Forgotten Dreams (17 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Woods

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forgotten Dreams
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canned drink being snapped opened that roused Toni from her slumber. She opened her eyes, squinting against the brightness of the sun, and saw Christian sitting beside her, calmly setting out the food.

"What time is it?" she asked after a huge stretch and a jaw-cracking yawn.

"Almost one thirty." He smiled at her. "You were sleeping so peacefully I didn't have the heart to disturb you."

"Thanks. But now that I am awake, I'm starving." She took a deep breath of the fresh air and shook her head. "If I did this regularly, I'm afraid I'd be as round as I am tall. The outdoors gives me a terrific appetite."

"In that case, I'll have to limit our nature treks to only once a month," Christian said firmly. He handed her a plate piled with fried chicken, potato salad, tiny cucumber sandwiches, and deviled eggs.

"Ha! Look who's talking," she scoffed, eyeing the same food on his plate, the amount of each selection doubled.

"But the difference is, my black-eyed minx, I've been working," he responded in true male fashion.


"I saw." Toni pulled a long face. "One step every five minutes. That isn't the sort of exercise that burns up the enormous amount of calories you're consuming." "You're a mean-hearted shrew."

"True," she said with a laugh, "but a truthful one. By the way, how was your luck?"

"I have five very nice bass, Miss Know-it-all. Doesn't it make you feel bad, knowing that while you were snoring under this tree, I was slaving away to provide your supper?"


"Not at all," Toni returned as she bit into a golden-brown chicken breast. "However, I'm sure you'll come up with something to get back at me."

The harmless banter continued throughout the meal, and Toni became more and more relaxed. Christian had made no move to touch her, apparently content with one firm thigh resting against hers while they ate.

When they'd polished off the last crumb of food, Christian moved their plates and empty cans aside, then stretched out on his back. It seemed the most natural thing in the world for him to reach out and pull Toni down beside him.

"I never knew fishing could be so enjoyable," she teased lazily as she wiggled around till her cheek was resting on his shoulder. Without thinking, she slipped one hand beneath the front of his shirt, her fingers absently toying with the crisp dark hair on his chest.

"It isn't with everyone." Christian turned his head so that their faces were only inches apart. "As a matter of fact, picnics and fishing trips are two more items I'll have to add to that list of things you aren't allowed to do with other men."

"Mmmm . . . what else is on this list?" she murmured huskily, the feel of his warm skin beneath the sensitive tips of her fingers filling her with a tingling excitement.

"Well, of course you aren't allowed to go out with other men," he breathed against her cheek. "And that first rule sort of takes care of the second one, which is that if you ever went to bed with another man, I'd wring your beautiful little neck."


"Sounds terrifying." She strained closer and nipped the tip of his earlobe with her teeth. "Haven't you learned by now that we Cartlaigne women resent being told what to do?"

For several intense seconds Christian was silent as he watched her. "What I'm learning at the moment, Antonia, is that you are, either unwittingly or deliberately, setting out to seduce me. Would you care to tell

me which it is?"

The pink tip of Toni's tongue ran hurriedly over lips that had gone dry as she pondered his question. He was painfully and embarrassingly correct. Call it seduction or just plain need, it made no difference. What did matter, though, was the hunger gnawing inside her for this man. He'd said he wouldn't force her till she wanted him. Well, she reminded herself, she'd learned that the only way to get what you really wanted was to reach out and take it.

"I've never made love on a blanket beneath a tree," she said, so quietly that Christian could barely hear her. But words were unnecessary, for nothing on earth could disguise the invitation in her eyes or the soft, pliant shape of her slender body pressed against him. With unhurried ease their fingers began to loosen buttons and zippers. As each article of clothing was removed it was replaced by hands that glided and smoothed their way inch by inch to the next barrier. It wasn't only Christian who kissed and touched his way over pink-tipped breasts and satiny thighs. Newly confident, Toni became aggressive in her quest to know the secrets of this tanned body that held such tremendous power over her.

Her small hands ran lazily over his broad shoulders and muscled back, feeling the controlled strength beneath her touch. She continued her exploration until

her fingers lightly feathered the leanness of his hips and buttocks. At that point she became hesitant, unsure.

"Touch me, Antonia. Don't be afraid." Christian's voice floated against her ear. "I enjoy the feel of your hands on my body as much as you enjoy having me caress you."

"I'm not very experienced at this sort of thing," she murmured, her body going taut with desire as his urgent lips caught and pulled at the tip of her breast.

"Stop worrying about technique, honey, and do what your heart tells you," he rasped as the tip of his hot tongue made teasing circles on the satiny mound of her breast.

With his words of encouragement to guide her, Toni ran her hands lovingly over his buttocks and the hardness of his thighs, glorying in her moment of triumph when she felt his muscles stiffen, his breathing become harsh and ragged.

She delighted in the exploration of his body and wantonly urged Christian on to even more intimate investigations of hers. By the time he had begun to tenderly feather kisses across her stomach and the tense softness of her inner thighs, she was screaming inside with the need to be taken, to be possessed.

"I said I wouldn't make love to you again until you decided you wanted me," Christian whispered, settling his body above hers and staring intently into her dark, burning eyes. "Do you want me, Antonia?"


"Oh, yes!" she answered in a wild rush, her hands grasping his shoulders to force him closer. Her head was thrashing from side to side, her black hair shining like a velvet cloud. "I want you ... I need you

Then and only then did she feel the first roughness of his knee between hers and felt their bodies coming together to fulfill their intense desire.

He entered her waiting softness, and Toni heard herself crying out his name in unashamed abandon.

Strong but gentle arms surrounded her as the passion that possessed each of them pushed them closer and closer to ultimate release. Only the whispered sounds escaping them and their labored breathing disturbed the sleepy cove sheltered by the huge, spreading oak.

" Happy?" Christian smiled down at her as he drove with one hand, his other arm keeping Toni a willing

prisoner against his side.

" Happy," she said without hesitation, wanting this moment, this sense of well-being, to last forever. We're almost home. When we get there, are you

going to remain as sweet and loving as you've been these last two days, or are you going to turn back into that disagreeable female I've been forced to deal


1 really can't say, Christian," she said innocently, mischief dancing in her eyes. "We females are notorious for our chameleon-like moods. I think . , . I'll

probably not get the urge to murder you for at least another day or two, but alas"—she shrugged dramaticaly

—"who can say?" Spoken like the little witch you are," he answered with a frown. "Before you start feeling so proud of youself though, Miss Grant, I'd like to remind you that I do have ways of taming that wicked tongue of yours"


Toni glared at him. "Why do I waste my time with you arrogant toad?" She turned her head and straight ahead, her chin lifted defiantly. "I think I'll call Raymond. Even listening to his stories about his dogs is more pleasant than being a constant source of nourishment for your ego."

"Let's see now . . . which one is he?" Christian grinned evilly.

"The one who wanted to take me for a walk in the fog," Toni informed him, struggling to keep from giggling. "You frightened the living daylights out of him when you came crashing through the bushes when he kissed me."

"Ah well, if you insist on settling for second best. I suppose he's as good as any. But when you're ready to go first class again, you can always whistle."

"Why, you egotistical fool!" Toni exclaimed, retaliated by pinching him just above the waist.


"Ouch! That hurt!" he bellowed, trying to dodge her quick fingers before she could dish out further pain and punishment.

"I meant it to, you swine," she said sweetly. "Whistle indeed . . . you should live so long."

"All right, all right," a laughing Christian shouted "I'm sorry . . . I'll eat only bread and water for days. And you won't have to whistle, I'll do it. Okay!"

"I'll think about it," Toni muttered, doing her best to act uninterested.

Christian turned into the drive at Cartlaigne, still chuckling. "If I promise to behave, will you go fishng with me tomorrow?" he whispered in her ear.

"That depends," she answered slowly, her gaze rest-ing on the strange car in the drive beside the cottage "Mrs. D didn't mention anything about having com-pany today. I wonder if Aunt Sara's gotten worse."

"I'm sure someone would have come and gotten us if that were the case. Perhaps it's your friend from Richmond."

"Steven?" Toni asked, her heart sinking.

"There's only one way to find out," Christian answered shortly, his happy, relaxed mood evaporating. He drove to the garage behind the big house, switched off the engine, then turned to Toni. "If it is Crowell, I want your word you won't see him alone."

"Don't you think you're being a little bit ridiculous? After all, we can hardly talk with Mrs. D hovering in the background like a watchful duenna," she protested.

"Your word, Toni." His voice was as cold as the steely points of his eyes. "He almost took a swing at you the last time you were together, and I don't know what he might try if you don't say what he wants to hear. I think you know what I'd do if he touched you, don't you?"

Toni cleared her throat nervously and slowly nod-ied. "Yes, I know, Christian, and I appreciate your concern. But surely he wouldn't be foolish enough to cry something like that."

At least I hope he wouldn't, she thought, because Christian will murder him. Maybe it isn 't Steven at all, she hoped. Perhaps he's had time to reconsider since he called.

But any such hope on Toni's part was quickly dashed when she and Christian entered the kitchen and found Mrs. D in a classic dither.

"Oh, my, Toni," the older woman said anxiously. "I'm so glad to see you." She cast an apprehensive fiance toward Christian, then went on. "Steven Crowell is in the sitting room. He's been here for almost two hours. I'm afraid I haven't been as gracious to that young man as I should have been, but considering the circumstances, I don't feel very hospitable toward him."

Toni smiled and gave the housekeeper a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "You're not to worry. I’m sure that once Steven andI talk, he'll be on his way back to Richmond."

She turned to Christian, who was leaning agairst the counter, his massive arms crossed over his broad chest, a murderous gleam in his blue eyes. The sleeves of his blue checked shirt were rolled back to reaveal strong forearms, and the faded jeans clung to his mus cled thighs like a second skin.


"There's really no need for you to stay, you know." she said softly.

"I'm not leaving, Antonia, so why don't you go on in and talk with Crowell, then send him on his way I'll have a cup of Mrs. D's coffee and keep her company."

And keep me terrified, knowing you're hovering -the background, Toni wanted to add, but didn't. She'd long since learned just how stubborn Christian could be. She was also well aware of exactly what he thought of Steven. She wanted to avoid another confrontation between the two men if at all possible.

"Very well." She smiled, then turned and made her way to the sitting room.

Steven, who was sitting on the sofa, bounded to his feet and raced across the room toward her the moment Toni entered.


"Toni!" he exclaimed, reaching out and clasping her in a warm embrace before she could stop him.

"Hello, Steven," she replied coolly, firmly extricating herself from his arms before he had a chance to kiss her.

She stationed herself behind a high-backed chair, almost laughing at the crestfallen expression that clouded Steven's face at her open rejection.

"I'm sorry you've been kept waiting. But since you didn't give me any idea of when you'd be arriving

"No problem," he offered expansively. "Although that dragon of a housekeeper hasn't been especially pleasant."

"Ah, yes, Mrs. D." Toni chuckled. "I'm afraid you'll have to forgive her, Steven. You see, she's been here since before I was born. She also knows what happened between us and doesn't feel at all charitable coward you. By the way, how is Lea?"

At the mention of the other woman's name, Steven had the grace to blush. He ran a forefinger around the crisp collar of his white shirt in a clearly nervous gesture. "Fine, I suppose. Actually I haven't seen her in several weeks. But I didn't come here to talk about Lea," he said with determination. "I want to talk about us ... you and me, Toni. Now that we've had time to get over our little tiff, I'm sure we can work things out."

"It wasn't a little tiff, Steven," she calmly corrected him, keeping a tight clamp on her rising temper. "And there isn't anything to work out. I tried to tell you that when you called earlier in the week."

"I'm afraid I can't accept that, sweetheart," he said, smiling confidently. He walked to the front of the chair she was standing behind and placed his neat, manicured fingers on the brocaded back. "You're still angry with me and . . ."He tipped his head engagingly. "I understand. But I'm not leaving here until my ring is back on your finger."

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