Forged of Fire (38 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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Kielyn knelt down quickly beside the other woman and began rubbing the blood down her arms towards her hands. “There is not much. Most of it has dried…” Her eyes locked with the Raven-haired female as it occurred to her what needed to be done. Without another word Kielyn began to heat her skin’s external temperature from the inside. She closed her eyes as she stoked the invisible fires within her veins. Her brow began to sweat and her palms grew damp, beads of moisture dripped onto the ground. She opened her eyes to find the other woman smiling back at her. Kielyn looked down her arms. Tiny rivulets of blood ran like sparkling crimson down her skin to pool in the base of her hand.


“Wait!” Alaric said as Kielyn extended her hands over Stefen’s chest. “It is a sin to resurrect the dead.”


“It is a sin to rob someone of their destiny,” the older woman answered. “Besides, I will take this sin. Your conscience will be cleared of it.” She assured.


“Will he…” Alaric hesitated. “Will he be the same?”


“No,” a familiar masculine voice said from behind them. “He will be a Dragon…”






Ash wanted to run to his mate, cocoon her in his embrace and never release her, but that would have to wait. It would take more than the blood of the Dragon to bring Stefen back to life. According to the myths, Ash would need to transform him into a Vampire as well. He steadied his gaze on Alaric. “Legend has it if the blood of a Dragon, while in the true Dragon form, can be placed inside the body of a recently deceased immortal, they will become a Dragon.”


Alaric’s brows knitted in confusion. “I thought Dragons were born, not made.”


“This is the only exception that has ever been rumored, but it is not certain,” Ash said. “The heart of the chosen must be able to match the intensity of the Dragon or the blood will suffocate it.”


“Your brother is a match.” The Oracle confirmed. “It’s why I watched him,” she confessed. “His fate is aligned with theirs.” She looked from Kielyn to Ash. “His destiny is part of a grander picture.”


Ash was unsure what she meant, but he knew they were running out of time. “Give the word, Alaric.”


“Damn it!” The angelic ruler paced. “Another myth, that Angels are all knowing…We are not!” The Archangel ran a nervous hand through his long blonde hair. “Will he…” He paused. “Will he still look and act like my brother?”


“He will once I turn him,” Ash said. Alaric all but paled to the matching color of his brother. “If I don’t, he will be only a Dragon, never knowing peace, always isolated and never resembling Stefen. It would be better to let him remain as he is.”


“Do it!” Alaric said, absolution painted across his regal features.


Kielyn placed her hands over the gash on Stefen’s chest and allowed the Dragon’s blood to drip into the gaping hole. Within seconds the color around the wound began to change, the blood vessels began to clot and repair as new flesh sealed shut the old tear. A ripple ran up Stefen’s throat and his mouth was forced apart on a smoky exhale. A sob broke free from Kielyn’s mouth and Alaric fell to his knees.


Ash looked to the sky. The sun had crested the horizon.
Thank God!
There would be little time to waste. He turned to Alaric. “I’m going to need the male Gilcolm from my estate now and tell Hamilton to line up at least four more from Jacklyn’s in the town. Stefen will need them all when he wakes.” Stefen’s brother hesitated, still utterly torn. “Alaric, you have to trust me.” Ash looked him dead in the eye. “Same as I was forced to trust you.” The Archangel nodded his understanding and stood. Without a word he disappeared.


Ash knelt down beside Stefen and waited. Waited on instinct alone to time it just right. Just as Stefen’s blue eyes snapped open, Ash moved without hesitation, sinking his fangs deep into the artery at Stefen’s neck. The male kicked and thrashed, the Dragon already strong inside him. Ash continued to drink of both the former Angel and newly housed Dragon, taking their essences into himself. When Stefen began to stop fighting Ash released his hold over him.


Ash sat back, his stomach wanting to hurl. It was too much, but he had to keep it down. Stefen needed a link to Ash from now on and Ash would not rob him of that. Even if the combination of blood was overwhelming. “It will ease.” The Oracle said. Kielyn wrapped her arms around him.


“Good,” he said, allowing his mate to shoulder his weight. “Because it feels as if Heaven and Hell are literally at war inside of me at the moment. Both seem to be losing.” He tried to chuckle, but it hurt too badly.


“Is he going to be ok?” He heard Kielyn ask.


“I’m fine.” Ash assured as he forced himself to set forward, puncturing the vein at his wrist. “I just need to finish this.” He pressed his wrist to Stefen’s mouth.


Stefen latched on with the force of a tidal wave. “Jesus man!” Ash cursed. “Save some life for me will you.”


The Oracle smiled softly. “This is as it should be. You will all need each other in order to fulfill the entire prophecy.”


“About that.” Ash tilted his head. “Any chance that you might share with us what exactly it is?”


Pythia shook her head. “I have already done too much. The cost for intervention is high.”


Ash nodded his understanding. It was worth a shot. He turned his head, his attention on his mate now, reaching out to stroke Kielyn’s face. “I love you to the ends of the universe, but I swear I am locking you in a tower when I get you home.” He grinned.


Tears were welling up in her eyes. “I love you so much and I was so very wrong to ever question you,” she rushed. “Can you ever forgive me?”


“I think I’m the one that needs to be forgiven.” Ash pulled her with his free arm to his chest. “I got scared and Kie…” The words trailed off. “I was scared that I might not be able to make you happy.”


“But you do make me happy.” She kissed his mouth, his jaw, and his eyelids. “Please never doubt that all that I am, I give entirely to you.” She looked him in the eyes. “Because I want to, not because I have to.”


Stefen’s head finally rolled back and Ash was able to take Kielyn in both arms while The Oracle tended to the newly made Vampire. “And Kielyn,” Ash held her in place with his eyes. “You are my destiny, but you are also my every waking thought, the breath that pulls into my lungs and my heart’s only reason to live.” He kissed her hard, pulling back only enough to add. “I’m desperately in love with you Kielyn LaGoryen.” He smiled. “My Queen… By choice.”






Castello Albornoz


Ash recovered quickly once Christopher had arrived with Alaric and fed him with his blood source. Stefen’s Angelic blood now coursing through his veins was like a high. He rounded the long hall that led to his and Kielyn’s master suites and walked briskly to her room. He paused before knocking and looked from his chamber doors to hers. It was too great a divide. He would rectify the sleeping arrangements after he saw her. From now on his mate belonged with him, sharing a bedroom, not locked away across the hall like a guest he only enjoyed when the mood suited him.
He had been such a blind fool.
No more!


Ash rapped softly on Kielyn’s chamber doors. A soft shuffle was heard before the door was opened. Gilly, Kielyn’s Gilcolm, curtsied deeply and held the pose. “You may rise, Gilly.” The nervous girl stood, but kept her eyes cast down. “I owe you an apology.” He said just as Kielyn’s slender form came into view. His mate smiled warmly from the other side of the room. Ash had to mentally remind himself to stay focused. He looked back down to the blood slave. “Please look at me for this will be the only time you will ever hear me say these words as I intend to never again make an error to warrant an apology.” Slowly the Gilcolm did as asked. “I am sorry for scaring you and Christopher.”


The timid Gilcolm smiled as she dropped her eyes back down to the floor. “Mistress Kielyn assured me that you would not harm us. Thank you, Your Grace.”


“Did she now?” He looked over the top of the girl’s head, smirking at Kielyn.


Gilly worried her hands together, clearly concerned she said too much. “She… She just said that you would not hurt us. I should not have…Oh…”


“Do not be so nervous!” Ash said, more sternly than he intended. The girl froze in place and he mentally cursed.
Just be polite. Say what I have to say and get her out the door.
There was absolutely nothing that could change who he was, but Ash could at least attempt to curb his distaste for the things that made him roll his eyes. Like simpering females. There was something in him that could only respect others that matched his fire. Perhaps it was the Dragon which made him such a snob or maybe it was years of irreversible spite for the idiots that had clamored and fallen at Dante’s feet. Ash’s jaw tightened as he tried to school his voice. “Rather, try and not be overly frightened of my presence,” he corrected. Of course the poor woman was afraid of him. How could she not be, but, she would have to grow a thicker skin if she were to live in his home. Ash would not have his staff swooning on the floor every time he passed them in the hall.


Gilly nodded her understanding. “Yes, Your Grace.”


“Now in all fairness,” Ash felt the need to be clearer. “I can’t say I will never scare you again. But, you can trust me when I say I will not harm you.” Ash looked back to Kielyn, holding her gaze as he continued. She needed to understand this too. “You must follow the rules though. And, to be sure that everyone understands and agrees to the rules, detailed papers have been drawn up by my attorneys. Should you or Christopher falter in the agreement, your employment here will be terminated. Is that understood?”


“Yes, Your Grace.” The Gilcolm swept into another exaggerated curtsy and held it, suspended like a spider on its web.


Ash did roll his eyes this time. Kielyn stifled a laugh from across the room, her fist quickly lifting to her mouth. His Queen was clearly enjoying this little exchange that was killing him. “You may stand,” he said when Gilly’s legs began to shake. “What century are we in?” The girl blanched, clearly confused. In Ash’s peripheral Kielyn tilted her head and pursed her lips. Ash bit his tongue.
Be nice!
“Never mind.” He smiled. “I will have Hamilton write up how and when to address me and by what title, and what protocol is expected for varying occasions.”


Ash moved to the side, indicating that the Gilcolm was dismissed. Thankfully she took the cue without faltering and he shut the door behind her. “Good God, will loving you always be this hard?” He grinned.


Kielyn’s smile broadened as she turned and walked towards the en suite door. “Consider me your personal trainer, for dealing with the masses.” She pulled her sweater off and looked back over her shoulder playfully. Ash watched as she unbuttoned her jeans, pushed the denim over her luscious hips and stepped out of them. His cock twitched painfully against his pants, instantly leading his thoughts. “I will be your public relations coach.”


He was behind her in a flash, his hand pushing her hair off her neck as he breathed her in. “I will need all the help I can get.” He whispered into her ear as he nipped her earlobe, his hands reaching around to cup her perfect breasts. "I do have these rather animalistic tendencies, you see.”


Kielyn turned as he walked her backwards, towards the walk-in shower. “Why don’t you let me feed your more primitive needs in private then?” She grinned. “So that the beast is well pleased and sated when needing to deal with the general public?”


Ash felt his lips curling into a predatory grin. He reached behind her and flipped on the shower. Within seconds hot steam rose up from the open doored shower as Ash removed his shirt. Her eyes tracked his every movement with an eagerness that made a heaviness settle in his balls. Kielyn’s hands reached out to assist him by unbuttoning his pants. She pushed them over his hips as she rocked up on her toes to kiss his jaw. He groaned on contact. “Kielyn?”


“Yes?” She stepped backwards into the cascading water. It ran like a lover over her hair, down her face, around her breasts and between her long legs. Ash had never been more jealous in his entire life.


He stalked in after her, enjoying the soothing bite of the hot water that draped his flesh like a silk robe. The liquid fire fell around them like rain, pelting their bodies with a warmth that beckoned like an enticing mirage. Further into the clouds they were drawn until the only visible image around them was each other. Lost in the dense steam, Ash cradled the back of Kielyn’s neck in his hand and leaned in, taking her lips in his. She kissed him back with a passion that was unmeasurable. Raw, complete and honest. In one single kiss she laid her soul bare for him and as he drew back slowly, tugging her bottom lip gently between his teeth, Ash realized…He had offered the same.

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