Read Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy) Online

Authors: S.R. Watson

Tags: #a novel

Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy) (22 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy)
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“How nice of you to join us, Ms. Gallagher.” I flush crimson at his sarcasm. He waits until I take a seat before continuing the lesson. Liam gives me a sympathetic smile and whispers that he will email me a copy of his notes after he gets them typed up. He’s always written and then typed his notes. Seems redundant to me, but he insists it helps commit the information to memory. He chose not to go home during the Thanksgiving break.

Grayson is looking between us and I see his jaw tick. Class ends and Liam offers to walk me to my next class. He has a break before his next one, but I don’t want to add gasoline to the fuse that Grayson already has lit. He looks as though he wants to choke the hell out of Liam.


“Ms. Gallagher, can I see you at my desk please?”

Liam looks at me pathetically. “Do you want me to wait for you?”

“No, you go ahead. I’ll talk to you later.” I smile, but I’m not looking forward to the verbal lashing heading my way.

“Okay, see you.” Liam is barely out of the door before Grayson tears into me.

“What the fuck, Siobhan?” He huffs and paces. I don’t see what the big deal is. “Just because we’re seeing each other doesn’t mean you don’t have to follow the rules. I told the class at the beginning of the semester that if you are late don’t bother coming in unless it’s during a break. You broke that rule and got away with it. It doesn’t look good.”

Oh yeah. I forgot about that. “Sorry, Grayson. I overslept. I forgot to set my alarm, but I promise that it won’t happen again. I didn’t mean to put you in this situation.”

He lets out a long breath, which seems to calm him down. “Fine. See that it doesn’t happen again. Look ... ” He looks around before continuing. “I won’t be able to see you until Saturday evening. My father and I are trying to close a deal on an acquisition. We’re flying to New York on Thursday.”

“Um, okay.” Crap. Once again, business is eating into our time.

“You better get to your next class before you’re late again.” And just like that I’m dismissed. We talked almost every day during the break and now he’s being cold. I hate leaving on a sour note.


He said we’d see each on Saturday, but the flirtation I usually get from him is missing. I try not to let it upset me as I head to my economics class. I put us in an awkward situation; the last thing we need is for students to think I’m getting preferential treatment.



WHEN I GET home, Jordan is prepping for our margarita Monday with the girls. We talk about my visit to San Francisco with Grayson and our mini breakthrough—I got him to stay in bed with me after the sex. We didn’t get to discuss this over the break because we split up once we got to Houston.

“Just be careful, Shiv. Don’t read to much into it.”

“I won’t. Baby steps.” I read the doubt on her face so I change the subject. “So how are things coming along with Trevor? Are you guys serious yet?”

“Well, he has asked me to be his girlfriend so we are now in a relationship.” She has a silly grin on her face.

“Good for you guys.” I’m glad to see she’s happy. I know it was hard when her ex-boyfriend, Tristan, moved away and they decided not to do the long distance relationship thing.

“Thanks. Hey, I have an idea. Trevor is going to be visiting his parents this weekend in La Jolla since he missed going home for Thanksgiving and your man is going to be away too, so why don’t we have a girl’s night at Drai’s Friday?”

That place is fabulous. “That’s an excellent idea.” Not to mention it would help me not miss Grayson so much.


Bailey, Angie, and Meghan arrive an hour later. They are stoked about another opportunity to party. We drink our watermelon margaritas and gossip about men. Bailey tells us about a guy in Trevor’s frat that she’s crushing on. Apparently he’s been flirting with her, but hasn’t worked up the nerve to ask her out.

“May be you need to ask him out,” Meghan suggests.

“No way,” Bailey and Angie say in unison.

“What if I misread his intentions? He may only like me as a friend,” Bailey complains.

“Bailey you’re gorgeous. I guarantee if a guy is flirting with you, he wants in your panties and is not trying to be put in the friend zone,” Jordan offers. “Besides women ask men out. Equality and all that.” Meghan nods in agreement, but Angie still isn’t sold on the idea.

“What do you think Siobhan?” Bailey asks for my input.

“You would definitely be putting yourself out there, but if you like this guy I say go for it. That way if there isn’t a mutual interest you just move on rather than wondering what if.” Given my current situation, I don’t know if I’m the best person to give relationship advice. She did ask for my opinion though. “You’re gorgeous, intelligent, not to mention you have a kick-ass personality, so it would be his loss if he turned you down,” I add.

“Maybe you’re right.” She doesn’t offer anything further so we change the subject and make plans to meet here Friday before calling it a night.



AS WE WAIT on our drinks, I get lost in the music. We’ve managed to get our same cabana from last time and it has the best view to people watch. The club is more crowed this time and a lot rowdier. I can’t wait to go inside and let the music move me. I love dancing, after some liquid courage anyway. Vanessa shows up but we don’t say much to each other aside from a half ass hello. Our drinks eventually arrive and after a few I’m ready to dance and get away from Vanessa. I guess Bailey invited her. Jordan and I find our way to the dance floor since we seem to be the two dancers of the group. We dance to several upbeat songs and eventually lose sight of each other. Last I saw of her, she was dancing with some hot guy. It doesn’t matter though. I just continue the swaying of my hips.
Imagine That
by R Kelly comes on and my mind immediately falls on Grayson.

My hands are in the air as my body rolls seductively. My body-con dress inches up, but not enough to expose anything. The additional shots that Jordan and I got from the bar are fueling my little show and I feel sexy. A pair of strong hands grip my waist in an effort to grind against my ass. I glance at the guy and he’s okay looking, but he’s being too forceful. I try to pull away, but he pulls harder.


“Don’t be that way, baby. Dance with me. You’re too fine to be dancing out here by yourself.” He smiles at me and I’m disgusted by the endearment. It only sounds right coming from Grayson’s lips. I attempt to walk off the dance floor, but once again he grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer. I’m about to give him a piece of my mind when his arms are ripped from my waist.
Holy shit.
Grayson is here. He leans in and whispers something to the guy and I watch as his hands come up in a display of surrender. The guy walks off without a single word in my direction.

“Surprise, baby.” Now that’s more like it. He pulls me into his embrace and I can’t get close enough.

“What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?” I can hardly contain my excitement.

“We wrapped up early and I couldn’t wait to see you. I called Vanessa to give her the news that we closed the deal and she told me you guys were here.”

I hate that he has to deal with Vanessa, but I’m glad his coldness from Monday is gone. “So does this mean I still have to wait until tomorrow for us to get together?”

“Hell, no. You are coming to our place tonight,” he grins. I’m elated that we have a place.

He surprises me by catching my lips in a tender kiss as he grinds against me. R Kelly is singing about strawberries and whip cream in the background while his thick erection is making me wet.


Grayson palms my ass and I have a mini orgasm right here on the dance floor. Our make-out session is definitely inappropriate for public, but I’m lost in him. We are so wrapped up in each other we don’t see Vanessa walk up.

“What the fuck, Grayson? She’s your fucking student. Are you crazy? I knew you were fucking her,” she screams over the music. Yeah, there were a lot of fucks in that sentence. She isn’t happy. Her jealousy is obvious, just as it’s obvious she isn’t over him. Platonic my ass. She gives me a glacial stare before turning her furry on me. “You are so out of your league. You’ll never have him. You’re just one of many.”

“Vanessa. Enough,” Grayson booms. Regret flashes in his eyes before he pulls her away. I’m left standing here, stupefied. What does she mean one of many? Why did he leave with her? Her actions were definitely one of a jealous lover. I find Jordan at the bar. She asks me to join her in a shot but I decline. I’m done for the night. That shit with Vanessa was a buzzkill. I just want to go home and not think about Grayson leaving with her. I couldn’t get a word in. I was so stunned. What does this mean for our arrangement? Is she going to out us? I tell Jordan I’m just going to take a cab home. Talk about déjà vu. I ran away from this very club not too long ago because of him. I can’t keep allowing him to make me feel like a fool.

“If you give me a minute, I’ll go with you,” she offers.

“No stay with the girls, I’ll be fine. I had a great time tonight.” Until ten minutes ago that is, but I keep that tidbit to myself. I make my way outside to hail a cab.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I know that sexy rasp without turning around.

“Home,” I say simply.

“You weren’t going to tell me you were leaving?” he admonishes.

“What? Like you told me you were leaving with Vanessa,” I huff.

“Siobhan don’t.”

“Don’t what?” I challenge.

“Don’t make me pulling her aside out of something more than it was. I had to calm her down so she didn’t ruin everything. I told her about our arrangement and swore her to secrecy. She won’t out us now.”

“Why the fuck do you owe her an explanation? You gave me shit for wanting to share our arrangement with Jordan. That woman is in love with you and you’re a fool if you don’t see it.” I’m fuming now. He’s just confirmed her suspicion that I’m one of many.

“Let’s not do this here. Things with Vanessa and I are complicated,” he says. Valet pulls up with his car and he encourages me to get into the car. “Just get in and I promise to explain.”

I’m slightly hesitant, but curiosity gets the best of me. “Fine.”


BOOK: Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy)
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