Folk Lore (4 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Folk Lore
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“What would you like to do now?” Sam asked her.

“Continue my questions with Keelor.”







Sampson, although not entirely pleased to do so, granted Seraphina’s wish to talk further with Keelor. Having seen the way she gazed at him was a concern. He decided, though, with already so much to take in, he would in due time, advise her to abandon any romantic notions. He would tell her about the law.

Telling her to follow the law would in effect cause him to be a hypocrite. As he motioned for Angelique to follow him into the forest, he thought about the prohibited romance he shared with the beautiful vampire.

Over the years his training took place within the mystic lands and he met Angelique for the first time a few years prior. Her magical green eyes and lustrous golden bronze hair were irresistible to him. Add to this the danger involved in exposing himself to a vampire for any prolonged period and he’d been hooked instantly. As Angelique lived in the human world, they were able to pursue their feelings away from the lands.

Sam knew that not only was he breaking the law, he was risking his life. Vampires within her sect only feed upon the blood of criminals and evil, so although he was relatively safe it was still dangerous. It wasn’t necessarily wise to expose him or Angelique to the temptation yet they did regardless.

So knowing they broke the law frequently, he pondered how he could advise Seraphina to discard whatever feelings she was harbouring for the elfin. It surprised him the reaction she’d had to Keelor. Most folk found him difficult to relate to as he was very disciplined and reserved.

Sam admired his commitment to Keela even if he wasn’t the friendliest of the protectors. Keelor’s splendour dazzled many elfin and folk alike and as far as Sam knew, Keelor had abstained from any sort of relationship so as to give his full attention to his duties.

Sam’s relationship with the elfin was affable at best. This was not the only strained relationship he held with a protector. Angeles showed his disdain for Sampson freely. He mostly saw humans as food but Sampson’s feelings for Angelique only intensified Angeles contempt.

Sam waited anxiously amongst the trees for Angelique and was startled as always by her sudden appearance. Although he was quick as was the case with all human protectors, her swiftness made his pace appear snail like.

“Hey you,” she said in her musical voice. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too, more than you know.”

“You smell particularly delicious today.”

“Angelique, please, do you have to remind me how much you want to taste me.”

She took a step forward so her strong cold body was firm against his and ran her fingers through his hair. “Kiss me, Sammy.”

“Angel I ...” He stopped.

Sam brought his mouth hard against hers. A guttural groan emitted from her throat and he knew it was taking all her self-control to refrain from tasting his blood. He was thankful her desire for him overwhelmed her bloodlust. She pulled away abruptly and stared intensely into his eyes.

“Are you absolutely certain you don’t want to become like me, be with me?”

“I’m sure Angeles would love that,” he replied caustically.

“Angeles will be compensated.”

“There’s the law.”

“I don’t know how much longer I can control myself. If I wanted to bite you, Sampson, you wouldn’t be able to stop me.”

“Yes, I would. It’s part of my duty to kill wayward vampires, Angel.”

In an instant she was gone. He sensed her behind him as she grabbed him by the shoulders. She pushed his head to the side, to expose his neck. He knew her fangs wouldn’t be exposed; she was
merely trying to prove a point. He grabbed her wrists and spun to face her.

“Try that again, Angel, and you’ll get the same result.”

“You’re no fun.”

He kissed her again and when she tried to pull back he held her tighter to him to prove his point. She might have super human strength but, so too, did he. The groan she emitted this time was more than a caution and he immediately released her.

“I’m sorry, Angel. I know I shouldn’t push my luck.”

“One way or another, Sampson, you will be a vampire. This is my solemn vow.”  He caressed her hair but kept his distance to help Angelique regain her control.

“If and when the law changes, Angel, this is my promise to you. I would do anything for you.” He paused. “I should return to Seraphina.”

“The elfin has her covered.”

“We can’t be discovered, Angel. You know what will happen to both of us.”

“Nothing will happen to you, you’re human. The vampire will be blamed. Our relationship is rocky within the circle as it is. You know the only reason we are still here is because of the pact made centuries ago.” She turned away and walked a few paces into the forest. Sam followed.

“I know but it was because of vampires like you that the pact has remained.” He touched her shoulder and she turned back to him
This is why changing me would bring dire consequences for you.”

“We can’t be together while you’re human and I can’t change you so we can.” She wound her fingers in his hair and pressed lightly against him.

“For now it will have to be this way.”

“I know, Sam. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He touched his lips to hers briefly.” I have to go.”

“I know.”

Sam raced off towards the garden to locate his princess. Angelique watched him leave. If she could cry she would have.

In all her two hundred and twenty odd years as a vampire she'd never harboured such passionate feelings for a vampire much less a human. She pondered the irony of falling in love with a man she was forbidden to be with. A man she craved to feed on.

Angeles appeared from above and Angelique realised he witnessed the exchange from the trees.

“You are exposing me to the same dire consequences while you continue this ridiculous fantasy,” he stated in a disdainful tone.

“No-one has to know of your knowledge, Angeles.”

“I’m your protector, Angelique. It will be assumed I would be aware. I am supposed to stay with you at all times.” His eyes portrayed the contempt he felt regarding her feelings for Sam.

“Not here you don’t.
With the shield up, the lands are protected.”

“Yes, for now you are protected. With the disappearance of Nermina it is only a matter of time before she is used as leverage in Mecaldorf’s plans.”

“We aren’t even sure if he is involved.”

“For someone who has lived as long as you have, Angelique, you can be particularly unwise at times.” He shook his head.

“Leave me alone, Angeles. I’m in no mood for your melancholy.”

“As you wish princess,” he replied coldly before he disappeared.

Angelique remained in the forest until she was summoned again.





The River of Music


Once Sampson left them, Sera turned her scrutinizing gaze toward Keelor once more. No emotion could be seen in his beautiful face. Did he feel anything? Sera realised while she studied Keelor, everyone had left. Why did he stay? She hoped he was as drawn to her as she was to him.

“Where is Keela?” Sera asked.

“She has returned to our home beyond the garden.”

“Aren’t you supposed to stay with her?”

“Yes, however, when we are within the mystic lands, the shield protects all within it, mostly. She is surrounded by our folk and is not alone. When she is, I stay with her.”

“Oh. Why are you still here?” Sera held her breath as she searched his eyes for a flicker of emotion. His expression remained unreadable.

“You have more questions.”

“Yes many.”

“Very well.
I wish to show you something first.” 

He ventured towards the river Sera admired upon their arrival and sat upon a grassy knoll. Keelor indicated for her to join him and she sat as close to him as she dared.

“This is the river of music. As you can observe the water sings as it flows and it possesses powerful magic within. To drink the water is forbidden however it provides further power to princesses and their protector if the need arises. Many would be unable to control the power they receive.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Yes, I find it peaceful and seek solace by it when troubled. Please, ask me your questions and appease your curiosity. I have received permission from Elder Annaphina to answer your queries.”

“Do vampires thirst for blood as they do in stories?”

“Yes.” She waited for him to elaborate. “As Annaphina informed you this morning, Angelique and Angeles live in the human world along with their kind. They feed only on the blood of the repugnant element within the humans.”

“They don't crave other folk or someone like me?” Sera relished the politeness of holding his gaze as they spoke. Though to draw her eyes away from him, she knew, would be impossible.

“Only the humans, and yes, I am sure both vampires would happily feed on you given the opportunity. Many centuries ago the elfin princess during her rein within the circle required the resources only a vampire possesses. Vampires are swift and powerful and were useful against the warlock rebellion. When the circle, which was seven at the time, was successful the vampires were invited to join and the shield was created to protect the lands. They vowed to only satisfy their thirst on less desirable humans. This tradition has been upheld and the pact can only be broken if the vampires were to change or bite an innocent.”

“How does a human become a vampire?”

“One bite from a vampire begins the changing process however the process is only complete when a human drinks a vampire’s blood. Most of the time they do not have the restraint to stop at one bite and usually drain them. If a human is bitten and does not drink vampire’s blood they will die from their poison eventually so if a human is bitten, to survive, they must become a vampire, it is the only way. The only circumstance where they are permitted to bite a human or any other folk is to obtain information. As Elder Annaphina has visions from the cards, vampires obtain their visions from a bite. Being bitten for a vision does not begin the change on the recipient. The poison is not dispersed while the elder summons a vision.”

“This is why Nermo was complaining about having to be bitten?”  A brief smile touched the corners of his kissable mouth. Sera wondered why this amused him.

“Yes, Elder Asmina will bite him to obtain a vision of the events which occurred.”

“All the elders have visions?”

“Yes, Kalar uses her crystal staff, much like my weapon. The fairy elder has a crystal ball. Pixies use their dust. Witches use spells. The nymph uses nature and the Hazer becomes a cat.”

“Hazers change?”

“Yes, they can take on the form of any animal as required. They are very useful fighters. They too live amongst the humans as they, in theory, are human however possess the ability to shift shapes, much like you are not a mortal human.”

“So they were once mortal humans.”

“No, unlike vampires, they are not changed humans, merely different folk such as elfin or pixie.”

“The law Sam referred to when Nermo -?

“It is against folk law for interaction between different folk.” Did she imagine it or did he move slightly away from her as he spoke these words.


“Centuries before the warlock invasion, before they became our friends, an elfin and pixie procreated and the offspring led the warlock army. Two powerful folk with different powers combined is too much. It is said this was how wizards came to be. They are very powerful beings and there are few. Mecaldorf is one. Imagine a folk who could fight with any weapon as I am able, combined with the agility and magic of a pixie.
Too powerful.”
  He shook his head.

“What about a human and an elfin?” 

He heard hope in her voice and a large part of him wished for it to be so. Her vulnerability and beauty continued to entice. Keelor pondered the wisdom of sitting and talking with her. Their bodies skimmed as they sat side by side, her bare arm against his felt warm and smooth. Where had his resolve to stay away from her gone?

“It has never occurred.” He averted his eyes; he couldn’t bear the expression in hers.

“Perhaps elfin and pixie are too powerful together but if it was a human instead.”

“Princess Seraphina, chosen humans are as powerful as others. You have yet to master your acquired skills.”

“Which are?” 

He turned to her, startled by the excitement in her voice. Perhaps she was more in tune with her calling than he first realised. The idea she was magical seemed to thrill her. This didn’t help his cause in controlling the confusing emotions swirling through him.

“I hoped you would not ask me this question.”

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