Read Finding Ever After Online

Authors: Stephanie Hoffman McManus

Finding Ever After (16 page)

BOOK: Finding Ever After
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. Wow, this is amazing.” I said after taking my
first bite. There were bits of cheese, bacon, onion and chives in the omelets
and I was convinced that there was nothing this guy couldn’t do well.

“Much better than Nutter Butters in strawberry milk, that’s for sure.” Bas
teased me for my guilty breakfast pleasure.

“Princess, cookies aren’t breakfast.” The seat on my other side was pulled out
and I glanced over to see Kyden setting down his own plate and two glasses of
orange juice. He slid one over in front of me and lowered himself into the

“Thank you, but they are if you put them in a bowl and add milk. This is really
amazing too though. Thank you for cooking.”

“You’re welcome.” He flashed a smile that was almost sheepish, like he was
embarrassed to be thanked for doing something nice. Probably wasn’t something
he was used to.

“Hey, where’s our juice?” Chris whined.

“You dickheads can get your own.” Chris scoffed, but got up and grabbed a cup
before digging in the fridge for the juice.

“You really have to get a coffee pot, Jazz. I can’t survive without my morning brew.”
Bas moped.

I don’t drink that sludge, so if you want
coffee when you’re here you can buy the coffee pot.”

“We’ll pick one up when we go shopping later.”

“Shopping?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You need to get stuff for dinner because I’m pretty sure we just cleaned you
out and I’m going to need to pick up a few things I’ll need over the next week
or so.” I took that to mean that he didn’t plan on fixing things with Lissa any
time in the near future.

“Oh man I can’t wait for dinner.” Chris said excitedly before shoveling another
bite of egg into his mouth.

“Man how can you already be thinking about dinner when you’re still eating
breakfast?” Bas asked his brother.

“Easy, I haven’t had her cooking in three years.”

“Who said you’re even invited? I’m cooking for my brother’s family.” He just

“Like I said, I haven’t had your cooking in three years. The fact that it was announced
that you are making dinner is all the invitation I need. So what are you

“I was thinking I would make lasagna.”

“And I was hoping you would say that. Oh and you have to make cheesecake,
please say you’ll make cheesecake?”

“Strawberry okay with you?”
I asked sarcastically.

“Hell yes!” I just shook my head and sighed. I forgot how excited Chris got
about food.

“So you two can go do your shopping and we’ll head back to our place and meet
you back here this afternoon.” It seemed Kyden had invited himself for dinner
as well. I told them if they were coming, they might as well bring all of the

Everyone cleaned their plates; Chris even went back for seconds after devouring
his first heap. I was rinsing dishes and loading them into the dishwasher when
Kyden came to stand beside me. Bas and Chris had already moved out of the
kitchen so it was just the two of us. He took the dishes I was rinsing from my
hand and began loading them for me. “You cooked, you don’t have to do the clean
up as well.” I tried to protest.

“Just say thank you, Princess.” He used his hip to bump me away from the sink
and then he took over scrubbing the pans. “Thank you.” I grabbed a towel and
dried the dishes he washed.

“So, you ready to fill me in on last night?” I was wondering when he was going
to get around to that. He wasn’t the type to let anything go and I saw the
curiosity in his eyes last night.

“Nothing really to tell.
Bas and my brother haven’t
always gotten along. They sorted some things out last night and now they’re all
good.” It wasn’t necessarily a lie. I just omitted all of the major details. I
turned away from him and put the pans in the cupboard so he wouldn‘t see it in
my eyes. When I turned back around he had finished with the dishes and was
leaning back against the counter looking at me intently.

“Where did you learn how to cook, and are your kitchen skills limited to
breakfast?” I asked, changing the subject, hoping he would take the hint not to
push it.

“Growing up I spent a lot of time with our cook and I learned from her.” I had
guessed he came from money and I had my confirmation. “And my skills go way
beyond breakfast.” His voice dropped to a seductive growl and he waggled his
eyebrows. “I look forward to tasting your cooking tonight and comparing
techniques and skills.” How could anyone make preparing a meal sound so dirty?
I rolled my eyes and grabbed a notepad to start a list of the groceries I would


, come on. Let’s go.” Chris shouted from the
living room. Kyden pushed off the counter and moved past me. He stopped in the
doorway and looked back over his shoulder.

“Oh and Princess.
I’ll let it slide for now, but
eventually I’m going to get the story from you.”

Chapter 10



Crap.” I
yanked my hand back and the pan of lasagna crashed back down on the oven rack.

I hadn’t heard Kyden or anyone else come in so I wasn’t sure how long he’d been
standing in my kitchen, but I became hyper aware of him when he placed one hand
on the small of my back and took the oven pad from me with the other.

“Here, I got it Princess.”

He set the lasagna on the stove and led me over to the sink. My brain was
trying to tell my mouth to say something, but I couldn’t form any words. I
think every signal in my body was overridden by my inability to stop staring.
At this point I should have been immune to his good looks, but I doubted that
any amount of time would do anything for the breathlessness and flutters that
ensued every time he was around.

I knew there was an angry red blister marring the inside of my arm, just below
my wrist, where I bumped it on the element, but I hardly noticed the sting. His
fingers were loosely wrapped around my forearm and the feel of his touch sent
more heat through my body than the burn did. He turned on the faucet and held
my arm under the icy stream.

He was intent on tending to my burn and I had the rare opportunity to study him
unabashedly. His features appeared much softer than usual, but I detected
slight traces of concern. It was difficult not to be moved by the sweetness of
it. His hair was mussed and I wanted to brush the strands that were falling
over his face away so I could look into those deep green eyes, as if they held
all the answers to the questions I had about him. I didn’t actually believe
that gazing into those emerald orbs would reveal his secrets but the draw to do
so was strong regardless.

“Stop staring Princess.” I felt my face flush at being caught and I wanted to
pull my hand out of grasp and put some distance between us, but before I could,
I heard the front door burst open and the sounds of excited males storming the
house. Kyden released my hand and moved back just before Chris came crashing
into the kitchen.

“Smells good Tink.
Is the food ready?” Chris asked. I
shut off the water and turned away from Kyden to dry off my hand. I didn’t look
at him as I turned to face Chris.

we just have to wait for my brother and
his family to show up. You can make yourself useful and grab plates to set the
table.” I told him while I got everything out of the fridge to prep the salads.
Chris started pulling dishes out of the cupboard for place settings and Kyden
disappeared into the living room where I could hear sounds from the television
and several male voices. From the noise level I assumed all of the roommates
had come.

I was just placing the salad bowl on the table when there was a knock at the
door. I didn’t realize until that moment how nervous I was to finally meet my
niece. I didn’t know how to be around her and I was terrified that she wouldn’t
like me. I already loved that little girl but I desperately wanted her to love
me. I was frozen in place there in the kitchen until I heard the sweetest
little voice in the entryway.

“Where’s my aunty?”

I stepped out of the kitchen and saw Bas holding the front door open. My
brother and a beautiful blonde were standing in the doorway. I knew that must
be Lucy, but I didn’t give them a second look. My eyes immediately went to the
tiny person hanging off my brother’s arm with pretty little curls framing that
adorable round face. She was decked
out  in
blue sparkly top, a pink tutu with a big yellow bow, purple tights and bright
Chucks. That’s all it took for a big
grin to spread across my face and in that moment I knew I not only loved that
little girl, but I liked her as well, a lot.

When she saw me, all it took was one smile from her and I knew that colorful
little angel was going to own me. I took a couple steps toward her and she let
go of Shane’s hand and matched my steps with her little legs.

“Are you my aunty?” I was close enough to see her big baby blues looking up at
me with curiosity.

“Yes I am sweet girl.” Her eyes got bigger and her smile widened in delight.
Next thing I knew her arms were wrapped around my legs. I half giggled, half
choked as I tried not cry. I reached down and ran my fingers through her curls
while she hugged my legs with all the strength her toddler arms possessed.
Shane looked at us with amusement, Lucy and Bas wore matching expressions, but
I was sure not one of their smiles could match my own as I bent down and
scooped her up into my arms.

Her giggle incited my own and when I turned to carry her into the kitchen I
noticed that we had a larger audience than I realized. Kyden and the rest of
the guys were standing across from the kitchen, in the doorway of the living
room watching us. Kyden’s expression was unreadable, but I quickly looked away
not wanting to give him anymore thought.

I didn’t spare him another glance throughout the entire meal. Okay, maybe I
snuck a look, or possibly two, but it was hard not to be drawn in by his
intensity and natural charisma. He was everything I knew I shouldn’t want, but
a part of me, the weak willed part of me, couldn’t deny the attraction. How
could I when he was so devastatingly gorgeous and captivating.

Attraction wasn’t enough. Though it was appealing now, it wouldn’t mean
anything to my broken heart, which was inevitable with him. I wasn’t capable of
not becoming emotionally attached and I didn’t think he was capable of
attaching. He wanted casual and I wanted commitment. I hadn’t known him long,
but I knew him well enough to know that word would make him cringe.

If only my heart would listen to reason and stop racing every time he was
around. Everyone says to follow your heart, but the heart can be misled and
deceived. I think you have to find balance between your head and your heart, and
mine were at war with each other. When it came to Kyden, my heart didn’t know
which way was up.

Then there was Izzy, who was not only stealing more and more my heart by the
minute, but everyone’s. She was too adorable and entertained all of us with her
spunkiness. Thankfully, the guys were on their best behavior and curbed the
swearing. Everyone was having a good time.

Lucy wasn’t what I was expecting though. I thought she would have to be more of
a spitfire to keep my brother in line, but she was quite the opposite. She was
very reserved and easy going. Somehow it worked between them. They balanced
each other. I grew to respect her immensely in the short amount of time we had
to talk over dinner. She stayed home to raise Izzy, but was working to earn a
degree online. I found out that she didn’t have any family in the picture
helping out. For the most part she and my brother had been
their own from day one
and I was in awe of what an amazing job the two
of them were doing.

I knew it would be easy for us to become good friends. She was smart and much
too classy for my brother, but it was obvious she loved him intensely. She
to read
almost as much as I did, and we were
able to bond over books, and of course her sweet daughter.

“She sure is quick.” Bas commented when we were all sitting around the living
room after dessert was finished. Chris, Danny, Spade and Marcus had already
gone home for the evening. Ace and Kyden stuck around to hang out for a while
longer. Izzy was running from Ace who was chasing her around the room eliciting
a symphony of squeals and giggles.

“Tell me about it.” Lucy responded. “I spend half my waking hours chasing her
all over the house. Every time I turn my back she’s into something else.”

Izzy came running over to me and jumped into my lap to escape the tickle
torture Ace was about to dispense.
“Aunty, aunty.”
exclaimed as she buried herself in my arms and continued to giggle.

“Don’t worry I’ll protect you from the mean tickle monster.” I told her and I
picked up one of the throw pillows on the couch and did exactly what the name
suggested I do. I threw it at Ace and he pretended to go down like he’d been
hit with a missile instead of a small pillow. Izzy laughed even harder and
clapped her hands.

It surprised me how good Ace was with her. I wouldn’t have pegged him as a
guy. He was much more of a softie than he let on and it
made more sense when he shared that his and Marcus’ older brother had three
kids; twin boys, age eight and a little girl age four. It was clear from how he
spoke of them that he loved being Uncle Ace and seeing him with Izzy and how
much fun she was having, I would bet that his nephews and niece loved their
Uncle Ace as well.

Kyden was the only one who didn’t really engage with Izzy. He was entertained
and laughed along with the rest of us, but he also seemed to be intimidated by
her. I watched him watching her and it was pretty obvious that he felt
uncomfortable and unsure of her any time she got near him. That made it all the
more hilarious when she walked right over to him and climbed up on his lap and
started tugging on his lip ring and playing with his hair.

I could barely contain my laughter. He looked so scared; frozen in place, eyes
wide with shock. He had no idea what to do about the tiny person making him her
jungle gym. It was priceless to see the ordinarily self-assured bad boy brought
to his knees by a toddler in a tutu. It didn’t deter her
she was persistent and determined to make him her new friend.

Even he wasn’t able to resist her for long and eventually succumbed to her
cuteness. When he got down on the floor and let her ride around on his back
like a pony, another little piece of my resistance crumbled, which was a
dangerous thing for me because what I felt in that moment went beyond simple

By the time Shane and Lucy were ready to leave Kyden was just as smitten with
Izzy as the rest of us, and she had definitely taken to him. She was curled up
in his arms fast asleep, and that sight was almost enough to make me say to
heck with all my reservations and throw myself into his lap as well.

I didn’t let them take her home without promising to bring her back to me on
Thursday for a sleepover. I became even more excited when I found out it would
be her first ever sleepover. I was already making plans to hit the mall before
then to stock up on everything I would need to spoil her and make it the best
sleepover ever.

Ace and Kyden said goodnight and followed Shane and Lucy out as well. It was
just me and Bas and I was ready to crash. I collapsed back on the couch and
rested my head in his lap.

“I want one Bas.” I gave him my best, pouty face and he just smacked me with
the same pillow I threw at Ace.

“She’s a kid, not a puppy, Jazz.” He teased.

“I know and I’m really not anywhere near ready for kids but she’s just so
cute and fun.”

“Yeah she is pretty damn cute.” He agreed. “You know we’re going to need to
pick up a few things before she stays with us.”

“Yeah, I want to go to the mall this week. You should probably come with me and
stop me from going too crazy.”

Oh we should get one of those little play tents
for her. It can be her fort. Kids love forts.” He suggested

“So true, and I want to find a sprinkler for the yard since the weather has
been so nice, maybe a little
pool too.”

We both continued to list things that we thought would be good to get for and I
knew there was going to be no stopping the crazy. Bas had always loved kids. He
frequently volunteered the two of us to babysit his young cousins when we were
in high school. I used the topic of kids to segue into a topic Bas was still
trying to avoid.

 “So how many kids do you and Lissa want to have?”

“Give it a rest Jazz.” He groaned.

happen. If I don’t get the two of you to
make up then you’re
end up alone and be the
male version of a cat lady. Then I won’t have any nieces and nephews to tell
embarrassing stories about all the times their father played
with me. You can’t do that to me. You have to have
to have at least six, maybe more. I’ll let you know later what I decide.”

That earned me another pillow to the face and I just couldn’t let that slide.
Of course when I was pinned on the floor in the hallway with two pillows
raining down on me I regretted my decision to instigate a full blown pillow

BOOK: Finding Ever After
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