Finest Years (85 page)

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Authors: Max Hastings

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429 ‘
We are inclined to forget
' Kennedy
The Business of War
p.317 at lunch 19.11.43

430 ‘
W. had to play the role
' Eden op. cit. pp.424 & 426

431 ‘
PM and President ought
' Cadogan op. cit. p.579 28.11.43

431 ‘
bloody Italian war
' Moran op. cit. p.159

431 ‘
We are preparing for a battle
' ibid. p.160

431 ‘
They are far more sceptical
' ibid.

431 ‘
Poor Harry
' Hassett op. cit. p.161 9.3.43

431 ‘
the reported recalcitrance
Washington Post
13.1.44 Selden Menefee

432 ‘
quite enthralling
' Brooke op. cit. p.483 28.11.43

432 ‘
Of course the man
' Eden op. cit. p.514

433 ‘
Do you think
' Sergo Beria
My Father Beria
Moscow 2002 p.124

433 ‘
He was turning his hose
' GCM interview 15.11.56 cited Pogue op. cit. p.313

434 ‘
Cadogan recorded the distress
' Cadogan op. cit. p.580 29.11.43

434 ‘
Soviet eavesdroppers reported
' Beria op. cit. p.126

434 ‘
That the President should deal
Action this Day

435 ‘
Roosevelt has given
' Zhukov op. cit. vol. iii p.94

435 ‘
Cunningham and Portal declared
' Moran op. cit. p.168

436 ‘
Every morning
' Coote Papers 27.1.44 quoted Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.646

436 ‘
The Americans have been
' 9.12.43

436 ‘
sitting on his suitcase
' Bryant op. cit. vol. ii p.114

437 ‘
If I die
' quoted Gilbert op. cit. p.606

437 ‘
We all hope and pray
' IWM diary of WA Charlotte 93/19/1

437 ‘
Papa much better
' quoted Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.613

438 ‘
Macmillan strongly urged
' Macmillan op. cit. p.322 8.12.43

439 ‘
Our object is the liberation
' WSC to CoS 2.1.44

439 ‘
while Winston, very pink
' Nicolson op. cit. pp.344-5 18.1.44

440 ‘
That all right?
' ibid. p.321 21.9.43

441 ‘
We did become like animals
' quoted Carlo d'Este
Fatal Decision: Anzio and the Battle for Rome
HarperCollins 1991 p.316

441 ‘
as American corps commander John Lucas
' see Atkinson
The Day of Battle
op. cit. p.354

442 ‘
The more one sees
' Macmillan op. cit. p.429 23.4.44

444 ‘
Sitting in a chair in his study
' Colville op. cit. p.474 18.2.44

444 ‘
their chirpings will presently
' Hansard 27.2.44

444 ‘
In the H of C smoking room
' Headlam op. cit. p.403 25.4.44

445 ‘
On no account
' Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.715 21.3.44

445 ‘
Soviet attitude on this business
' Eden op. cit. p.439 4.3.44

445 ‘
I confess to growing apprehension
' ibid.

446 ‘
I would much rather
' Macmillan op. cit. pp. 124 & 126 15.6.43 & 18.6.43

447 ‘
Much as I love Winston
' ibid. p.335 23.12.43 & p.338 25.12.43

447 ‘
We both got quite heated
' Eden op. cit. 20.8.43

447 ‘
He feels about De Gaulle
' Macmillan op. cit. p.335 23.12.43

448 ‘
I am much distressed
' ibid. p.389 4.3.44

449 ‘
He may be mentally
' Eden op. cit. p.442 1.5.44

449 ‘
rather like a small boy
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 24.9.42

449 ‘
The raids are very fine
' CAC Churchill Papers CHAR1/381/11-18

450 ‘
Far more important than India
' Colville op. cit. p.476 4.3.44

Chapter 17: Setting Europe Ablaze

452 ‘
Subjugated peoples must
' Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.21

452 ‘
simultaneous attacks by armoured forces
Churchill War Papers
op. cit. vol. iii p.1313

452 ‘
I hope they will
' ibid. vol. ii p.254

453 ‘
On 27 May 1941, Churchill sent
' BNA CAB120/827

453 ‘
Far from welcoming
' Robert Gildea
Resistance, Reprisals and Community in Occupied France
in Transactions of the RHS 2003 p.165

454 ‘
Nothing must be done
' cabinet defence committee 2.8.43

454 ‘
Here, we want every
' Colville op. cit. pp.192-3 12.7.40

454 ‘
Berlin wanted only
' see for instance Mark Mazower
Hitler's Empire
Penguin 2008

455 ‘
The cycle is simple
' quoted Max Hastings
Das Reich
Michael Joseph 1981 pp.148-9

456 ‘
Other evidence exists
' Julian Jackson
France: The Dark Years
Oxford 2001 p.534 and passim

456 ‘
I think you will agree
' AHB/1D3/1588 quoted MRD Foot
SOE in France
HMSO 1966 p.153

457 ‘
Nobody who did not
' Bickham Sweet-Escott
Baker Street Irregular
Methuen 1965 p.73

457 ‘
I was disturbed
Memoirs of Lord Chandos
op. cit. p.239

457 ‘
Many French people
' Hastings
Das Reich
op. cit. interviews by the author passim

458 ‘
A whimsical November
' Peter Wilkinson and Joan Bright Astley
Gubbins and SOE
Leo Cooper 1993 p.117

458 ‘
He believed that all his geese
' Hastings
Das Reich
op. cit. p.35

459 ‘
There is no doubt that
' William Mackenzie
The Secret History of SOE
St Ermins Press 2000 p.415

461 ‘
German records, by contrast
' Hastings
Das Reich
op. cit.

461 ‘
In the history of France
' Jackson op. cit. p.387

461 ‘
of seething factions
' BNA CAB99/28

462 ‘
How pleased I shall be
' quoted Roderick Bailey
The Wildest Province
Cape 2008 p.134

463 ‘
No one is ever free
' quoted Mackenzie op. cit. p.486 26.5.44

463 ‘
As so often in occupied Europe
' Mark Mazower
Inside Hitler's Greece
Yale 1993 passim

463 ‘
I am very impressed
' IWM audio archive quoted
Forgotten Voices of the Secret War
ed. Roderick Bailey Ebury Press 208 p.250

463 ‘
pundits overestimated
' Noel Annan
Changing Enemies
HarperCollins 1995 p.75

464 ‘
Armed resistance in the open
Venture into Greece
William Kimber 1983 p.180

465 ‘
But by that time
' Roderick Bailey op. cit. p.251

465 ‘
self-organised bands
' quoted Molony op. cit. vol. vi pt iii p.210

466 ‘
a Resistance movement may
' ibid.

466 ‘
Michael Howard
' see Michael Howard
British Intelligence in the Second World War
vol. v
Strategic Deception
HMSO 1990 pp.135-55

467 ‘
Deakin was outstandingly intelligent
' Milovan Djilas
Secker & Warburg 1980 p.253

468 ‘
we of course felt honoured
' ibid. p.368

468 ‘
The British had no choice
' ibid. p.348

469 ‘
It is a little doubtful
' Mackenzie op. cit. p.434

469 ‘
the difficulty is that
' Macmillan op. cit. p.445 1-23.5.44

470 ‘
I have come to the conclusion
' BNA PREM4/381C/341 and 4/369/438 19.12.44

470 ‘
Paradoxically, British influence
' CAC Deakin Papers
A Note on Resistance
M DEAK16 p.25

471 ‘
He wished and believed
' war cabinet paper quoted Mackenzie op. cit. p.612

472 ‘
Only in the USSR
' Mark Mazower
Hitler's Empire
op. cit. p.485

472 ‘
It was only just worth it
' author interview 4.3.80

472 ‘
The game was not worth
' Mackenzie op. cit. p.483

472 ‘
Gubbins was even
' Wilkinson and Astley
Gubbins and SOE
op. cit. p.202

473 ‘
Moreover, in our desire
' Macmillan op. cit. p.545 9.10.44

473 ‘
gave a damning account
' Colville op. cit. p.581 3.4.35

474 ‘
The occupied nations believed
' CAC Deakin Papers op. cit. DEAK16 p.24

474 ‘
If war, carried out
' Thomas Arnold
Lectures on Modern History
Longman 1874 pp.160-1

475 ‘
David Reynolds
' Reynolds op. cit. p.175

475 ‘
“Setting Europe ablaze” had proved
' ibid. p.176

Chapter 18: Overlord

476 ‘
It's not the hard work
' Dalton op. cit. p.714 29.4.44

476 ‘
Spirits remain at a low level
' BNA INF1/293

476 ‘
Considerable disquiet
Washington Despatches
op. cit. p.345

477 ‘
We discussed…how best
' Brooke op. cit. p.533 21.3.44

478 ‘
Difficulties again with
' ibid. p.537 5.4.44

478 ‘
This battle has been forced
' Cadogan op. cit. p.621 19.4.44

478 ‘
preferred to roll up
' BNA CAB99/28

479 ‘
Struck by how very tired
' Colville op. cit. p.484 12.4.44

479 ‘
In my view, it is
' Kimball op. cit. vol. iii p.87 12.4.44

481 ‘
So skilful were German
' see for instance Atkinson op. cit. passim

482 ‘
How magnificently
' Kimball op. cit. vol. iii p.163

482 ‘
Lots of Americans and British
' John Gunther
Hamish Hamilton 1944 p.59

483 ‘
a place that has long been
' Mr T. Bowman
The Times

485 ‘
A man who has to play
The Second World War
op. cit. vol. v p.551

485 ‘
Winston…has taken his train
' Brooke op. cit. p.553 4.6.44

485 ‘
Mr Churchill seemed to be
' Eden op. cit. p.452

486 ‘
Cheap at the price
' ibid. p.454

489 ‘
Don't look so glum
' Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.394

489 ‘
We are surrounded by
' Brooke op. cit. p.557 12.6.44

489 ‘
The PM asked if I were
' Holmes diary quoted Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.813

489 ‘
[Churchill] was at his best
' Cunningham diary quoted Gilbert

490 ‘
I do hope it will soon
' IWM Papers of Mrs E. Elkus letter of 2.9.44

490 ‘
He kept on repeating
' Brooke op. cit. p.563 27.6.44

490 ‘
“I feel exhausted”
' Macmillan op. cit. p.474 25.6.44

490 ‘
We have now reached
' Brooke op. cit. p.581 15.8.44

491 ‘
Whatever the PM's shortcomings
' Colville op. cit. p.489 13.5.44

Chapter 19: Bargaining with an Empty Wallet

493 ‘
Roosevelt sent him
' Kimball op. cit. vol. iii p.201 22.6.44

493 ‘
I cannot think of
' ibid. p.202 23.6.44

494 ‘
Whether we should ruin
' ibid. p.219

495 ‘
I should never survive
' ibid. pp.222-3

495 ‘
What can I do
' ibid. pp.229

495 ‘
The Arnold-King-Marshall combination
' PM's personal minute to CoS 6.7.44 D.218/4 quoted Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.843

496 ‘
Up till
' Colville op. cit. p.574 20.3.45

496 ‘
Up to July 1944 England
' Moran op. cit. 5.7.54

497 ‘
After dinner a really ghastly
' Eden op. cit. p.461

497 ‘
A frightful meeting
' Brooke op. cit. p.566

497 ‘
I called this “a deplorable evening”
' Eden op. cit. p.462

498 ‘
He is very tight
' Dalton op. cit. 29.4.44

498 ‘
Lunched alone with W
' Eden op. cit. p.463

498 ‘
On 4 August, when Eden
' Eden op. cit. p.467

499 ‘
he was
more law-abiding
' Brooke op. cit. p.673 23.3.45

499 ‘
Of course it was true
' BNA CAB79/77

499 ‘
We know that such
' Michael Howard
Liberation or Catastrophe

500 ‘
I despise the generals
' Harvey op. cit. p.349 5.8.44

500 ‘
about the necessity of
' ibid. p.351 18.8.44

500 ‘
The present purge is
' BNA FO371/39062

503 ‘
This seems to be the best
' Kimball op. cit. vol. iii p.261 29.7.44

505 ‘
After all, he is a
' CAC Randolph Churchill to WSC Churchill Papers CHAR1/381/42-44 11.8.44

505 ‘
I feel that de Gaulle's France
Speaking for Themselves
op. cit. p.501 17.8.43

506 ‘
They did not know
The Second World War
op. cit. vol. vi p.84

506 ‘
The English are clever
' Milovan Djilas
op. cit. p.401

506 ‘
all spread along twenty miles
Speaking for Themselves
op. cit. p.500 17.8.44

508 ‘
I feel sure this is
' IWM diary of WA Charlotte 93/19/1

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