Forged of Fire (40 page)

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Authors: Stacy Von Haegert

BOOK: Forged of Fire
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“I see you are preoccupied in thought.” Zander’s maternal grandfather said from the other end of the long table where he quietly sat.


Zander lifted his eyes to the room’s remaining occupant, Thaddeus, the only one he had ever trusted. His grandfather was banned from royal court the day after Zander’s mother was executed. Dante would have killed him too if it were not for the other male’s engineering marvels. As the lead scientist in Dante’s army, Thaddeus was too much of an asset. Zander’s grandfather was also too clever to act out when delivered the news of his daughter’s death sentence for being a traitor to the crown. Everyone knew it was a lie invented to free Dante of marriage so that he could pursue his next conquest, Ash and Katara’s mother. Nevertheless, Thaddeus had stood amongst the throng as his only child was drawn and quartered, then finally, speared through the heart. The stoic Vampire shielded Zander’s young eyes for the most of it until Dante, in a fit of rage, ordered him to watch the grisly murder. That was the day Zander knew he would one day dance atop his father’s ashes.


“Sorry, I was only thinking about the future.” Zander lifted a glass in toast. “Here’s to the turning tides.”


Thaddeus raised his goblet. “Here is to intelligence and patience.”


“Speaking of patience.” Zander took a swig of wine. “I fear I’m overzealous tonight, grandfather.” He looked back to the doors, assuring they were closed tightly before standing and walking down to where Thaddeus sat. “Do tell me of the last month’s events. Were there any unforeseen issues?”


His grandfather poured another glass. The last year had proven hard to conduct their meetings in secret. Between trying to run his new found kingdom and keeping his notorious sister from ruining every alliance he forged, Zander was short pressed to get away. The last time he met with his grandfather was seven months ago at Thaddeus’s faux wedding. They had very little chance to talk then, due to the little issue with his grandfather needing to get his new and randomly chosen mate with child. All the two had discussed was the success of Thaddeus’s reprogramming experiments. Zander left Northdom Castle that day confident his grandfather would be successful with planting his seed in time to align perfectly with the projected birth of the captive Angel.


And, he had. The two babies were born days apart. Thaddeus killed the only witness, a nursemaid who delivered both babies and proudly announced that he and his mate had twins. He would raise both children as his own. The next day he killed his mate and claimed she was murdered by an uprising rival to the crown. That had served two purposes. One, it was a good excuse as the accused Lord had just opposed a rather important bill Zander was trying to pass, and two, it gave Katara something to gnaw on. With his nosy sister occupied with her favorite subject, revenge, Zander was free to meet alone with his grandfather. Like tonight, void of his inquisitive sister, here in his grandfather’s residence at Northdom castle.


Thaddeus swirled the wine before inhaling its bouquet. “You will be surprised to hear your arch enemy is not the only living Dragon.” He spoke the words as if they carried as little weight as an after dinner comment on the weather.


“What?” Zander nearly spewed his wine as he leapt from his seat.


His grandfather merely arched a perfectly manicured brow. “I see you have still not mastered the perfect poker face.”


“It can’t be! Ash is the only Dragon. There is only one Dragon child per family. The history books…” Zander stared anxiously at his grandfather. “How long have you known of his transformation?”


“The history books were clearly wrong.” Thaddeus splayed his long fingers. “And, I have only known about him being an actual Dragon for one month.”


Zander’s mouth fell open. “Why on earth did you not send word?”


“Sit down!” Thaddeus ordered, annoyed. “You may be King, but you still have some important things to learn, Zander.” He took a sip of wine. “First and foremost is knowing the idiocy of sending a message that the once presumed dead brother of Ashdon LaGoryen is not only alive, but housed in my dungeon. And, has been for the past hundred years. Let us also be sure to add that Teakin LaGoryen is a newly made Dragon no less!” He slammed his fist down firmly on the table like a judge’s gavel adding sarcastically. “And, carrier pigeons are so reliable these days!”


“Of course I did not send the message by means of a fucking bird.” Zander took his seat despite the adrenalin coursing through his veins.
Mother of God, Teakin was also a Dragon!
"You could have at least sent word for me to come sooner.”


“I was not sending for you until I had the situation figured out and under control.” Thaddeus said.


Zander felt a shiver race up his spine as memories of a black Dragon ripping off the head of his father rushed to his mind. Another beast was housed just beneath where they sat now. “And how are you controlling this?”


“The same way your father controlled Ash and his mother,” his grandfather said calmly. “With love.” He smirked. “Or rather, the fear of losing it.”


“It can’t be…” The last time Zander had seen Teakin was from an observation window in the dungeons. Ash’s brother had been drugged out of his mind and set loose in a cell with the captive Angel. The female was no challenge against the much stronger and deranged male. He raped her repeatedly for hours before Zander’s grandfather finally had to dart him with Ashwood to knock him out. There was no way Teakin could have fallen in love with her. She had been nothing more than an object to the deprived bender that had spent the last hundred plus years undergoing Thaddeus’s reprogramming experiments. Over a century of them. His grandfather had succeeded in reducing the once powerful Vampire to nothing more than a simpleminded animal, incapable of love. “How?”


“I simply stopped his treatments.”


“Why?” Zander was utterly perplexed.


“Zander, I am a scientist,” Thaddeus said. “I was acting on a hunch. An idea nagging me to see if I could reverse the programming and a curiosity to see if Teakin really was nothing more than a talented bender.” He shrugged. “I was right.”


“So what happened? He just fell in love with the Angel and that triggered the Dragon?” Zander asked.


“No.” His grandfather chuckled. “Teakin LaGoryen has not been around this long just to fall for the first woman placed before him. I had to dig deeper than that.” He poured another glass of wine. “I needed a stronger emotion.” He smiled before growing somber and looking into his cup. “Did I ever tell you how much it killed me to lose your mother? My little girl.”


“I don’t think words were ever needed to understand that.” Zander hesitated. “Wait…Are you telling me it was paternal? The emotion that awoke the Dragon in Teakin?” He sat back, stunned. “My word it was…”


“Strongest emotion in existence. The love between a parent and child,” Thaddeus said. “I needed only to let Teakin hold his newborn.”


“You dared to let that beast touch the child!” Zander pushed back to his feet. “He could have killed her and then what?” He accused.


“He was not going to kill her. He could sense her blood tie to himself the moment I entered the cell,” his grandfather scoffed. “Me, on the other hand…” He shook his head. “It took six Ashwood darts to put the emerging Dragon to sleep, but when he woke up he understood the danger she was in if he did not comply.” He waved his hand. “I even let him name her before I killed her mother.”


“So the Angel is dead.” Zander said more for his own confirmation than as an actual question. “Good, she served her purpose well.” Zander paused from where he had started pacing, a sudden curiosity getting the better of him. “What did he name her?”


His grandfather smiled. “A name as lovely as the baby. He called her Merick.”


The name seemed to whisper the child’s essence around his nostrils and coat his skin in an energy Zander had never felt before. An instant connection. An image of a beautiful angelic young female scribed itself across the recesses of his mind. Zander turned back quickly to face his grandfather. “This could change everything.” They started out only hoping the combined blood of the Angel and the bender would create a strong new hybrid to cultivate in Zander’s army but now…if her father was a Dragon…the baby might grow into one as well. “Is it possible?”


Thaddeus grinned, clearly reading his thoughts with ease. “Anything is possible with Dragons, Zander.” The older Original took a long swig of red wine and swallowed it slowly before placing his goblet back on the table. “They are after all, forged of fire…”






I would first and foremost like to acknowledge the readers. Without you, these characters would be just figments of my crazy imagination, forever locked in the journal of my mind. Thank you for giving me the chance to share them and their adventures with you.


Secondly, I would like to thank my amazing family and friends who are my biggest fans. My Husband, who acts as my producer, really encouraged me to expand on this book in certain areas and for that, I thank him immensely.


Cheers to my PA's, Lori Myers, who heads up my street team and tirelessly works to help promote me, and Tiffany Landers, who organizes my events and helped market Forged of Fire. You ladies are rock stars!


Claudia Bost, my cover designer, wow, your artwork for this novel is amazing! Thank you and the handsome cover model, Nicolas Simoes, for making Forged of Fire the best looking book on the shelves!


To my wonderful beta readers, Kerry
and Rachelle Rose. You two ladies really are not only amazing friends, but outstanding proof readers!


And lastly to my publishing house, Entertwine, for believing in me and getting my work into the hands of my fans.


Thank you all!


Stacy Von Haegert.

Other Books By Stacy Von Haegert

White Rose Trilogy

Under His Protection

Under His Guidance

Under His Discretion


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~Jax & Annika~


~The Devil with an Angel Face~


He was born Jax Androni to Aldon and Selene Androni just three days before the birth of Annika Levannah. Selene had been the best friend of Eirene Levannah since they were young girls. The two had been inseparable as children and their friendship flowed into adulthood. They were married within weeks of each other and served as each other’s maids of honor. They had always felt blessed that they were able to marry men who would become as close as the two of them.

When Selene announced her pregnancy, it was to no one’s surprise, that Lady Levannah would soon be announcing hers. It was as if the Gods had been watching the two of them and felt the need to bless them together. Both couples couldn’t have been more thrilled when Jax and Annika were born. Aldon and Adair were quick to arrange the marriage of their children and their wives would giggle about the wedding plans.

Jax and Annika grew up together and were the best of friends. They spent many days exploring the land as children. When they were young, they stayed close to home, but as they grew older, their expeditions took them all over Neveah. They both loved adventure and thrived when they stumbled upon a new discovery.

When Annika’s little brother, Denali, was born she had been blind with jealousy. She was only five years old when Denali was born and she ran away to the tree fort her father had built. Jax had gone with her, staying with his friend until she was ready to go home. However, in no time, her brother grew to be a rambunctious little boy  who loved going on adventures with his older sister and her best friend. Annika felt lucky to spend all her time with such wonderful boys.

Jax was born with the ability to skin walk and spent countless hours changing into different animals to either impress or frighten Annika. He loved playing tricks on her. Annika was born with the power to calm. She used her ability frequently on Jax. He was slightly bad tempered and she was always there to calm him before he found trouble. She found his tricks amusing and enjoyed his company.

When Annika was sixteen, she went exploring, and for whatever reason she was without Jax. While exploring, she met James Mender, a healer from a close by village. Soon after their first meeting, they would sneak away to see each other. This went on for two years before she realized she had fallen in love with him. James, well aware of Annika’s stature in Neveah, feared rejection from her family. That fear had them keeping their love a secret. Annika hated hiding her love for James and would dream of the day she could tell her family, and Jax, that she had fallen in love.

She dreamed of her wedding to James. She hoped the day she could bring him home to her parents would come soon. James often felt he was not good enough for her, but he loved her too much to let her go. He had thought long and hard about marrying her. He came to the conclusion he would risk rejection if it meant spending the rest of his life with her. Finally, after years of secret rendezvous’, James proposed to Annika. She didn’t have to think before she said yes. She loved James, and all that was him, and couldn’t wait to marry him.

They promised themselves to each other that afternoon when they lay together as virgins and arose as lovers. She left him that day with a promise to him, she would tell her father of their love then she would send for him. She’d felt his seed burry deep inside of her that first time. Pregnancy was felt the moment of conception and, in Neveah, progressed very quickly. They wouldn’t have much time to be married before she began to show. He was to meet her parents that evening at dinner where they would announce their engagement then she would announce that she was with child. She had never been happier and he had never been more nervous. He kissed her goodbye and watched her run down the path to the road. After the afternoon together, he couldn’t imagine spending even a few moments without her, let alone four hours. He set about cleaning up and decided to sit and read while he waited.

She was on her way to tell her parents about James. She couldn’t wait to tell the world she was in love and was anxious to tell her best friend and planned to visit Jax as soon as she spoke to her parents. She just knew he would be so happy for her.

She found her father in the garden behind their home. She ran to him, excitement running through her veins. Her father had heard her coming and turned to greet his daughter. She was prepared to tell him her news, but he quickly spoke first. “Hello dear, I have the most wonderful news,” he had said and she listened, anxious to tell him news of her own. “You are set to marry Jax, my dear. In four weeks’ time our families will become one!” He was grinning ear to ear, his cheeks the color of roses. Annika felt her heart fall. Married? To Jax? She should have seen this coming. She never thought of Jax as anything more than a friend, a brother. “What do you mean, marry Jax, daddy?” Her words were flowing fast, but she was sure her father would understand, if she could just explain. “Daddy, I can’t marry Jax. He is like my brother. I don’t love him. I am sorry but I won’t marry him. I was coming to tell you I am in love. His name is James and he is part of the healing family.” She was trying to get in as many words as possible before her father cut her off.

“What are you talking about Annie? It’s always been known you and Jax would be married. It was decided the day you were born. You have spent your entire life with him. It has already been arranged. You must tell this other boy goodbye. You have an obligation to this family!” His voice was rising the more he spoke. The rosy glow was turning to a crimson red.

Annika felt heat rise in her own cheeks as well and her heart was hammering in rage. “Obligation! Who gave you the right to promise me to anyone? I don’t love Jax and I will not marry him!” She turned and quickly walked away. She could hear her father’s voice behind her but didn’t bother to listen to the words. She had to get to Jax.

She was sure Jax felt the same and she rushed to his cottage in hopes of them helping each other find a way out of this. She was so sure he didn’t want to marry her any more than she wanted to marry him. She ran into Jax, literally, on the way to his cottage. “Whoa, Annie, what’s the hurry?” He caught her, with a laugh in his throat. “Oh Jax,” she cried. “Have they told you? They plan for us to marry! How could they?” Jax backed away, looking slightly shocked. Annika was much too distraught to notice the shock reflected in his brown eyes. He ran his hands through his jet black hair, trying to process what she had said.

“Of course Annie, of course we are to be wed. My parents told me about the deal they made with your father all those years ago. I couldn’t be happier Annie. I love you. Don’t you love me?” His words pulled her back to reality. What was he saying? He loved her? Was he out of his mind too? She stepped back, looked into his eyes, and whispered, “No Jax, I can’t marry you. Of course I love you, like I love Denali, like a brother.” She could see Jax’s face redden and his jaw clench. She knew all too well the temper he possessed.

Many times Annie had to use her power to calm him in order to keep him out of fights and out of trouble. When Jax was angry he shifted into a lion, not by choice, it was as if he had no control. Annie had only seen this once herself, and swore she would always calm him, so she would never have to see it again. His body looked as if it could rip open at any moment revealing the lion inside, but his face was twisted in agony.

“Don’t try to calm me Annika it’s not going to work this time. I can calm myself.” He shook a little but took a deep breath continuing, “I’m sorry if I scared you, but that’s not really what I was expecting to hear from you. It’s okay though. We have time. You will learn to love me. We will be happy Annie,” he said. His words were  strained and full of hurt. She knew in her heart she could not marry Jax and though it tore her apart to see him hurt this way, she had no other choice. “I love someone else Jax. He asked me to marry him today and I said yes. You see, I can’t marry you.” She tried to touch him, to offer an apology, but he pushed her away. “Please Jax, understand, I had no idea you felt this way. You can’t be angry with me!”

“Have you lain with this other man Annika?” Jax demanded.

“What? What difference does that make?” Annika asked, appalled that he would ask her something so personal.

“It makes a huge difference to me. Have you?” He grabbed her shoulders hard. She knew lying to him was useless, he knew her too well. She was furious he would even ask her.

“Yes, today after he proposed. Are you happy now Jax?” The words flew from her mouth and were there, floating between them, before she realized what she had said. His grip on her shoulders relaxed, she was trying her best to calm him. He stepped back, looking at her. He looked disgusted, repulsed by her. His bronze skin had gone crimson with anger. “You whore,” he spoke in a growl before spitting at her.

“I am not a whore! I have never lain with another man. I love him. We are going to marry and I am so sorry if that hurts you, but you cannot and will not speak of me that way nor will you disgrace me with your spit!” She was visibly shaking now, furious with him. “This conversation is over Jax, go home, calm down!”

Just as she turned to walk away, he grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arm around her neck.  “Not so fast Annika. This is far from over.”

“Stop it Jax, you’re hurting me!” His grip tightened. She grabbed his arm, attempting to calm him with her touch. It wasn’t working.

“Don’t fight it my love, you can’t calm me. I have spent many years shielding your calming power and now have it perfected.”

“What? Why, Jax?” She asked with fear laced words.

“I guess anticipation, self-protection, who knows? I knew it would come in handy one day and looks like that day has come,” he replied, sounding sinister.

“Please Jax, let me go,” Annie begged.

“Oh no, Annie, you are coming with me.” With that he threw her over his shoulder. “Jax put me down. Where are you taking me?” She was fighting him back with fierceness. She bit down as hard as she could into his shoulder, drawing blood from his leathery skin. She felt his body quiver under hers, yet he remained a man, not a lion. He was moving with the speed of a Jaguar in the direction of the Dark Forest. Jax carried her into the depth of the darkness as though he had walked through the place a hundred times. Although most of Neveah was peaceful, and many creatures were able to co-habitat, the Dark Forest was off limits. The creatures within never left the shelter of the forest. The people of Neveah never ventured in, until now. Jax marched into the shadows as if the land were his. Little known to Annika, Jax had been visiting the forest frequently as of late.

He had found the inhabitants more afraid of him than he was of them. Visiting the forbidden place was exciting for Jax. He knew exactly where he was going that day. Near the center of the forest stood a tree large enough around to house a family of rhinos. Jax spent a lot time in this tree. He was working on his ability. He was perfecting his craft. He had taught himself to control the urge to evolve when his anger aroused. He now could evolve into a lion at his own choosing. Jax, ever so smart, had also conditioned himself enough to transfigure into anything he might choose. He had been so proud and couldn’t wait to share the news with Annie. Then she ripped his heart out.

He picked up the pace and was now running with her lying across his shoulder. He could feel the sting and blood dripping where she had bitten him. The thought of her biting him made him smile. He had kept this side of himself so well hidden all those years. She had no idea of his sadistic abilities. She would know soon. He sat her down at the tree, looking smug. She looked terrified and  her cheeks were tear stained .. She spit in his face. “How dare you Jax! What the hell do you think you’re doing? You take me home!” She was screaming through her shaken voice. He just laughed, wiped her spit from his face, and then slapped her hard across the cheek. Her face instantly stung, but she spit in his face again. His body was trembling, her mind racing. “You are my best friend Jax! What are you doing?”

“I’m just getting started.” He shoved her through the opening. She stumbled back, landing hard on the ground. “On the ground, just where I want you.” Inside the trunk, the tree was dark. The ground where she lay was damp and the smell of Jax was burning her nostrils. A wild scent of man and animal radiated through the tree mixed with the moss that she felt beneath her hands. She tried to get up, but he knocked her down again. Her power was useless on him.

“Lay down whore, you have been tainted and it's time you learned a lesson.” She begged him to stop, but her crying only made him stronger. He took his time. He slapped her again, just because he could. He ripped her dress down the middle and was shocked to see that she wasn’t wearing any under clothes. This infuriated him more, leaving her feeling shame and humiliation. He slapped her breasts this time before taking them in his mouth. He sucked and bit until she bled. Every time she screamed or begged he became more aggressive. She stopped, lying there, as if she were dead.  He continued his rampage on her body using his mouth to bite her neck, breast, belly, and between her thighs before shoving his face between her legs. He bit her in her most sensitive spot, but yet she did not cry. She prayed his rage would end before he entered her. She could endure all the slapping and biting, but she didn’t want Jax’s rage mixed with her love. Her lifelessness enraged him, he pulled his head out from between her legs and latched onto her nipple, twisting and pulling until she could take no more and cried out for him to stop. That’s when he entered her. He took her angrily and violently. She could feel the seed of James burying itself inside her womb. Then, she lost consciousness.

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