Forever You (15 page)

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Authors: Sandi Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Forever You
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every curve. I never wanted anyone or anything so bad in my entire life.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” I whispered as I ran my hand up and down her perfectly sculpted

stomach. I climbed on top of her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. My lips met hers for a

brief second until my tongue began to explore her neck. She moaned and tilted her head back to give

me full access. She arched her back as I took down her bra straps and exposed her breasts. A groan

escaped me as I lightly sucked each hardened nipple and ran my tongue in circles down her perfect

body. She pressed her hips against me, letting me know she wanted more. I wanted to devour her. I

felt like I was going to lose my mind because I wanted her and needed her so badly.

As I was licking and stroking every inch of her perfect body, she took her hand and pushed it down

the front of my pants. I moaned out of excitement. Her hand was soft as she wrapped her long fingers

around my cock and stroked it up and down. I lightly traced the edge of her panties as my fingers

made their way to her swollen and aching clit. Her breathing was rapid as she softly moaned and said

my name. I circled my fingers around her tender spot before gently inserting them inside. “You’re so

wet, Ellery; god, I want you,” I moaned as our lips joined together. She continuously moaned as I

moved my fingers inside her in a delicate in and out motion. She was ready to come, and I could feel

her wanting to explode. She started to scream my name as I softly circled her clit with my thumb,

releasing all of her sweet passion to me. I’ve never been more turned on in my life, and I needed to be

inside her.

I tore off my jeans and underwear and threw them across the room. “I promise I’ll be gentle with

you. If I get too rough, please promise me that you’ll stop me,” I told her. I was scared that I was

going to lose all control with her and hurt her. She nodded her head as I climbed on top and gently

inserted myself inside her.

I stared into her eyes with each slow and steady thrust. “What are you doing to me, Ellery?” The

corners of her mouth curved up as she pulled me down to her, and we kissed passionately. Once I

was fully inside her, my movements became faster. She panted with each thrust. Her hands traveled

down my backside as she dug her nails into my back, exciting me more than I already was. I wanted

this moment to last forever. I wanted to stay like this for eternity and never pull out of her. She felt so

warm and so good. This moment was right for both of us. She needed me just as bad as I needed her. I

brought my mouth to her breasts; sucking and lightly biting each nipple. I could feel her swell and

preparing for her next orgasm, making my moans become louder and my thrusts more forceful. I took

her leg and brought it up to my waist, making penetration more deep and intense. “Come for me,

Ellery; come, baby,” I whispered in her ear. Her breathing became fierce as she screamed my name,

and her body shook in ecstasy.

“Christ, Ellery, you feel so good.” I moaned as I yelled her name while filling her insides with my

come. It was the most incredible and pleasurable feeling, and even though I’ve had sex a million

times, this was different; this was new.

I looked at her, panting and out of breath as she stroked my face with her hand and pulled me down

onto her. I wrapped my hands around her head and buried myself in her neck. Our rapid heartbeats

began to slow down, as did our breathing. I gently pulled out of her and fell to my side. I took my

hand and softly pushed her hair away from her face so I could see all of her beauty.

“You’re amazing,” I smiled.

“You’re amazing,” she responded.

We laid there and talked about how beautiful our love making was and how I felt different. Ellery

explained to me that it was because I made love to her with passion and emotion. She was right; I

poured every emotion I had into her. I fell for Ellery Lane the moment I saw her standing in my

kitchen, and now I fell in love with her. For the first time in my life, I fell in love with someone, and

it scared me. I pulled her closer and held her tight until we started round two.

Chapter 12

I wrapped my arms around her as she slept. I held tight because I never wanted to let her go. I lay

and stare at her as she sleeps; her perfect mouth slightly open as she takes in tiny breaths. She’s

peaceful now, and I need to make sure that she stays that way. I couldn’t help but softly run my finger

along her jaw line. I made my way to her mouth and gently traced the outline of her perfectly shaped

lips; lips that were so soft, alluring, and begging to be kissed. I couldn’t stop staring at the woman to

whom I’ve given my whole heart. She stirred among the sheets and opened her eyes. I smiled as they

looked up at me innocently.

“Good morning,” she smiled.

“Good morning, baby,” I grinned as I lightly kissed her forehead. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“No, you didn’t wake me, but may I ask why you’re staring at me?” She asked with such innocence.

“I’m staring because I never want to take my eyes off you. You’re someone who deserves my full

attention at all times,” I replied as I softly ran my hand down her cheek.

She tightened her grip around my waist as she laid her head on my chest.

“I feel safe when I’m with you, Connor. I’ve never felt safer in my whole life,” she whispered as

she kissed my skin lightly.

I closed my eyes for a moment because she took my breath away. I’ve never felt so needed, and no

one has ever needed me the way Ellery does. I need her like I need air to breathe. I need her like I

need a heartbeat to keep me alive.

She moved up closer to me, and then covered her mouth with her hand. She was embarrassed about

morning breath, but I didn’t care. I rolled her over on her back and started kissing her. She stopped

me and looked at the clock, saying that if we didn’t get out of bed, we were going to be late. So, I had

a better idea. I slid out of bed, and she bit down on her bottom lip as she stared at me, fully naked and

standing in front of her. I smiled as I held out my hand to her.

“It looks like we’ll have to shower together to save time,” I said.

She quickly took my hand, and I led her to the bathroom. I turned on the water and kept it between

hot and warm, but not too hot because I didn’t want Ellery passing out again. I was going to make sure

that never happened again. She stepped in first, and I followed. We stood there as the water ran down

our bodies, wetting our skin. I took the soft sponge and the bottle of shower gel that was compliments

of the hotel and opened it. I took in the vanilla scent and held it up to Ellery so she could smell it. She

smiled as she took the shower gel from my hand and poured it on the sponge I was holding. I started

to wash her slowly, starting with her breasts as I moved the sponge in soft circles around her nipples.

She moaned as she took my cock and stroked it up and down, moving her hands in a steady motion. A

groan came from the back of my throat as I continued washing every inch of her torso. She had me so

excited and hard that I needed her right then and there.

“Connor, I need you now, please,” she begged me.

I turned her around, and pinned her arms against the shower wall, and took her slowly from behind,

kissing her neck as I moved in and out of her. I let go of her arms and cupped each breast in my hands,

rubbing and feeling them as she sexily moaned. Nothing was sexier than seeing her against the shower

wall. I could barely control myself.

“Are you ready, Elle?” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

She moaned with each deep thrust. “Yes, come with me, Connor,” she begged. Hearing her say

those words were all I needed to hear. I pushed myself harder into her as I filled her up with my

warmth. Her body shook as I held her tight, and we both sank to the shower floor, holding each other

in pure bliss.

Once we were able to get ourselves out of the shower, I stayed in the bathroom to shave, and Ellery

went into the bedroom to get dressed. I walked into the room and found Ellery sitting on the edge of

the bed. It looked like something was bothering her. I stood over her and ran my hand through her wet


“What’s wrong, baby?” I asked her.

She looked up and smiled at me. “Nothing’s wrong; I’m just sitting here, wishing that we could stay

another night in this beautiful hotel room.”

I smiled and held my hand out to help her from the bed. “Don’t you worry; there will be plenty of

beautiful hotel rooms in our future.” I meant every word I said to her. I envision a future with Ellery. I

never thought it would be possible to love someone so much. I’ve kept my heart closed off for so

many years, but now I know it was because she was the one who was meant to open it. She looked at

me and tears began to fill her eyes.

“Ellery, what’s wrong? Why do you look like you’re going to cry?” I asked as I wrapped my arms

around her.

“I’m just so happy, that’s all; you’ve made me so happy,” she whispered.

“You’ve made me happy too, baby; I can’t even tell you how much,” I said as I squeezed her, not

wanting to let go. I kissed her on head and broke our embrace. If we didn’t get out of this hotel room,

we weren’t going to make it to the funeral home on time. I grabbed our suitcases, and we headed out

of the hotel.

We were driving along the interstate, taking turns listening to each other’s music when my phone

started ringing. I had it sitting on the console that sat in between me and Ellery. We both looked over

at it at the same time as Ashlyn’s name appeared on the screen. I took in a sharp breath because I

knew Ellery was going to ask about her, and I was in no way ready to discuss my relationship with

Ashlyn. I hit ignore and braced myself for the question I knew Ellery was going to ask.

“Who is she, Connor?” She asked as she reached over and turned off the radio.

“I knew you were going to ask me,” I heavily sighed.

“Ok, then you must tell me about her if we’re going to move forward.”

Her tone was calm but commanding. I took her hand and held it up to my lips, “I don’t want to talk

about her right now, Ellery. This isn’t the right time or place to do that.” There was no way I was

ruining this trip by talking about Ashlyn. I had planned on explaining everything to her when we got

back to New York.

“Fine, I’ll wait, and we’ll discuss her later. But whatever you tell me will be ok because things

with us are different now, and we’re putting all our baggage in the past, right?”

I looked over at her and smiled, “You bet we are.”

“I have a question for you,” she said as she took the wrapper off her Twix bar. “Denny told me that

you’ve been different since you met me.”

I rolled my eyes. Why is Denny telling her things like that? I’m going to have to talk with him.

“Denny shouldn’t be saying things like that, but it’s true. I was intrigued by you the minute I saw you

in my kitchen. When I woke up and heard someone making a lot of noise, I walked downstairs to yell

at whoever it was for being so loud. Imagine my surprise when I saw this beautiful stranger, standing

there making coffee.”

“Yes, but you yelled at me about your rules.”

I shrugged, “Well, I thought that I’d brought you home from the club; I’m sorry about that.” She

smiled and playfully smacked me on the arm. “When you told me what you did for me and gave me

quite the attitude, it was that moment I knew I couldn’t let you walk out of my life. Denny knew it as

well because I kept talking about you without realizing it.” She laughed and reached over to kiss my

cheek, but instead she shoved the Twix bar in my mouth. I smiled as I took a bite.

We finally arrived in Michigan, and I noticed Ellery stiffen when she saw the sign. I reached over,

grabbed her hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze to let her know that everything was going to be ok. I

know this place isn’t a very happy memory for her; she’s experienced more pain here than happiness.

Ellery reached in her purse to grab her ringing cell phone, and it was Peyton. Ellery put her on

speaker as Peyton was telling us all about her and Henry’s evening together. Ellery wasn’t bothered

by how graphic Peyton was being because she was used to it. Even though I haven’t known Peyton

very long, I liked her. She was a firecracker like Ellery, and I could see why the two of them are best

friends. Peyton told me to live a little and to take Ellery to bed and show her all my sexiness. This

was my opportunity to get back at Ellery for the incident at the seafood restaurant. I told Peyton that I

already did and that Ellery made me do things to her that even shocked me. The look on Ellery’s face

was priceless after that, and so was her smile. Damn that smile.

We pulled into the parking lot of the funeral home, and Ellery put her hand on my arm. I knew this

was going to be hard for her, and I could only imagine what she was feeling at this moment. We both

got out of the Range Rover, and Ellery took a deep breath.

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