Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer) (27 page)

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Authors: Darlene Shortridge

BOOK: Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer)
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She hadn’t put her coat on before stepping outside and was rubbing her arms, trying to keep warm. It was the beginning of March and still winter. She rubbed furiously and walked as quickly as she dared. The alley wasn’t a normal route and didn’t get the attention from the city workers like the main streets did. She carefully circled heaps of snow left by the plows and watched for snow-covered ice. She didn’t want to fall.

She stepped around the corner and ran into a guy who had his head down. Neither of them had been watching where they were going. She said excuse me, but he kept going, not saying a word, not even in response.

Laney continued, not taking the time to be annoyed at the rude stranger. She was too cold to care. She had the odd feeling that she was being watched. When she stopped suddenly and turned around, the stranger was standing still, staring at her. She couldn’t see his face in the shadows, but clearly he was watching her. She turned and quickly walked into the tearoom.

“There you are.” Sheila looked at her questioningly. “What were you doing outside? You’re freezing.”

The place looked deserted. Dirty teacups and saucers littered the tables. A stray napkin or two lie on the floor. “Is everyone gone already?”

“Yep, the last straggler just left. An odd-looking fellow. Had his hat pulled low and seemed to be looking about the place. He made me nervous.”

“I wonder if it’s the same guy I bumped into. I went out back to call the kids and locked myself out. I ran smack dab into this guy on the sidewalk. He was pretty rude. Didn’t say a word.”

“So, that’s why you were outside, freezing to death. Girl, let me get you some tea.” They both started laughing.

Sheila was pouring the tea when Laney remembered the box. “A box came earlier. I didn’t see who brought it, but it must be a grand opening gift.” She went to retrieve it from the kitchen.

Sheila picked up the box and looked for a note or a card. No such luck. She untied the bright red ribbon, lifted off the top of the box and screamed loud enough that Austin came running from the back of the room.

Laney dared to look in the box, not knowing what to expect. Her heart lurched at the sight. Laney couldn’t be sure, but it looked like Matt’s guinea pig. It was hard to tell with all the blood matted in his fur. Nothing had happened in the past couple of weeks. She thought he got the message and was going to leave them alone. Of course, there was no way she could prove the animal was Matt’s. It was then she saw the animal’s leg twitch. It was still alive. She ran for the bathroom. What type of person could do this to an animal? And why?

After the three of them composed themselves, Austin asked, “Do you think we should call the police?”

Laney smirked. “Why, so they can tell us it’s teenagers playing more pranks? There’s no point.” She stood in front of the window. “I’m getting sick of this. His game playing is getting old.” She wiped a tear. “If this is Matt’s pet, what do I tell him?”

Sheila wrapped her friend in a hug. “You don’t know for sure this animal is Matt’s. I wouldn’t worry him for nothing. Hopefully, it isn’t his and it is some sick joke. I pray it is, Laney. I would rather it be that then the alternative.”

“You’re right. I keep thinking the worst.” Laney walked back to the table. “I don’t know what it is, or why I keep thinking of Paul when these things happen, but I do. It is just little things. If it is him, he is being careful.” She turned to Sheila. “What scares me is he is fully capable of everything that has happened. The man I lived with, the man I promised to love and cherish all of my breathing days is capable of burning a house down, threatening an old lady, and killing an innocent animal. If it’s him, how did I not know? How could I not tell?”

They finished washing the last of the teacups and saucers by hand. Everything else went through the dishwasher. The tablecloths were bagged and ready to be washed and pressed. Thankfully, Ella had made two sets of covers so the tables were set and ready for tomorrow’s business before they locked the door. Austin made sure Laney was safely in her van before getting into his and Sheila’s truck.



*  *  *  *



Ella had left earlier with a couple from church. She picked up Laney’s kids and took them home and readied them for bed. It was quiet when Laney walked in the door. The kids must have been pretty wiped out to not protest going to bed before she got home. Ella was sitting on the couch, leafing through a magazine.

“Sorry I’m late.” She hung up her coat and kicked her boots off. She slipped her boot slippers on, thankful for the warmth. She was still chilled from her walk outside without her coat.

“I didn’t expect you any sooner. There was a lot to clean up. It was nice of you to stay and help.”

“I couldn’t have done it without your help, so thank you.”

“You are welcome. Well, I should get home. I don’t quite last as long into the night as I used to.”

Laney smiled in agreement, trying not to be distracted. She didn’t want to worry Ella any more than she had to. “I’m pretty tired myself. I’ll be hitting the hay as well.”

Laney watched from her doorstep to make sure Ella got in her house safely. She wouldn’t want anything to happen to the older woman who was like a mother to her.



Chapter Thirty-Three







Paul couldn’t believe Laney didn’t recognize him. She’d almost plowed him over. He had kept his head down and didn’t respond. He had to keep her guessing. She would know he was responsible for everything when he decided she should know, not before. He couldn’t move too fast. It wasn’t time yet.

He was in the teashop when the delivery guy brought the package in. He hoped they would open it right then. He should have known they would set it aside until later. That’s okay; he still sent a message she understood. She would know it was Matt’s stupid rat. She knew everything about those kids. All her friends were planting seeds of doubt in her, but he could see it in her eyes. She knew he was responsible and she was scared. Which is exactly how he wanted her.

He stood and watched her leave. She looked nervous, glancing over her shoulder every few steps. He wondered if she could feel his anger, if she could feel his hate wrapping its claws around her heart, squeezing the life out of her. If she couldn’t feel it now, she’d feel soon enough. He turned and walked down the street.

Time to move things along.



Chapter Thirty-Four







Spring came quickly. The robins returned home, bringing with them warm winds and hard rain. Laney was delighted to see crocus peeking through the last remnants of snow. It was a welcome sight compared to the red that decorated her yard from a few weeks ago.

The seasons were easily identified in this part of the country, and Laney loved it. She and the kids made a game of guessing the date they would see the first robin or see the first flower appear. It was fun.

She was at her busiest at work and Ella was helping with the kids. If the day brought rain, she’d leave work, pick up the kids and drop them off, then head back to work until early evening. The thought of bigger paychecks kept her going, that and knowing the long hours would only last a few weeks.

She wasn’t surprised when she pulled in front of the school to find only Joy waiting for her. “No Matt?”

“No, mom, I haven’t seen him. He’s probably in the office again.”

“Well, I told him what would happen. I don’t have time to be dealing with his nonsense.”

Joy buckled up and Laney took off. He had his umbrella, so she wasn’t worried about him walking the couple of blocks home. Besides, kids walk home from school every day, right?

She couldn’t feel guilty about this. He knew it was coming. He’d been told again and again. She pulled up and dropped Joy off at Ella’s. “Tell Ms. Ella that Matt will be late. He’s serving a detention, again.”

“Okay mom. I’ll let her know.”



*  *  *  *



Laney was back at the office, working hard and not paying attention to the clock when her cell phone rang. She glanced at the caller id. Ella.

“Hey there. Everything okay?”

“I was just wondering how long detentions last? Matt still isn’t home.”

Laney glanced at the clock on the wall. Five pm. “Not this long. I’ll call the school. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

She called the school and got the voice mail. She started to get worried. Laney looked up the number for the school principal, hoping he would be home. The phone rang several times before she heard a voice on the other end.

“Mr. Leary?”

“I’m sorry, but he’s not home yet. May I take a message? This is Mrs. Leary.”

“Mrs. Leary, I’m sorry to bother you at home like this. My name is Laney Sanders and my son, Matt, is a student at the elementary school and I need to ask your husband if my son had detention today. I just received a call from my day care provider and Matt hasn’t come home yet. Could you have him call me at work as soon as he comes in?”

“Sure, I expect him to walk through the door any minute.”

Laney gave her the phone number and waited anxiously for the phone to ring.

When it finally did ring, she didn’t like what she heard.

Laney quickly filled her bosses in on what was happening. Matt had disappeared. She grabbed her purse and quickly left, calling 911 on her way out the door. Laney gave the police a description and agreed to meet them at the school.

She hung up and called Ella. “Ella, he didn’t have a detention. Oh God, this is all my fault. If only I had gone in to find him. Ella pray, pray like you’ve never prayed before.” Laney hung up once again, trying to think of who to call next. She punched in Sheila’s number. “Sheila, Matt is missing.” She barely got out the details before she pulled into the school parking lot. There was no sign of him. The police pulled in right behind her.

One of the police officers took out a notepad and began asking her questions. “Are you sure he wasn’t going to a friend’s house?”

“No, I’d know if my son was going to a friend’s house. He is gone. Missing. Do something.”

“Ma’am, we need to ask you some questions before we put out an alert. We have to make certain the boy is actually missing.”

Laney saw a car pull into the parking lot. It was Sheila, thank God. Just seeing her helped calm Laney down. “What do you need to know?”

“What was he wearing this morning?”

Laney gave him his description. Gave them the names of all Matt’s friends. Told him his teacher’s name. Told them his hobbies and likes and dislikes. Anything they asked she answered. “Now, will you find my son?”

Cars started pulling in the parking lot. Pastor Mark and Jessi were followed by some of the other kids’ parents in Matt’s Sunday school class. They joined Jessi and Sheila who were standing on the pavement outside the school. Ella had called Jessi as soon as she got the news. The phones were still ringing in houses all across the city.

The police officer shook his head. “People, we don’t know what happened yet. What are you doing here?”

Mark answered. “We are here to pray and then we’re going to find Matt. We won’t stop praying and searching until we find him.” Mark was bold. He spoke with a heavenly authority. Laney had heard him boldly preach the word of God, but she’d never heard him speak like this.

Not waiting for a response from the officer, Mark began to pray.

“Lord God we come before you, and we humbly call on your name. You are the God of the universe, the maker of heaven and earth. You have and carry all authority. Nothing is or can be without you saying so. Father, we do not know where Matt is. Father, we pray that you would reveal him to us, that we would find him quickly. Father we pray for Laney that you would give her a peace that she can in no way comprehend, except that it comes from you. We pray for Matt, where ever he is, that you would keep him safe. Father we ask that he would not be afraid. Lord, remind him of his relationship with you. You can see him Lord, you see him exactly where he is. Comfort him, Lord. I pray for the police. I pray you would give them wisdom. Open doors for us, Lord. Show us, Father, where to look. Lead us now in your precious name. Amen.”

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