Forgotten Dreams (19 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Woods

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forgotten Dreams
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"Not at all, Mrs. D." Toni thoughtfully tilted her head to one side, wondering just when these plans had been made. "Did he say where he was going today?" "I believe he mentioned New Orleans. Something to do with an article he wants to do on the rising crime rate in the French Quarter."


Toni smothered her amusement at the housekeeper's perfect recital of what Christian had told her. An that moment the back door burst open and the tardy dinner guest swept into the kitchen, carrying two large bags of groceries.

"Hello, ladies." Christian smiled broadly, his gaze sweeping over Toni and lingering on the firm set of her lips. "Mrs. D, I brought you some French bread, some wine, and a few other little goodies," he told the beam-ing housekeeper as he set the bags on the counter "Give me a few minutes to wash up and I'll be ready for that gumbo you promised me."

Dinner was delicious, or so Christian kept telling Mrs. D. Toni would have been just as happy eating hay as she was the thick, dark shrimp gumbo served over a bed of fluffy rice.

Each time she risked a glance toward Christian found him watching her. The dancing glow of his eye seemed somehow sensuous and exciting. It was almost as though he were actually touching her.

By the time they finished dessert, Toni had begun to wonder if Christian had slipped some mysterious mind-numbing drug into her food. But she knew better. At some point within the last few days she'd come full circle with her feelings for him.

Perhaps it was Steven, with his untimely visit and his attempts to push his way back into her life, that had caused it. It was impossible for Toni not to compare the two men, she told herself as Christian and Mrs. D talked.

Steven was a worm, as she'd learned to her sorrow. He had no conception of love; all he understood were his own wants and needs. Hers didn't seem to matter. Christian, however, offered her a totally different type of relationship. He was strong and determined, but sensitive to her needs and desires. Their lovemaking was the joining together of two halves into a perfect oneness ... a whole and complete unit.

Sometime later a rather subdued Toni walked beside Christian toward the big house.


"You've changed from a bewitching seductress to a very quiet young woman during the last hour, Antonia. Why?" Christian asked as he unlocked the door and held it open for her.

"One can't stay up continuously," she said quietly, making her way to the warm fire that was burning in the fireplace.

Christian shrugged off his jacket and dropped it onto a chair, his hooded gaze sweeping over her. There was guarded caution in his expressive features as he studied the tense set of her shoulders.

"I don't think it's a simple matter of ups and downs that's bothering you, honey," he said matter-of-factly. He walked over and stood at one side of the fireplace, an elbow propped on the mantel. "Is it our relationship that's the problem?"

Toni lifted her gaze from the dancing flames and stared at him, then looked away. What she was feeling was too new, too private to share with him yet. Especially when she knew so well that commitment wasn't a possibility.

"What you're really asking is whether or not I'm beginning to think of you as a part of my future, aren't you? Well, don't worry, Christian. I have no long range plans that include you." She forced herself smile. "Your record will remain unblemished."


Christian tipped his dark head, bringing his stub-born chin to rest on his fist. "What would you say were to tell you that I'm ready to relinquish my title? That I resent not being included in your future?"

The sudden acceleration of her heartbeat was so severe that Toni was positive Christian could hear it. She swallowed against the surge of excitement threateninh to choke her. Calm down, she sternly lectured herself He's probably gone through this particular little scene countless times.

"I'd think you were an accomplished actor and be overly concerned. Once the realization of what you'd done hit you, you'd find some way to back out gracefully."

Christian frowned. "I never knew you had such a low opinion of me, Antonia."

"That's not so, Christian," she protested. "You're one of the most honest men I've ever known."

"Honest?" he repeated. "You really think I'm honest?"

"Yes, I do."

"I wonder what you really think of me," he murmured softly, a tender smile smoothing his lips. "Do you approve of my type of journalism?"

"I think you try to present all sides of the story," Toni said frankly.

"Do you think I'm what the ladies could call handsome?" he asked cockily.

"No," she answered without hesitation. "Your features are too rugged and your nose is a mess."

"Mmm," he muttered consideringly. "How about my taste in food, the way I dress, my favorite hobby. Oh, and don't forget the charming way I treat a woman. What's your opinion of the above?"

Toni stared at him as though he'd lost his mind. She shook her head and then turned and walked the few steps to the sofa and sat down. "Are you thinking of compiling a resume to send out to all the available women you know?"

"A resum6!" He gave every appearance of being enthralled with the idea. "Would you help me work out the details?" he asked innocently as he joined her on the sofa.

"I will not," she replied sharply, her dark eyes shooting sparks.

"Don't make such a hasty decision, Antonia. We'd change the wording a bit, perhaps play up my physical attributes, even enhance, on paper of course, my rugged features and my nose which is a mess. The possibilities are limitless."

"Need I tell you what you can do with your physical attributes, your rugged features, and your messy nose?" Toni eyed him distastefully.

Christian shook his head slowly, his expression somber. One long arm snaked out and settled over her shoulder. Toni started to move to the edge of the cushion, when he suddenly opened his hand and let a small dark box drop into her lap.

"You drive a hard bargain, Antonia. Will this make you feel a little kinder toward me?"

She picked up the velvet-covered case, her heart sinking as she opened and stared at the beautiful diamond inside. Feel kindly toward him? she asked herself. How could she feel any kindness toward him when he was so cruel as to think a gift, even one as beautiful as the ring, was suitable payment for what they'd shared? How could she feel kindness toward him when he considered her such a shallow person as to be willing to accept such a payment? And how could he be so cruel as to offer a ring that was usually given as a symbol of betrothal?

"It's beautiful, Christian," she said quietly, then closed the lid and offered it back to him. "But I'm afraid it's a little too much, don't you? If you've been this generous with the other women in your life, I'm surprised that you've remained solvent."

Christian looked puzzled for a moment, then he had the nerve to throw back his head and roar with laughter. Toni remained sitting on the edge of the sofa, determined to keep control of her emotions if it killed her.

When he had himself under control, he stared at Toni quietly for a moment, his eyes warm and infinitely tender. He plucked the box from her hand, opened it, and removed the ring. "This, my suspicious-minded imp, whether you believe it or not, is an engagement ring." He reached for her left hand and slipped the ring on the appropriate finger.


"Why do you want to marry me?" Toni asked numbly.

"Because I love you." Christian smiled, bringing her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to each of her

fingers. "Because you are such a meek, obedient little thing," he said with dancing eyes. "Because calmness surrounds you, and I know our days together will pass without the slightest ripple of conflict.

" He paused, then asked, "How does that sound?"

"Like the conceited toad you are," she answered, struggling to keep a straight face. "But I think the real reason behind your offer is my inheritance."

"Oh, that definitely counts in your favor," he solemnly agreed. "Especially the goat and the rooster." By this time Toni was beside herself with laughter. She threw herself into his waiting arms, tears of happiness slipping from her eyes and leaving glistening trails down her cheeks.

"I love you so much, Christian," she murmured, her lips finding their way to the skin of his neck. "And I will marry you," she whispered between soft, feathery kisses.

"My God!" he exclaimed, grasping her by the upper arms. "This is the first time you've agreed with me on anything. Are you sure you're feeling all right?"

"No." She smiled, her lashes wet with tears. "I'm sure I'm dreaming. Isn't there something you can do to help me separate reality from fantasy?"

"Gladly." Christian grinned, then brought a squeal of surprise to her lips by suddenly rising to his feet with her high in his arms and heading for the bedroom. "Having a wife who's no bigger than my fist is going to have its rewards," he whispered huskily, letting her slowly slide inch by inch down his body till her feet touched the floor. They were standing beside the bed, and Toni's knees began to tremble as she anticipated what was about to happen.

It was as though Christian were meting out a de-

lightful brand of punishment, she thought several dazed moments later as she stood quietly before him As each piece of clothing was removed from her body with unhurried ease, his hands, his lips, touched each bared portion of soft skin. Toni's thoughts became a helpless jumble of feelings and emotions. All she knew was that she wanted this man more intensely than she had ever wanted anything else.


When Christian picked her up and laid her on the bed, Toni closed her eyes against the aching fire within her, almost crying out for him to hurry. She - was amazingly alert to the slightest noise he made as he undressed. Alert and ready to open her arms and her heart to him the very instant she felt the bed give and knew the feel of his hair-roughened thigh easing between her own smooth legs.

She arched toward the warmth of his large bo: the tips of her breasts snuggling against the dark hair of his chest, the friction from the contact sending a huge shudder throughout her body.

Christian brought his hands to the sides of her breasts, his thumbs briskly circling and teasing the al ready stiff nipples. "I love you, Antonia," he whis pered hoarsely as their bodies merged and became one in a rhythm of passion and fire as old as man.



Even though the morning was gray and overcast. inside the kitchen of the big house one would have thought the sun was shining full force ... or so it seemed to the man and woman sitting at the table And in spite of the constant bickering between bites of scrambled eggs and bacon, nothing could erase the love in Christian's eyes even as he emphasized his remarks by glaring fiercely at his intended across the table.

"I damn well have no intention of waiting six months before I marry you," he finished in a loud voice.

"You're an insensitive clod," Toni fired right back, reaching for her coffee and boldly staring at him over the rim of the cup. "Have you no respect at all for the dead?" she hissed as though afraid of someone overhearing her.

"I respected your aunt Sara very much, Antonia, and you know it. She'd also be the first to tell you not to be so stubborn," Christian countered. "You know exactly what she thought of a 'decent period' of mourning and all the other foolish notions you and Susie might come up with."

Toni sat back and regarded him stonily for several minutes. "I suppose you're right. But it will be a simple wedding, mind you. I have no desire to float down the aisle like a tugboat pulling a string of barges behind me. And that's what will happen if Susie has any say in the matter."

"I'll handle Susie," Christian reassured her soothingly. "We'll get our blood tests today and be married on Thursday. How does that sound?"


"Like I'm pregnant and someone is nudging you in the behind with a shotgun." She grinned, then a sobering expression suddenly flitted across her face. "Are you certain, Christian?" she asked. "This has all been so fast. I feel like I'm on a runaway train and there's nobody at the controls."

"Good." He smiled, then caught her hand in his warm grasp. "That's the way I want to keep you until you say 'I do.' "


"In the flesh," he admitted unashamedly.

"I have no idea where you live," she said, trying to sound serious. "For all I know, you don't even have a house."

"I'll have you know, I have a very nice home — Virginia," he smugly replied, then gave her a sheepish grin. "At least I used to. I've always moved around quite a bit, so my sister sort of keeps an eye on it for me."

"Will there be a place for my goat and rooster as this home you 'think' you have?" she teased.

Christian was about to suggest consulting a local butcher, when the front doorbell rang. "Damn!" he swore as he rose to his feet. He threw a quick glance at Toni and seemed satisfied that she was amply covered from head to toe in the folds of his dark-green velour robe. He was dressed in jeans, dark socks, and a long-sleeved, unbuttoned shirt, the tail of which billowed out from his tanned body as he stalked from the room

Toni added fresh coffee to her bright-blue mug, then sat back. Only hours ago her life had been uncertain and confusing, but now it stretched invitingly before her, made more wonderful and exciting by Christian's love.

Even the mind-boggling prospect of arranging then-wedding in only a few days failed to cast the tiniest cloud of panic upon the warm glow surrounding her It was the unexpected sound of voices raised in anger that finally penetrated her state of euphoria.

She looked toward the door just as an angry-faced Steven stepped into the room. He came to an abrupt halt, his disbelieving gaze riveted to Toni's robe-clad body and the tousled disarray of her dark hair.

"Obviously you forgot I would be coming by this morning," he said in a tight, disapproving voice.

Oh, no! Toni thought wildly. How on earth could I have forgotten about Steven? But the answer was simple, she realized. Christian and the assurance of his love had wiped all else from her mind—especially

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