Forged of Fire (17 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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“Not entirely,” She confessed. “I don’t yet understand my own feelings towards it.”


“The first smack was the fear. The unknowing of where you were and what was to come.” Something in his eyes changed. “The second was sensing Zander was near. I was trapped, trapped in the thought that he had reached you before I could. Like moving in slow motion when the rest of the world is set at a normal pace.” His gaze moved to her lip and Kielyn realized she was pinching it between her teeth. “The third was seeing him violating you and the fourth, fifth and sixth smack was thinking he would kill you before I could get there. That I was helpless. That I had zero control!” He lifted his thumb and ran it along her bottom lip. “The last was for realizing that you still held no regard for any of this, thinking only of your own needs. That is why that one stung the most.”


His thumb moved from her mouth down her chin as he studied her. Kielyn understood it now. By spanking her he was making her experience exactly what she had put him through earlier. She had acted in haste and without any regard for the perils of the world she now lived in. All her training the last couple of days and she still felt the need to go at it her own way. She had acted like a stubborn child and what was worse, she did not feel that she could trust them enough to tell them of her needs. Surely Stefen or Kizer would have taken her to see her grandmother’s tomb. If she would have only asked.


She felt fresh tears welling up in her eyes.
God Good, what if Ash or Stefen had been killed? “
I am so sorry. This is all so new to me.”


His knuckle moved to collect the tear that spilled over the barrier of her lashes. “I know.” His voice was understanding, assuring. “That’s why I went and destroyed Bane’s workout facility before we talked.”


“You did?”


A slow grin tugged at the left side of his lips. “I am afraid so.”


“Oh!” A sudden realization dawned in the back of her mind. He had spared her his wrath. He felt anger because…Her eyes searched his.
He gave a shit
. Her mind shut the thought immediately down
. Of course he cares you, twit. You’re his ticket to rule the world.


Kielyn looked away. “I will be more mindful in the future.” She pushed to her feet. “Again, I am sorry.”
I’m such an idiot!
“I will endeavor to uphold my end of our business venture more carefully.” She picked up her jeans. “May I put these back on?”


“Yes.” Ash said, his tone once again somber.


She did not need to look back over to him to see that the grin that had been there a minute ago was gone. She could hear it in his voice. Right back to business.






Somewhere over the north Atlantic



“How long has that fiend been tapping into your thoughts?” Ash finally broke the three hour silence since Stefen, Ash and Kielyn had boarded the private jet.


Bane and his brother had wasted no time getting the three of them out of the New Orleans manor. It was clear that Dante’s son, Zander, knew where they were and while Stefen was positive the asshole was dead, they could not chance that he did not tell his father before he met with the sun.


“I did not know anyone was reading my thoughts.” Kielyn folded her arms. “All I know is that I was having rather weird dreams.”


“For how long?” Ash asked, his question right on the heels of her answer.


Geeze, Ashdon and Alaric were
so much alike
. Finesse was not a word in either of the two alpha male’s vocabulary. Kielyn squared her shoulders as if preparing for battle. It was also clear to Stefen that this particular female was not a fan of the rapid fire inquisition. He could totally relate. Stefen was all too familiar with having to deal with a rather demanding control freak his whole life.


“A few months.” She clipped out tightly. “It’s not like I kept a journal.”


Yep, they would have to find some middle ground if this union would work, Stefen thought. Ash was a very dominate male, but Stefen also could sense that the Fire King would bore quickly of a truly submissive partner. That was the thing with type-A powerful beings, they craved a challenge. Ash may think he wanted everything lined up neatly in order but deep down Stefen knew that Kielyn’s spirit fueled a deeper need in the intense bender. And likewise, if Kielyn could learn to quickly adapt to her new position in life and make herself vulnerable to Ash, Stefen was positive the other male would cherish her above all else.


“What sort of dreams? Sexual?” Ash continued.


“Not in the physical sense but they were becoming more suggestive.” Kielyn did not bat an eye.


Ash visibly tensed. “Is that why he felt it was ok to kiss you?”


“I don’t know! I am just a mindless mortal, remember.” She stood. “Not nearly as advanced as your holier-than-thou selves.”


Ash stood and advanced the two steps it took to be inches from her face. “Sit down.”


“I have to use the restroom.”


Stefen cleared his throat, breaking the standoff. “Please Kielyn, take your leave. I have a few matters to discuss with your husband anyway.”


She walked around Ash and to the front of the plane. Ash shot daggers at Stefen. “As you said, I am her husband now.”


And, there was that
… As if Kielyn had not been through enough stress in the last three days, in his haste to uphold his own order, Alaric declared her and Ash married on the ride to the airport.
Very romantic. The stuff of mortal fairy tales right there.
But, Stefen reminded himself, after tonight Kielyn would no longer be a human. It was a harsh new world for her to be thrust into so quickly yet there really was no way of sugarcoating it.


“I give the orders now.” Ash reminded him.


“I did not give her an order. Just an escape.” Stefen chuckled. “I surely hope you intend on relaxing those reins before the consummation this evening. I dare say, it would make for a very lackluster experience.”


Ash practically growled as he sat back down in the leather recliner. “Thank small miracles that you won’t be in attendance. It’s bad enough you’re coming with us at all.”


“Yea, because you had Zander under complete control this morning.” Stefen rolled his eyes.


“That should have never happened, but yes, I guess you proved yourself useful.” Ash’s lips threatened a grin.


“I will take that as a thank you.” Stefen smiled. “I am guessing it’s been a long time since you were ever around a newbie huh?”


“I have never been around a beginner. Even when Marsala came to me, she was already strong in her own skill set,” Ash confessed. “My only experience is that of my own. I learned not at the hands of a loving instructor as Kizer has with Bane but rather, as the hostage to a mad man. There was no guidance, only pain if I did not figure it out in a given allotment of time.” He crossed his legs. “I taught myself. To stay alive.”


“Your situation was far from ideal but dealt to you for a reason.”


Ash stared hard at Stefen. “What reason would that be?”


“It forced you to become stronger,” Stefen said “It made you into the sort of male that will now be capable of uniting the realms. You sacrificed a lot to be who you are. One day the world will thank you.”


“Forgive me if I fail to care who thanks me,” Ash scoffed. “I am only doing this based on some stupid ethical code implanted in my ancestral DNA. I do not care about being a King, a husband or a father. I will do it because it is required of me and I will be damned if Dante wins.”


The plane hit some turbulence and dipped suddenly. Both males looked back towards the lavatory. Stefen fully expected to see the occupied sign lit, but his eyes never made it that far. Standing just outside the open door and gripping onto a table, stood Kielyn. The look on her face proved her shock was not from the jet’s sudden movement but instead, from the stark admittance and cold tone of Ash’s words.


“Kielyn.” Ash stood quickly but Kielyn only held up a halting hand.


“No need to worry,” She said, taking a seat near the front. “I know my role in this play. It’s just an arrangement.”


“Please button your seat belts.” The captain’s voice sounded out over the speakers. “We have a rocky ride ahead.”








The plane touched down onto the private runway ahead of schedule. Ash was pleased to see that ground transportation was already waiting for them. He nodded to the flight crew to open the doors as he moved towards the front of the plane. Kielyn stepped forward like she intended on exiting first and Ash grabbed her elbow, stopping her progress. She allowed him to pass and take the steps without protest. He should not be surprised, she had ignored him ever since his colossal fuck up earlier. Only half a day into his new marriage and already he was offending his mate. He would have to figure out a way to repair the damage later. Asking Stefen what to do was a possibility, but Ash sensed the Angel had as little experience dealing with a female’s fragile emotions as he did.


What a grand folly the three of them made, Ash thought as his eyes scanned the Italian countryside. Two trained warriors that knew more about fucking and fighting than talking and one beautiful mortal that would surely be the death of them. Ash muttered, “A damn clusterfuck!” and descended the steps.
What on earth had he agreed to?


Once in the car he sent a text to the only other immortal he knew in these parts. Not that he really knew her, he just knew of her. Jacklyn Flemming was a well-known Original for many reasons. The main one being she ran multiple clubs all over Europe that catered to the baser needs of their kind. If an immortal was in need of entertainment, Jacklyn was the one that could hook them up. Ash was never one to partake in such establishments, but Marsala loved them. Over the years she had formed a friendship with the Madame. Ash had gotten the contact info from Marsala before their swift departure from New Orleans that morning. He would definitely be needing Jacklyn’s expertise over the next couple of days.


Stefen’s phone sounded and he answered it just as Ash hit send on his own message. “Ah.” The Angel said followed by a pause. “Ok, I will let him know.” Ash looked at him. “Yes, I am sure he will not be thrilled.” Stefen smirked. “Talk later.” He pocketed the device.


“What now?”


“How many rooms does your house have?” Stefen asked.


“Why?” Ash responded.


“It looks like you will be entertaining a few guests.” Stefen continued with his nonchalant demeanor.


“What do you mean? What is Alaric wanting now?”


“Well, as you know, you are to be the residing King over all Fire-benders.” The Angel draped his hand over his own knee lazily. “Alaric thinks it is of the utmost urgency for you to secure some of these benders and get them up to par on their skills before we engage in battle.”


“The plan was for me to protect Kielyn under the cover of discretion.” Ash sat forward, annoyed. “How the fuck am I to do that if he wants me shooting fire all over Tuscany with fledgling benders?” He looked over to Kielyn who continued to just stare out the window as if she could care less. “I have enough work to do with her training.”


“They won’t be arriving until next week.” Stefen continued. “Which gives the two neighbors you have time to move out.”


“Move out?” Ash’s vast estate was located on eighty pictorial sprawling acres. His closest neighbors were business tycoons, same as he, that had massive estates themselves. One owned sixty acres to the east and the other’s land sported a hundred acres and sat to the southwest of his. Ash had met them maybe all of three times in the last ten years, just well enough to know that they were gone ninety percent of the year and payed no mind to Ash and Marsala. “What on earth are you talking about?”


“Alaric wanted you to have more of a secluded area so he procured their land for you. The deeds will be transferred over into your name tonight.” Stefen spread his hands out. “Now you will have more than enough space to conduct your training without any neighbors being the wiser.”

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