Read Fosters: Blackhawk Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

Fosters: Blackhawk (31 page)

BOOK: Fosters: Blackhawk
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"No this is for Officer.  If you don't need
the pay have Jess invest it for you she's a fuckin wiz.  I
think every fuckin Officer is at the very least a millionaire."

I laugh.  "Mitch does it now.  I live
free so she always puts it all in Baxter's.  I've worked for
them for almost ten years."  

"Holy fuck Brother.  You can buy your own
damn dry goods from now on."  He looks fuckin serious.

I'm laughing hysterically when Danny, Rich and
Steve come in.  He tells them about Mitch investing for me and
me buying my own fuckin toilet paper.  Danny and Rich are
doubled over.  

Steve tells him that doesn't count the take on
the casinos.  I give him a dirty look.  "He's on council,
a warrior full blood gets a bigger cut than most and grandmother is
shaman.  He even got them payin me.  Crazy fuckin
Indians."  He's so disgusted I can't help laughing. 
Danny and Rich are gulping fuckin breath in between laughing.

Pres and Steve wait for us to stop.  I sit
straight and avoid looking at Danny and Rich.  Pres looks at
them, "He's our new Officer without a name yet.  Baxter's
dropped him to two there so he can pick up the third here."
 Danny sighs.  Pres looks at him and rolls his
eyes.  "I didn't pressure him, he agreed as soon as I said
it.  He was setting it up so he could do most of it on his own
anyway."  Steve laughs.  Pres gives him a look.
 "Don't start them fuckin laughing again!"  He yells at
him running his hands through his hair making us all laugh.
 "Fuckin Brothers, I'm in the meeting room when you’re
ready.  We got shit to sort."  He walks out.  I
stand up laughing.  

Danny slaps my shoulder.  "Good to have you
Brother."  Rich does it on the other side.  I throw them

Steve man hugs me.  "Bout fuckin time."
 He laughs walking out.  

I look at Digs, "Welcome aboard Brother. 
Maybe you can calm their fuckin crazy down.  No one else has
been able to."  I throw chin and walk out laughing.  

I find them serious in the meeting room. 
Davis and Mercs are dealt with.  Rob is chatty with fuckin
everyone.  It will take time to go through
conversations.  They have a Brother on it but he has some
regulars that are new.  They show in the different bars on the
days he's working.  Those are being pulled first. The weird
thing is they're all men.  One woman shows at the Pub only on
days he's working but she doesn't say much to him.  She
watches though and seems to know his new regular.  They make
eye contact, a lot.  Geek is looking at that one.  "I
talked to him this morning; I'm having a beer with him when I leave
here."  Pres says, "Is there anything we need to go over
before I leave?"

"You'll talk to the kids?"  I ask as he's
picking up his bag.  

"Fuck.  Yeah, thanks.  Tell them
what's going on.  I'll talk to them tonight.  What are
you doing it’s early yet?"  He asks us all I guess.  

"Riding for the next hour Brother."  Danny
says with a smile.

Ben looks like he was kicked.  "Fuckin
Brother!  You should meet with the fuckin kids."  

"Ok, after my ride I'll meet with the kids, they
should be home by then."  Danny says so easy and agreeably.
 "Kate asked if you'd get her stuff for her, she's got a late
class and she needs it for the morning."  

His shoulders drop and he turns around.
 "What stuff?"  

Danny shrugs, "Something for her face."
 He's enjoying this. 

"Why the fuck don't you get it on your ride?"
 His hands go into his hair.  I want to laugh but I'm
clenching my jaw so I can see this play out.

"She doesn’t need makeup.  I don't
shop.  You do.  You know exactly what she needs."
 He has the biggest fuckin smile on his face.

"You know every fuckin thing she puts on her
face, you know her size, you know every fuckin thing about
her.  You just won't admit it!"  Pres is yelling
again.  Danny just looks at him with a blank look.
 "Fuckin genius not ever admitting it."  He slams the
fuckin door and we all burst out laughing. 

Danny stands up.  "Maybe I should have told
him she's using the summer colors.  I'm not sure he knows she
changed for the season again, last time he was pissed he had to go

I bend over laughing.  Rich is across the
table and Steve is doubled over on the side of Danny.  I
recover first.  "You're not going to tell him are you?"

"No, I don't think I will, he was fuckin with my
tools again, used a fuckin saw blade to wedge something open like
the screwdriver pegs were empty on the fuckin wall above the
bench.  Besides, I'll never admit to knowing any-fuckin-thing
about makeup, clothes or women's bodily issues.  I like that
it is not even a topic that's ever discussed with me."  I slap
his back.

"What's her dress size?"  I ask.

"Four or six."  He says walking out. 
I laugh with Rich.  CJ is six and Tess is two or zero.

"Same as Jess, they're both small.  What
the fuck’s zero anyways?  That ain’t even a number, it’s why I
don't shop, fuckin zero."  Steve says shaking his head. 
Fuckin Brothers, we all walk out laughing.  

We ride for an hour pulling in together right
behind Pres.  He doesn't even look at us carrying his pharmacy
bag in the house, of course we laugh.  Danny follows me and I
tell him about the kids in class and the new training schedule for
them at Security.  He’ll get the time from Pres.  He asks
for the kids to be brought to the Diner at six.  He'll meet
there and talk about the changes over dinner.  We can pick
them up at seven thirty.  Nice.  

I go find my wife and get to see her practicing
the new sequence I taught her.  I sit and watch until she’s
done.  “That was perfect.  Do you want to help me with
the ‘Club kids’ classes; we’ll be separating them out and training
at Security.  You’d be a good teacher and if I’m called away
you can handle the class.” 

She smiles like I’m giving her a gift. 
“Yes.  I’ll put it on my schedule and be there every
time.  I want to move to the next level but I didn’t have the
time before.  For some odd reason, having six kids and a new
husband and dog freed up my schedule.  This is turning out to
be the best day!” 

I laugh.  “Mine too baby.  I had the
best day too, the Ops went really well, I haven’t trained with this
team so it was a surprise to me, I got an hour ride in clearing my
head before I got home and I became an Officer today.” 

She runs and jumps on me kissing my face like
she does to the kids.  Fuckin cute.  “This is a good
day!  Congratulations.  Do we get a cake?”  I laugh
and tell her the kids have a dinner meeting with Danny about some
changes to their schedules.  She’s instantly alert. “I don’t
have the times but it’s Saturday riding lessons and the training at
Security.  We’ll find out tonight but I think training will be
one or two days during their regular Kids Center time.”

I smile seeing her relax.  “That will work
well as long as the bike thing is in the morning.  What about

I hit my head, “She will be learning about money
working the budget for the group homes and shelter houses with
Lily, Ally and Jess.” 

“That is awesome!  She’s going to love
it.”  I kiss her and put her down.  

“Do you want to go to the Seafood Shack while
the kids are at the Diner?”  I ask but don’t need her answer
judging from her big fuckin smile.  She nods like I missed

The kids come through the door all excited,
laughing and trying to all talk at the same time.  I laugh;
the Baxter kids do this all the time.  CJ holds her hand up
and they quiet.  Fuck I like that.  She points to

Taylor smiles at them and looks at us.  “We
did races and Christian beat everyone.  It was the coolest
friggin thing.  He even beat Little Ben.”

“Good Job Christian!  Taylor, don’t say
friggin, you’ll lose a dessert over it and you love dessert.” 
He nods looking down.  I hold in my laugh.  She points to

“Me and Jeremy beat Alex, Ally, Victor, Aaron
and Joey.  The big Brothers picked us up and everyone cheered
for us.”  He’s looking so fuckin proud. 

I pick them both up and give them a
squeeze.  “Skillz, my little Blackhawks have skillz.” 
They smile for me.  CJ rises up and kisses them both.

She points to Joey.  “I didn’t beat anyone
but I kicked my legs the whole way and I made it all the way across
the pool.  Tess said I can do pool therapy and strengthen my
legs.  She’s going to check with the new schedule and get
someone in to do the therapy with me.”  She’s smiling so
happy.  I bend and kiss her.  The J’s kiss her too. 
Jacob gets down and stands with the boys.

CJ’s smiling proud.  I want to laugh but
keep my jaw clenched.  “That is really good Joey.  I
already talked to Aleena.  She’s going to let us know this
week.  Since she moved she’s not sure about the timing.” 
Joey is bouncing she’s so excited.  

CJ points to the two left.  “First or
last?”  Christian calls last, Brantley calls first. 

Brantley smiles.  “It was good to be away
from the other kids.  It’s hard trying to make stupid mistakes
so they don’t get pissed.  Today we had a blast just playing
and being kids.  It was our best day there.” He’s a happy boy
but I think he lost his dessert so that happy won’t last.

“I’m so glad Brantley.  I didn’t realize
you were faking mistakes to fit in; that has got to be
exhausting.  I think the MC is fixing it so you won’t be in
that position anymore.  This is your second warning for
pissed.  You’ll be pissed when you don’t get your dessert
tonight.  Sorry buddy.”  His shoulders slump and his head
falls forward.  I put my hand over my mouth.  “Christian
you’re up.”  She says.

“Hawk got to swim with me.  A lady was
yelling at Tess and she told her the Kid’s Center was owned and
operated by the MC and Hawk was an MC Service dog so he was welcome
in the pool but the lady was not.  Everyone was laughing; Tess
was so calm and happy while the lady was yelling then she talked so
sweet it took the lady a minute to figure out she was just thrown
out of the pool by little Tess.  She wanted to see a
Supervisor and Patches came over.  The lady was yelling louder
and Patches asked her to wait for a minute.  He got Security
to take her arms and throw her out.  He threw her bag out
after her telling her ‘you don’t fuck with the MC!’”  Everyone
freezes.  He keeps going.  “When I grow up I’m gonna say
that to people that mess with my Brothers and wife.  Patches
is cool!”  He looks from CJ to me.  Jeremy holds his
mouth.  I can’t hold it in, I burst out laughing then Jeremy
does then Joey and the boys.  Christian is looking at us then
CJ.  I can’t look at her, she’s probably pissed.  His
eyes go wide and he slaps his hand on his mouth.  Shoulders
slumped he takes his hand down, “Did I lose dessert for a

I laugh harder and walk away with Jeremy. 
CJ says something to him but I can’t hear it.  I take Jeremy
back to the group.  Christian is looking down.  Joey is
ready to start laughing again.  “So how about you Jeremy, what
was the highlight of your day?”

He smiles, “Christian’s badass.”  We all
fuckin lose it.  I put him down and hold my stomach. 
Fuckin kids.

“Scout I think you just lost dessert with the
big boys.”  I tell him still laughing, he smiles. 

Jacob walks to him and smiles.  “That’s too
friggin bad brother.” 

Joey laughs, “Mom’s going to be pissed!”
 She laughs holding on to CJ so she doesn’t fall

“Friggin Kids!”  CJ says laughing.  I
don’t open my mouth.  “You can’t do this shit; it’s not fair
to join in solidarity against your parents.  You do that shit
outside the house.”

I laugh, “I think that would be more effective
if you didn’t swear while saying it.”  She gives me a look and
I take a step back.  “Or not, you would know.” 

She cracks up.  “I was being funny.  I
thought they would say they learned it from me.”  Thank
fuck.  “So, no one gets dessert tonight only.  Watch your
mouths, just because I have a potty mouth doesn’t mean it ok for
you to.  You need to be at least 16 for most of those words
and 18 for the others.  Got it?”  They nod.  She
laughs.  “That was really funny though.”  They all laugh
with her.  I watch her with her eyes shining, I love
her.  No, I 
 love her.  Jeremy
looks up at me and laughs.  Fuckin kids.  He

The bell rings and CJ opens the door to
Patches.  “Hi CJ, Danny asked me to a meeting with the kids, I
thought I’d save you a trip and take them over.”

She looks at me and I nod.  That felt
nice.  “That would be great Patches.  Thank you.  Do
you need the van?”  

He smiles throwing me chin.  “No my truck
will fit everyone if Joey doesn’t mind me lifting her in.”  He
looks over to her.  She’s smiling shaking her head yes. 
The kids kiss CJ and walk to the door waiting for Joey to go
first.  I follow watching them follow her down the ramp
instead of going down the stairs and meeting her.  CJ stands
on the side of me with her arm at my waist.  They are too
fuckin much.  Jeremy smiles at me.  That kid can get
through anyone.  When they make it to the suv we wave and go
back in. 

“I think I’m going to like living here.”  I
tell her as I walk her to the bedroom.  Patches just gave us
an extra forty-five minutes, since we need a shower I get her dirty
before I wash her up.   



I love living here.  Besides I'm across the
street from the beach we live on a guarded street and people are
always jumping in to help even when we don't ask for it.  

He walks me into the bathroom and strips
me.  I wait for him to get out of his clothes and walk
backward into the shower while he's bent down kissing me.  I'm
glad I waited.  He turns the water on and soaps me down. 
I really like this, his hands skim across my body turning me on big
time!  When he stands I see he is as ready as I am.  He
lifts me onto his hard dick and drips shampoo between my
boobs.  With one hand he wipes it down to my pussy and around
my nipples.  "Go ahead baby; show me how you make it feel good
while I'm fuckin you."  Fuck.  He doesn't say much during
our love making but it's always profound or just plain
erotic.  I slide my hands in the shampoo and pull on my
nipples.  Fuck that feels good.  He moves me up and down
on his dick making me moan.  When I'm tired of teasing him
with my hands on my nipples I grab the shampoo and drip more on me
then him.  I slide my hands on his chest squeezing his little
nipples then down to where we meet.  I put my thumb and
forefinger on the side of his dick on the up strokes.  He
starts pulling me harder and moans sending shivers down my
spine.  I circle my clit when he moves me down and come hard
and fast.  Too much teasing did me in.  He's breathing
heavy and moving me faster and harder, I hold on feeling spent and
a little like a rag doll.  I use one hand to swipe his nipple
with my nail and he yells out 'Fuck!' slamming me down hard two
more times.  I come again crying out his name and fall against
his chest.  Holy crap I feel like jello.  I moan against
him hoping he doesn't try to put me down.  He sits on the
bench and holds me to him tight.  "Fuck CJ."  He says
between breaths.  I just lay against him thinking he
did.  Holy crap he did. 

BOOK: Fosters: Blackhawk
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