Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 (49 page)

Read Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 Online

Authors: Lisa M. Harley,Missy Johnson,Stacey Lynn,Lexi Buchanan,Rebecca Brooke,Olivia Linden,Jessica Hawkins,R. S. Grey,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Janice Baker

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1
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Leave him. I don’t want to leave him. I have to end it between us.
The debate continued in my head until he said something that flashed me back to reality.

“This is everything you are to me, baby. Between your loving thighs is the only place I want to ever be,” he growled as he began to tug at his waistband to grab his hard cock for me.
Everything you are to me
, rang over and over again through my mind.

“Non!” I cried out and was able to muster every ounce of strength I had in me to push him back.

He’s just using me for his pleasure and that’s it.

He looked at me with furrowed brows as I tried to close my thighs together and turn on my side. Gordon’s body fell to the side as he let out a grunt, possibly from his back hitting the console.

“Dammit, Angelina,” he cried out as he reached for me. I tried to sit up, but my heel was stuck in the window frame, so my attempt was clumsy. Pulling my foot from my shoe, I sat up and tugged at it, finally freeing it from where it was wedged. Gordon tugged at my arm trying to pull me to him. I clutched my shoe and smacked his arm with it and then hit him again in the same place.

“Ow!” He grasped his arm and began rubbing it.

“I’m sorry, Gordon. I just…we can’t do this anymore. I have to end this now,” I told him as I adjusted my skirt back into place. Without looking at him again, I continued, “When you divorce Lauren, we can finally be together.” Tucking my shirt back into my skirt, I knew I was making the right decision. I glanced over to Gordon and his face said it all. He wasn’t happy and he seemed to be slightly angry as he climbed back over to the driver’s seat, turned the car on and began to drive.

I couldn’t stop the tears if I wanted to. I had just ended it with him and I couldn’t waiver on my decision any more. The next few months would be extremely difficult and I tried to imagine what my new life would be like without Gordon’s affections.

Our drive was quiet until we reached the school. He turned the car off and faced me. “You’re going to want to come back to me. And when you do, I’ll be waiting.” His soft voice, coupled with the determination and love he had for me made me break down into tears. He held me close as I sobbed into his shoulder. He ran his hand over my hair, calming me until I could gather myself.

I was going to stay in the car, but Gordon pleaded, “Please come with me. For Mitchell’s sake. I’m sure he’d love to see both of us.”

I swallowed back my tears and my pride, especially as we approached the door to the school. The teacher greeted both of us, handing the sign-out sheet to Gordon as Mitchell ran into my arms. I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go and enjoyed his comfort to end my sadness.

“Is everything all right, dear?” The teacher asked me as I stood, still holding Mitchell in my arms.

“She’s fine. She just heard from a friend that an old classmate is sick. I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Gordon told the teacher. I tried to contain my surprise by pressing my lips together and giving her a quick nod.

All too quickly it hit me how easily a lie just rolled off of Gordon’s tongue. He hadn’t even paused to think one up; just like last night when he spoke with Lauren about the mussed up bedding.


Chapter Four



“What will you do with your evening out, Angelina?” Lauren asked me later on that day. I couldn’t look her in the eyes as we stood in the kitchen while I made dinner for Mitchell. I pretended to be completely engrossed in what I was doing.

Lauren arrived earlier than she had initially planned. Thankfully, I was playing with Mitchell in his room and Gordon was in his office. We hadn’t spoken since his lie to the teacher at school earlier today.

That lie made me question, yet again, the truthfulness of what Gordon wanted me to believe. To put faith in him that he would eventually leave Lauren and marry me. As much as I wanted the fairytale ending, the seeds of doubt were far too deep.

I swallowed not knowing what I really would do tonight. “Umm, a movie. Maybe.” It was all I could come up with since I was really limited to what I could do at night. I wasn’t supposed to go to a bar, even though I have access to the town car to take me to and from. But my contract specified that I would stay out of the public eye and away from such places that might draw attention to their family.

“Are you okay, Angelina? You seem a little sad tonight,” Lauren touched my arm and asked with a calm, caring voice.

I couldn’t meet her eyes, especially since she was reaching out with kindness. “Fine. I’m fine. I think I’m a little homesick, that’s all,” I lied. It occurred to me how easily it rolled off my tongue too.

“Well, you have your break coming up after the elections are over with. You’ll be able to fly home and visit, if that helps a little.” Her compassion felt like knives twisting in me as I realized that he was lying to both of us. He had to be. A woman extending such support wouldn’t do so to the woman sleeping with her husband. And that’s all I was doing. Sleeping with her husband.

I tried to push back the tears that were welling up in my eyes as I pressed a smile and nodded my head. “Yes, that does. That does help a little. Thank you, Lauren.” I still couldn’t look at her. “I’m going to head out to dinner and then see a movie, if there isn’t anything else you need from me?”

“No, I think we’re all set for tonight.” She turned to Mitchell and hugged him tightly. “Right, big guy? We’re going to watch our own movie tonight and pig out on junk food for fun!” Mitchell laughed as she tickled him and kissed his little cheek.

Ridden with guilt, I turned and started to walk out of the kitchen, but was stopped at the door as she called out, “Angelina.”

I turned, meeting her ocean blue eyes. “Yes?” I tried to break my gaze as she offered a small smile.

“Make sure you take the town car tonight. Now that I’m home, I’m sure there’ll be all kinds of reporters and strangers out there. Tony will take you where you need to go.”

I nodded, realizing she was looking out for my safety as well. The guilt in my stomach tightened and nausea attempted to take over as I inhaled a calming breath. I definitely needed to be finished with her husband. He was lying to me and I really knew it now as I was receiving the nurturing thoughtfulness of his wife.

Tonight I would see a movie and try to lose myself in it. Maybe I would see two.





The bar was crowded tonight as I swept my eyes around the huge open space. I had just told my girlfriend that I was completely finished with her.
I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to hear the last of it since every time I break up with Mary I receive a lecture from my mom. Mary is supposed to be the epitome of the perfect wife-to-be. Except none of the people who kept telling me that had to sleep with her. In bed she was more like a cold wet fish. I shivered as I thought about the last time we had sex, remembering how she just laid there looking out into space.

I continued to look around the bar until I noticed a gorgeous brunette sitting by herself directly opposite from me. Watching her from across the bar, I pretended to talk to my friends. Not that I’d really call them friends. Snobby assholes leeching off their rich parents was more along the lines of what I’d call them.

“Conner, did you hear what I just said?” Billy asked as he hit my arm. I nodded and then tilted my beer bottle toward the stunning woman sitting across from where we were. Her long brown hair draped over the front of her shirt, covering her breasts. She quickly flung her locks over her shoulder, her eyes flicked over to mine. I inhaled deeply as the corner of her mouth turned up, giving me a small smile. I got a chub just staring at her glossy lips when they parted slightly. When her tongue ran over her bottom lip, I thought for sure I’d lose it. My eyes glanced back down to her chest. The swell of her breasts was barely visible, unless you looked as hard as I was. Probably like most of the guys in the bar were.

“Hey, do you know who that chick is?” I asked him without taking my eyes off her.

“Oh wow. That’s the girl Tommy was talking about. He almost ran into a tree when he saw her at the park with a little kid. Fucking MILF, man. She’s hot.”

I nodded and stood up just as some older guy sat down next to her and started to speak. A certain bravado ran through me. The kind where you just want to kick a guy’s ass for just being near something you want. The woman seemed interested in him at first, but he must have said something that annoyed her as I watched her roll her eyes and play with the swizzle stick making the olive swirl around in her drink.

“You gonna go for it?” Billy asked as I began walking toward her. I nodded to him quickly as I rounded the corner and glanced around the bar, making sure no reporters were around. It sucks having to check, but it was always worth it. I was pretty sure none got in tonight, but you never know.

I grabbed a bar stool near them and leaned on the counter. I wanted to be able to hear what they were saying or rather what he was saying to her. She seemed uninterested as she glanced around the room, until her eyes met mine. Her dark, almost gold eyes gleamed when her perfect lips flashed me a small smile. My heart pounded out of my chest just from that look and then a surge of jealousy snapped through me as her gaze returned to the asshole trying to pick her up.

Swordfest time and I wasn’t about to lose this one. This chick, well, really I’d go ahead and call her a woman, even though she seems close to my age; she looks nothing like the college girls I know. Definitely nothing like Mary, thank God. I stood behind the guy and leaned on the bar with my beer bottle in front of me. My heart was still pounding and I wasn’t sure if it was because I was about to go up against this idiot or because I was so anxious to speak with her.

“I own hotels all over the country and this is one of my finest. I’d really like to show you how nice it is,” he said as he reached out to touch her. I wanted to laugh and as I glanced over to view her face, I noticed she did too. Our eyes met and again that same excitement shot through me. I grinned at her as if we had our own private joke about the guy.

Then…she spoke and I almost came right there. Her sensuous French accent caused my dick to harden instantly. Staring at her lips as I listened to her sensuous voice almost made me push the guy out of the way.

“Your line is a little tacky. I’m very sorry that you feel the need to lower yourself by telling me your portfolio,” she kindly told him, her voice sincere and lacking of the bite it probably should have. Her eyes bore into mine as she continued, “Men should always be upfront with their intentions. If you want to fuck me, don’t try to dangle money in front of my eyes. I’m not anyone’s whore.” Her eyes darted back to the guy she was attempting to brush off. Only he didn’t get it and tried to backpedal.

I chuckled out loud causing the guy to swing around on his stool. There was a slight glean of sweat on the guy’s reddened face. “Is there something you find funny?” His voice was angry and I was pretty sure he was about to take being told to fuck off by the woman out on me. Unless he still didn’t get it.

“Yeah, I find it funny that she just told you off and you’re still standing there. My girlfriend likes to be treated with a lot more respect.”

“Girlfriend?” His eyes darted between the French beauty and me. She gave a small nod and pressed her lips into a tight smile. It’s been a little while since I tried to hit on a girl, so I took a risk saying that, but hopefully saving her from this conversation might score some points for me.

He seemed like he still didn’t believe me, so I added, “Yeah, I went to chat with some friends.” I leaned in and jokingly whispered, “But I’m back now.” I wiggled my brows, egging him on. I’d be more than happy to punch the guy in the face. She’s definitely worth the risk of getting my picture in the paper again. Jail for that matter too. Knocking him out might help get some of this sexual angst I’ve got building up in me.

“Maybe next time you shouldn’t leave such a beautiful woman sitting here by herself,” he sneered at me and started to leave.

“Why? I can’t sit quietly and enjoy my drink at the bar? Sometimes a little solitude gives you perspective. Unless you’re the type of person who just can’t be alone,” the beauty spoke as her eyes dared him to say something more. Her graceful hand swirled the olive in her drink before she, ever so sensually, brought it to her mouth. We both watched as her rose colored lips parted, her tongue caressed the olive before finally wrapping her lips around it. A slight pout of her mouth finalized the most sexual way I’ve ever seen a woman eat an olive. My balls tightened hard and I quickly adjusted myself, knowing I now had to have those lips around my cock the same way.

“Now, if you’ll excuse my boyfriend and me, I would really appreciate it,” she demanded as she uncrossed her legs. She tucked her ankles together on the stool brace, bringing both our focus to her gorgeous legs. The guy looked at me and then back to her before walking off.
Too easy.

I smiled as I stepped closer to this woman who now had me completely and totally entranced. I felt like I had to know everything about her. “What’s your name?” I asked. Not the best opener, but at least I’d be able to call her something other than “woman” in my head.

I glanced at her long slim neck and watched her swallow, then her teeth pulled in her full bottom lip. I felt like I was holding my breath awaiting her name, and couldn’t help but wonder why she seemed reluctant to give it. Her eyes darted around the room quickly before landing back on mine. “Let’s not do names.”

My brows shot up in surprise, wondering why. Of course then my mind flipped the other way thinking that maybe I have an awesome shot with her. I was pretty sure I did after saving her from Rico Suave, but you never know.

Without thinking, I placed my hand on her thigh. The silkiness of her skirt compelled me to massage the fabric and squeeze her flesh underneath. She seemed to gasp and I was certain she’d slap my hand away. Instead her legs parted and her hands clutched my waist as she pulled me closer to her. I inhaled her sweet soft scent deeply, knowing I’d remember the elegant fragrance my entire life. Touching her silky hair, the same amazing color as her eyes, was pure luxury. I firmed my grip as I bent down; her eyes were begging me to kiss her.

“Make me forget him,” she implored huskily.

Our lips were just about to touch as I whispered, “Who?”

Her eyes fluttered shut as she breathed, “My boyfriend.” With that she greedily pressed her lips to mine as I felt her hunger strengthen. Her lips parted allowing my tongue to explore her mouth. An explosion of emotions surged through me as her soft lips engulfed mine. A sense of urgency and need flowed between us as I wrapped my hand tighter around her soft locks. Our surroundings faded as a throaty mewl reverberated from her sending shivers through me. I caressed her soft cheek, needing her even closer to me.

She pulled back slowly as I realized my friends across the bar were making catcalls. I pressed my lips against her soft flesh again, wanting to never part from it.

Curling her mouth into a small smile, she teased, “I take it your friends approve.”

Not taking my eyes off her, nor my hands from her velvety skin, I told her, “I don’t need their approval.” I didn’t wait for an answer from her as I leaned in again and continued to taste her luscious mouth. Everything about her screamed sensuality and passion. If she was like this in bed, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t want to let her go after just one night.

“How long have you been with your boyfriend?” I asked as we came up for air. Then I realized how stupid it was of me to ask that question. Who asks a gorgeous girl about her boyfriend when you’re trying to get her into bed?


“Not very long. I thought we agreed you were going to help me forget him tonight,” she reminded me as her tongue swept over her full bottom lip before being tugged in between her teeth.

“You’re right. How could I forget my manners?” I smiled as I leaned over to capture that same lip with my own teeth.

I couldn’t take her home, but I definitely wanted a full night to explore her. Especially as I ran my fingers lightly over the side of her waist. I felt her shiver and all I wanted to do all night was elicit any pleasurable tingle from her body. As I kissed her softly, I whispered in her ear, “Would you care to leave with me for a little more privacy?”

She shook her head as her eyes darted around the room as if searching for an answer. Slight disappointment marred her beautiful features. “I can’t risk leaving here with someone,” she worriedly spoke, her full mouth pouting after she told me this. Maybe her boyfriend is more high profile than I thought before. For some reason, the thought of making sure she forgot whatever guy has a hold on her, turned me on even more. Making sure she thought of me the next time they have sex was my new found goal. I was going to make sure she wouldn’t forget how I took her.

I caressed her hand gently knowing what to do. I reached in my pocket and grabbed a twenty. I was unsure if she paid for her drink already, but didn’t want the bartender asking where we went. Throwing the bill on the counter I glanced at her confused expression and gave her a reassuring smile.

This bar has been in magazines for having an unheard of ten private bathrooms, each with its own door that locks. I wasn’t sure how she’d feel about having sex in the bathroom, but I was so revved up at that point, I didn’t care.

I led her toward the back of the hallway lined with doors and pushed one open. For being a bar bathroom, it seriously deserved to be in a magazine. The room was fairly large, extremely clean with a modern feel to it. I watched her glance behind us, making sure we weren’t being followed. Seeing that she worried about that, made my cock twitch. Especially knowing I’d enjoy trying to calm her nerves. I pulled her in and closed the door, locking it as the lights automatically came on.

“Do you still want me to make you forget about him?” I asked, making sure she wanted this. The last thing I needed was another story in the paper that I would take advantage of a woman. Her eyes darted to my lips as I watched her chest lift, giving me a full shot of her petite cleavage. A black lacy bra peeked through and let my mind wonder if her panties matched. There’s only one way to find out. I touched her cheek and leaned in. “Do you?”

She exhaled a deep breath as her eyes fluttered shut and leaned in toward me. “Oui,” she whispered as her velvet soft lips touched mine.

And that was it. After that there was no more talking. Our mouths collided, our hands grabbed and tugged at any piece of material we could clutch at. I pressed her body against the wall as I devoured her luscious mouth, inhaling her incredible delicate scent.

The sound of the bar outside the door was barely audible as I pressed her harder against the wall. Anxiously, my hand slid down to feel her ass. The silky material of her skirt wasn’t allowing me to fully appreciate her body. I reached down a little further for the hem and skimmed my fingers along something lacy. I backed off slightly, so I could have a better look.
Holy shit
. How the hell did I miss that she was wearing black thigh high things with lace at the top? The only time Mary ever wore those was when I bought them for her and she thought it was a joke.

“You like them?” Her soft voice asked. That accent of hers along with the view of her firm thighs made me want to come in my pants. I reached down and tugged at her fabric to reveal what I had hoped. Black lacy panties. As I grazed my fingers along her thigh, she let out a beautiful throaty sigh. I pressed my hand to her sex feeling how wet she was through the soft fabric. Her hands clutched my hair, forcing my mouth to hers.

I heard the lock on the door jiggle. I heard someone swear and then they seemed to leave. Our eyes met, her concerned expression vanished as we both seemed to inhale deeply and devour each other with our eyes. Considering I’ve never done anything like this before, hearing that door almost open added to the excitement of what we were going to do.

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