Found by Love (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

BOOK: Found by Love
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“Okay, Okay... Back to the twins... there’s nothing small about ‘Claude’ that’s for sure. I don’t see how he can even sit up because he's THAT big! I can’t wait until you see him... He’s so cute with his little jet black Mohawk that he has, because of the way his hair is growing out, and his eyes keep getting bluer and bluer like yours and Cash’s.  Cassidy? She’s such a little delicate doll and is looking even more like Olivia and her hair is getting even blonder and her eyes are such a light blue they look almost crystalized. You’ve got to watch Gideon and Eden interact with them, they are all four so adorable together.” I love those four babies more than anything and would kill anyone that even thought about hurting them. I look up at him and he’s still grinning from ear to ear at what all I had described.

“You know what? You’re going to make a great mother one day. You try to come off as an evil bitch and you try to act like you don’t care about anyone but you’ve really got a heart of gold you know that?” If I was such a great mother I wouldn’t have been reckless and gotten pregnant and given my baby up. But of course he doesn’t know that because the only two people that knew about that are both dead.

“Well… There’s a difference between being an evil bitch and being the kind of person that doesn’t put up with crap from anyone. Me, being a mother, will never be in the cards for me so just drop it okay?” His face softened but I could tell that he wasn't going to let this go any time soon.

“Why drop it? There’s no reason why you can’t have kids one day. Lesbian couples do it all of the time. There are many options for you to have a baby. Adoption, invitro, sperm donation and speaking of sperm donation, I would like to be first in line for that, haha. We can do it the natural way or well, I guess you could use a petri cup but I’m all for implanting the natural way.” I chunked a pillow at him and missed because he ducked out of the way.

“Oh shut up! I don’t want to have any kids and raise them all by myself. Since I never plan on getting serious enough with anyone to share them with then I’ll just spoil Cash and Olivia’s kids rotten and be their favorite aunt. Now that is what I’m great at!” Geez! I’ve got to change the conversation because I do not like it one bit.

“What’s wrong with you this morning? You seem...really… sad. Did I miss something? Are you and what’s her name? Michelle? Chrissy? Christy? Still going out? As far as you raising a child all by yourself? Well... I would help you raise a kid if you are serious about doing it by yourself is the reason you don't want to have any."

“Ugh! Her name was Crystal and no! We quit going out right after you left town. She told me that she wanted to be in a serious relationship and she knew that I wasn’t ready yet so we are no longer talking." I realized what he had said and it took me by surprise. "Wait a minute. Did you just say that you would help me raise a child? Both of us? Together?”

Oh the lies! It’s getting harder and harder to keep up with what all I tell him regarding my fake lesbian relationships. Of course my girlfriends that I have sleep over know what’s going on and of course they think I’m absolutely crazy to not attempt at having just one night with Caleb but whatever. I can’t do it to him or myself because love and happily ever after is not for me. What is he thinking about anyway? Raise a child together? With me?

“Yes! That’s exactly what I said. Together. You and I. Good grief Claudia, you sure don’t know how to pick them do ya? I mean geez? Why would anyone want more than a couple of one night stands? Have a relationship? At our age?? Man! I don’t know about you but I would love nothing more than to just have a different girl every night. I can’t believe you keep picking these girls that want relationships. What is this world coming to?”

I got up off of the couch and headed to my bedroom because now he’s pissed me off. How dare he make fun of me like that! What’s with all of his sarcasm anyway? I had missed him while he was gone and now he’s being flat out rude and disrespectful. Just great! I hear him right behind me which means I’ve got a battle on my hands before the sun has even come up.

“Claud, what exactly is your problem? I was just messing with you. Why are you so sensitive this morning? Usually you can dish it out as well as you take it. Come on. What’s your comeback to my awesome sarcasm?” I turned around and pointed my finger in his face which had him backing up into the wall with a surprised look on his face.

“I missed you, you big jerk and I don’t appreciate you teasing me right off the bat after not seeing you for 3 months! Do you know how lonely I’ve been while you’ve been gone? I've had no one to watch TV with or have dinner with? Yeah, I’ve visited Olivia and the kids and the rest of the family but it hasn’t been the same without you here and as soon as you get here you have to start in on me! SO WHAT if I don’t want to have a relationship with anyone and SO WHAT if I don’t want kids! There’s nothing wrong with my choice. A lot of people choose to not have families and no one gets on their case!! Why does everyone have to pick on me? I’ve about had it up to here!!”

I look up into his gorgeous eyes that are looking back at me, wondering if I’ve lost my mind and all that I want to do is kiss the sarcasm right out of him. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m usually better at hiding how I feel about him. Surely he can’t tell what I want to do to him right this minute.

“I’m so sorry…. I will start watching what I say from now on. I didn’t realize that it offended you so much when I bring up you refusing to have a relationship with anyone. I really didn’t mean to start that conversation anyway because I wanted to talk to you about something else and I hope you’re okay with it.”

I see truth and sincerity on his face and now I feel bad for chewing him out. I’m the one that has kept up with this charade of lies in acting interested in women to keep him from trying to start a relationship with me. I relaxed my shoulders and tried to loosen up from my crazy mad spell and walked over to him and gave him a little hug. He watched me walk over to my bed to sit down as I patted the side next to me for him to sit down as well.

“Okay... I forgive you. So spill it... What did you want to talk to me about?” He warily walked over to the bed and sat down next to me to work up some courage on what he was about to say.

“Well… Do you remember me telling you that I was done with traveling for the missionary? I plan on helping in any way that I can from here of course but no more traveling for me." I patiently waited for him to spit it out and I'm beginning to think that I'm not going to like what he has to say. "So…. I was wondering…. What do you think about me working with you at your new practice? I’m sure you’re going to be busy because of your client list already and I could help you even them out so that you don’t get too overwhelmed and have to work twenty-four seven.”

I had thought about hiring another attorney to help with the slack because I’ve been getting a million calls a day and have been turning people away but I never in a million years thought about him working with me. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself because he does have his law degree. Could we handle being around each other that much? Can we work together day in and day out and come home to the same house every night without biting each other’s heads off? I haven’t even had a chance to hire a secretary because I’ve been too busy with my clients and was going to start interviewing them this morning. We do get along rather well even amidst our crazy arguments that end up being over as soon as they start so maybe this is the answer to my prayers.

“You know what? I think it’s a great idea but on one condition.” He smiled and arched his eyebrows at me because I’m sure that he’s thinking my one condition is going to be crazy.

“I’m listening. What would your one condition be?”

“That we never bring work home. Okay... Obviously we will have to bring work home from time to time but what I mean is that we never fight about work. What happens at work stays at work. Okay? Do we have a deal? Oh and first order of business for the day is that YOU get to sit in with me while we interview candidates for the secretary position." That seemed to get him rather excited by the look on his face.

“Can she be hot? I’m all about hiring a hot secretary.” Oh hell no! There’s no way in hell that I’m going to stand by and watch him try to get it on with the secretary right under my nose!

“Well of course she can… as long as she’s a HOT lesbian. Go get all professional looking because your first day starts today.” I winked at him and pushed him out of my room so that I could start getting ready for our first day of work together and I realized that I have no idea what I’ve just gotten myself into but this could very well be quite an interesting day.






Caleb and I decided to drive to work together seeing as how we would be going back home together and there was no need in taking two vehicles. I walked in and turned the security alarm off and I noticed that he hadn't moved past the main entrance and was standing there looking around with a shocked look on his face.

"What's your problem? Are you just going to stand there all day?" He shook his head and continued to look around with his mouth gaping wide.

"I'm just amazed at how much you did to this place while I was gone. All of our hard work of painting and adding walls for offices to this place really paid off."

"Oh... Yeah. It's pretty cool huh? Did you see my name on the door? How cool is that? If you're nice to me I might think about adding your name below mine." Would love to have him naked under me in the physical sense but oh well... Oh my God! What in the hell is wrong with me today?! My mind is in full throttle dirty mind mode today!

"I would prefer to be above you." Can he read my mind or what? "My name that is. Hahahaha. The look on your face right now is priceless... Hold on... Let me take a picture real quick! Your face just turned beet red!" He pulled his phone out of his pocket while I'm leapt towards him and pushed him into the wall.

"No phones at work... Condition number 2! I'll take that please. Ha, ha, HA!" I started heading to the kitchen area to make a pot of coffee to get ready for the first applicant of the day.

"You seriously just took my phone from me? What is this, High school? Claud... Give me back my phone." He traps me against the counter trying to grab it from me so I put it in my pocket.

"What's wrong Caleb? Are you afraid that I'm going to find out about your porn stash? Hmmm... Let's see what kind of pictures you've got in here." I pull his phone out and look for his photo album and before I'm able to click on his album he snatches his phone out of my hands.

"Nuh uh! I'll only show you mine if you show me yours... I bet you have way more interesting pictures than I do."

"You're so not fun anymore! So how was Africa? Did you hook up with any hot doctors or nurses while you were over there?" Please say no, please say no.

"Maybe... But a gentleman never tells.” He winked at me and walked out. Grrrr.... I used to be able to control my jealousy but it seems to be getting harder every time he comes back home.

It doesn't help either that I'm constantly dreading the moment he comes home and tells me that he's met someone and is getting married. That will probably be the day I have myself committed because it'll be my own damn fault for never telling him the truth about…. EVERYTHING!

The door dinged letting me know that our first applicant was here. I make Caleb and me a cup of coffee to get ready for the interview and pray we find someone today and it doesn't take all week to get some help with the extra work. I walk into the lobby and I hear an annoying cackle of a laugh and right then and there I knew that there was no way that I could handle listening to that laugh all day long. I sat down at the table and smirked at Caleb who had been flirting with the applicant who looks to be 14 years old but by her application is actually 30.

"So-" I forgot her name so I looked down again to see what it is. "America?" Seriously? Did I read that right? She nodded so I guess I did. "How many years of experience do you have as a receptionist?"

"None. I saw that you were hiring and figured I would apply." She seemed more interested in filing what little bit of nails she had left on her fingers than my questions.

"I see... Did you not see that the ad in the paper mentioned that office experience was a must with some legal knowledge?"

I looked over at Caleb and his head was down and I knew that he was trying not to laugh which made me want to kick him under the table.

"Yes I did but people say that all of the time and they usually hire you if you're called in for an interview. What would my hours be because I don't have a baby sitter after one on Tuesdays and Thursdays?"

The laugh that Caleb was trying to contain slipped out and I kicked him... Hard! So hard that he straightened up in his seat quickly. I look over at little uneducated and misinformed America and hissed at her.

"America? I'm sorry but this interview is over. Thank you so much for wasting our time. Have a nice day." The girl's chin dropped in absolute shock and I wondered to myself what rock she crawled out of.

"Are you kidding me?? So that's it? I don't have the job?” I did the only thing I could do and that was stare at her to let her know that yes indeed I was very serious. “Well ya know what?? That's fine because I wouldn't want to work for a bitch like you anyway! You're really rude ya know that?"

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