Faye's Spirit (5 page)

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Faye's Spirit
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Jai seemed to be all for it. Garth held back a tad more, and she sensed he was still disgruntled that Jai hadn’t left earlier. Nevertheless, the brooding passion in his eyes assured her he might be interested in playing along, Jai or no Jai.

“Hey Garth,” Jai said, as if grabbing the moment and moving things along, “perhaps we can take the rest of the wine up to your apartment and chill out there for a while.”



Saskia Walker


On her earlier tour she’d seen the place was open plan, with a bed so handy it was blatantly suggestive. “I can pop back down later if I sense her lurking about.”

Jai moved his fingers from her hair to her neck, and stroked her there, making an intimate connection. He spoke without taking his attention away from her. “I think it sounds like a great idea, don’t you, Garth?”

Tension emanated from the spot where Garth stood.

For a moment she thought he would say no, then he reached for her hand.

Her heart tripped a beat.

Clasping her hand tightly in his, he nodded. “Allow me to lead the way.”

* * * *

Garth couldn’t quite believe it. He’d scarcely welcomed his companions into his private apartment space at the top of the building and Jai had managed to get Faye into his arms. Garth had been ready to play along, to let her know he was every bit as interested as Jai, even if he hadn’t been so obvious and hands-on about it. Now it felt as if he’d had the rug pulled from under his feet, because Jai had got the advantage.

He’d known that Jai might push it forward and quickly, and Garth already felt out of his depth, but the turn of events left him speechless. Garth had been pointing out the way to the top floor bathroom then turned around to see it unfold before his very eyes. Faye stepped in, looking around the place admiringly, the colour in her cheeks high and her eyes bright. Jai was close behind her and when she stumbled on her heels, Jai was right there—scooping her into his arms from behind and steadying her on her feet.

Fair enough, it was the right thing to do.

But Jai didn’t let go. Instead, he clasped her tighter to him and danced with her body spooned against his. When she let out a gasp of surprise followed by a mischievous giggle, Garth was mesmerised by the way she looked in another man’s arms. The way they moulded together, like two familiar lovers, made him want to hold her that way too. Somehow Mr Charm had slipped in and beaten him to it. He couldn’t believe this was happening again. It was like reliving the Izzy disaster all over again.



Saskia Walker


Faye wasn’t Izzy though. Izzy had been a wild child, into everything. Faye was a woman.
I want her, badly.

From the moment he’d heard her voice he’d been intrigued. She managed to sound fun and reassuring at the same time, and when she arrived the attraction quickly solidified.

He hadn’t felt like this in a long while. The hint of mischief in her expression attracted him most of all. She was all woman too, her pretty frame softly curved beneath that floaty dress she had on—the dress that Jai currently stroked over her hip with one hand.

Say something, you fool
, Garth urged himself. He could cope with that, he had to stay on the ball. “Are you okay, did you trip on something?”

“I’m fine. I just caught my heel on the door plate.” She seemed keen to reassure him, but there was a distinct breathiness to her tone, as if she was aroused by Jai’s hands on her.

“I’m sorry about that. I’ll have to check it out. It might need to be adjusted.”

“Music, we need music,” Jai murmured, but he didn’t make a move to do anything about it, just threw the suggestion out there.

The sense of injustice Garth felt kept him rooted to spot, unable to do anything but watch as Jai turned Faye around in his arms, making her face him—still dancing their hips together all the while—and when he got her exactly where he wanted her, he ducked his head down and touched his cheek to hers, dancing on.

Faye responded. She wrapped her hands around Jai’s neck. He nuzzled beneath her jaw, apparently kissing her there. Garth cursed silently, wishing that he’d at least had a chance to put some more lights on. The spotlights from the kitchen area were on and that sent a mellow light into the seating area. He liked it that way on an evening, whilst winding down, but he felt the urge to switch more lights on and shock Jai out of his role as primo player in the house. They were barely inside the door. If he didn’t take action soon he’d be forced to leave them alone. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

Before he had a chance to make that move and flood the place with light, Faye turned and locked eyes with him, and it changed everything. The look she gave him made him reconsider. Half-lit, she looked so damn sultry. The lights were perfect as they were. There was an invitation there in her eyes. She didn’t want him to leave them alone.

Garth couldn’t walk away.



Saskia Walker


Jai lifted his head too and without breaking the entwined embrace they were locked in, they both stared Garth’s way.

Expectation built in the atmosphere.

“Our host looks as if he thinks he’s missing out on the action,” Jai commented.

Garth gritted his teeth, determined not to let Jai rile him, not now. Instead he studied Faye, wanting to know her thoughts, determined to do so.

She nodded at Jai’s comment, but she didn’t break the eye contact she maintained with Garth.

Garth clung to that. “You’re my guest. Are you comfortable with this…situation?”

After a long moment she responded. “I think so, if you are?”

Her voice trembled slightly, but she wasn’t under pressure. Was Jai right, did she want them both? Was she kinky that way and, if so, what did she want exactly—a threesome, or someone to watch her getting it on with Jai? The questions flooded his mind, and Izzy strolled through his confused thoughts again as well, making him question his own motives.

This was not about Izzy. That much he knew, despite Jai’s suggestion that it was. He was a different man now and he wanted Faye.

Still Jai stroked her body, shifting the fabric of her dress as he did so, making the hemline shift higher. Garth couldn’t have turned away even if he wanted to, because he wanted to touch her the way Jai was, maybe lifting that dress high enough so that he could cup her bottom and lift her against him. It struck him how easily he could hold and carry her—and wrap her legs around him—if she wanted him to. His cock hardened.

When Jai kissed her neck again, her head dropped back. Her breasts buoyed against the fabric of her dress—and against Jai’s body.

The tension in Garth’s shoulders built. His spine grew ramrod straight. He wanted to cause that reaction in her, he wanted to feel her body ripple under his hands as he kissed and stroked her and made love to her.

Jai moved, turning Faye to face Garth more openly. Jai stood behind her with his hand wrapped around her waist while he kissed the side of her face in a playful, light-hearted way.

Fuck him
. Garth couldn’t be like that with a woman, not right away, and Faye was enjoying what Jai was doing her. What chance did he have?



Saskia Walker


“Perhaps Garth is enjoying seeing you this way,” Jai said, loud enough for everyone’s benefit, “and who could blame him, you’re a very attractive woman.”

Garth battled with his self-control. Why couldn’t he be more like Jai? He wanted to go over there and grab her into his arms, but he was afraid that if he did he might be tempted to thump his old friend in the process. “You’re being deliberately provocative, Jai.”

Faye shifted within Jai’s grasp. “I thought you two had done this before.”

Nonplussed, Garth gave her a querying look.

“Shared a woman,” she added.

Jai only seemed to thrive on her remark. He locked both arms around her waist and watched Garth over her shoulder, his mouth curved at one corner. “You like the idea do you, the idea of Garth and I sharing a woman?”

“Yes, but I thought that’s what you…” Her voice trailed off and her eyelids lowered.

Her cheekbones coloured.

Garth could see that Jai stroked her again, moving his hand over her hip bones. He rocked against her from behind. Garth curled his hands into fists. She would be able to feel everything against her back, and Jai was bound to have an erection. Christ knows he had one, and he wasn’t even touching her.

“No, we haven’t shared a woman.” Garth put it out there, needing to state that truth, but perversely also wanting to push things forward. What with his urge to compete with Jai and sexual desire feeding his thoughts and actions, logic and reason were slipping from his grasp. “Why, do you want that?”

Her eyelids lifted. “It was a fantasy of mine and when I met you, I thought…” The colour on her cheeks heightened. “I got the impression that maybe you had.”

“Just because we haven’t, doesn’t mean we never would.” Jai moved his fingers to her chin, turning her face to his and kissing her on the mouth.

Garth’s cock ached within the confines of his clothing—his balls tightening, his body readying for sex—even while he wondered if he could live up to her fantasy. Sharing a woman with Jai? He’d thought about it, because of Izzy, but he never really believed it could happen. And still he doubted his own motivations.
Too long without a woman
. But no, he still wanted her. Her tinkling laughter, her grounded words and that flashing smile magnetised him.



Saskia Walker


When Jai drew back he looked Garth directly in the eye. Slowly that dress of hers had shifted up her thighs. “I’m sure Garth would like to see what you look like when someone is making love to you.”

Garth caught sight of over-the-knee stocking tops and purple lace panties, and he lost it. “I would like to see that,” he said, overly loudly, “but I’d rather be the person who was making love to her.”

It came out of nowhere, but Garth couldn’t help himself. He had to have his say or this thing would be out of his control.

Faye moaned softly.

Despite the frustration he felt he could see that Jai was pleased by his response. Garth twitched with annoyance. He was being drawn in but he resented the feeling that he was being manipulated by his more experienced friend. “Show some respect. Faye is our guest, not a plaything.”

Jai gave a husky laugh. “Well, Faye, your honourable host is worried that you aren’t happy about this. If he could feel the energy coming off you,” he paused and ran his fingers from her chin down her neck and into her cleavage, before cupping his hand around one breast, “I don’t think he’d have any doubts.”

Garth ground his teeth, narrowing his eyes as he observed.

Faye’s eyelids lowered and she moaned aloud when Jai’s hand moved around her breast, holding her through her dress. “I’m okay,” she murmured, panting for breath, and looked at Garth. “Don’t worry.” Then she reached out her hand to him, her fingers beckoning to him. “Please, come closer.”

Pure, primal lust surged through Garth.

“You are such a temptation.” He whispered the words under his breath, never thinking for a moment she would hear him.

“This situation, that’s the temptation.” Her expression showed him how much she wanted them both.

Garth crossed the space and somehow he was up against her. He’d closed the gap. His aim was to draw her away from Jai, but Jai seemed to be so much better prepared. He still held her by the shoulders, kissing her collarbone from behind, pushing aside the fabric of her www.total-e-bound.com


Saskia Walker


dress to enable him to access the soft skin there. Garth kissed her, locking his hands around her waist.

Her lips parted under his.

He was swamped in her, and it was everything he wanted.

She shifted and wrapped her hands around Garth’s shoulders while leaning back into Jai, and Garth felt what Jai had referred to—her willingness to be with them both. Jumbled thoughts made their way into his consciousness. It should be wrong. It should feel wrong. It wasn’t meant to be this way. One on one. This was too kinky.
Shouldn’t have drunk so much.

How strong was that bloody wine anyway?

Nevertheless his cock felt rock hard inside his trousers and somehow the way Jai held her against him made it feel so much more intense. He ran his hands down from her waist and around her hips, daring to lift her from the floor for a moment before resting her back on her heels. What he really wanted to do was wrap her legs round his hips and carry her to the bed.

Jai seemed to offer her to him. It jarred. But he wanted to master his insecurity, had to.

Faye was willing. Despite his reserve, the need to experience this had him firmly in its grip.

She wanted it. He’d be a fool to deny it now. She was moulded around him, her womanly body keyed to his, one knee lifted against his thigh, ready for the taking.

Like she would be with Jai if he still held her?

The thought of Jai making love to her as well made him falter. Jai would do it, if that’s what she wanted. Garth braced himself. He had to taste her first, before Jai. Perversely, the thought of Jai getting intimate with her as well made his cock harder still.
What the hell

Losing it now

Faye locked her hands around his hips, and his cock pressed against her abdomen.

Her tongue stroked over his, inviting him in, the warm damp heat of her mouth making him think of easing his cock into her pussy as well. Meanwhile, the soft feminine curve of her belly seemed to give, to cradle his erection, which showed him how much he wanted to be inside her—really inside her. Cursing silently, he wondered what the hell had got into him.

No woman had made him lose it that his way, not ever. The need to be buried to the hilt inside her made him reel out of control, yet his fundamental moral character demanded he was proper and true.

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