Read Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy) Online

Authors: S.R. Watson

Tags: #a novel

Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy) (16 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy)
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“Are you done eye fucking me?” he grins.

“What? I am not.” God I so am. I can’t help it. My cheeks heat at the realization I’ve been caught. He is such a sex god. I just want to rip those clothes off him and hold him captive all day in my bed. I want his body to be my temple while I explore every inch of his sinfully gorgeous body.

He quirks an eyebrow at me and I know I’ve been busted. “I’m going to go before I fuck you right now and your food gets cold. Besides I’ll be late and you’re still sore.”

He leaves and I’m alone with the breakfast buffet for one. I choose the omelet and orange juice then take a long indulgent shower. I’m tempted to touch myself to take the edge off, but I don’t. I still can’t believe I’m this insatiable. What’s this man doing to me? Just being near him sets me on fire. I step out of the colossal shower and wrap a plush towel around me. I begin the daunting task of drying my waist-length hair, although I don’t know why since I’m going to the pool. I let my thoughts wander to Grayson and how different he is from Liam. No comparison really since Liam is more of a boy with more growing up to do whereas Grayson is all man. Liam broke my heart, but I know Grayson will obliterate if I’m not careful. I have to say his lifestyle and current profession confuses me though. He doesn’t live the life of a professor.


Maybe I can get him to give me answers tonight other than: “It’s not always about the money.” Until then, I’m going to try to enjoy this fine hotel. I brought two bikinis with me, and I choose the pink one from Victoria’s Secret’s Very Sexy collection. I like how this one accentuates my curves even though Grayson isn’t here to see it. I can only imagine what the other socialites will be wearing. My swimwear may not be designer, but it makes me feel sexy. I put a cover-up over my bikini to provide a little modesty before grabbing sunblock and heading to the pool.

The private cabana is perfect, seeing as though I have to be extra careful in the sun. My fair skin burns easily and I have reapply sunblock often. This cabana is clearly set up for two, but I use the other chaise lounge to hold my things. I pull out my phone and see that I have two missed calls—one from Jordan and the other an unknown number. I don’t know who it could’ve been since they didn’t leave a voicemail so I ignore it. An attendant comes by and sets me up with a fruit plate and asks if I would like to order a cocktail.


It’s a little too early for the alcohol so I request water instead. I return Jordan’s call. She answers on the second ring. I hear car horns in the background. “Hey girlie. What are you up to?”

“I’m having brunch with Bailey and Meghan. Why are you calling me? Why aren’t you wrapped up in that piece of man meat?” she chortles.

“I’m returning your call, goofball. And why are you talking about my piece of man meat in front of the girls? What if they want to know who I’m seeing?” I trust Jordan not to share my secret, but I don’t want our nosey friends trying to put the pieces together.

“Oh relax. I’m just now heading back to our table. I wouldn’t say anything in front of them. They think you’re hanging out with other friends.”

“Okay. Why did you calling me last night?”

“Sorry, I was trying to call Stephanie to get her notes. Her name is right under yours. I hung up as soon as I realized I misdialed. I didn’t expect you to call me back.” Jordan apologizes from interrupting my romp session and I laugh.

“No worries. I didn’t see my missed call log until just now.”

“You didn’t answer my previous question. Where is that sex god of yours?” I explain that he had business to do, but I don’t tell her I was contemplating inviting her over since she’s hanging out with friends. “Boo to that,” she says.


“I know, but on the up side I’m relaxing in a beautiful private cabana with a VIP massage later.” I regurgitate all the reasons I should be in heaven right now, when I’m actually feeling kind of lonely. I wish I had thought to bring a book with me. I could be studying by the pool right now. I thought I’d be having a sex marathon with no time for anything else. I’ll bring one next time just in case.

“Well, indulge in the pampering, conserve your energy, and tonight rock his world. Make him think twice about leaving you alone all day. Make him want to rush back to pet the kitty.”

I laugh so hard, I snort. “Jordan you are so crazy.”

“I may be, but I want all the gritty details when you get back. Well gotta go. Love ya.”

“Love you, too.” I end the call and smile at her craziness. I’m pretty sure the elusive bachelor playboy has had enough kitty to last a lifetime. I doubt mine will make him come under my spell. I snicker again at the thought. More like the other way around.

I eat a light lunch, get a thirty-minute massage, and read the gossip magazines. I don’t venture into the water since it took forever to dry my hair this morning. I people-watch instead, checking out all the scantly clad women and men who vie for each other’s attention. At some point I fall into a slumber, because Grayson awakens me. I can’t believe it’s already four o’clock.

“Hey, sleepy head. Are you still worn out from last night?” He brags.

“Maybe a little.” His eyes bore into the swimsuit I’m wearing. The cover-up is lying on the other chair.

“Stand up. Let me get a look at you.” I turn slowly as he make the rotating gesture with his finger. “God. You have an amazing body and the most beautiful ass I’ve ever seen. It’s so nice and round. I just want to take a bite out of it right here.” He slaps my ass cheek and I’m beginning to think that ass slapping is his thing. The smarting only lasts a second, but the redness will last a little longer.

“You are so kinky,” I tease. I’m glad he isn’t disappointed with my curves.

“Baby, you have no idea.” That wicked gleam in his eyes is back. “But you will,” he promises. He grabs my ass gently this time and massages the place he just slapped. “This ass belongs to me. You’ll do well to remember that.”

I want to ask for how long, but I don’t. I gaze at his defined chest and chiseled abs, allowing my hands to explore his phenomenal body. His board shorts hang delectably low, showcasing his V-shaped muscles. I want my tongue to trace the planes of his exquisiteness. I momentarily forget where we are as I let my fingertips skim the inner waistband of his shorts. He growls as he grabs my wrist. “You sure you want to start that here? Because I will fuck you right here and I won’t care who watches. Don’t start something you aren’t prepared to finish.”

“So it’s okay for you to fondle me in public, but I can’t return the favor?”

“Baby, you can do whatever you want. I just didn’t take you for an exhibitionist.”

“You wouldn’t,” I say all the while removing my hand from his waistband.

He smirks at me as he calls my bluff. “Try me. I will take you right here.”

“I’d rather not,” I acquiesce.

“Come on. Come take a dip with me.” He tugs my hand and until now I have avoided getting my hair wet. I didn’t want to tame my waves into submission before dinner, but his charms overrides my logic.

“Okay, but don’t expect my hair to have a miraculous recovery. It takes time to get all this under some semblance of control,” I say, motioning to my messy bun.

He snickers at my hair assessment before pulling out the elastic that’s holding it all in place. “I love your hair. It’s as sexy and gorgeous as its owner.”

I feel myself flushing at the compliment. I’m grinning a megawatt smile as he interlinks his fingers with mine. We stroll over to the pool and I feel all eyes on us ... well, on him. He is something to be idolized. We enter the water and I’m surprised to feel it’s pleasantly warm even though a cool breeze is settling in for evening. We swim a few laps, flirt, and share some kisses. I’ve never been one for public displays of affection, but Grayson makes everyone else fade into the background.


When we arrive back at our room, I prepare a shower. I don’t know what to wear; I’m sure we aren’t going out. As I am digging around my overnight bag, my phone rings. The caller is unknown, but I answer.

“Hello.” I hear heavy breathing on the other end. “Hello. Who is this?” I give the unknown person a few more seconds to speak before hanging up.
So childish

I take a quick shower and admit I’m little disappointed Grayson hasn’t joined me. I spend extra time washing my hair, hoping he’d be tempted to come see what’s taking me so long. No such luck. After towel drying my hair, I decide to put on a cotton T-shirt dress and hunt for him. I find him deep in thought on the sofa.

“Hey. Everything okay?” He smiles as he takes in my dress.

“Yes. Why wouldn’t it be?” He’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt again. His hair is damp so he has taken a shower as well.

“I thought maybe you got lost in there,” he kids. “What are we eating for dinner tonight? We can have Culina’s again or order takeout.”

“How about pizza? I can go for some cheesy gooey pizza.” I lick my lips just thinking about the last time I had cheese pizza, my favorite.


“Pizza it is then.” He orders one with just cheese on half and everything on the other half. “So what’ll it be? Red or white tonight?” he asks, regarding my wine preference.

“Let’s try red tonight.” I love how comfortable I feel with him already. He is domineering, but somehow relinquishing control to him takes the weight of expectations off my shoulders.

“Okay, red it is.” He gathers two wine glasses and pours us each a drink. It’s even more heavenly than the wine from the night before. As I sip the expensive wine, I wonder why he lives such an ornate lifestyle yet chooses teaching as a profession. “Grayson, why did you choose teaching?”

He looks at me as if this is an off-the-wall question. “What do you mean?”

“It’s just that you live such a lavish lifestyle, but then you pick a profession that pays pennies compared to the amount of money you have.” I hope I haven’t overstepped any boundaries.

“My family has always had money. My father has a diverse portfolio of hotel chains, restaurants, clubs, and etcetera—known as Michael’s Enterprises. He acquires businesses that are struggling and then either sells them or keeps them, after making them healthy again. I am actually the vice president and front man for the harder acquisitions and negotiations, but I wanted something of my own. I wanted a way to give back. Teaching gives me a way to share my knowledge, hoping students will use it to realize their own dreams of entrepreneurship.”




“I THINK THAT’S honorable. There aren’t many that use their wealth to help create wealth for others. There are all sorts of charities, but most just donate to a cause, not impart lifelong knowledge.”

The pizza arrives and I dig in with gusto. “It’s nice to see a woman who actually eats,” he teases.

“I’m sorry, I’m not one of those twigs you’re used to. I love food, especially Italian.” I reiterate my statement with a bite into the cheesy goodness.

“How do you know what I’m used to?”

“Oh, I have seen you with various women on Google. And none of them look like me. They are all long-legged goddesses that look like they could use a cheeseburger.”

He bellows out a hearty laugh. “So you’ve been checking up on me, eh?

Crap. I’m busted. I just admitted I’ve been cyber stalking him. “Well you’re the one who got my personal information from my student file the night of the party.” Oops I just stuck my foot in my mouth again. Perhaps it’s not a great idea to bring up the very situation that had him pissed off at me and threatened to ruin our arrangement. I peek over at him, but he is just flashes me a Cheshire cat grin.

“Guilty as charged,” he admits.

I change the subject quickly to avoid wrecking the mood we’ve established. “So what are your hobbies? What do you like to do?”

“You mean besides sex?” He puts his hand under his chin like he’s contemplating.

“Yes. Besides sex, smart ass.” I slap his arm in mock irritation before grabbing another slice of pizza.

“I like adrenaline-related activities. Cliff jumping, sky diving, rappelling, you name it. If it gets the heart pumping, I’m up for it. I love scuba diving and surfing as well.” He looks over to see the wonder on my face. “What about you? What do you like doing in your spare time besides having wild sex with me?”

BOOK: Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy)
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