Fever (44 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Fiction / Romance

BOOK: Fever
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the exit while Gabe put an arm around both Mia and Bethany.

Bethany teetered and then giggled when Gabe’s arm tightened around her.

“Jesus, how much did you two drink anyway?”

Mia looked innocent and then held up her hand, trying to count. After three attempts of staring at her

fingers in confusion, she threw up her hand and said, “A lot.”

“I’m getting that,” Gabe said with a chuckle.

He guided them out to the waiting car and stood patiently while Brandon and another bouncer got

the other three girls inside. Then Brandon flashed Gabe a sympathetic grin.

“Good luck, man. Looks like you have your hands full.”

“No shit,” Gabe muttered.

He got Bethany and Mia seated and then slid in to sit beside Mia.

“You’re aces,” Chessy said, flashing a grin in Gabe’s direction.

“Absolutely,” Trish and Gina both chimed in.

“We told Mia if she ever lets you get away, she’s an idiot,” Trish said solemnly.

Chessy nodded just as solemnly. “But just so you know, if she ever is that idiot, I’m more than

willing to step up.”

The girls dissolved into laughter while Gabe sent his eyes heavenward in a seeming plea for help.

They stopped off at each of the girls’ apartments and Gabe patiently escorted them in and made

sure each was safe before returning to the car.

“He really is terrific,” Bethany whispered to Mia as they watched Gabe return from escorting

Chessy up.

“Yeah,” Mia whispered. “I’m so lucky to have him.”

“We’re just lucky bitches,” Bethany said. “Gabe and Jace rock.”

“Yeah,” Mia said again. “But then, so do we.”

“We do, don’t we?”


Then they both broke into laughter again, still giggling like fiends when Gabe slid back into the car.

He shook his head. “Don’t know what I’m going to do with you two, I swear.”

A devilish gleam entered Mia’s eyes. “Well, if you don’t know what you’re going to do with

me . . .”

“Didn’t say that, baby,” he said gruffly. “Got plans for you.”

Mia sent a knowing grin in Bethany’s direction that clearly said, “I told you so.”

“Jace is meeting us in the lobby,” Gabe said when they neared Bethany and Jace’s apartment


Bethany’s heart fluttered with anticipation. She hoped like hell that Mia hadn’t been wrong. Now

she was suddenly nervous and her mouth went dry.

Mia reached over to squeeze her hand. “Trust me.”

Bethany squeezed back and Gabe sent them both a suspicious glare.

When the car pulled up, Gabe got out and then helped Bethany extricate herself from the backseat.

She wobbled unsteadily on her heels as they started toward the entrance to the building.

“You’re going to kill yourself in those damn heels,” Gabe muttered.

“But they’re sexy,” Bethany defended. “At least, I thought so.”

“No doubt there, sweetheart. You look killer in them. Jace is going to swallow his damn tongue.

But if you kill yourself before you get to him, they won’t have done much good.”

“Mia said Jace would want to fuck me in these shoes,” she said and then was mortified by what

she’d blurted out.

Gabe chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “Did she now? Well, Mia is an authority on

being fucked in killer heels, so if she said that it’s probably true.”

Bethany grinned cheekily as they entered the building. Jace was standing a short distance away, and

his gaze narrowed as he took in the unsteady gait in which she walked.

“Gabe thinks I look sexy,” she announced when Jace stopped in front of them. “And he totally said

you’d fuck me in these shoes.” She stopped and frowned, her thoughts suddenly muddled. “Or maybe

it was Mia who said you’d fuck me. Either way, I wanna be fucked in these shoes.”

Gabe shook with laughter next to her.

A slow grin curved Jace’s lips. “I think that can be arranged.”

She nodded. Then she turned and leaned up on tiptoe to kiss Gabe’s cheek.

“Thank you again for taking such good care of us tonight.”

Gabe chuckled. “Anytime, sweetheart.” Then he turned to Jace. “Better get a hold on her. Once I let

her go, she’ll likely take a header.”

Jace chuckled but took firm grip on her arm as Gabe turned to walk away.

“Thanks, man. Next time it’ll be my turn.”

“Thank fuck,” Gabe muttered. “You have no idea what I was subjected to tonight. Let’s just say

there isn’t a damn man in that club who wasn’t drooling on the floor at their antics.”

Jace’s eyebrows went up and then he glanced down at Bethany, his gaze inquisitive.

She sent him a dazzling smile and he grinned at her in return.

“Gotta say, the shoes are definitely sexy on you,” he murmured.

“Mia was right,” she said smugly.

He turned her toward the elevator and half carried her into it.

“What was she right about, baby?”

“She said you’d take one look at me, drunk, in these sexy heels and you’d want to instantly fuck me.

While I’m still wearing the shoes.”

He laughed as the elevator opened into his apartment. “Can’t say I’m going to argue with that

assessment, although can’t say hearing that about me from my sister is at the top of my list of


“She said Gabe wouldn’t make it to the bedroom and that he’d fuck her in her heels just inside the

doorway,” she said solemnly.

Jace winced. “Baby, you gotta stop. Definitely don’t want to be hearing about some man fucking my

baby sister and definitely don’t want the details.”

She laughed and then weaved when he let her arm go.

“Whoops!” she said as he caught her again.

“Just how much did you have to drink tonight?”

“Lots,” she said smugly. “I wanted to have drunk sex with you and I wanted you to tear my dress

off me and fuck me in my heels like Gabe’s going to fuck Mia.”

Jace groaned. “Baby, you have to stop. I’m more than happy to fuck you any way you want but can

we please leave Gabe and Mia out of this?”

She nodded. “Or maybe I’ll fuck you.” She brightened at that idea and then her eyes narrowed

fuzzily on Jace. “Can I do that?”

He laughed and then tugged her toward the bedroom. “Oh, hell yeah. Baby, you can do whatever

your sweet little drunk ass wants to. I’m more than willing to let you take advantage of me in your

drunken state.”

She wobbled after him into the bedroom and shivered at the sultry look he sent her way as soon as

the door closed behind them. His eyes were dark with lust and amusement, the good kind that told her

everything Mia had predicted was absolutely true.

Her hands went to unfasten her dress but she couldn’t quite get the hang of the zipper and she nearly

fell over when she angled her arms higher.

“Oh, let me,” Jace murmured. “You don’t have to do a single thing, baby. I’m going to take full

advantage of your inebriated state and since you’ve planned this the entire evening, I’m not going to

spare an ounce of guilt for all the things I’m going to do to you. But you better damn well remember it

in the morning.”

She shivered again when his hands slid up her back and then eased the zipper down, loosening the


“I’m not
drunk,” she said, defending herself.

He chuckled, his breath sizzling over her bare neck just before he pressed his mouth to her nape,

sending chill bumps racing down her spine. “Oh, you’re drunk. And you’re cute as hell. I’m going to

fuck your mouth, your pussy
that sweet ass. If you pass out on me, I’m not going to be pleased.”

She closed her eyes, weaving unsteadily until he caught her shoulders and pulled her back against

his chest as he let her dress fall to the floor. No way in hell she was going to miss this.

“Love the lingerie,” he whispered as he nuzzled just behind her ear. “Love those heels even more.

And yeah, I’m absolutely going to fuck you in them.”

A low whimper of need welled in her throat.

“Don’t see any reason to tie you up tonight,” he said in amusement. “You’re as helpless as a kitten.

I’m liking it. I’m thinking a regular girls’ night out would be a
good thing.”

He unfastened her bra and lowered the straps down her arms before tossing it aside. Then he turned

her around to face him and backed her slowly to the bed until she bumped into the mattress. He eased

her down and with a firm hand pushed her until she was lying on her back, her legs hanging over the


Leaning over, he kissed just below her navel, above the thin band of her panties, and then he

hooked his thumbs into the lace and yanked, rending the material in two, baring her pussy to his

glittering gaze. He reached down, curling his fingers around her ankles, and pulled upward, bending

her knees. Then his fingers glided over the spikes of her heels, gripping them as he spread her farther.

“I’ve been bad,” she said in a pouty voice.

His eyebrows rose and his eyes twinkled in amusement. “Oh really,” he drawled.

She nodded solemnly. “Very bad,” she whispered as though it were a secret.

Then her brow crinkled and she pursed her lips.

“I probably need to be punished.”

Jace looked down, his lips twitching as he watched a wide range of expressions cross her face.

She was adorably cute and very drunk. And he was turned on as hell.

“What pray tell have you done that warrants punishment?”

“I flirted,” she said in a hushed tone. Then she frowned. “No, wait. I didn’t flirt.” She shook her

head adamantly, her breasts jiggling in a supremely tempting fashion. She leaned up, her expression

turning serious. “Guys flirted with me, though. But Brandon and Gabe wouldn’t let anyone get close.

But me and Mia were naughty. We danced and it was

He pressed his lips more firmly together to keep the laughter back.

“That deserves punishment, right?”

She sounded so damn hopeful that he lost the battle and laughed.

Her eyes narrowed and she glared up at him. “It’s not funny,” she huffed. “I was a very bad girl,

and bad girls are supposed to be punished.”

He nodded. “Can’t argue that, baby.”

She immediately brightened and he shook his head, more laughter threatening to bubble out of his


“You should probably spank me,” she said, adopting a look of utter seriousness.

He slid his hands down the insides of her legs, and she shivered, chill bumps racing over her skin.

“I’m a little conflicted,” he said, adopting a mock serious tone to match hers. “You’ve indeed been

a very bad girl, but you’ve also been very,

Her lips twisted into another pout and he leaned down, kissing those delectable lips.

“I think the solution is to punish you first and then reward you.”

“Oh, that’s a perfect idea,” she said in a breathy voice that hitched with excitement.

“Up on your knees, baby,” he ordered in a tone he knew she’d respond to.

Her pupils flared and heat flushed her cheeks. Her eyes darkened immediately and her nipples

puckered. Hell, he hadn’t even begun yet and just his promise of what was to come had her entire

body reacting. She was fucking perfect. Perfect for him. Made for him. He’d never have another

woman that could come as close to matching him as she did.

She struggled upward and then a wide, goofy grin split her lips, making him want to take her mouth

and ravage it. He grasped her wrists and helped her to a sitting position and then she clumsily turned

to get on her hands and knees. She fell flat on her face and a giggle erupted, her entire body shaking.

Her ass quivered and his dick hardened to the point of bursting. Oh yeah, he was going to have her

mouth, her pussy and that sweet ass, and he was going to fuck her until they both passed out.

When he got her into position, she fidgeted impatiently, turning to look at him over her shoulder.

And those eyes glowed with lust and excitement. His hands shook and he clung to his control with a

frayed thread.

“So what’s it going to be, baby?” he asked in a silky, teasing tone he knew would drive her crazy.

“My hand? The crop? Or . . . we could try something new.”

She went utterly still. “New?” It came out in a breathy sigh filled with anticipation.

“I haven’t used a belt and I haven’t used wood. I have a pliable wood paddle. It has just the right

amount of snap and it’ll redden that beautiful ass until it glows.”

“Oh,” she whispered, the word coming out as a soft moan.

“Your choice, baby,” he murmured. “I’ll give that to you. Let you decide tonight. I’m in a

particularly generous mood. Because, honey? When I’m done reddening that ass, I’m going to eat that

delicious pussy and you’re going to come all over my tongue. But I won’t be done then. Not by a long

shot. Because after I make you come, I’m going to fuck your mouth. Then I’m going to fuck that pussy

and then I’m going to fuck your ass until you come screaming my name.”

“Oh my God.”

He smiled and stroked lovingly over her ass, anticipation building with every second he waited for

her response.

“The w-wood,” she husked out. “I want the wood.”

“Excellent,” he purred. “Very good choice. So good that your reward will be extra nice. You

please me very much, Bethany.”

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