Faye's Spirit (13 page)

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance

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“I bet.” Faye wondered if she had observed her with Jai and Garth.

“If they needed me they used to stand on the staircase and shout out for the watcher, and that meant me.”



Saskia Walker


“Have you watched the new owners with a woman?”

“You mean when you are with them?”

Faye nodded. Had Garth brought anybody else up to the top floor apartment?

“No, you’re the only guest who’s made it past the ground floor.” She jerked her head upwards. “And I don’t go up there.”

Why not? If she liked to watch, that would be the best place to be.

“Don’t you like what they’ve done to the rooms up there?” She asked the question tentatively, because she immediately felt as she had pushed into a sensitive area. What could it be? It wasn’t the site of her death. They’d already established that had happened outside the house.

“I had to live up there for a while, that’s all. It was a bad time for me.”

“And when you go up there the memories come?” She knew she was walking the line now, but she had to tease the information out to put the pieces together.

“The memories are always with me,” she said bitterly. “The pain comes if I’m up there alone, thinking on it, like I was.” Maud stared off into space for a while and her image faded then became clear again.

“Tell you what, if you feel sorry for me, you should have it off with them two down here, where I can watch.”

“You really are a naughty girl, aren’t you?”

“I wasn’t always, believe me. Good Catholic upbringing I had, and a strict mam. She hated that I was working here, even though I was only doing the catering. I got paid a lot better than being a dinner lady in a school but she didn’t care. It was all about what the neighbours would think, with ‘er.

“Do you know what, when I first came to work here I didn’t even realise the stuff people got up to. I thought married couples went to bed to make babies.” She gave a self-deprecating laugh. “I soon learnt there was much more to it than that.”

“That must have been a baptism by fire, learning about sexuality the way you did.”

“It came as a shock at first, but the girls were always talking about what they got up to with clients, in here.” She nodded around the kitchen. “While they were on a break. I soon got used to it.”



Saskia Walker


“It must have been very…arousing, hearing about it all, and seeing it, too.” Faye was getting aroused on the transferred memories. Although Maud hadn’t been one of the working girls here, she was clearly no blushing debutante and relished a little sex gossip, not to mention her voyeuristic streak.

“It was.” Her eyes narrowed. “And I’ve been thinking about the sexy times a lot, since those two arrived here.” She observed Faye a moment longer then leaned towards her, whispering. “Tell me, which one of them two is the best lover?”

Her head went from side to side as she asked the naughty question, her shoulders lifting. At first she’d been so still, and watchful. It was as if her deeply buried mannerisms were rising to the surface now that she interacted with someone. Faye was delighted. It meant she was getting somewhere, and it was a bonus to witness Maud opening up.

“Tell you what, I’ll cut you deal,” Faye said, matching up to Maud’s emergent cocky attitude with some of her own. “You tell me about the favourite lover you had, and I’ll tell you about those two.”

“What, I get your two for the price of my one?” Maud grinned.

“That’s the deal, take it or leave it.” Faye leaned against the fridge with one shoulder.

This was how it was with the women who had worked here, she was sure of it.

“We understand each other, I like that.” Maud braced her hands on her knees and nodded. “We had a girl here like you, liked two at the same time. Sandra her name was.”

Maud stared over at her, as if comparing her to Sandra. “She’d have loved them two.”

“What woman in their right mind wouldn’t like them two?” Faye commented, wondering about Sandra, and grateful for her too. Maud was relaxing, and she had revealed things about herself.

Maud nodded enthusiastically.

Presumably a woman couldn’t have worked somewhere like this if she was embarrassed by the subject, even if she was only responsible for the catering. Maud seemed to like chatting with someone who understood that. It wasn’t called the swinging Sixties for nothing, Faye reflected. In her quick foray into the newspapers from that time she’d discovered that there were several scandals around high-class call girls and high profile government ministers. Had this house been one of the infamous brothels that had brought www.total-e-bound.com


Saskia Walker


down several ministers living the high life before their cover was blown apart? “Tell me about your favourite.”

“Ah, well now, my favourite.” Again Maud’s expression grew reminiscent. “The best lover I ever had wasn’t one of the customers. He was the delivery man. He came here every week…you know, with the champagne and the stuff for the canapés. From Fortnum and Mason, he was. Top class nosh for the nobs.” She laughed softly. “This one time the boss lady hadn’t left me enough money to pay him, and I only had a bit of my own money which I needed for my electricity metre back at my bedsit. So he told me that he would cover the short fall, just this once, if I went with him in the back of his van.”

“What was he like?”

“Paulo was Italian. A tall man he was, good-looking. He didn’t say a lot, but he knew what he liked. I remember him giving me a hand up into the van. It felt outrageous to be doing it in there, to write-off the bill, but you see I’d fancied him for ages so I was quite happy with the suggestion.”

She wrapped her arms around herself and leant forward, smiling. “The van was full of the most delicious smells, spiced meats, fancy pastries and exotic fruit, all this posh grub.”

She inhaled, and Faye saw that aspect of her character in full glory then.

“He didn’t mess around. He liked to kiss, but once that was done he didn’t even wait to take our clothes off, he just told me to bend over a stack of boxes and did me from behind.

It felt so naughty, and he had this thing he did.” Her eyes rounded.

Faye’s attention was already well and truly hooked, but she really wanted to know what Paulo’s thing was.

“When he got a good rhythm going he spanked my bottom. Glory be,” she exclaimed,

“it was the strangest thing in the world, but it made it even better!”

Her mirth and her sexy tale were contagious, and Faye laughed.

“So, your turn now. Tell me about them two.” Maud nodded her head upstairs. She was almost challenging in her intensity. Maud clearly liked to be engaged, and she’d been lacking that.

“I think I must be a little like your naughty friend Sandra, I’m enjoying them both.”

“I’m enjoying them too. It’s the most fun I’ve had in ages, seeing them two here.”

“Apart from the builders?”



Saskia Walker


Maud gave her an appreciative nod. “Yes, those chaps were quite the entertainers.

Apart from the occasional reference to football and ale and food, all they seemed to do was compare notes on their sex lives. Their wives and girlfriends must have had their ears on fire.”

Faye wondered if she imagined it, or whether Maud’s eyes were really twinkling in her ghostly face as she related her thoughts on the builders. “I’m sure the builders would have loved having a glamorous woman like you watch them as they went about their work.”

The bond between them was growing, for which Faye was grateful.

“There was this one chap, he was like some sort of an assistant, did most of the carting around of bags of plaster and the like, and he seemed to sense I was here. Of course he didn’t understand it and he couldn’t actually see me, but he always looked over his shoulder when I came into the room. I know it’ll probably sound daft to you,” she added and paused, “but it gave me a little boost, you know, thinking that he was looking at me.”

It seemed to Faye that what Maud missed most of all was being appreciated as a feminine woman, which even in her ghostly form she was. The height of sixties allure, she wore long false eyelashes, her big smoky eyes the focal point in a pretty oval face. It was the classic Jean Shrimpton look, hair stacked high and corkscrew tendrils. Quintessential Sixties style with the fitted mini dress and big shoes.

Faye was so busy admiring her that she didn’t become aware of another person approaching until Maud looked towards the doorway and fell silent on her reminiscing.

“No-show from our ghost then?”

The male voice made Faye jump. She’d been far away, enjoying the exchange of gossip and transported back to the ‘sixties by Maud’s storytelling.

Garth stood in the doorway. He had put on a black dressing gown that made him look rather like a spy from a glamorous movie. And he looked at her with a brooding, almost predatory expression, as if he wanted her back in his arms.

Faye exchanged glances with Maud. It was then that Faye realised she’d paused in the conversation just as he’d arrived, and he hadn’t realised she was conversing with Maud.

When she didn’t respond, he looked a bit awkward. “I’m not interrupting your alone time, am I?”

Maud shook her head vigorously.



Saskia Walker


“Not at all,” Faye said quickly. “I was just wondering about what the house was like back in the ‘sixties.”

Garth walked towards her. “It was a maze of different sized rooms, when we came in.

Looked as if there had been lots of sublets.”

Maud covered her mouth with her fingers, but she was grinning.

Faye looked at Garth from under her lashes, infected by Maud’s mood. “I guess they needed lots of rooms for all the sexy action going on here.”

“I can’t get over that, about it being a fancy bordello. It’s hard to imagine.” He glanced around his kitchen, but didn’t seem to sense Maud’s presence at all.

Faye observed that point and wondered if it was because Maud was hanging back, watching. Perhaps it was only when she made an effort towards the men that they became aware of her. It was something she’d have to make notes on, she realised. Whatever the reason for his lack of awareness, it tickled Faye. Garth had desire in his eyes. The invisible presence of Maud—who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying Garth in his dressing gown and exchanged glances with Faye every now and then—made the sexual tension of the moment heighten for Faye.

Maud had a wayward, naughty look about her. Faye responded to it, riding on the wave of the moment. “What, even when the three of us are going at it in your bed, you can’t imagine the sexy action that went on in bygone times here?”

Garth huffed a laugh. The humour in his eyes turned to molten heat, his thoughts obviously wandering. “You’ve got a point.”

Faye winked at Maud, who seemed to egg her on.

She turned her attention to the refrigerator, opening the door as if having a rifle through the contents. The masculine shirt she had borrowed covered her up quite well, but when she bent over to look into the fridge it rode up, exposing the tops of her thighs, and probably more. “I was wondering what you have in here.”

Garth joined her beside the fridge.

As soon as he did, she shut it and focused on him. It was a risk with Maud, who had initially been jealous, but Maud gave her so much encouragement she had to go with it.

Stepping closer to him, Faye stroked her hands down over the silky black fabric covering his chest. “I say, this is a rather sexy number. It suits you.”



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Garth looked at her as if he wasn’t sure she was being serious. “Really? It was a gift from my mother.”

“Your mother has good taste, and she wanted you to look good.” Faye looked at Maud. “I’m sure anyone would agree with me.”

Encouraged, Maud slipped from her perch on the table and sidled closer to them. Faye knew what this was about. She’d promised she’d share what it was like with them, what better way than a demonstration? She touched him through the sexy garment, feeling the virile strength of the man beneath.

Garth gave a slow, sexy grin. He covered her hands with his. “If you keep doing that, this erection you got started will demand real action.” He took the opportunity to push the shirt she was wearing down her shoulders and off.

Faye shivered and moved closer. She noticed that he was more straightforward when Jai wasn’t there. She lowered one of her hands and wrapped it around his hardening cock, moving the silky fabric of his gown over it as she did so.

Garth groaned. His he rested his head back against the wall and he spread his feet, widening his stance. His lips were pressed together tightly, and he lowered his eyelids as he watched what she was doing.

Faye had already been turned on by Maud’s stories about the girls and the delivery man, and now Garth was here. Garth, the man who’d engaged her with his voice over the phone. The one who had made her feel cherished and special even while he was banging her to oblivion. “What, you mean like this?”

“You’re a minx,” he commented.

“You better believe it.”

When he shut his eyes for a moment, she nodded at Maud.

Maud moved closer still, observing as Faye gradually allowed the fabric to slip away and Garth’s erection bowed out from his hips.

Wrapping her free hand around the column of his neck, she smiled up at him. Her pussy tingled with arousal. The presence of a very erect, very willing cock had that effect on a girl, especially one belonging to such an adorable man.

She purred her approval as she looked at his cock.

“You’re going to make me come,” he muttered beneath his breath.



Saskia Walker


Faye stood on tiptoe and kissed his mouth. “You bet I am,” she said as she pulled away. “Preferably over the table with you fucking me from behind.”

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