Fearless Attraction (Cassie Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Fearless Attraction (Cassie Series)
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"She’s awake and nine centimeters dilated, she is going to start pushing soon. Come on in." The phone goes dead and I start walking even faster.

Avery is still walking behind me. "I didn't mean for that to come out rude, Cassie. I was just saying I'm glad you'll be protected while I'm gone, since I can't be here to do it myself."

"Whatever," I grumble. I hit the button on the elevator so I can head upstairs.

He grabs my shoulders and turns me. "Listen to me right now." His head comes towards me until we're eye to eye, and he is giving me a very stern look. "I should have answered and I'm sorry I didn't. That is going to haunt me for a long ass time. I'm not sure I can apologize enough about that. I want to protect you, no matter if we're friends or in a relationship or nothing at all, I'll always want to protect you. So don't think I won't. From now on, whenever you call me, I'll be there. If I don't answer, I'll call back as soon as I can. I promise you. I won't let this happen again."

I tremble from his words. Before I can speak the ding behind me indicates the elevator has landed on the floor, so I turn and walk into the elevator without a word to Avery. He follows me in but stands on the opposite wall from me. His head is down and he uses his fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose. I didn't mean to make him feel that guilty, or that bad. But once again, we're always hurting each other.

"I'm not mad at you," I say as the elevator doors open. I step out and walk down the hall to Aubrey's room. He doesn't say anything but he follows, remaining a few steps behind. When I get to her door, I turn abruptly and look at him. "She is about to push, so you won't want to come in. I'll see you later." I open the door then close it behind me, not letting him say another word.

































Chapter Eighteen


"Welcome to the world Dakota Ainsley," I coo.

Aubrey did such a good job with her labor, I'm so proud of her. Although, I can say with complete certainty, I do not want kids any time soon. Even if her little bundle of joy is oh so adorable.

"Wow, you look just like your daddy." I look up to Mason and he is smiling with so much pride. I don't think I've ever been happier for my best friend than in this moment right now. I look back down to the precious baby with a scrunch face and puffy lips, wrapped in the softest yellow fleece.

"Come on, there are others here that want a chance to hold the newest addition." I pout as I hand the baby off to Aubrey's step-father. He looks down and smiles wide, talking baby talk already. I love seeing all these men becoming so soft. I guess that is what babies will do to you.

I walk over to Aubrey and hug her. "Congratulations again, I'm so, so proud of you. Is there anything you need me to get you?"

"Coffee," she says with a weak smile. Yeah, I can imagine she is going to need some.

"No," Mason interrupts. "Tea or something, no coffee. Or it has to be decaf. You're nursing, you can’t have that junk."

She glares his way, warning him to say more. She smiles with glee when she faces me again. "I just was in labor for fifteen hours, if I want some coffee I'll get some." I know her words are more meant for Mason than me. I wouldn't argue with her if I were him. "Would you be a dear and get me a coffee with caffeine please? Because if not, someone is going to end up with only one parent by the end of the night." Her eyes focus on Mason again for a very quick moment.

He huffs out a breath and settles in the chair next to her bed, completely defeated.

I smile at her victory. Although, I'm not sure if she really can have caffeine or not. I don't want her to harm the baby. I'm not sure how that all works but Mason apparently does. I don't argue though, too scared of that right now. "Yes, I'll go get you some. I'll be back in a moment."

"Make it an extra-large iced with extra sugar," she yells when I walk out the door.

I spot a nurse and run over to her, then I ask her if the baby will be alright if I get Aubrey a coffee. She laughs at my panicked expression, and tells me it'll be fine. Aubrey just needs to nurse first for as long as possible, then drink the coffee and continue drinking it moderately. She recommends if I'm getting an extra-large to do a half-cafe. Oh boy, Aubrey will shoot me if she ever finds out, but that is exactly what I do.

The nurse explains the same thing to Aubrey when I show back up with her extra-large iced coffee with extra sugar, just as requested. She grunts out her frustration and I can see her eyeing the coffee while she places the baby to her breast. I have to bite my tongue from laughing because I know she'll go bat shit if I laugh at her right now. She's been through enough. She should be spoiled rotten.

Once she gets her coffee, she nearly moans. "Oh, this is amazing! Thank you."

I pick the baby back up and cuddle her close to me. I don't know if I ever want to let her go again, she is just way too cute. Just then Avery walks in. "Its safe right?" He holds his hand over his face. Aubrey and Mason were letting only family visit at first, now it's time for friends to be able to come in.

Mason laughs. "Yeah, man, its fine."

He pulls his hand away, then congratulates the new parents. He walks over and looks down at Dakota in my arms, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Wow, she is perfect. Wait, it is a girl right?"

I look up at him and smile. "Yeah."

His eyes meet mine and we both stare at each other for a few minutes. I could picture this. Him and I having a baby together. Not any time soon, but in the future. This feels right, it feels nice. All too soon he clears his throat and looks back down to her instead of me. "Mind if I hold her?"

"Of course not." I hand her over and have to show him the proper way to hold an infant. And wow, its breathtaking. Seeing this tattooed, muscled young man hold this innocent, sweet little baby. I just stare in awe.

A sob escaping Aubrey's mouth startles and I turn towards her. She is watching Avery hold her baby. She must think the same thing as me. To stop from crying anymore, she shoves the straw in her mouth and sucks down more coffee. I simply smile at her but turn back to watch Avery hold Dakota. I don't think I can get enough of that view.

In fact.

I pull out my phone and snap a picture of him looking down at the bundle in his arms. His head snaps up at the sound and he is smiling pretty big. Without a warning I snap another picture. I view them both and they're mesmerizing.

The nurse comes in and says that she needs to do a few vitals on both Aubrey and baby, and discuss a few things, so visitors are asked to come back later. I give Dakota kisses and Aubrey another hug, then I leave and Avery follows.

"You sticking around?" he asks when I start walking down the hall.

I happen to yawn just at the thought of how exhausted I am. "I can't. I need some sleep pretty bad."

"Oh, right, yeah. I can imagine. You okay to drive?" I nod my head but don't answer him as we enter the elevator to head back downstairs. "You sure?"

I look at him and wonder why he seems so unsure. "Yeah." I don't ask why as much as it's on the end of my tongue.

He stares at me but doesn't say anything. When the doors open he places his hand on my lower back and we walk together to the parking lot. I roll my eyes when I see that his bike is parked next to my car.

We both pause awkwardly when we reach the vehicles. "Well," I say, pointing my thumb over my shoulder at my car. He just nods his head, staring at me, not saying anything. I take a step back, still staring at him as well. He takes a step closer to me and seems like he is internally debating something with himself. "I'll see you later," I say quietly.

His hands press into my cheeks and he pulls my face forward to meet his. His lips are soft against mine. His forehead rests against mine and he closes his eyes. "Sorry," he mumbles. His breath is warm on my lips, making me want another kiss but I fight my temptation. Something I'm usually not so good with.

"Don't be sorry," I say in a light tone as well.

Avery takes a few steady breaths before pulling back. He grabs his helmet and throws a leg over his bike before putting it on. I just stare at him, curious to what that was all about. He looks at me, starts his bike, then slowly backs out. I watch after him while he drives away, leaving me here dumbfounded.

The next two days I'm in and out of the hospital, spending as much time with Aubrey and Dakota as possible. There is a lot I learned just in those days about babies I had no idea about. Mason had to go right back into work, so I've been helping her with everything I possibly can, including just a shoulder to cry on as her body is mixed with all kinds of hormones. On the third day, Aubrey and baby got to go home, so Mason made sure to get the day and night off, so they can be together as a family.

Between classes and visiting Aubrey, I get a little behind on homework, so Wednesday and Thursday is spent catching up. Friday night when I get home from school, Avery's bike is parked outside my complex but he isn't on it. He is leaning against the wall next to my door when I make my way into the building with a small smile on his face.

I unlock the door and invite him in. Without asking, he walks over and gets a drink out of the fridge. Of course I don't mind, in fact, it reminds of when we were a couple and he felt so at home here. It kind of hurts that it isn't like that anymore, but I know it's my own fault so I don't say as much.

"So I got a pretty big favor to ask you."

I lean against my fridge and cross my legs at the ankles, watching him while he sits at the bar, drinking some of my soda. I don't ask him what, I Just wait for him to proceed. "You still got that empty room right?"

I lift a brow and nod my head. He smiles shyly at me. "I'm going to be gone off and on for ten months this time. I have different coaches and bus route, and will be home every three months for a week. I don't want to pay for my apartment while I'm gone because that'd just be a huge waste of money, so I was curious if I could rent out your room? I'd pay you, even for when I'm not here, and I'd have most of my stuff stored in there. Whatever doesn't fit will be at my dad’s house."

I want to say yes, but first I have to ask him a few things. I don't want to assume things here. "Why don't you just stay with your dad when your back?"

He twirls the soda can in his hand while he stares at me, taking a second to answer. "This may be wrong of me, but it's my way of making sure you're still... mine."

My knees actually weaken. I didn't think it possible. I slide down the front of the fridge and with a thump, my butt lands on the ground. I can tell he is trying to hold back his smile at my sudden reaction. I didn't mean for that to happen, it just did, because holy hell that was the last thing I was expecting from Avery.

"It uh, it doesn't mean I'm
if I let you, you know. It means I'm being friendly and giving you a place to stay. You're going to be gone for ten months, like you say, so that isn't fair to think I'm just going to wait around."

"I know," he agrees. Standing from the stool, he makes his way over and sits next to me on the ground. He grabs my hand, and puts our linked hands together on my lap. His thumb comes out and runs along my knuckles, making me feel all kinds of wonderful. "I'm not quite asking that of you."

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