Forged of Fire (23 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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She walked to her desk and took a seat. “Yes, Mr. LaGoryen messaged me that he was sending you.” She looked him up and down. “I have never met an Angel before.”


“I get that a lot.” Stefen chuckled and took a seat wondering if she figured that out on her own or if Ash had informed her. “We don’t get out of our realm very often.”


“I don’t imagine you do.” She continued to study him in a fashion he was growing accustomed to. “I must confess that I have never met Mr. LaGoryen in the flesh before. I only know Marsala. He is rather reclusive I hear.”


“He likes to go his own way,” Stefen answered without hesitation. “But I think that is about to change now that he is...” He paused. “Now that he is back. I believe his lone wolf days are shortly numbered.”


She smiled. “You sound like you know him well?”


Did he?
Stefen had answered with ease as if he had known Ash for years. “In all honesty, I have only known him a handful of days but I can relate to his situation I guess.”


Jacklyn hit a button on her desk. “Show them in.” She smiled back to Stefen. “It is rare to find those we can relate to. A special gift when we do run across them.” She stood and walk back around the desk. “Speaking of perfect fits. I have selected a few girls for you to choose from. Depending on Mr. LaGoryen’s taste of course.”


The doors opened again and in walked three stunningly beautiful women all donning black silk robes. When they were perfectly lined up in front of Stefen they dropped the material to the floor
Perhaps he could stay a bit longer after he selected one. There was only one issue, none of these women were plain Janes and while Stefen was pretty sure Kielyn was straight, he had no idea what she might or might not be possibly attracted to while feeding. He was so not the right person for this job. What the hell did he know about Vampires and their weird feeding rituals? “Very nice, ladies.” He looked to Jacklyn. “Might we have a word alone?”


With the wave of her hand the girls were gone. “Not to your liking?”


“Oh, on the contrary. They are very much to my liking,” Stefen said. “But Mr. LaGoryen has more of an… Eclectic taste. Do you perhaps have any others?”


“Perhaps if you shared with me what he was into I might…”


“Could you just show me all of them?” Stefen cut her off, realizing too late he had done so with a tone of authority. The last thing he needed was her knowing his lineage and rank. Alaric had been very clear that no one was to know who Stefen was or that Ash was now King. No one could know until they had taken care of Dante. Stefen smiled politely. “Forgive me. It’s just that think I will know her when I see her is all.”


“Very well.” She straightened and pressed the button on her desk again. “Send all available girls to my office. Send the others when they are done entertaining.”


Stefen wanted to explain that the whores were not needed but decided it would be best if he just weeded them out on his own when they arrived. He would not be taking one of the women in that room back to Kielyn. Surely there would be one semi unused body in the bunch. Within minutes the women began to enter the room. Jacklyn instructed them to line up. When the last one emerged, the door closed again. “Would you like any demonstrations?” She asked.


“Er, no.” Stefen stood. “That will not be necessary.” He walked up to the first girl that looked barely over eighteen, too eager. He moved to the second, too wanton. The third, too pretty. Stefen continued down the line. A sex fiend. An addict. Untrustworthy. Manipulative. Has children. Is a child. Too possessive. He read their main motives and traits like a book.


Stefen reached the end of the line and wanted to sigh. None of them were right. The door opened and in fell what appeared to be a girl. Or was it a boy? Stefen could barely tell by the shapeless body that quickly began to right itself. “I am sorry I am late.”
Ah, female


Jacklyn pointed to the end of the line and the girl, in a dress that appeared to be three sizes too big for her, scrambled to her place. Stefen stepped closer. She was older than she looked, but not by much. He placed her about twenty one, Kielyn’s age. She suffered from terrible insecurities and was not the most intelligent in the room, but she was kind and innocent of soul. She was not a virgin, but she was not a hussy either. She had no family that he could read on her and she had no home. She slumped and kept her eyes cast down. A submissive.
“Will you look at me?” Stefen asked and her brown eyes fluttered up. She was not particularly pretty but she was not ugly either. “What do you possess?”


The young woman’s eyes flew to her Madame’s. “You can answer him,” Jacklyn said.


“Possess?” She asked faintly. “Like stuff?”


“No dear,” Stefen corrected. “What are you best at?”


“Oh…”She started to blush. “I am good at doing what I am told.”


“Do you have a master?”


“She is being sheltered here,” Jacklyn answered for her. “She has not been allowed to become an employee yet due to her attachment requirements.”


“And what are those requirements?” Stefen asked still eyeing the girl.


“She needs a master.” Jacklyn said.


“Loyalty,” The girl blurted out quickly before casting back down her eyes. “I am best at being loyal.”


“The others may leave.” Stefen said while he continued to look at the mousy thing in front of him. She was honest too. The other women began to file out. “Are you bi-sexual?” Stefen was pretty sure he knew the answer, but he wanted her verbal confirmation.


She nodded. “Yes Sir. But…My heart belongs to a man.”


Stefen looked sharply over to Jacklyn. “Yes, I fear that Gilly here comes as a set,” the Madame explained. “She is in love with one of the young men I employ here and he returns the affections. The only reason why I allowed her to come to this meeting is because he is not a Dom. He is also a submissive.” She stepped forward and sighed. “It’s very complicated, I know. They both have submissive needs but love one another.” She paused. “Would Mr. LaGoryen consider taking them both?”


Stefen resisted the strong desire to laugh. He had all but stopped listening after he heard the girl’s name.
It’s fucking destiny! A Gilcolm named Gilly! Gilly the Gilcolm!
He saw Jacklyn tilt her head and he tried to focus, or, at least stop grinning. He schooled his features and rolled the scenario around in his head. This might be a masterful plan actually
If the two submissive Gilcolms did not need the sexual fulfillment of their Dom because they had each other for that, then all they would require would be to be told what to do. It might actually work! “Can you bring up the boy?”


Jacklyn nodded and went back to her desk while Stefen remained in front of Gilly. “What is the most important trait you need from a Master?” He asked her.


“I would…I would prefer they be kind.” She looked up again slowly.


Stefen smiled. “Would you like to go with me and meet your new master? You and your lover of course,” he asked, still going with the impression that the Gilcolm was intended for Ash. “He will require your loyalty and your blood but I promise you, he is kind.”


She looked him in the eye for the first time. “I would like that.” She finally answered after a long pause.


The door opened again and a young man walked in. He was not unattractive in the least and Stefen second guessed Ash’s orders to not bring home a male.
He rationalized, the boy was not for Kielyn. The boy would have Gilly. It was perfect! Kielyn could feed from Gilly and Ash from the boy if he wanted. Or attend to any of the other immortals that would be arriving. When the Gilcolm’s had finished servicing their master’s they could go back to each other. “What is your name?” Stefen address the young man.


“I’m Christopher.” He gave a slight bow.


“Christopher, would you be ok living in a castle with Gilly? Where you will both have your submissive needs met and still be able to remain loyal to each other?” Stefen asked while simultaneously wondering exactly how he had come to find himself bartering with subservient blood slaves in a supernatural brothel.
Fate had a wicked sense of fucking humor…


After a few more minutes of discussing arrangements both Christopher and Gilly were gathering their meager belongings while Stefen wrote Jacklyn a hefty check for the pair. Jacklyn nodded to the observation window and grinned before he could turn to leave. “Come back any time you want to play handsome.”


Stefen chuckled. “I will indeed.”
Most definitely!






Ash stared drolly at the pair of mortals in his living room then slanted his head to Stefen who seemed totally pleased with his offerings. “I thought I made myself clear feathers. No men.”


Stefen stepped forward, picked out the most comfortable oversized leather chair and flopped down in it, unfazed. “They come as a package as I already stated. Consider it a bonus. If you like, you don’t ever have to leave the house to feed yourself for you will have Christopher here. They can also serve the new recruits I imagine. Kielyn’s needs will be met by Gilly.” He dropped his head a fraction and looked up through his long lashes. “As. Exactly. Described by yourself.” Stefen stated plainly.


Ash looked back up to the girl. She was exactly what he had hoped for. Seemingly obedient, non-descriptive, and sufficient. The man however was more attractive than Ash wanted, but he had to remind himself…
Christopher was not to be Kielyn’s Glicolm. Gilly would be the only one permitted to give blood. Ash knew he was being ridiculous with his demands but the thought of another male touching his mate literally made him see through marring slashes of bleeding crimson.


He really needed to get a grip. It was not like he could shelter Kielyn away from others and lord knew, there was about to be others. Seventeen exactly within the hour. Ash could bank on the fact that not all of these Fire-bending recruits would be bucked tooth, potbellied and pimple faced. At some point Ash was going to have to put aside his newly discovered jealousy issues and just trust the tight bond he was creating with his mate.
It’s the trusting of others, that won’t happen.


“Forgive me for interrupting.” The one called Christopher said. “I would be happy to be your personal Gilcolm.” He looked back nervously at Gilly. “As long as the love Gilly and I share is not disturbed by my servitude to you.”


“Do you like cock?” Ash snapped.


Stefen rolled his head back as if he might laugh and poor Christopher turned as white as a sheet. “I…I do not prefer the male form, Sir.” he answered, clearly uncertain how to proceed. “I love Gilly.”


“Yes, yes.” Ash stood, ignoring the saps proclaiming affections for the waif beside him. “We all have preferred taste, like blondes to brunettes, chicken to fish, but what I am asking,” He walked towards the young male mortal. “Is, do you like to fuck men the same as you like to fuck women?”


The Gilcolm took a hesitant step back pulling Gilly with him. “I’m...I… I don’t…” He stuttered. “I find both genders pleasing, Sir.” He rushed, worriedly.


“Which do you prefer?”


“I have only been a blood donor to males, but I have never laid with them…” Christopher cast his eyes to the carpet. “Yet.”


“And you won’t! Not with me, anyway.” Ash stared down at him. “Listen, I don’t give a shit what you like or who you have serviced.” He cut his eyes to the young woman. “As long as you both understand your roles, your personal lives will be just that. Personal. You are only here to feed my Queen and possibly, in the future, me. Not to get fucked by us or receive any pleasure from us. Other than the expected high you shall be permitted when we drink from you, of course.” Ash clasped his hands behind his back. “Understood?”


The door behind the two opened and Kielyn entered before either could answer.
Damn it!
She was supposed to be sleeping. “No one informed me we had guests?” She sailed in, looking Gilly and Christopher up and down, a smile on her face as she extended her hand first to Gilly. “I am Kielyn.”

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