Faye's Spirit (7 page)

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Faye's Spirit
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Jai murmured something incomprehensible at her back and his cock arched and jerked in orgasm—rubbing against the front wall of her sex—and set loose another bolt of pleasure.

Hot fluid sluiced down her inner thighs and her entire groin and lower belly burned with the heat of her release.

Still he rode in and out of her, even after he came, which only served to draw out her climax until she felt faint with it and felt as if she’d have to be peeled off the bed.

* * * *

By the time she could focus, Garth was kissing her palm.

“You look gorgeous,” he whispered.

“I agree. You were made for this.” Jai’s cock slipped from her body and he leaned right over to kiss her mouth.



Saskia Walker


Where Garth was demanding with his kisses, Jai was more playful and seductive. She reached out with her free hand and threaded her fingers through his hair, marvelling at how it felt to have two men pleasuring her. It surpassed every fantasy she’d ever had.

“So, let me get this straight,” Jai said, capturing her right on the edge, rolling her to her back, as if determined not to let her drift, “you’ve been looking for the right two guys to have a threesome with?”

“What, oh.” Faye took a breath then laughed.

He had a faux quizzical glance on his face. He kept it light, in the aftermath.

“No, it wasn’t quite like that.” She was trapped in his arms, and she wriggled until she freed one hand then thumped his chest playfully.

“But you knew someone who’d had two men, and it made you curious?”

She turned her head on the pillow and looked at Garth.

When their eyes met he reached out and stroked her hair, as if he’d been waiting to touch her again. Something about his expression made her ache to touch him too.

“Yes, it made me curious. It’s my sister, so I…um, hear a lot about it.” She kept it to one sister for the time being. She didn’t think it would be right to announce she felt like the odd one out because
her sisters were involved in three way relationships.

“Sister, huh. That explains it.” Jai shifted onto his side, which left space for Garth to move closer to her other side and lay alongside her. “Your eyes, my dear, were everywhere…when you turned up here.”

“You’re a cheeky sort, aren’t you,” Faye said, but she laughed.

It could have got heavy there afterwards, but he made it seem like it was the most natural thing in the world for them to be lying in Garth’s bed, three of them, talking about their first moments together. “My eyes are always everywhere. It’s part of my natural curiosity about life, and the afterlife, and everything.”

“You’re still curious about the ghost, now?” Jai seemed surprised.

“What, you think I’d forgotten about my commission, just because you were both showing me such a good time?” She could give as good as she got with the teasing, but it served as a reminder. She quickly put out feelers. There was some paranormal activity in the house, but it was a remainder of what went before. She
forgotten—which even she could www.total-e-bound.com


Saskia Walker


forgive herself for, given the circumstances—but Jai didn’t need his ego boosted. Not right then.

“Besides, I might have been curious about having a threesome, but I never really thought it would happen. I assumed it would remain a fantasy, to be completely honest with you.”

When she smiled at him, Garth shifted, unfurling his limbs as he took up the place that was there on the bed for him.

“I’m glad I got to be part of your fantasy.” He looked at her as if he entranced.

Faye acted on instinct. Reaching up, she wrapped her hands around his head as she kissed him. His mouth, so firm and masculine, moved against hers as he returned her kiss with passion. With a possessive hand he drew her close to his chest, then moved it in small circular motions against her back, as if soothing her.

The man was big and gruff and competitive by nature, but he had a gentle side to him that made her feel cherished. Behind her she heard Jai plump a pillow as he shifted up the bed.

When she drew away from Garth and glanced back she saw that Jai had propped himself up and was happily observing.

“Don’t let me interrupt,” he said, and waved his hand encouragingly.

Faye felt her face heat, but it didn’t matter. The self-consciousness she felt only seemed to make it better—wilder and kinkier. She had begun to discover her exhibitionist streak.

Garth’s eyes were darkening. Against her thigh his cock was getting hard. “Can you go another round?”

Laughing softly, she nodded. When she lay on her back, Garth climbed over her, easing her legs apart to lie between them.

“I may die of ecstasy,” she added.

“I’m so glad you’ve got a twelve pack of condoms,” Jai commented at her side, with irony. “It looks as if it’s going to be long night.”



Saskia Walker


Chapter Five

Faye stirred in her sleep. The atmosphere changing in the house had disturbed her.

Once she felt that, it quickly pulled her out of her doze. Lifting her head from the pillow she blinked and looked around. The presence of a man either side of her made her inhale sharply, the events of the evening quickly running through her mind.

Faye savoured their masculine bodies, marvelling at how that made her afterglow that much more vibrant. Then a wave of tension rippled through the atmosphere from the direction of the staircase beyond. The men slumbered on. Was the ghost on the prowl? She knew she would have to pursue it, even though she wanted to stay right where she was.

With extreme care she extracted herself from the tangle of arms and legs and manoeuvred down the bed. Picking up an abandoned shirt on the way, she pulled it on to cover her nakedness, then made her way towards the apparition who unwittingly sent out psychic information on the staircase outside. Garth had said the ghost favoured the downstairs, especially the kitchen. Perhaps curiosity had drawn her closer.

Was there more than one resident ghost? The question occurred to her as Faye crept towards the landing outside Garth’s flat. Whoever it was, she willed the spirit not to depart.

At the doorway she watched and waited, but she felt pretty sure there was only one spirit out there, the woman she’d seen earlier. Braving herself for whatever she would face, she stepped out on to the gloomy landing and closed the door behind her.

Walking quickly down the stairs, she isolated herself with the ghostly presence that materialised on the landing below.

The woman backed into a corner and stared fixedly at Faye. “You can see me?”

Her reed-thin voice was barely audible.

Faye nodded. “I have the ability. My name is Faye.”

She hoped the woman would reveal her name, or some other identifying detail that would help in the hunt for information. Instead she looked beyond her and up the stairs into Garth’s private space.



Saskia Walker


As Faye became accustomed to the gloom she saw that a look of dismay was apparent in the ghost’s expression. When she looked back at Faye she frowned.

Great, a jealous ghost.
“Are you happy that people live here again?”

“I was.”

Oh dear.
“I’m only a visitor here. I’ll be gone soon. Please tell me your name.”

The spirit looked a smidge less irritated, but she was definitely rather possessive about the two men. “Maud, Maud Radisson.”

Faye took a step closer and stretched out her fingers, turning her palms towards the spirit, opening herself to any contained memories and emotions that might be carried with her.

The woman, Maud, eyed her warily.

“Why do you linger here?”

The spirit looked confused. She shook her head at Faye.

“Tell me,” Faye encouraged, “I can help you.”

Again Maud shook her head. “No one can help me.”

“Well no, not if you snap at them like that they won’t.”

Maud’s lips thinned and she folded her arms over her chest.

Back to aggression and being defensive. Nevertheless, Faye had the feeling she was annoyed with herself most of all. “Don’t you want to talk?”

Faye shrugged and began to turn away.

“Look here,” Maud blurted, halting Faye’s footsteps. “No one else who’s come to this house has been able to see me. There was no one for me to communicate with until you came.”

Faye turned around. “You’re saying you’re a bit rusty and I should ignore your rather blunt remarks and your jealousy?”

Maud pursed her lips, but nodded. “Yes. Sorry.”

The apology was grudgingly given, but it was also obvious she didn’t want to give up the chance to converse with someone who could see her.

“Did many people come before? I heard the house was empty for a long time.”

“Oh yes, it was, officially. But still people came. For a while three people lived here.”

Her expression immediately began to lift as she spoke. “Squatters, that’s what they called www.total-e-bound.com


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themselves. They couldn’t see me though.” She said it with a weary resignation, as if she still couldn’t quite believe it, after all these years. “Then one morning the coppers came and broke through the door and forced them to leave.”

“I didn’t particularly like them, always talking politics they were, but I missed them when they were gone.” She gave a self-deprecatory laugh. “Surprised myself there.”

“Someone to watch?”

Maud nodded. “Occasionally people would barge in here just to look at the place, peeling off the plaster on the walls and poking things in the floorboards.” She looked annoyed by that. Her connection to the house was deep.

“Surveyors perhaps,” Faye suggested.

Maud observed Faye with wary curiosity, as if she wasn’t quite sure what a surveyor was but didn’t want to ask. “For a long time it seemed as if no one would ever live here again and the building would just rot away…like me.”

“You must have been pleased when Garth and Jai bought the place?”

“I like them, and it was fun to watch the builders while they were working. Although I’m not sure about some of the things they did here.”

Faye cast her mind back to where she knew about the 1960s and realised how different this must look to Maud. “Some of the things they’ve done here are because they are architects. They want to make an impression.”

“Is that why they put the glass wall in?” Maud seemed generally intrigued.

“Yes, it’s so that people who are sitting in the waiting room can see where the work goes and get a feel for the kind of ideas they have, with those scale models of buildings.”

It felt odd informing Maud, a resident, about the house usage, but Faye had the feeling Maud appreciated it. It also made Maud relax, which would hopefully lead to a deeper discussion. Faye had an agenda. She needed to know what kept Maud here.

“Back in my time all of that would have been hidden. Things were changing, but mostly no one knew how stuff was made.”

“What year was it, when your life ended?”

Maud became tense. She glanced away, and for several moments an awkward silence filled the atmosphere. “It’s all a bit of a blur, but I think maybe it was early in 1965. It was winter.”



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Faye wasn’t sure if she should push any further, but Maud stared at her, an expectant, challenging look in her eyes, and the question hung in the air between them.

“Maud, did you die here in the house?”

Maud’s face went blank.


Inside a heartbeat, her spirit faded and was gone.

“Damn and blast. I asked too soon.” She glanced around the landing and back at the spot where Maud had stood. “Sorry, love. I shouldn’t have asked you that.”

Maud would come back, she told herself. Meanwhile, she could find out herself how Maud had died by doing a little bit more digging. Now that she knew her name, she had a start.

She stepped over to the place where Maud had stood in order to engage with her residual psychic aura, forming a connection with her before it wisped away on the night air.

Then she glanced at the light at the landing window. It was near dawn. In a few hours, the offices of the registrar of birth and death would be open and she would get started.

Meanwhile, good progress had been made in the communication stakes, and hopefully Maud would share more soon.

* * * *

“Her name is Maud.” Faye hesitated, unsure if the news about Maud’s attraction to the two men would cause even more tension between them. “She’s developed quite a fondness for you and seemed quite put out by my presence.”

Jai laughed softly. “Are you saying she doesn’t like having other women around?”

“Maybe. I’m not sure yet.” She munched on a second croissant. Jai had brought them breakfast in bed.

“I have an ex who was like that,” Jai added. “Couldn’t stand it when another woman tried to speak to me.”

“Do you blame her,” Garth mumbled in between sipping his coffee.



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“I think she’ll get used to it,” Faye clarified. “At least she told me her name, so she’s starting to communicate. It was only when I asked about her attachment to this place that she backed off. I think it would really help to get out there and find out a bit more about Maud.”

Garth looked puzzled. “You can do that?”

“Local council records, registrar’s office, library, that sort of thing. A bit more specific digging than I can do on the Internet.”

Jai stretched and yawn. “I’ll come with you, sounds intriguing. What time does this place open?”

“That’s a point, look at the time.” Garth sprang into action, leaping out of the bed like an Olympic athlete.

Faye watched, agog with interest at his naked body in action.

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