Forged of Fire (18 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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Ash sat back against the leather.
Un-fucking believable!
He did not need to look over to see that Kielyn was still feigning obliviousness. It only served to further piss him off. Ash was not sure what he hated more, having another King with a God complex trying to govern his life, a mate insisting on pretending he did not exist, or an Angel that was thoroughly amused with his suffering. Had he only killed that stupid Gilcolm of Bane’s six days ago, back when his life was still his own. “Text him back and tell him to fuck off.”


Stefen did not say a word but did begin typing into his phone. Within a few seconds the device dinged. “He said to remind you that you agreed everyone needed to work together and to stop being a pussy.”


“Asshole! He promised not to interfere with my rule.”


Stefen begin to translate the text back to his brother. A couple seconds went by and his phone buzzed again. “He replied. Yes, he was and that you also agreed to leave the battle strategies in his…” A smile broke out on Stefen’s face as he continued to read. “Much more capable hands.”


“This is stupid.” Ash snarled. “I am not the sort of male to bend over a barrel and…” He stopped when Stefen’s eyes focused on Kielyn, STILL, ignoring the situation going on around her! “I need to kill something!” Stefen began to type again. “Don’t tell him that! Jesus!”


The car pulled into the tree lined drive. “It’s only seventeen of the strongest Fire-benders,” Stefen said.




“It’s not like he is sending you a village to rule over.” Stefen arched a brow. “He knows you are new at all of this. Alaric might be an ass, but he is not foolish. He would not put this much trust in you if he did not believe you could handle it.”


Ash felt a headache coming on as the car pulled to a stop. The door opened and a hand emerged to help Kielyn out. Ash stared at Stefen. “Text him back! I want the deeds sent to my man of affairs at 2931 Brightwell St, London. I will inform my people to have the money ready to transfer in an hour.”


Stefen’s phone dinged again before he could type the message. He looked down at it. “Alaric said that he sent the deeds to your accountant in London and there is no need to pay him back.” The door opened on the Angel’s side of the car. “He also said to stop being such a Debbie Downer and focus your energy on impregnating your beautiful wife.” Stefen winked and stepped out of the Hummer.






Kielyn could not keep her eyes from darting from wall to richly decorated wall as she followed the pristinely attired butler, Hamilton. “Castello Albornoz was built in the fourteen hundreds.” Hamilton continued as he walked with her and Stefen down the third story west wing. The estate was one labyrinth after another, Kielyn marveled as they passed yet another connecting passageway. The wider hallway they traveled down now had led off from the main staircase crafted entirely of stone. The walls were constructed of the same ancient stone. Kielyn reached out and ran her curious fingers over the rough surface. “It has been renovated four times, each owner doing so with the contractual agreement in the deed that it maintain its original character. The last renovation was when master LaGoryen acquired it ten years ago. He added the conservatory and indoor pool.”


The white haired man stopped in front of an impressive wooden door. “This suite is Mr. Von Emmerich’s. Your bags will be up shortly.” Hamilton opened the door to the massive room. “I do apologize. Master LaGoryen allowed most of the staff to vacation while he was in the states. I dare say we are under employed at the moment but rest assured, they will all be back tomorrow.”


“Thank you.” Stefen nodded. “Where will Lady LaGoryen be staying?”


The older man looked puzzled. “There is no Lady of the house.”


“Ah, so he has yet to have time to inform you.” Stefen looked from Hamilton to Kielyn. “This is the new Lady LaGoryen.”


Hamilton blanched. “Oh, do forgive me, my Lady. I had not received word.”


“It is quite fine, Hamilton.” Kielyn said despite the fact that it was not fine. Nothing about this situation could be described as fine. “It was a last minute arrangement.” She rushed on just to realize how pathetic the words actually sounded coming from her own mouth.


The poor butler looked even more confused. “You must be very tired. Let me get you to your rooms.”


“Yes, please show us.” Stefen closed the door to his chambers. “I need to stretch my legs and would love nothing more than a continued tour.”


“Right this way.” Hamilton proceeded down the hall, no doubt wondering why Mr. Von Emmerich cared so much where the master’s new bride would be sleeping.


Kielyn shot her eyes to Stefen who merely shrugged his shoulders. “I am a huge fan of history.” He clasp his hands behind his back and strolled after Hamilton.


Kielyn suddenly wanted to punch something. She had agreed to this farce of a marriage but she would be damned if she continued to be treated like a toddler
. One mistake! One!
And now she had two overbearing wardens. Kielyn forced her fist to unclench and followed the two men who were now discussing the original stoned walls still intact in the west wing. “How long have you worked for Ash?” She interrupted.


Hamilton paused mid-sentence. “I have known…” He smiled. “Rather, I have been employed by Master LaGoryen at Castello Albornzo for ten years.”


Not exactly what she asked, but something about his stance read he would not be forthcoming with any more questions regarding Ash until he had spoken to the master of the house. Kielyn almost felt bad for springing her untimely arrival on the man. It was not his fault his master was as closed off as a hermit crab. Considering how much time Ash had spent online on the plane surely he could have at least informed his staff he was coming home, with a wife. The thought only made her mood more sour as they proceeded further down the hall then up another massive spiraling stone staircase to the fourth floor.
No, that would require him to consider me as more than just an extra guest.
Kielyn continued to brood


So consumed in her thoughts, Kielyn zoned out of her surroundings until they came to a stop. “Master LaGoryen requested that you stay in these suites, my Lady. I suppose I should have put two and two together since they are the original castle Duchess’s chambers.” He smiled kindly. “Directly across from the master of the house.”


Kielyn repressed a sigh she did not realize she was holding in. So, he would not make her share his bed. Yet…A new panic trickled into her mind. But he would. Or, maybe he would visit her room to seal the deal. Or, maybe he would just take her in the hallway on neutral ground. She suddenly felt dizzy. It was as if the last few days were a bizarre dream she was just waking up from.
Holy fuck!
She was married to a Vampire!


“Are you feeling ok Kielyn?” Stefen asked.


“Yes.” Kielyn snapped back to the present. “I would like to lie down for a bit I believe,” she lied.


Hamilton opened the double doors for her. Thin dancing white layers of sheer material danced on the breeze from the opened French-style windows lining one entire wall of the massive room. A king sized bed with tall dark wooden bed posts anchored the far wall. Matching white curtains flowed down from the bed’s canopy and were tied loosely to the posts.


Kielyn entered the room and was immediately welcomed by the smell of lavender. It was everywhere. Vivid purple flowers spilled from vases placed all around the perfectly decorated room. “Master LaGoryen did insist upon fresh cut flowers in this room.” Hamilton spoke from the doorway where he and Stefen remained. “I hope they are to your liking?”


“They are beautiful. Thank you.” She smiled and for the first time all day it was not forced.


“I am going to check out the rest of the house,” Stefen said. “Are you ok here by yourself?”


Translation, do you plan on attempting to knot those curtains together and escape out the window.
Kielyn waved him off. “I will be fine. Go explore.” With one final look over Stefen’s shoulder and a nod from Hamilton the double doors closed.


Kielyn walked over to the bed, her fingers reaching out to skim the surface of the plush bedding. The view from her window was incredible. From so high up it seemed as if she could see all of Tuscany. The sun was setting and casting warm halos of pink across the landscape. She turned back after a few minutes of watching the colors fade into the horizon.
He had asked that flowers be cut
Kielyn walked over to the arrangement on a dresser and leaned in, breathing in the scent. It made no sense. If she were to only be an obligation then why bother trying to please her. Perhaps it was just another old school tradition.


She stepped back. Yes, it was best to not overthink the actions of Ashdon LaGoryen for nothing about him was consistent. Funny, considering how particular he seemed. He woke at the same time every day, worked out, ate, disappeared, reappeared for dinner and retired at the same hour every night. His clothing was always perfect, be it jeans and a t-shirt or one of his expertly tailored and expensive suits. It was as if a personal stylist was tucked away in his closet just dreaming up new ways to dress the male so handsomely that women fell over when he walked by. Even his hair, in its tousled dark chocolate colored waves seemed to obey some secret command to always look precisely unkempt. He was the definition of an oxymoron. Completely unpredictable in the most organized sort of ways.


All business, yet, flowers.






“The Lady of the house is taking some down time in her chambers,” Hamilton said from the doorway of Ash’s main study. “Will Marsala be arriving later?”


“Ah yes, about that.” Ash turned from his desk. Hamilton was the only human that Ash trusted. The man had been with him for forty years, only ten of which were public knowledge. He was well deserved in expecting an explanation. “The last few days have been a whirlwind. Can I give you the cliff note version now and the extended one later tonight?”


“But of course.” Hamilton nodded. “I am only concerned is all. You left rather quickly and without your usual instruction then return only a few days later with a rather unusual being and a wife. Forgive me but I have never known you to even date and…” He looked back towards the hallway before lowering his voice to just above a whisper. “Is that man safe to be roaming the estate?”


Ash chuckled. “He is safe. Enough.” He motioned for Hamilton to take a seat then took one himself. “We have some big changes ahead. All benders are reuniting to form an army to take on Dante. I have been chosen to lead the Fire-benders. Marsala stayed behind to help train the Air-benders. Stefen is an Angel. A rather elevated one at that. Kielyn is the woman that I have wed in order to get the backing of Stefen’s brother’s army.”


“Is she an Angel too?” Hamilton asked, seemingly unfazed by any of the words coming out of Ash’s mouth.


“No, as of right now she is a mortal with the unusual gift to bend both water and fire. Apparently any child she bears will have the power to unite the realms.”


Hamilton smiled. “She seems like a lovely young woman.”


“That’s it?” Ash tilted his head. “That’s all you have to say?”


“Just one more question.” Hamilton stood still grinning. “Would you like beef or chicken for dinner?”


“Chicken.” Ash watched, puzzled as Hamilton bowed and headed out of the room with what appeared to be a pep in his aging steps. It was as if the blasted man was happy.
What the Hell?


Ash shook his head, rose to his feet and walked back over to his desk. He could only imagine that either the man was forming the first signs of dementia or that he had just lived around Ash and Marsala for so long that he came to expect odd occurrences. Ash would dig deeper into the unusually jovial emotion later. He had more pressing matters to attend to now. Like fixing shit with Kielyn so that he could prepare her for what was to be expected when he turned her later that night.
If only he knew himself.


Ash shut down and closed the laptop on his desk then headed into the hall. Mixed feelings assaulted him as he took the grand staircase. He had been completely honest with Stefen on the plane. Ash was only doing what was the right thing. He was not so selfish that he could not put aside his personal beliefs for the betterment of an entire race. Yet…Something happened on that jet when he looked back and saw the expression on Kielyn’s face.
. Sure, she did her best to mask it immediately, but for the briefest moment that singular emotion flashing across her beautiful eyes stabbed him in the chest. The reaction Ash experienced from her hurt was the extreme polar opposite to the one he had felt the day in the gardens. Then, he had made her happy and it was the grandest feeling ever. Today, Ash literally felt like he had run over her kitten.

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