.” Her gaze focused with intent on the hidden compound. “That child will free my father from his eternal prison.” She watched while Odage led the others away. Once they disappeared, she looked down at her trembling hands and flexed her fingers, taking in a deep breath.

“Stop fighting me, you can’t win. I am stronger than you will ever be.”

Furia, I beg you to stop. Anything but this.
Lileta fought to regain control but was shoved back. Her darker side now dominated. She could only watch as events unfolded in front of her like some horror flick. It was like having two personalities. Her evil twin had surfaced and now refused to play nice.

Furia flashed to the hidden entrance and waited. The sensors would tell the guardians of her presence, which they would verify via the video feed. Within seconds, the stone dematerialized and left a black hole for her to walk through. She moved with the grace of a cat down the steel stairs, her boots echoing on the grating. When she took the last step, she was greeted by the king himself.

“Lileta, you just missed Caleb. He left a few hours ago to search for you. Are you all right?” Aidyn asked.

She stepped into his open embrace and hugged him. “I’m okay, shaken to say the least. What about Caleb? Is he all right?” Aidyn led her down the long corridor and into a spacious library where he indicated for her to take a seat in front of the stone fireplace.

“He was fine, except for his concern for you, obviously. Can I get you something to drink?”

“No, thank you.” She watched him grab a bottle of water from a small refrigerator then place it on the table in front of her.

“In case you change your mind.” He smiled and sat across from her.

“Thanks. So where is everyone?”

Furia, you fucking bitch, let me out!
Lileta had never felt more helpless in her life. She was aware of the plan but unable to stop it. It was like being stuck inside a glass bottle. She could look out, but no one heard her screams. Everything was about to come tumbling down.

“Cassie and the baby are in their room, and the others are busy fighting demons,” Aidyn replied.

Furia inwardly smiled, this was going to be easier than she thought. “It’s just you and Cassie? Are you sure that’s wise?”

He tipped his head to the side and gave her a leveled look. “No one knows where we are.” His eyes narrowed. “Is there a reason I should be concerned,

Yes! Why can’t you sense the darkness?
Lileta didn’t understand. It had been the hope she held out for. Aidyn was a powerful guardian, why didn’t he catch on?

“No, I just worry that’s all. Lowan is more powerful than we expected.” She feigned a yawn and relayed the information telepathically back to the demons.

“You’re tired. You are welcome to use your old room and get some rest. I’ll send someone to locate Caleb and your brother in the morning.” He rose. “Tomorrow, you can brief me on your father.”

“That sounds good. I guess I hadn’t realized how worn out I was.” She stood and approached him, holding open her arms to hug the king. When he accepted the offer, she pulled the dagger from her thigh and shoved it deep into his heart.

He gasped, his eyes swirled with anger, but there was nothing he could do except drop to the floor. The poison Lowan had developed worked to not only cut off his communication with his brethren and the ability to heal but rendered his powers useless. Furia was thankful for that because otherwise Aidyn was capable of bringing the heavens down upon them.

You fucking bitch! Help him. You can’t leave him to die!

Furia rolled her eyes and pulled the blade from his chest. “I’m getting really tired of you trying to spoil my fun, Lileta.” She wiped the bloody blade across her thigh and spun on her heel, heading for the door. When she entered the corridor, she quickly scanned the area then ran back the same way she’d came in. Opening the entry for the rest of her team, she stopped Odage.

“You will kill Cassie and take the child,” she commanded.

Odage tipped his head. His gaze met hers and showed no mercy. “As you wish, Furia.” He made a quick exit down the hall, the other demons followed. Commotion and blood curdling screams could be heard then silence. Odage exited the room with a crying baby in his arms. He strode toward her.

“It is done. The female is down.”

She smiled. “Good. Hopefully, they will both be dead when the others return and there will be two less guardians to contend with later.” She reached for the child and pulled her into her arms. “Let’s go, Lowan awaits his prize.”

The good Lileta screeched and clawed, trying to fight her way back into control. She couldn’t believe what was happening, but one thing was certain: she could not allow her father to get his claws into Ariana. Right then, she kicked herself for breaking the bond with Caleb. He would have known what was happening through their connection.
I am such an idiot!
She took a deep breath and blocked her thoughts from Furia; at least, that she could still accomplish. Some way, she had to stop this madness.

She concentrated.
Caleb, can you hear me? Please, if you can hear me at all, know that baby Ariana is in trouble. The guardians need you, Caleb. I have done a terrible thing.
She prayed somehow he could sense her distress and come to their aid.


Chapter Twenty-Two




Caleb and Diego landed in a remote Bayou of New Orleans and shifted back to their human form. “From here, we’ll flash to Sidara’s door front and ask for her help.”

Diego snorted. “You mean pay her?” He eyed the large ruby Caleb carried. “That should keep her in comfort for several lifetimes. Where the hell did you find that anyway?”

“Never mind. I’ll see you there.” He flashed and, seconds later, found himself standing on the walkway leading to the old wooden structure. Diego came in beside him, and together, they strode toward the front porch, crossing over creaking boards. They stopped at the front door. Caleb raised his fist to knock, but the door opened. He looked at his brother and gave a shrug.

“Fuck it, let’s go.” He crossed the threshold.

“Caleb, how nice to see you again, and do my eyes deceive me? Is this your baby brother Diego?” Sidara sashayed closer until she stood in front of the younger Draki. Her gaze traveled from his eyes, down his chest then came to rest on his crotch. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip. “Do tell me what I can do for you, young dragon.”

Diego looked at Caleb, panic written on his face. “Uh, I’m just tagging along. Caleb is the one who needs help.”

“Hmm, pity. I would have enjoyed you very much.” She arched a dark brow, her azure eyes sparkled with mischief. “Should you reconsider, I do love a good fuck.”

Caleb rubbed his brow. His head throbbed, and his entire body felt like a compressed spring ready to uncoil.

“Caleb, you okay?” Diego was at his side. “You look kinda pale.”

“Yes, the young dragon is right, you look ill. Come sit.” Sidara led them to the kitchen and directed him to sit at the table.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel a sudden sense of doom.” He jumped from the chair, flipping it backward and began to pace the wooden floor.

Sidara leaned closer to Diego. “Where is his mate?” she whispered.

Caleb barely heard his brother retell the story of what happened and why they were here. He looked down and found his T-shirt was soaking wet, drenched with sweat. His entire body itched, but not the kind you want to scratch. No, it was more of a crawl out of your skin kind of itch.

“I need to do something,” he shouted, but he didn’t know what.

Sidara rose from her seat, went to the cupboard, and began pulling plastic bins out, placing them on the counter. She opened one and tossed it aside. Opened the second and threw it next to the first one. She opened the third box.

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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