Fatal Desire (25 page)

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Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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The light almost hurt her eyes it was so intense. She grabbed the thread and began to pull herself forward. Furia fought, screeching in her ear. “No, you cannot beat me.”

Fuck off, bitch. I want to go back to the man I love. The man who loves me.
She felt a tear slide down her cheek. He really did love her. After all that had happened, he came back for her.

Lileta grabbed the thread of light, and with one hand over the other, she pulled through the dark shadows until she gazed at him with her own eyes. She threw her arms around him and cried.

“I love you.” Her grip was tight, but she feared letting go, afraid it was only a dream.

“No dream, Angel. I’m real,” Caleb whispered. He pulled back far enough to lock his lips onto hers. She opened and gave his tongue access. Her hips rocked against him, urging him to move. Her dragon took the hint and pumped his cock in and out of her wet sheath.

“So good, Caleb.” She clawed his back when the wave washed over her. Sending her into a tail spin of pure bliss. Caleb tossed his head back and growled. His release sent her spiraling upward then crashing back to reality.

They lay entwined for several moments, neither moving nor speaking until Caleb finally pulled free. “We should dress,” he said.

She raised a brow. “You left my clothes in tatters.”

He looked around. “So I did. Cassie will bring you fresh clothing.” He pulled on his jeans.

She looked away from his stare. Heat crawled up her neck and face, she was ashamed of the awful things she had done. “Cassie and Aidyn…?”

“They are both fine.” He planted a kiss on the top of her head. “Everyone is fine.”

She wrapped the sheet around her. “I will face whatever awaits me.” Her gaze met his. “What about you? You should never have bound us together again. I tried to kill not one but two guardians. Surely, my punishment will be death.”

He grasped her chin. “You will not die.” His eyes narrowed and flashed green. “And you will never break our bond again. Do you understand me?” His features softened. “They have already forgiven you.”

She released a sigh. “What of the darkness then? Lowan pulled it forth once, he will do it again.” She let a tear escape. “I’m afraid, Caleb. You saw what I’m capable of.” She had never feared anything more in her entire existence. All her life she had faced her fears, even when taken from her family and sold into slavery. This was so much different, though. She had zero control when the darkness had taken over. Even with her captors, she had fought back using any avenue available to her. However, this she had watched through her own eyes as she shoved the knife into a person she cared about. She would relive that moment forever.

Caleb sat beside her and pulled her into his side. “You are the mate of a dragon, and as long as I live and breathe, the darkness will never control you again.” He kissed the top of her head. “Lucan has also offered to assist you. If anyone knows how to control their dark side and use it to their advantage, he does.” He sucked in a breath. “In addition, the Draki will be joining the guardians in the war against Lowan. You are one of us, and we need you. I need you.”

She tilted her head to better look into his eyes. “What about those of your people who still align with Odage?”

He flashed that sexy smile she loved so much. “None would dare. Odage has been caught and is awaiting his punishment, and I have been named their new leader.”

She placed a palm on his cheek. The feel of his skin beneath her fingers sent tingles to her core. It felt right. It felt like home. “I’m so proud of you. You will be a great leader.”

“And you will be at my side.” He slanted his head and kissed her. Her hand traveled up his thigh.


Caleb and Lileta turned toward the sound to find Cassie staring back at them with a wicked grin. “I brought you something to wear.” She held up a pair of jeans and a shirt. “I figured yours would be useless by the time Caleb was done with them.” She unlocked the gate and walked in, setting the clothes on the table in the corner. “Come up when you’re dressed. There will be a meeting in the main hall.” She turned and left.


Chapter Twenty-Four




Lileta entered the room, Caleb holding her hand for moral support even though he had assured her all was forgiven. A large conference table occupied the center of the room. At one end sat Aidyn, next to him was Marcus then Cassie, Gwen and Baal. On the other side sat Garin, Seth, and Lucan. There were two empty seats at the end closest to where she was standing. Aidyn rose and walked toward them.

“Lileta, I’m happy to see you well.” He stopped in front of her and pulled her into an embrace. Caleb let out a low growl, and Aidyn pulled back. “Relax, dragon, you know I mean no ill intent.”

“Sorry, I’m a creature of instinct,” Caleb replied.

“I understand.” Aidyn waved his hand toward the two empty seats. “Why don’t the two of you sit and we can get started.” He turned and headed back to his chair.

“Wait,” Lileta called out.

The king turned.

“I don’t like how everyone is acting like nothing happened. I need to apologize.”

“Will it make you feel better?” Aidyn asked.

She wrung her hands together. “I’ll never feel good about what I did, but ignoring it will not make it go away.”

“Go on then,” the king urged.

“I’m so very sorry for leading Odage and the demons back here. For stabbing you.” Her gaze moved to Cassie and Marcus. “For taking your daughter.” Then to Baal. “And for letting you down.” Caleb squeezed her hand. “I deserve any punishment you see fit to give me.”

Aidyn rubbed his chin as if in thought. “Then your punishment shall be to join us in the fight against your father and his minions.”

Her gaze shot back to him. He knew about Lowan being her father. “I don’t understand.”

“You were not responsible for your actions, nor can you help who your father is. I’m confident, between Lucan and Caleb, they can help you keep the darkness at bay. Besides, some interesting information was gained by this and no one was seriously injured.” Aidyn pointed to the chairs. “Now let’s get this meeting started.”

Lileta took a seat next to Baal who gave her a wink, and Caleb sat across from her. She really wanted to crawl under the table and hide. This was a new emotion for her; normally, she faced her challenges head-on, but this was different. These people had done so much to help her, and she had let them down. She lifted her chin, deciding she would do whatever she could to help.

“As some of you know, we discovered the blades the demons are now using against us have been coated with black magic. This explains why we are unable to heal and find ourselves cut off from each other,” Aidyn stated.

“Fucking great. Lowan is following in his father’s footsteps,” Lucan shot back.

Everyone nodded in agreement. The guardians were already fighting the curse placed on them centuries ago; this simply added gasoline to the fire. Lileta knew since Marcus had found his mate, it appeared his curse had been pushed back. The stain that grew and threatened to turn him into a blood-thirsty monster had been settled by Cassie. The others hoped finding their mates might do the same. So far, no one else had been lucky enough. Then again, it wasn’t as if they had time with all the demon activity going on. It looked like they were going to have to wait for a sign from above to point them toward their mate. Lileta glanced at Lucan. From their earlier conversation, she gathered he knew who his mate was. Or was he living on hope?

Baal looked at his sister. “Lileta, do you know anything that can help?”

“No, I was given the dagger but have no idea what he did to them.” She wished she could be of more assistance.

“Well, we will just have to continue to be careful. At least, we know at this point our healers can reverse the damage.” Aidyn leaned forward. “Let us hope this will not change in the future. I stand by my order that you will remain in teams of at least two.”

“Have we gained any information from Odage’s interrogation?” Caleb asked.

“He is too far gone to be any use to us. I have learned nothing,” Lucan piped up.

“Are you still planning on removing his head?”

Lileta made eye contact with Marcus. She couldn’t blame him for wanting the Draki overlord done in. He had caused so much trouble. She wondered as well what his fate would be.

Aidyn pressed his lips into a thin line. “It must be done; there is no other alternative.” He reached for the glass of water in front of him and took a long swig as if trying to wash down something distasteful. “Seth, what about that female you were tracking? The one who had the Phoenix god’s blade.”

“Wait…What? You’ve found the dagger of Embara?” Caleb asked.

Lileta held back a gasp. The legendary dagger that had been used to give Caleb the scar he now bore. She could scarcely believe it had been discovered.

“Seth, why don’t you fill our friend in here. He has a special interest in the blade,” Aidyn said.

Seth nodded and began to recount his encounter with a human woman. After saving her life, he actually had brief contact with the knife and was certain it was the one and only dagger of Embara. She later had shown up while he was in a fight, taken out a couple of demons, and vanished.

“She is proving most difficult to find,” he concluded.

Lucan shoved his elbow into Seth’s ribs. “You left out the part about her using your jewel sack as her personal stomping ground. When I found him, he was doubled over whimpering like a little girl.”

“I’d be careful pissing him off. He is half crazy, ya know,” Marcus replied with an amused look on his face. It was Cassie’s turn to shove her elbow into her mate’s ribs. “Ouch!”

“Play nice.” She shot him a menacing glare.

Seth raised a brow. “How can you determine that I am only half crazed? I may have crossed all the way over, and you just haven’t figured it out yet.” He flashed a crooked grin, and Cassie snorted.

“Regardless of Seth’s sanity or his jewels, we need to get that blade.” Aidyn’s fingers tapped the table. “I don’t need to remind any of you how dangerous that thing is in the wrong hands. We must find it and seal it away.”

“I might be able to help,” Caleb spoke up. “I’m a pretty good tracker. Do you have anything other than a description?”

“I have her scent, she smells of strawberries,” Seth replied.

He tilted his head. “Well, that’s not much to go on. I guess we can start at the location you first encountered her and move from there.”

“I’m going with you,” Lileta stated.

Caleb looked over at her. “I think, considering the events that are about to transpire, you should stay with Leria.”

“Oh, right.” She turned back to Aidyn, having forgotten all about Odage. “When do you plan to execute Odage?”

The guardian leaned back in his chair. “Today. Delaying it will not change anything.”

She nodded. “I need to see Leria. Has she been informed?”

“Not yet, we’ll go together.” Caleb stood. “We should do it now.”

“We can finish up our business without you. Go, I certainly don’t wish to be in your shoes,” Aidyn replied.

* * * *

Lileta grabbed Caleb’s hand once they exited the room and strode down the hall. Leria was with Ariana and the nanny at the other end of the compound. Sara, a lovely middle-aged woman, who was the daughter of a Chosen, had been brought in to care for the children only a few days before Lileta was told. She was familiar with the Chosen. Humans who’d been with the guardians since the beginning of time and helped with their affairs. In turn for their loyalty, they were given a home, money, and schooling. Marcus and now Cassie tended to any health issues that cropped up as well.

“I’m concerned about Leria. How was she the last time you saw her?” Lileta asked.

Caleb squeezed her hand. “You will be a wonderful mother to her. Stop worrying.” They rounded a corner. He stopped and pulled her into an embrace. “She is a remarkable girl, considering all she’s been through. You were my chosen, Lileta, for so many reasons.”

He brushed his knuckles across her cheek and sent shivers racing up her spine. She gazed into the depths of his brown eyes where love and desire stared back at her.

“I know, but what if the darkness takes over again?” She fought back a tear. “What if I hurt her? Caleb, I could never live with myself. I—”

He placed a finger on her lips. “Stop it right now. Haven’t you learned to trust me yet?” He cupped her face, pressed his fingers around the back of her neck and pulled her toward him. He dipped his head: his mouth consumed hers, and his tongue forced past her parted lips.

She moaned.

He nibbled her bottom lip before pulling back. “Have I failed you yet?”

She became mesmerized by the green flecks that swirled in the depths of his warm cocoa eyes. His dragon was challenging her, daring her to find fault. When she looked back, everything that had gone wrong had been from her own doing, and here he was. This glorious man standing in front of her. He had come back for her even when their bond was broken and he had no reason to. She lowered her gaze to his lips. She was ashamed of herself.

“No. It is I who have failed you. I should have trusted you when Lowan discovered me.” She tipped her head back and met his fiery gaze. “I feared for your life and could not stand the thought of your death. Your people need you.”

“I need you, damn it.” His features softened. “My people can survive without me, but I cannot live without you. Bond or not, I love you, and the fact I came back for you even after our bond was broken should prove that I am no longer in possession of my heart. You are.”

Overwhelming love wrapped around her like a warm snuggly blanket. He’d opened his emotions and merged them with hers. Allowing her to feel what his words could hardly express.

She smiled and palmed his cheek. “Caleb, my dragon mate. I love you. When this is over, I want to take Leria and go home. Back to the Carpathian Mountains where the three of us can begin our life together.” Her thumb brushed over his cheekbone. “I swear to the gods, I will never doubt you again.” She stood up on her toes and planted a firm kiss on his lips. Sighed then leaned back. “We better go see Leria. This will not be an easy task.”

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