Fearless Attraction (Cassie Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Fearless Attraction (Cassie Series)
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He plants his lips to my neck while his hand pulls my hips toward him. My ass is met with his erection and I have to bite down on my tongue not to laugh. Typical guy. He doesn't say anything as he separates my legs, then he adjusts me until we're lined up exactly how he needs to be.

I give him the one last time, needing it just as much, but not wanting to admit it out loud. He is quick to finish but he uses his fingers to get me off after him, so it made it all worth it.

He holds me for a few moments, then spanks my ass and he climbs over me and rushes out the room. I shake my head and adjust my shorts, then I follow after him. He uses the bathroom and turns on the shower. "I still got time for one more," he yells over his shoulder.

I hang my head but laugh at his request. His feet are in my vision a second later and I'm being pulled more into the bathroom. "What are you doing?" I ask him when my shirt is being pulled over my head.

He doesn't answer, he just continues to undress me, then he pushes my body in the direction of the shower. "We're getting showered."

"Together," I finish his sentence. "Which means more sex."

That boyish grin that I adore so much, that I won't see for three whole months, makes its way on his face. "Hell yeah it does. I need to get my fix and yours. Then both of us will be set until we meet again."

We both know that is far from the truth, but I don't argue. Instead I join him in the shower.

We do breakfast together, then he runs some last minute errands while I head over to Aubrey's to have some Dakota time. When I get there, Aubrey is in desperate need of a shower, as well as either caffeine or nap. I have seven hours until Avery's send off, so I send her to the bedroom to nap.

Two hours later, Dakota still doesn't woken up and either does Aubrey. I held her the whole time, which probably is frowned upon by some people, but I don't mind. I open Aubrey's door and she stirs in her bed but doesn't wake up. I decide to finally place the baby down in her basinet, then I make my way into the kitchen to fix her a small pot of coffee and some food. When it's all finished, I wake her up gently and tell her to shower while she has the chance.

She thanks me immensely, showers for an extra ten minutes longer than her normal time, then meets me in the kitchen. "She is still sleeping?" she asks in disbelief. "I can't get her to sleep through the day like this. It's so exhausting."

I hand her the food and coffee and she dives right in, thanking me between bites and sips. I smile at that. I'm glad I can do something to help my best friend out. Mason shows up just as she is finishing the plate and as if on cue, Dakota starts wailing out the tiniest, most adorable little cry.

Mason's face actually lights up as he rushes in towards his child. I don't think I've ever seen anything more adorable. Aubrey sighs as she watches him go in there. "I'm so lucky," she says.

"Yeah, you really are," I tell her.

She smiles at me. "Thanks for today, I needed that so much."

"You're welcome. Any time, you know that."

Mason comes back out, talking baby talk to his daughter. He looks back up at me and does a double take, like he is just now noticing I'm standing in their kitchen. "Oh, hey Cass. Visiting the princess?"

"Yeah, I watched her so Aubrey could sleep and shower."

"Awesome, thanks. I know, she usually waits until I get home. I appreciate the extra time with her though." He eyes his wife with a look that could only mean he is wanting a little action. Poor girl, I can't imagine she is ready for that any time soon. I watched that delivery, no way I'd be doing the dirty so soon after.

She rolls her eyes and gives him a "you wish" look.

Avery texts my phone right then.
Gotta head out early, be at ur place soon.

"Oh, crap, I gotta go." I tell them. They both say bye as I head out and make it to my apartment in record time. Avery arrives just seconds after I do and he laughs at the fact I rushed back home. "Didn't know you were gone."

"Visiting the baby," I tell him. His face scrunches, so I clarify. "Baby Dakota."

"Oh, right, yeah. She is so sweet. I'm going to miss that tiny girl." I laugh at him as we continue our way into the apartment.

Once we're in, he attacks my mouth. It takes me completely by surprise. "Yeah I lied," he mumbles.

I shove back at his chest. "What do you mean you lied?"

"I just needed one last time with you." He thrusts his hips forward and I can feel just how much he needs just one last time. We don't even make it to the bedroom, instead he bends me over the side of the couch, pumping into me hard. He really wants me to be completely satisfied for the next three months.

When we're done, I help him load my trunk, then he drives us in my car to where he has to meet his manager for the tour. He gives me at least twenty kisses when my trunk is unloaded, then he walks away with his luggage. My heart hurts as I slide into my seat and head back to the apartment. I make sure to pick up a tub of ice cream on the ride home and to grab a few rentals.

Once I'm back home, I throw on one of his tee-shirts he left behind, get my bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough, and settle into his bed. I take a picture of myself and send it to him, hoping he doesn't think I'm being too desperate.

He sends back a message telling me he wishes we could have had one last time to screw. I can't help but laugh at that. Guys, seriously, their brains truly are focused on that one thing way too often.


The following weekend, Amy decides to get me to go out again, but this time it's at the frat house. I decide since it's local and I know most the faces there, we'd be okay. Kevin is supposed to be showing up later that night anyways, and I know Carson and Shey are going to be there. I even confirmed that last one. Better safe than sorry.

It's the last large party of the year they're throwing, so it's twice as packed as usual. Amy, Shey, and I take Jell-O shots back to back when we first get here, but then we slow down, mostly just sipping on a pretty pink drink Shey insisted we try.

When we decide to get some fresh air outside, I'm caught off guard seeing Katie and Madison both making their way indoors. At least they don't notice me. I've come to be okay with Madison, its Katie I really don't want to communicate with, especially while drinking alcohol.

"What, are you already drunk or something?"

I turn towards Amy and tilt my head. "Not even close."

"Oh, good. You were just dazed out for a moment."

"No, just saw someone I didn't really want to see."

Her eyes glow with excitement to hear some gossip. Yeah, she is one of those girls. I try to stay away from it, but sometimes it's nice to vent out a few things. "Oh no one really, just this girl Katie that'd do anything to get her claws into Avery, and made it known when we were together."

"Oh, ew," Shey says. "The girl he made a sex tape with. So gross."

Everything around me comes to a sudden halt as I hear her say those words. "Excuse me? Who made one with her?"

She looks down at her drink with a guilty expression. "Shit, I'm sorry, I thought you knew."

"Knew what, Shey? Who made a sex tape with her?"

"Avery," she says quietly. It's so soft I almost don't hear it, but at the same time, she may as well yelled it to the roof tops. I stare her blankly and am not sure what to do. Seriously? He made a sex tape with Katie. When? How did I not know about this? He slept with her? Gross! I'm so angry I could punch her in the face repeatedly and it wouldn't even make a difference.

Shey's eyes meet mine as she lifts her head back to face me. "I'm so sorry, I seriously thought you knew."

"Don't apologize." I'm surprised with myself for even speaking.

Amy pulls me to her, hugging me close. "I'm sorry to hear that, Cassie. Wow, I heard she made a tape with someone, but I didn't know who. She is a slut. Ignore her. He is an ass, too. I'll help get his shit moved out of your place."

I shake my head and pull from her embrace. "No, it's whatever. We're just friends. I've slept with Pierce, he knows that. I just, I just never made a fucking tape!" I don't mean to raise my voice, it just comes out that way. "And screw him, seriously."

"Let's just drink and forget how much of an ass he is."

Except, he isn't that much of an ass. I did cheat on him and he has clearly forgiven me. And we're friends, we've both made that much clear. I didn't expect him to sleep with her, mostly because he made me think he thought nothing of her. He never showed interest in her and even made fun of her more than one time. I know that I have no reason to be upset with him, and in fact, it's not that I'm upset, I'm jealous. I'm jealous and shocked and embarrassed.

"Yeah, let's get drunk," I agree. The three of us make it back inside and I immediately head to my drink of choice, tequila.

After the third shot each, and a full drink, the three of us head to the dance floor. Carson and Kevin both spot us and wave, then head over to play some beer pong. The three of us get into the music and shake our hips, enjoying our night instead of over thinking anything. I've put myself in this situation and I have to live with the consequences, no matter how rough they are.

Two songs in, I spot Katie mingling with a couple of the frat brothers. It pisses me off immensely. Just the sight of her does. Amy pulls on my shoulder, trying to get my attention away from her. "Stop it, you don't need to be upset about her."

"I know. I just can't get over my hatred for her. I just want to go over there and pull all her hair out."

Shey snickers. "I don't think I've ever seen you so feisty about another girl. You're usually calm and complex. You must really hate her."

"Hate is not nearly strong enough of a word."

We all laugh and it catches Katie's attention. And what does she do? She actually has the audacity of winking at me, like she knows how much I loathe her and how jealous I am that she slept with Avery. I grind my teeth together and it takes all my will power not to run over and knock her teeth down her throat.

"Maybe we should go," Amy says.

"No," I shake my head. I turn my attention to her. "No, you have your boyfriend here, and so doesn't Shey. But if you don't mind, I'm going to head home."

"I don't like you going alone," Shey says.

"I won't be." I excuse myself and head outside.

Pierce answers on the third ring. I ask him if he can come save me once more and he has no problems doing so. I say bye to the girls and head out the front door, thankfully without spotting Katie again. Pierce is waiting in his truck and I hop in. He grins over at me. "I'm thinking for my next birthday you're going to have to buy me shining armor."

He doesn't get a chance to put it back in drive before I'm climbing over to him. I straddle his legs while he is in the driver seat and assault his mouth with my own. When I pull back, he smiles at me like he has all the love in the world in that smile. His smile, loving, sweet and caring, is for me and only me. His heart, it's mine if I accept it. He actually cares about me, now. Not in the future, but right now.

"Pierce," I tell him. "I want you to be more than my knight."

He wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Yes ma'am. I'll be whatever you want me to be."

I press my lips to his softly, then I bite down on his bottom lip, keeping it between my teeth for a moment. It snaps back into place and he chuckles softly. "You've had tequila tonight."

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