Forgotten Dreams (16 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Woods

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forgotten Dreams
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"The kitchen will be fine," Toni said without think-ing, not having yet recovered from the announcement that the tall, watchful man behind her was to be their guest for dinner.

She turned and faced Christian. "I think we've just been asked to leave. Why don't we settle for the sitting room before Mrs. D becomes temperamental and throws us out?"

Very good, Toni, she applauded her own perfor-mance. Keep it cool and simple, and for goodness' sake try to avoid becoming involved in a heavy clench with Mr. Barr. Being in his arms won't help you to work out your problems.

When they entered the sitting room, and before Toni could put a safe distance between them, she felt Christian's arms encircle her and haul her against him. At first she tried to break his hold, but his arms tightened and his lips found their way to the wildly beating pulse at the side of her neck.

"Why are you acting like a polite stranger, Anto-nia?" he murmured as his lips nuzzled one ear. "I thought I made it clear to you last night that I wouldn't tolerate such actions from you."

Please, Christian." She tried to twist her head away, knowing full well what would happen if she didn't. "I need time to think."

You're stubborn as hell and your timing is lousy," Christian retaliated close to her ear. But for once he did as she asked and released her.

The instant his arms fell away, Toni felt as though her clothes had been stripped from her body, leaving her naked and chilled. She crossed her arms over her chest and clasped her upper arms with her hands to ward off the lost, alone feeling.

Her dark eyes unconsciously followed Christian as he prowled about the large, high-ceilinged room, his hands thrust in the back pockets of his jeans. A dark scowl masked his features. In spite of herself, Toni couldn't help but smile.

"My aunt usually watches one of her favorite west-ernis at this time. Are you fond of cowboys and Indi-ans?-

Christian stopped his aimless pacing and stared straight into her eyes. "I'm fond of you, Antonia. So put your formal manners away and sit down. Believe it or not, I'm not going to attack you," he said huskily.

"I never for a moment thought you would, Chris-tian," she said, trying to defend herself.

"Oh? Then perhaps you'll tell me why you react a frightened rabbit each time I take you in my arms? We both know what the outcome is going to be."

For a moment Toni considered what he'd said, asked, "Why haven't you ever married, Christian?"

"What kind of damn fool question is that?"

"A simple one, I should think. It seems highly un-likely that with all your experience over the years, you haven't met at least one woman who made you con-sider marriage."

He walked over and dropped down onto the sofa, then patted the cushion beside him.

"May we sit during this examination of my wasted youth?"

"Of course." Toni smiled, feeling much more conf-dent now that he was on the defensive. She sat down with one foot drawn beneath her and faced him. you going to answer my question?"

"I'd rather kiss you than talk," he said engagingly, one hand snaking out to glide along her thigh.

"Stop that!" Toni said sternly, her only recourse be-ing to catch his wandering hand in her own and hold it,

"Well, at least you're touching me without my hav-ing to resort to stronger methods."

Toni ignored the taunt. "I'm waiting." She smiled sweetly at him.

He sighed. "So you are. I'm afraid you'll be disap pointed, sweetheart, for there's nothing dark and wicked to reveal. As I said once before, there have been one or two women in the past who have caused me to give fleeting thought to marriage, but it was only a thought, and so fleeting that I can barely remember their faces."

"I don't believe you," Toni snapped.

"Why? Have I shot a hole in the elaborate tale you were planning to regale me with?" An amused yet tender expression swept over his face.

"It's not so elaborate, I'm afraid, and it's not a tale." She looked down at their hands, their fingers laced together. "Right now I'm about as confused as a

woman can be."

"May I make a suggestion?"


"Stop analyzing each thing that happens between us, honey." He reached for her other hand. "I'm aware that our af—" He smiled. "Sorry . . . our realationship has been moving along with the speed of a jet. Quite frankly, I'm almost as amazed as you. But unlike you I'm not frightened. I like the experience."

"The words sound good," Toni said. She met his gaze squarely. "But can't we slow it down? I've al ready made one bad choice in my life. And even though what we have is somewhat different, I don't want to keep on making one mistake after another."

"Don't ever compare me with Steven Crowell, Antonia," Christian lashed out at her in a cold, harsh voice. "I may be some sort of low-life in your eyes, but I'v e never struck a woman nor have I ever put my ring on a woman's finger and forgot it when it suited me."

"Please . . ." Toni leaned toward him till her forehead was pressing against his cheek. "I didn't mean that you were like Steven."

And though the scowl remained on his face, his arms were quick to find their way around her wais and bring her fully against him. He lifted his head and watched her through narrowed lids. "I think I could forgive you for almost anything in the world when you're in my arms."


"Almost anything?" Toni asked as the fingers of: one hand teased the dark hair revealed by the opening of his shirt. "What heinous crime would I have to commit that would deny me your forgiveness?"

"Sleeping with another man."

"Oh, dear." She sighed in mock despair. "Now you've gone and messed up my way of earning an extra income."

Before she could blink an eye, Toni found her face down across Christian's lap, with one of his huge hands suspended over her behind. "You wouldn't dare!" she exclaimed breathlessly. "You just said you would never strike a woman."

"Correction, you little flirt," he growled. "I said I had never hit a woman. That was before I met you. I would also like to point out here and now that I don't care for the kind of joke you just made. Do I make myself clear?" he asked silkily.

"Hell yes, you overgrown oaf. What else do you expect me to say with all my blood rushing to my head?"

Just as quickly as Christian had turned her over his knee, he hoisted her back onto the sofa. Only this time there was one arm behind her shoulders and another in front at her waist. "Now;" Christian said, smiling "Do we understand each other better?"

"But of course." Toni returned his smile with an icy one of her own. "Considering that you have me locked in a near half nelson.

"Tsk, tsk. I'm always turned on by a submissive woman."

"Why, you—"

"Dinner is served," came Mrs. D's voice from the doorway.

Toni threw a startled glance toward the smiling housekeeper, a brilliant red staining her cheeks as she wondered just how much Mrs. D had seen and heard.



"Fishing?" Susie cried in disgust. "I can't believe I'm hearing correctly. Why on earth would you want tc sit on a creek bank and mess with those awful wiggling worms when you could be having lunch in a nice res-taurant?"

"Because Christian asked me to go with him," Toni told her, knowing quite well that the identity of her escort would put an end to her cousin's outcry.

"Oh. Well ... in that case of course you have to accept. Can the two of you come over for dinner to-morrow evening? It'll be the first time I've been brave enough to have you both at the same time."

"Tomorrow sounds fine," Toni answered with a laugh. "But let me check with Christian to make sure I'll call you when we get baek this afternoon. Okay? I have to go now, Susie."

"Have fun, if that's possible."

Toni replaced the receiver and turned to find Christian standing impatiently just inside the kitchen. In one hand was the picnic basket Mrs. D had packed, and in the other was a red and black plaid blanket. "Is your cousin trying to sabotage our outing?" he asked with brows arched as he hurried Toni out of the house and to his car.

"How did you guess?" She chuckled. Because Susie is about as restful to be around as a bee in a bed of spring flowers. If she were my wife I'd probably choke her."

"Susie is ... meddlesome," Toni agreed. "But she means well"

Christian offered no comment and Toni really was't expecting one. She relaxed against the plush seat of the car and idly watched the scenery fly by.

This was the second day in a row she'd spent with Christian.

The day before, they'd gone to New Orleans.

They'd ridden the streetcar along St. Charles, taken the walking tour of the historic French Quarter, and eaten beignets at the old Cafe du Monde. They

watched the artists at work in Jackson Square and then browsed through numerous antique shops. After leisuurely dinner in the early evening, they drove back to Natchez.

What had impressed Toni most of all about the day had been Christian's attitude. His attention hadn't faded in the least. If anything, it had intensified. And

her own reaction to him was a pleasant surprise too.

She felt none of the tension that always seemed to inhibit her around him. She found herself relaxing,and seeing for the first time the warm, gentle man

beneath Christian's playboy fagade.

On their return to Cartlaigne, however, her new found confidence had been momentarily shaken Christian insisted she come in for a drink.

On seeing her hesitation and the insecurity in her eyes, he had been quick to say, "Only a drink, Antonia. The next time I make love to you it will because you want it."

And a drink was all it had been, accompanied by two hours or so of intimate conversation. It had been well past midnight when Christian had walked her to the cottage.

His good night kiss had sent shivers of excitement sweeping over her body and had her clinging to his shoulders for support. He caught her hands in his and held them. "I've never known a person determine bring so much pain and suffering on herself as you" he said as he studied her face.

Her relationship with Christian may have been stormy, but her dreams that night had been peaceful and serene. She was with Christian on a deserted is-land so beautiful that it took her breath away. There seemed to be no distinction between night and day as they wandered their tropical paradise arm in arm. It was just the two of them, making love amid tropical splendor with the sound of a waterfall in the back ground.

Now, she was with him again. And though imaginary island had quickly faded from her memory, she could still feel the touch of his hands running over the skin of her stomach to cup the fullness of her breasts. Her nipples hardened to tight, tiny points of desire as she remembered the hot caress of his tongue and the gentle sucking of his lips.

"According to Brent's directions, this should be the place," came a faraway voice, intruding on the erotic thoughts swirling through her mind.

"Mmmmm," Toni murmured softly, unaware that the car had come to a halt.

"Having pleasant daydreams, Antonia?" a husky voice whispered against her ear as a large hand gently cupped the softness of one breast. And though the spell of her dream had been shattered, she felt herself pressing against the hand at her breast as a wanton finger slowly, teasingly circled the buring tip.

She opened her eyes and stared into Christian's before making a half-hearted attempt to pull back. He easily stopped her, his hand slipping behind her to block the move. "Don't be embarrassed, sweetheart. I assure you, the feeling is mutual."


His lips took possession of hers with electrifying swiftness, and Toni knew in an instant that there would be no resistance on her part if he chose to make love to her. When his tongue demanded entrance to the hot moistness of her mouth, her lips parted willing

A giant shudder hit her like a tidal wave as their tongues met and became locked in an erotic skirmish that sent shock after shock trembling through her

Reluctantly, Christian drew back far enough to are into her face. "My God!" he muttered hoarsely.

I honetestly think I'm going out of my mind." Toni raised tentative fingers and caressed the granite line of his jaw. "Welcome to the club. I've been suffering from a similar malaise for days now." "You do know what will happen if we don't get thehell out of this car, don't you?" he asked, his mouth a rigidly controlled line.


"Ah, but according to my cousin, the thought of catching a big-mouth bass is supposed to be paramount in a man's mind on outings of this sort."

"I've hinted at it before, but this time I'll be specific. Your cousin is a very silly but likable woman. And the term is large-mouth bass, not big mouth."

"Big-mouth, large-mouth . . . what's the difference?" Toni grinned. "Are you going to sit here all day idling away our time or are you going to catch my supper?"

"Only if we share."

"I'll definitely give it some thought," she said easily, the glow from his kiss still lingering in her eyes.

Careful to insure her comfort while he fished, Chris- tian settled Toni beneath a large tree with spreading branches. "I think I'll start over there," he said, point- ing to an area where several cypress trees dotted the surface of the water, "and work my way back here."

"Good luck." Toni smiled at him. She sat down with her back resting against the tree and opened the paperback mystery she'd bought the day before in New Orleans.


It was one of those fall days in the South when the mercury dropped to near freezing at night, only to rise to sixty or sixty-five during the day. The sun was shin- ing brightly, and after an hour or so of reading, Toni's eyelids began to droop. Soon she was fast asleep, the book falling from her hands to the blanket.

Christian's solitary figure slowly made its way around the bank, a look of satisfaction on his tanned face as the number of his catch steadily increased.

It was the rustle of paper and the sharp pop of a

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