For Everything (22 page)

Read For Everything Online

Authors: Rae Spencer

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: For Everything
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He placed wet kisses on her stomach before standing in front of her.

His eyes traveled over her body, she hadn’t moved, her breathing slowing down. He pulled her up, his hands twining in her hair, kissing her.

She ran her hands up his chest, around his shoulders clinging to him in desperation. She didn’t want to let him go.

He pushed her down on the bed, his tongue surging into her mouth as her hands ran over his back.

“Clay,” she whispered, her need pouring through that one word.

He pulled away, staring into her eyes he moved her into a kneeling position, pushing her thighs wide kneeling between them. His hands skimmed over her shoulders to her breasts massaging them. “Lean back on your elbows.”

She did, her neck arched, her head brushing the pillows. He kissed and licked every inch of her body, tracing her scars, kissing them, his hands, and his mouth everywhere.

He pulled her hands, pushing her flat on her back, guiding her hands to her pussy.

“Touch yourself,” his eyes were dark watching her hand.

Her fingers moved on her pussy, over her clit. He kissed her thighs, his eyes glued to her fingers. “Move with it.” 

He watched her hips surge with her finger strokes. His tongue teased her thighs, her knees, moving over her stomach to her breasts sucking and nipping her nipples.

He slid his hand on top of hers pushing her fingers harder into her pussy as his mouth crushed hers. His tongue plunged into her mouth as their hands worked her pussy.

She moaned into his mouth.

He pulled away stripping his clothes off. He knelt between her spread legs, brushing his fingers over her pussy. He pulled her hands up laying them on her breasts. His hands tangled in her hair, his mouth crushing hers a second before his cock slammed into her.

She moaned, her fingers cupping and teasing her breasts, her hips pushing up against his.

He growled deep in his throat, not moving. Her hands turned caressing his chest, touching his nipples.

He broke the kiss, his face in front of hers watching her dusky eyes. “I love you, Lily.”

Her neck arched, eyes flaring, her body pushing against his. She stared into his eyes, the truth visible in the tawny depths. She desperately wanted to believe in him.

He began thrusting, his eyes never leaving hers, watching the shadows disintegrate in front of him. “I love you, Lily.” His fingers tightened in her hair.

She gripped his shoulders, her body beginning to clench.

He groaned deeply, his balls tightening. “I love you, Lily,” he watched the tears flow from her eyes as her body and fear gave.  

He slammed into her, his seed shooting, his nose brushing hers, his lips touching hers in the gentlest of caresses. “I love you, Lily,” he whispered.

A sob ripped from her throat, her hands clutched his shoulders.

He rolled them to the side, their bodies still joined, their limbs entwined, “I love you, Lily. I will never let you go, and I will always be here for you.”

He pulled her tighter to him, her sobs flowing over him, her tears wetting his neck. He whispered repeatedly he loved her until her sobs eased and sleep claimed her.


Chapter 32


Clay woke early to Lily curled in his arms, sleeping soundly. He kissed her head, his fingers brushing her cheek, watching her sleepy eyes open grateful they were clear again.

“Good morning, love,” he whispered.

“Good morning,” she whispered, stretching against him.

He stroked her cheek. ”How do you feel?”

She rubbed her eyes, “confused.”

He traced his fingers over her face, “Sara is wrong. I am not embarrassed by you.”

She looked down at his chest, not saying anything.

“You have doubts, I understand, but we can work through them. Just give me a chance, please,” he murmured.

She glanced up at him, her breath rushed, “I don’t want others to be hurt because of me.”  

He tilted her chin, “I‘m not going to let that happen.”

“He destroyed your house,” she whispered.

“Yes, he did, but it isn’t your fault.” He stroked her lips.

“Isn’t it?” She asked.

“No! What he does, what he is, isn’t your fault.” Clay realized Lily was blaming herself for what Jason did, to her, to others.

“Then why did he do it?” she whispered.

“Because he is sick. Nothing he did is your fault, it never was. Let’s get dressed, eat and we will talk.” He pulled her up, “when was the last time you ate?”

“The Chinese,” she whispered.

He closed his eyes. She hadn’t eaten much of the Chinese. “You need to eat, come on.”

He climbed out of the bed, Lily right behind him. She put on a pair of his sweats and one of his t-shirts and walked down to the kitchen with him.

He made coffee for them and they sat on the stools talking. Clay left nothing out. He touched on every one of her doubts, her fears. He brought them to the surface, forcing Lily to acknowledge them, face them. He wiped away her tears as they discussed them, understood them, and accepted them. Together they put her doubts, uncertainty, and fears behind them.

Happy with the progress he made with her, he started to make pancakes and eggs while Lily sat on the stool. They talked quietly.

Lily kept smiling over at Clay, coming to accept the truth of his feelings, believing, really believing in him. He had come for her, brought her back, simply because he loved her. She shivered at the realization.  

She was sipping coffee when Will and Skye walked in, Skye smiled. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” Lily’s face turned red.

“Good morning, Clay,” Skye smiled over at Clay, not mentioning Lily’s blush.

“Morning, Skye, coffee?” Clay asked.

“I’ll get it.” Will made himself and Skye a cup.

Skye sat next to Lily. “Making breakfast? You better have enough for us, too.”

“I do,” he laughed, flipping pancakes on a plate, placing them and the scrambled eggs on the island. They all helped themselves. They shared a quaint breakfast filled with light chitchat.

Once Lily finished eating, the conversation turned. They discussed details for security, for the trial, for the future.

Will suggested they go down to the house in the Caribbean he and Clay owned and have a small wedding. Skye’s boys would be back tomorrow from their visit with their father and the whole family could go, and both bands would come for the wedding.

Lily was smiling and laughing. For the first time in a long time, she felt accepted.

“Want to go swimming?” Clay asked.

Will and Skye immediately agreed.  

Lily’s smile faded, looking down at the counter. “No, but you go.”

All eyes turned to her, she felt them, let out a deep breath. “I don’t swim.”

“Come on, give it a try?” Will smiled gently. He understood her reasons, but wanted to help her get over them, after all as far as he was concerned, they were family.

She shook her head, the shadows once again racing across her eyes.

Clay squeezed her fingers. “Lily, you can wear shorts and a t-shirt in the pool.”

She glanced at him, uncertainty dancing in her eyes. “I don’t know.”

Skye squeezed her knee. “You can wear whatever you want, I have extra bathing suits. Will and I aren’t going to laugh at you.”

Lily offered her a small smile. “Perhaps a suit with a t-shirt.”

“That will work,” Clay smiled, knowing wearing a suit even with a t-shirt would expose some of her scars. Her agreeing was a big step.


Lily stood in the bathroom looking at her body in the mirror. The boy pants with a tank top bathing suit covered her breasts and stomach, but the scars on her legs were visible, would be visible even with a t-shirt on.

“Wow!” Clay whistled.

She glanced at him, chewing her cheek.

“Really.” He smiled.

She grabbed a towel, wrapping it so the towel hung below her knees.

“You don’t need that.” He grabbed the edge of the towel ready to pull it off her.

“I… I…,” she gripped the towel tightly, looking at him. “Want to.”

“Okay.” He moved his hand, happy she actually got into the suit. They would have to work on the towel.

“Come on, Will and Skye are already down in the pool.” He held out his hand and she placed hers in his. Together they walked to the pool.

“Come on in,” Will called seeing them, “the water is great.”

Clay walked over to the edge of the pool. Lily stopped, shook her head sitting down while he went in with Will and Skye.

She laughed as they swam, her feet in the water, the towel still around her waist.

Clay swam over to her, stood in front of her, murmuring, “come on, they are family.”

She hesitated Clay pulled the towel free of her waist, exposing her thighs. Her face bloomed into a deep blush.

“Can you swim?” He asked.

She nodded.

“Come on,” he wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her into the water.

The water came up to her knees. Lily could feel Will and Skye’s eyes on her, her hand trembled as she brushed hair away from her face.

“Don’t worry.” He pulled her deeper until the water was at her waist.

He took two steps away from her, arching his arm.

“Ahhh…,” she cried, soaked.

Lily glared at him mutinously, arched her arm sending a wave of water right back at him.

Will and Skye laughed, Clay turned splashing Will.

Will’s eyes narrowed, he splashed Clay back. They spent the next hour laughing in the pool, having a good time.

They climbed out, sitting in lounge chairs. Skye brought out some lemonade and they sat talking.

The scars on Lily’s thighs were visible, as were the ones on her stomach because the tank top had ridden up but Lily didn’t notice and no one commented.

However, to Will and Skye, the truth of the severity of the attack Jason committed upon Lily became evident. They could see the sheer amount of scars on her midriff and knew she had more where they couldn’t see.

They understood why she was so afraid of Jason and her scars. Understood how fear had ruled her life so much.

Neither could imagine the pain, the terror she had experienced when it happened and at the hands of someone who was supposed to be her friend. No wonder she struggled so badly with trusting and believing in Clay.

The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Will stood, walking into the house.

Lily lay on a lounge chair, enjoying the sun on her skin. It had been too long since she had the opportunity to lie in the sun and she missed the warmth.

“Lily,” Will looked over at her smiling. “Someone’s here to see you.”

“Who?” Clay inquired, immediately standing, concerned.

Lily turned her head around, wary, and found Jessica. “Jess,” she cried, standing and hugging Jessica. “It is so good to see you.”

“I am so happy to see you.” Jessica squeezed her tightly.

 “Clay,” Will motioned with his head toward the inside of the house. “Let the girls talk while we get some lunch ready.”

Clay’s brows drew together, but he walked into the house.


“Steven,” Clay said, surprised

Steven glanced at Clay and Will. “Clay, I came with Jess, but wanted to talk to you first.”

“Okay,” Clay sat at the island across from Steven. Will sat next to him.

“How is Lily?” Steven asked.

“She is getting better,” Clay replied, remembering Steven had wanted to talk with him.

“I am glad. What Jason did was disgusting.” Steven clenched his fingers against the counter.

“Jacob mentioned you wanted to talk to me.” Clay noticed Steven’s hands.

“Yeah,” Steven glanced at Clay then Will. “I want you to know, I didn’t know he was hurting her, not until Jess told me, the night before his first arrest. I would have done something had I known. Jess went over with me to pick something up and she found out and told me. I called Lily’s trustees the next day, but it was too late.”

Clay could see Steven was upset, “I understand. What happened isn’t your fault.”

“I am not so sure.” Steven looked down at the counter.

“What do you mean?” Will asked.

Steven took a deep breath. “The night Lily’s parents died. They were coming to see me.”

“Coming to see you?” Clay asked, surprised.

“Her dad called, said Lily had been getting strange gifts, cards, notes at school,” Steven’s fingers clenched into fists.

“Someone was stalking Lily?” Will growled.

Steven glanced at Will. “Her dad thought so. Gifts were sent to her in school, at home, her car was broken into, her room vandalized, and her undergarments stolen. Her father doubled security at their home and she had a guard with her to and from school until right after her parent’s death. Her senior year of school was not a happy one.”

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