Forged of Fire (21 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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“A human.” Ash handed him the address.


“I thought all your new staff was already being procured and driven here?”


“This one is not my typical staff.” Ash stood. “It’s a Gilcolm.”


“So you’re sending me into procure a blood slave like one might a milking cow?” Stefen understood the reasons why Vampires needed Gilcolms, but the idea still made him cringe.


“I don’t like them either, but I damn sure won’t have Kielyn feeding off strangers in the town.”


“Like you do?” Stefen could not help pointing out the double standard.


“This is not some territorial bullshit, Stefen. I am over a thousand years old. I only need to feed on humans about six times a year.” He explained. “Kielyn will need to feed once a week now that the transformation with my blood is complete. She will need a human donor and she is damn sure not strong enough to go out hunting alone, especially not with Dante on the prowl.”


“Well now, that makes more sense,” Stefen agreed. “And you want me to go pick up one? Is there some sort of general store for them? Fang-Bangers-R-Us?”


“Ha, ha, ha.” Ash walked around his desk. “In all seriousness, I hate this part of this whole arrangement, but I need one I can trust and it has to be a female.”


“Why a female?” Stefen could not help but ask.


Ash all but turned to stone in front of his eyes. “You don’t need to know why. Just do it!”


“Ahhh, now I get it. There is a pleasure in the feeding act.”


Ash’s lips drew into a thin line and his eyes narrowed dangerously. "There is an… orgasmic type sensation for the one being fed from, yes.” The Fire-bender rushed the last words.


“What about for the one doing the feeding?” Stefen knew he was getting close to Ash’s pain threshold on the subject, but he was too curious to stop. “Do they…”


“Only if they want to.” Ash folded his arms. “It’s only just a high if they have no sexual attraction to their host.”


“Hence the female Gilcolm request.” Stefen shook his head in understanding.


“Yes. Can we be done now?” Ash walked towards the door, dismissively. “Just a trustworthy female, ok? The plainer the better.”


“On it!” Stefen strode past him. “One trustworthy female that will enjoy getting her rocks off by your wife.” He had to laugh when a book hit him square in the back.






Kielyn opened her eyes and looked at the clock sitting beside her empty dinner tray. She must have fallen right back to sleep shortly after Ash had been called away to deal with Alaric. She stretched. It felt like she had been sleeping for months. In truth, she had been in and out of asleep for two and a half days. Over the past 36 hours Kielyn would only wake briefly, each time in a drug-like state, feeding off Ash which always led to mind blowing sex, then she would tap out again, dead to the world. Seven times he had taken her, each time with an intense primal urgency that reminded Kielyn of a caged and dangerous animal finally set free. Her cheeks heated at the memories. She had been no shy virginal bride either. She had fucked him back with the same carnal need, raw, hard, demanding and downright ravenous. Something about the act of feeding turned them both into animals. It was hot, sexy and dominant, like they were marking each other. Mine!


The only time they had made love was the first time. That was the moment Kielyn knew she was doomed. Shackled forever to a simple word that held more fear than anything she could imagine…Love. She could no longer say that Ashdon LaGoryen was just sexy. That he merely turned her on. That he was just an irrational crush. No, he was so much more than that now. Kielyn was head over fucking heels in love with her husband and it scared her to death. Her Fire King husband, the Vampire.


She sat straight up in bed at a speed that shocked her.
Holy Hell!
She was a Vampire! Kielyn lifted her hand. Nope, it did not sparkle like Vampires in those silly movies. She lifted her fingers to her face, her skin felt the same too, not made of ice like she had read in books about the undead. But she knew these falsehoods already from Ash’s teachings. What she didn’t know, she kicked the covers off, was what all had changed.


She stood slowly.
. Everything seemed to be brighter, clearer, as if inanimate objects had taken on a life of their own. A visual energy, seemingly breathing in and out as if drawing breath. Her sharp eyes traveled up to the most dominant source, the Waterford crystal chandelier suspended in the center of her room. It cast off thousands of dancing lights that formed kaleidoscopes of spiraling colors bathing the room in warmth.
Kielyn recalled quickly. She now possessed the ability to see Ash’s.


. Her heightened sensations and alterations were assaulting her mind in rapid fire succession now. Yes, food was a definite downside for indeed, it was blander than before and would continue to weaken in flavor over time, just as Ash had said.


She was across the room before her mind had registered the thought.
That was freaking awesome!
She panted, not from effort, but from excitement. She looked at herself in the mirror.
She wouldn’t have to ask someone else for Kielyn could see her image just fine.


She turned and looked around the only room she had been in since she arrived.
Well, this room and the
bathroom where the big tough Vampire of hers had tenderly washed her hair
. Kielyn squealed like a little girl and rubbed her hands. She had to find out more and for some strange reason she was craving water. To be submerged in it.


A quick perusal of her wardrobe provided her with two swimsuit options, a sexy pink thong bikini and a one-piece that Kielyn was sure had to be a mistake made at the store. The brown, non-descript one piece looked more like something her late grandmother would have worn. Kielyn held them both up curiously. The pink was more daring than she would have ever chosen for herself and the brown one looked like a sack. She shook her head, perplexed. Ash had gotten everything else spot on. How funny that he missed the mark on swimsuits. Feeling confident in her exuberant state, Kielyn opted for the daring little pink one. In a flash it was on. She snagged an oversized white cotton robe and peeked around the door.


“Hello, Your Highness.”


Kielyn almost yelped. There, before her stood not one but two of the biggest men she had ever seen.
Correction…Not men.
Their celestial state popped into Kielyn’s head like a visual chart.
They were like Stefen, only
less prestigious than him

Guards. Angel guards.
She tried not to narrow her eyes and instead plastered on a smile. “Hello.” She extended her hand to the closest one. He bowed instead of taking it. “You can call me Kielyn.” She offered.


“Your Highness, forgive me but,” He cut his eyes to his fellow companion as if looking for a reprieve. “We can only call you by your title. It would be an insult to address you by any other name.” He gave another half bow.


“I see.” She did not see. “Is this an order from Ash…The King?”


“Oh no, Your Highness.” The other man spoke up. “It is just how it is done.”


“Ok.” Kielyn began to pass them. “Well, if you will excuse me, I am going to the pool.” They parted for her.
Thank God!
They aren’t following…Damn it!
Wishful thinking. They did, they just hung back at a respectable distance. Kielyn was not sure how good she was going to be at playing Queen for that was indeed what it felt like, a farce. She was no more a Queen than Ash was laid-back and easygoing. The thought made her chuckle. She looked over her shoulders to see what the new employees thought of their new mistress laughing for no reason as she walked down the halls.
Perfect, emotionless, almost invisible, guards.


Kielyn made to turn to the right once they were on the main floor, towards the outdoor pool, or at least in the general direction she suspected it to be in. “Your Highness,” one of her guards piped up. “The grounds are not as secure as His Majesty would care for just yet.” He bowed when she turned back to face him. “Will the indoor pool be to your liking for now?”


Of course they were not
. Kielyn had to remember who the owner was. Ash would no doubt keep her locked inside until a virtual army lined the perimeter. “Yes, the indoor will be fine.”
Or should she say, the indoor pool will suffice?
Kielyn may have become a Queen overnight but she sure as hell had not been taught how to speak like one. She mentally waved off the nagging feeling of inadequacy for not having been born of noble blood like the rest of them and continued on down the hall.


She distinctly recalled Hamilton saying the conservatory was this way and that just through it was the indoor pool.
The lush scent of pure, natural foliage weaved around her nostrils and she inhaled deeply. Her eyes fluttered closed on the headiness of the greenhouse’s fresh offerings and her pace picked up as she pursued the confirmed greenhouse’s destination.


Kielyn walked through the large domed entryway and stopped dead in her tracks.
Damn, it was magnificent!
She had stumbled into a literal fairytale, a tropical paradise in the middle of a historic Italian Castle. Kielyn was pretty sure if Heaven were real, it envied this space.


She began to walk along the cobblestone pavers exploring her surroundings. Ferns lined her path and reached out, daring to tickle her toes as she passed. Palm trees stretched towards the sky and softly suggested she look up to the star lit night above, divided only by the glass. Hibiscus, in popping yellows, pinks, and oranges fought against each other’s splendor, all competing for Kielyn’s attention as her fingers brushed over the tops of their eager petals. She glanced over her shoulder to see if the Angels themselves saw the colorful wonder. Both followed closely but their eyes did rove. This made her smile. At least there was one small connection that affected them alike, nature’s splendor.


Kielyn returned her attention back towards the bountiful nature in front of her before they could become embarrassed or worry that she might find them lacking. She had no desire to make them feel as if they might not be upholding their appointed positions, on the account of plants. If anything, it made her respect them more. Kielyn pushed through an ivy strung curtain and gasped.
If it could not get any better…
She had misunderstood. The pool was not in a separate room past the giant greenhouse, it was smack dab in the middle of the conservatory.


Kielyn’s robe hit the moss and stone covered trail and she took off, diving in when her toes reached the pool’s edge. Cool, refreshing water gracefully welcomed and parted for her as she sliced through its calm reflection. She kicked once, encouraging her momentum as the liquid embraced and fostered her movement. Her body broke the surface on the far side and her laughter filled the air as she pulled her feet out and floated on her back. This was Heaven indeed, she thought as she continued to stare up into the ebony night sky draped in ivory stars.


. She was definitely a little glutton for her new, heightened, Vampire sensations.






Angels! Little fucking perverts! All of them!
Ash tried to remain calm as he approached the garden pool. He should have never bought that bikini. It was his intention that his new bride only wear it for him. Oh, who was he kidding! If it were ever just him and Kielyn swimming, she would be naked. Which brought him back to his original thought, what in Heaven’s name was he thinking!


Both guards switched their overly attentive gaze off his oblivious mate the second they sensed him, which had taken entirely too long. “If I were an assassin, you would both be dead,” he ground out. “I thought Alaric was sending his best guards.”


One of the males blinked rapidly and his mouth worked as if he might attempt words before he dropped into a low bow. The other Angel bowed as well without so much as an eye batting. “Please forgive us, Your Majesty,” the second one spoke up. “I dare say we are a bit more modest entity.” He paused as if uncertain how to proceed. “If I may be honest?” Ash nodded. “I fear our training has never prepared us for this. Might we have a day to acquaint ourselves with your environment?”

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