Found by Love (33 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

BOOK: Found by Love
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"So what did you tell everybody? About why I left the table?" He stopped mid step and stared at me in shock.

"What did I say? That's what you're worried about? What I told them? Well let's see. I told them that I didn't have a damn clue what your problem was because I don't know myself!"

"Really? You don't know what my problem is? Wow! And to think. I thought you knew me more than anyone did. Geez! Maybe you're not the one for me after all!"

"That's it! Get up!" He's angry now and I'm not budging which has him come over to the bed angrily tearing all of the blankets completely off of the bed. "I said GET UP DAMMIT!" I refuse to move. He's going to have to physically remove me before I even think about moving.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! What the hell is your problem?" What he did next had me screaming at the top of my lungs. He leaned over me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Okay. If you won't get up them I'll get you up. You are so gonna feel like an idiot in a few minutes because of your little childish behavior that you had in front of my family. You're going to learn to quit throwing fits and start acting your age. You have a child that you need to grow up for Cruella and you need to learn how to act like an adult when you don't get your way."

He had already left the room and I noticed we were headed towards the elevator and going on it when he pushed the button. I heard movement to the left of me and I maneuvered myself to see who it was and it was Cash and Olivia with shocked looks on their faces.

"Do you think you two could help me out here?" I started punching Caleb in the back to put me down but he never moved a muscle and it didn’t seem to faze him.

"Claudia, stop it! That doesn't feel all that great and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop it! You two stay out of this because I'm only giving her a dose of her own medicine!" I looked at Olivia and she laughed and put her hand over her mouth to try to cover it. Great! Some friend she turned out to be.

"Um... Goodnight Claudia. Try not to be too mean to him and if it makes you feel better the kids are already asleep. Well... That is if your screaming didn't wake them up. Haha. Have fun girlfriend."

"Have fun? Do you think I'd let Cash take off with you like some caveman and me not try to stop him?" She started to say something but Cash ruined it completely.

"Yes you would little sis. Especially if you thought she deserved it and I think you're acting like a little brat right now. Brother? Let me know if you need a paddle or a belt. I think I can round one up for ya." He walked into the elevator and pushed the number for the top floor and my face was against his ass and I reached down and bit him through his pants which had him yelling out in pain.

"Cash, I think I may need a belt after that because she just bit me! Olivia, you might want to tell your friend goodbye."

"Claudia! Be nice. Trust me, you're gonna feel like an idiot in a couple of minutes."

"Thanks for the help O!" The doors shut as soon as I opened my mouth so I started punching him again and tried to get him to loosen his hold on me. He flipped me over and dropped me on my ass and I looked up at him seething through my teeth. "You asshole! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Oh I'm fine. You're the one with the problem because of your paranoia. Yes! I know exactly what your problem is Cru. You think we're hiding something from you and we ARE DAMNIT! But God forbid you let it be a surprise! Nope! You can't keep your feelings held and let us SURPRISE you because you want IT ALL NOW! Well….." The elevator doors opened up. "Here's your surprise. Go check it out."

He walked out of the elevator and I wasn't sure if I should follow him or not. The doors started to shut and his hand stopped it before they could close and he stared at me with so much venom in his eyes I was actually scared of him. Boy! I've really pissed him off!

"Do I have to drag you out of there? You know I will!" He started to walk towards me and I put my hand up to him.

"I... No. I'll get out." I walk straight out of the elevator and look around the huge room before me. What I saw didn't quite register though. What used to be one huge room that was thousands of square feet broken up into a suite had been turned into rooms. Everything didn't seem to be as open as it was before. I looked over to my left and was relieved to see the big massive king sized bed that could fit a whole family on it. The bathtub that was the size of a small pool had disappeared though and was replaced by a wall.

"What happened to the huge bath tub? I loved that thing and was hoping we could take advantage of it while we were here." I looked at him and he shook his head and seemed disappointed.

"Man... There's no pleasing you is there. Oh well. It's gone and now in its place is your new walk in closet. What about the bed? Is it too big? Too much? Too little for Queen Claudia?" Why is he being so mean to me all of a sudden?

"I wish to God that you would quit calling me that! What do you mean my new walk in closet? Of course I love that bed, that and the bathtub made the suite seem like a honeymoon suite. Hence the reason Cash and Olivia used it as one. What are we doing up here Caleb?"

"You call me dense? Why do you think we are up here Cru? Can you not tell that there are renovations going on up here? Who do you think the renovations are for?" Renovations... Renovations... Oh my God! That's what Olivia was talking about. They're not renovating MY house. They're renovating THEIRS for US! Oh he's so right! I was acting like a brat at dinner because of my paranoia.

"So you mean... This is all for US?" I look around for a seat and since there's not one I walk over to the massive bed and sit down on the edge of it and take everything in.

"Yes Cru. All 5000 square foot of this top floor is now ours. It was actually Olivia's idea and I laughed it off at first but the more I got to thinking about it I knew it was the right thing to do for both of us and especially Grayson. Cash got ahold of some contractors and I think you're going to love it when they're finished. We will have 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and a living room, den, huge kitchen and even a study. More room than we will need for a while but I would love to fill the extra bedrooms with more kids."

While he was talking I was walking around and picturing exactly what he was describing and he's right. It's the best move for us and not to mention for Grayson. He'll get to be around his whole family all of the time and play with Gideon any time he wanted to and probably go to school with him as well. I looked at him with tears in my eyes unable to imagine what all he was trying to do for me and was mad at myself for ruining the surprise that I know he wanted to give me.

"I'm so sorry. I'm just so... I'm not used to anyone taking care of me. I've never had anyone to depend on before so I always took care of whatever I needed myself. I have been worrying about if my house was big enough and how I was going to make it work by having Grayson with me and wanting to send him to Gideon's school. But now..." I noticed that he's standing by the wall with his arms crossed and he still seems upset with me by the way he shook his head.

"When are you going to stop saying I and start saying US? It wasn't just up to you on how YOU were going to provide a home for Grayson, Cru. It was up to US! If you would start talking to me about any problems that might arise then you wouldn't have to try to figure it out on your own and feel so alone all of the time."

"You're right." The look of shock on his face had me looking down. Oh my! Did I just tell him that he was right? What is this guy doing to me? He started walking closer to me and I stood my ground and refused to run from him this time. He lifted my chin up to make me look him in the eye.

"Did you just admit that I was actually right about something my beautiful Queen?"

One minute he's calling me a queen in a derogatory way and the next minute he's using it as a term of endearment. I nodded at him and grinned through my tears which had him sweeping me up and violently attacking my mouth with his lips and pulling me on top of him never parting from my mouth. He wrapped his hands around the back of my neck and cupped my face with his hands never letting up with the kiss.

My whole body tingled and reveled in his touch as he pulled my shirt up and over my head. He rose up and started kissing my chest while I tugged on his head pulling him closer to my body. I reached down his back and tugged his shirt up out of his jeans and pulled it over his head and pushed him back and started kissing him roughly across his chest and up his neck and shoved my tongue down his throat trying to show him exactly how much he meant to me. He broke away from our kiss trying to catch his breath.

"Wait, wait. I need to talk to you about something Grayson brought up at the dinner table."

"I think it can wait. Right now I just want to fuck you!" I've never just came right out and said it like that which made his eyes glaze over but I could still see his hesitation so I stopped. "What is it? You're being such a girl right now."

He flipped me over to where he was on top of me and whispered, "You're driving me crazy right now ya know that? I have a question and it's kind of a serious question so could you be serious for one minute?" I pouted at him but nodded my head. "Now... I know I haven't been using condoms and I'm assuming you're on the pill right? I can't believe we are just now having this conversation as many times as we've made love but come on….. Are we using protection?" Oh that part of the conversation that Grayson brought up. I giggled at him and shook my head which put a grin on his face.

"Nope! I was on the pill but the day after I told you I'd have more kids with you I quit taking them. It'll probably take a while for me to get pregnant but I'm not doing anything to prevent it if that's what you're asking."

"I'm very impressed. Little Miss Put Together has actually let her guard down and is trusting me to do the right thing if you wind up pregnant. Wow! I feel honored that you trust me THAT much!" I never really thought about it that way but I guess that's exactly what I did. My heart for once took care of my crazy mind and helped me trust him with everything I would have protected myself against because of my past.

"I do trust you Nerd Boy. I might have my moments of weakness but at the end of the day I trust you with my whole mind, body, heart and soul."

"So do you think it'll take you very long to get pregnant? Could you be pregnant now?" I thought about it and shook my head because I can already tell that I'll be having my monthly any day now with all of the signs I've been having.

"No. It'll probably take a while since I was on the pill for over 10 years. Let's not rush it okay? Let's just enjoy each other. Like right now in this humungous bed." He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and then my nose which had me giggling and then kissed me longingly on my lips.

"I love you Cru and I always will and I don't care what kind of crazy crap you get yourself into, remember this. I'll ALWAYS love you because I have since my freshman year in college when I first laid eyes on you."

"You mean like love at first sight kind of love? What is it with you Kingston men and your whole falling in love at first sight nonsense?" He chuckled under his breath and started caressing my breast while kissing my neck and I never waited for an answer. I let him show me all of the ways that he truly loved me until we fell asleep in our massive bed.



























"Mom?" I looked over towards the doorway at Grayson while tying my tennis shoes and grinned at him because I still can't get over how much my heart melts every time I hear him call me Mom. "Are we really going to go get my puppy today?" How in the world could I tell him no after all of the excitement in his voice.

"Yes we are Son. As soon as your fath- I mean Caleb comes home after lunch." Whoa! That automatic response about got me. I looked up at him and he had a puzzled look on his face so I asked him what was wrong.

"Do you? Well. Um." He leaned against the door and let out a big sigh like he was trying to figure out what to say. I walked over to him and got down on my knees and looked him in the eye and put my hands on his shoulders and caressed his face.

"What's wrong baby? You went from being excited to all out of sorts. What happened?" I bet it was me almost calling Caleb his father. Man! Me and my big mouth! I looked into his eyes and he looks to be on the verge of tears he's so upset.

"Well. You almost called Caleb my father and well... It feels like he's my dad already and I want to call him dad but... Well. Oh man. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt Caleb's feelings is all. I just don't want my dad mad at me and are you for sure going to marry Caleb? What if it doesn't work out with you two and here I am calling him Dad and you two split up and then I get another dad and...." He sighed real big and slowly slid down the door onto the floor and sat down and looked up at me with a stream of tears down his face. I was so shocked that I sat down in front of him and pulled him into my lap. I wasn't sure what to say to him but I went with my gut.

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