Fever Rich: A Mercy Mares Cozy Mystery (6 page)

BOOK: Fever Rich: A Mercy Mares Cozy Mystery
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Was that out of line?


He raised his voice. “Listen here, Miss, I know my grandchild's name. He's the only one I have. Now, get him and yourself prepared. The reporters are here.”


Detective Ortiz stood in the doorway with Lucilla watching our exchange with a stunned expression on her face.


“No reporters. I don't think it's wise to involve reporters or do interviews. And, nothing good can come from using your grandson as a pawn in whatever it is you are trying to do.” Detective Ortiz tried to warn him gently.


An impeccably dressed woman, wearing a face full of makeup, emerged from the study. “We're ready, Mr. Rich.” She called out to him.


Detective Ortiz' eyebrows quirked up as she fixed her gaze on Nathaniel. He didn't back down though. He turned to the reporter and said, “We'll be right with you.”


Lucilla put her hands up in the air. “No, that's it. Mercy, I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go.”


“Are you following me?” I stopped walking and turned to face the detective.


“Yes,” she said. “Do you have a few minutes?”


I nodded, annoyed that I'd been dragged into this nonsense and then spit out like I was nothing.


“What happened in there?” She pointed to the Rich house, a half a block behind us.


I explained the crazy conversations I'd had with Lucilla, Nathaniel, and the driver, Scooter. She listened, again, not taking any notes, just listening to my every word.


When I was done, she smiled, thanked me and walked away.


These people make me so mad!


“Tina, can you come pick me up, hon?” I took a few minutes to calm down before I called to ask for a ride home. I didn't believe in taking my work home and I wasn't going to start doing that now. This was my mess and I'd deal with it, except when Ruby found out, then she'd feel the need to deal with it too.


“Sure, but I thought you were working all day today?” She asked.


“I thought so too,” I said. “I just really need to take a few days to regroup and spend some time with you and Noah. This place isn't a good fit for me. I don't fit in here. The little guy is sweet as all get out, but everyone else just makes my blood pressure hit unheard of levels.


Tina didn't ask any further questions. “I'll be there in a few minutes and, I should warn you, your neighbor has organized some kind of get-together and – you're going to love this – she said you're going to be in charge of security of the neighborhood. I didn't know you were pimping out your amateur detective skills. This could be a thing, if you ever wanted to retire from nursing.” She teased.


“No chance of that happening.” I said. “She really volunteered me?”


I loved Margie, but I didn't want to be roped into yet another commitment. I didn't know the first thing about security, other than to try to remember to keep my doors and windows locked and to not lose my keys in the process. This sounded like a horrible idea. I had to figure a way out of it before things got too far out of control.

Chapter Five

I'd never seen so many of my neighbors gathered together in one place at the same time. I guess the lawn ornament thief had gotten to everyone in the neighborhood. Margie made a beeline for me as soon as she heard the door close behind me.


“Good. You're here, but I thought you had to work today?” She pulled me in for a quick hug.


I didn't want to get into a big discussion about work. I hadn't quite figured out what had happened. One minute, I'm employed for a family, everyone else in town seemed to be in awe of and the next, I'm no longer employed there. I was just glad that my real employer was the agency and not any of the people I provided work for. I loved my patients and most of their families or loved ones, but there were those that made me want to pull my hair out and run for the hills.


“I thought this was more important right now. They have plenty of staff. I think they'll be fine without me. Anyway, so what are we doing here?” I asked, pointing to the others in the room.


She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. “You're in charge, you tell me.”


I'd forgotten that she'd asked me to lead this neighborhood group. I hadn't had a moment to think about it and I had no time in my life to even give it consideration. Besides, I was never home. How was I supposed to keep the neighborhood safe from hundreds, sometimes thousands, of miles away three hundred days a year?


“I'm sorry, Margie, I haven't really had any time to think about this. I don't think it would be a good idea to have me be in charge. I can hardly remember to water all those pretty flowers you planted for me and I almost never remember to close a door behind me. I lose my keys all the time. My cell phone is rarely charged and my poor car wants to die.” I had every excuse in the world not to accept this position. I would be no good at it. I knew it.


“Sounds like you'd be perfect. We all know that you solved murders before. I'm sure you could figure out who stole my patio furniture and all the other stuff he stole from everyone else around here.” Margie said.


How could I argue with that? Everyone in the neighborhood saw me as some kind of  hero. That was a nice change. Just a few months ago, I was the nurse they ran to with minor injuries, who drove the car that sputtered too loudly in the morning and leaked oil all throughout Lake Villa.


I sighed. “Okay, what do I have to do?” I asked.


“Go, act like you know what you're doing. Make them want to help each other out. Tell them some of the tricks of your sleuthing trade and help us take our neighborhood back.” Margie was good at this pep talk thing. I was starting to think I was capable of handling this position.



With copies of police reports spread out in front of me on my kitchen table, I was actually thankful for being let go by Lucilla. I needed a distraction and this was perfect for me. I wouldn't have to leave the house. I could finally figure out how to navigate the internet on my new laptop and come up with some tips to try to catch our neighborhood prowler.


As I read over the reports, I took some notes. By all accounts, it looked like our thief had a penchant for striking in the middle of the day, which I found odd. I'd always believed that thieves preyed on their victims in the thick of night.


Why would this one strike during the day and how did they go unnoticed?


“Hey, where did that come from?” I hadn't noticed the small statue sitting on my porch.


I stepped outside to take a look at it. I had to admit, it was kind of cute. A small card was taped to the front. It read:
A gift for the sweetest nurse in the world from her ex-husband's future ex-wife. Smooches, Kitty


What in the world? Well, now this statue didn't seem so special.
I don't care if it was Betty Boop dressed in a nursing uniform, holding a stethoscope.


“No, honey, I can't accept this gift from you,” I muttered under my breath. “And, my dear ex-husband, it's time we had a talk.”


I took the statue and placed it on top of the police reports, so I could describe it in detail to James. Tina walked out of her room to get a cup of coffee.


“That's cute! Did you buy that today?” She asked, picking it up to examine it.


I took it from her hands. “No, someone left it here by mistake.”


She read the name on the card. “It's for you. That's so sweet. Who is it from?”


I dialed James' number. “That woman.”


Tina laughed and took it back from me. “This is fabulous!”


“Hello?” James answered, sounding groggy.


“You have to do something about this James.” I said.


I heard him yawn. “With what? What happened?”


“Your bride-to-be is driving me crazy and, while I have you on the phone, why are you in such a rush to get married?” I asked.


“I'm not in a rush. Katherine just thought we should just go for it. Why drag it out?” He didn't sound like he was too excited about the idea.


“I just don't understand, James. Things are moving so fast, don't you think?” I hated to overstep my bounds, but it did feel rushed.


He sighed. “No, Mercedes, I don't. I know I should have spoken to you about this a long time ago, but I didn't know how to broach the subject. It is kind of unusual. I mean, with you being the one who introduced us and all.”


“Yeah, you're welcome.” I groaned. “I'm sorry, James. I want you to be happy, of course. The rest is none of my business. Could you please ask her to lay off of me though? Somehow I've been roped into making a wedding cake. Now, she's sending me gifts. I don't want any part of it. I don't bake wedding cakes and I sure don't want to be in your wedding. What would that look like?”


He answered. “It would look like you're a supportive friend.”


I hated it when he was right.


“I'm sorry. I am your friend. You know how much I love you. I just don't want to see you do something you might regret.” Oops, wrong thing to say.


“Keep the gift, Mercy. I asked her to give it to you. I thought you'd like it. Call me when you come to your senses or when Diana gets there, whichever comes first.” He hung up the phone and I hit my palm to my forehead for being a horrible person.


Tina poured a cup of coffee for me. “What did you do?” She asked.


“I'm making friends everywhere. You want to join my posse?” I felt like such a loser for letting my emotions get in the way of common sense. This wasn't the first time, but this time had larger ramifications.


James and I had managed to remain friends even though our marriage had to come to an end. It was a commitment we took to heart. We had a child to raise and we were both determined that she never felt like she was missing something. She had both of us supporting each other and her every step of the way.


“It's normal. I know I'd be upset if my ex got remarried – at least for a little while. Not that I want him back, but I guess a part of me will always want what I thought we had.” Tina may have been young, but she was wise beyond her years. I'd said it a thousand times, but she was going to go down in history as the world's best nurse.


“Enough about me and my nonsense, how are you doing? I'm sorry that I haven't had much time to devote to you and Noah, but I hope you're settling in well. If you and Noah would like, I'm going to make a run out to Ruby's to pick Barney up?” I asked.


“Yes, I'm excited to see him. Is he still as lazy as ever?” Tina worked for the facility I'd gotten Barney from. She was a nurse's aide at the time and I was filling in for a nurse who was on maternity leave.


“He's still as inactive and hungry as he's always been.” I answered.


Tina giggled. “And, I have something to tell you.”


I looked up, intrigued by this. “I hope its good news.”


“Ruby found a job for me with your agency.” She squealed with excitement.


I jumped up and hugged her. This had been a long time coming. The facility, she used to work at didn't appreciate what a brilliant employee that she was and her family was making life difficult for her and her son. After a few months of trying to convince her, I was glad she'd finally taken the leap.


“That's so great! When will you start?” I asked, hugging her again.


A frown appeared on her face. “As soon as I figure out my childcare situation.”


I'd forgotten what it was like to be a single mom. Unlike Tina, I had a support system. Between James, Ruby, and Hank, I had no shortage of people willing to spend time with my daughter so I could work.


“Well, I know plenty of people and I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a place deserving enough of him. Where is he, anyway?” I looked around and didn't see him. He'd been so quiet, I almost forgot he was here.


“He's on the phone, talking to Nubbin.” She answered.


I'd completely forgotten that I'd told Nubbin I'd get back to him about Tina's whereabouts. Poor guy, he loved Tina. I knew she was fond of him too. When she and I'd worked together, we'd spent a lot of time trying to calm Nubbin down and keep him from wanting to wreak havoc on the dementia unit he lived on.


“How are things with you, Tina? Everything okay with your ex?” I asked.


She sat down across from me to explain. She ran her hand through her long, wavy hair. “It is about as good as it's ever going to be. Between him and my family, I guess all I can do is accept it and move forward. I can't change them and they can't change me.”


“What did they say when you told them that you and Noah were moving halfway across the country?” I asked.


“They told me not to come back.” She answered, tears in her eyes.


I don't care how many years I live, I'll never understand why or how people could turn their backs on family. I wanted to cry for her, but I could see that she was trying her best to be strong, so I took a couple of deep breaths and wracked my brain to find something to say to lighten the mood.


“I was thinking about inviting Charlie over for dinner tonight.”
So sue me, why don't you? What else could I say to distract her?


Tina jumped up and down with joy. “Yes, that's a great idea! Oh, we have to go shopping. You need a new outfit and you can get your hair and nails done too.”


Oh my, what did I just get myself into?


“Mommy?” Noah walked into the room, holding the phone out to her. “It's for you.”


Saved by a preschooler!


“Hi, Nubbin,” Tina said into the phone. “I'm right here with Mercy.” She handed the phone to me. “He wants to talk to you.”


Uh oh.
I took the phone.


“Hey, Nubbin. How is it going?” I asked.


“Going way too slowly, if you ask me, Toyota. But, you know that's not why I wanted to talk to you.” He snapped.


Feeling guilty for forgetting to contact him about Tina, I offered him an apology. “I'm sorry, Nubbin. Things have been busy here. I haven't even had any time to get myself settled in yet.”


“I don't want to hear it. There's two things you have in life, your family and your word.” He said, his voice trailing off.


Whoa! He was serious.
Now, I felt even worse for not contacting him sooner.


“Nubbin, I'm really sorry.” I offered again. This time without the excuses. He was right. A person was only as good as their word.


He cleared his throat. “Well, don't let it happen again, Silverado.”


I had the feeling there was something more that he wanted to say, but I knew better than to rush him. For a couple of minutes, I listened to him breathe into the phone and thought I'd heard someone in the room with him, but he never acknowledged them or told me who was there with him. Finally, he coughed a tight cough and started to speak again.

BOOK: Fever Rich: A Mercy Mares Cozy Mystery
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