Found by Love (30 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

BOOK: Found by Love
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"Well thanks for the heads up and nice to meet you too." He looked over Lucas and outside and his eyes lit up. "Are you taking us to Cash and Olivia's in THAT?" I realized that he had driven here in the limo and I looked at Lucas questionably.

"I thought Caleb and I would run to the office real quick and just drive there ourselves. What's up Lucas?" He got a shy guilty look on his face and grinned back at me.

"I was too impatient to wait to meet Grayson and the boss man wanted me to help him in spoiling his new nephew and mentioned how cool it would be for me to pick him up and arrive at the castle in a limo." Caleb laughed as did I because that is so typical of Cash to be a little grandiose.

"Oh Cash and his grandiose way of living. Well.... We still need to take one of our vehicles so that we won't be stranded without a car to drive." Caleb took care of any worries that I had by speaking up.

"Oh please Claud.. You know we can use any of Cash's cars or even Olivia's for that matter. What do you think Grayson? Have you ever ridden in a limo before?" I knew as soon as he looked at me that we would be riding in the limo for the day.

"Nope but I've always wanted to. This is AWESOME and pretty COOL! I'll hurry up and go pack." He was off as quick as lightning to his bedroom. Caleb and Lucas were both beaming from ear to ear at me and I let out a big sigh.

"Oh I guess I'll go hurry up and pack as well. Caleb, we do need to run by the office and check up on your mother and see if there's anything pressing that can't wait until tomorrow."

"Not a problem and I was planning on staying with Mother and have her drive me to Cash and Olivia's when the day is over since we will be having dinner there. I don't think she'll let us get away with her not meeting Grayson this morning. I'll go pack as well. Lucas? We have some coffee in the kitchen so just make yourself at home and we will be ready shortly." Lucas' face lit up at the mention of coffee and he headed towards the kitchen.





The  meet and greet with Amelia went exactly how I figured it would. There were lots of hugs and tears and even laughter. Grayson seemed ecstatic when he realized he had a grandmother in his life to spoil him because that's exactly what Amelia told him she planned on doing and that was to make up for the time that she didn't know him. His eyes lit up when she told him she had already started Christmas shopping for him. His next questions of course were if he had any other grandmothers and did he have a grandfather. He beamed when I told him one more grandmother and not 1 but 2 grandfathers. I'm sure he was thinking of even more presents which had me rolling with laughter at his 10 year old mind. Even though my parents are dead Elizabeth and Henry definitely stepped up for Derek and I in being our honorary parents and the first thing I wanted to do was to thank them for their role in my lives that I've taken for granted all of these years.

"Oh my GOD! Is THAT the CASTLE?!" I looked out the window and saw the castle and nodded my head at him but I'm not sure that he noticed because he still had his bottom lip hanging down to his chin. All I could do was laugh at him.

"Yep! That would be it. Pretty big huh?" He finally blinked and nodded his head.

"Big? I've seen libraries smaller than that! Heck! My school is smaller than that if you put all of the buildings together. How many stories is it?" His question made me pause because I wasn't exactly sure but Lucas stepped in for me.

"There are 7 stories and yes there is an elevator and a stairwell to get to each floor. Grayson you're going to love the house and I can already picture you and Gideon getting into a bit of trouble together, haha." Oh boy! Grayson and Gideon together in this monstrous castle?! Oh boy if we aren't ALL in trouble now.

"I can't wait!" He looked over at me with a shy look on his face. "Do you really think Gideon and I will get along? Ya know. Be friends? I've never really had very many friends since I was home schooled and well... I was hoping that my cousins would have been nicer to me but that didn't work out too well." Oh my poor baby. I never realized that he never talked about any of his friends other than mentioning a couple of classmates. I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug.

"Oh trust me, you and Gideon will hit it off and you are both so much alike it's a bit scary. You're a couple of years older than he is but I bet you end up being best friends and will end up getting upset like Olivia and I do when we're apart. I bet you end up as close as brothers." That perked him up a little bit.

"Brothers? I always wanted a brother. Hmm. Brothers! That would be awesome! Hey! Do you and Caleb plan on having kids because I want to tell you right now. I'm all for it! I would love to have some little brothers and sisters."

Whoa! Where in the hell did THAT come from?! He's still staring at me waiting for my answer but I'm so shocked I don't know what to say. Thank God Lucas distracted him.

"Okay. We're here. Grayson? Are you ready to meet everyone because I know they're ready to meet you!" I looked up and realized that Lucas was smiling at me and purposely announced our arrival to keep me from answering Grayson's question. I nodded my head at him and grinned to thank him to which he nodded back. Lucas got out and opened the door for us and Grayson wouldn't move toward the house. It was like his feet were cemented to the ground and he looked like he was going to be sick at any second.

"What's wrong? You seem more nervous than when you met me and you handled that pretty well. Come on. You've already met the hardest person to get along with AND the meanest one in the family so I think you can handle this."

"I did? Who was that?" I winked at him and grinned and bowed to him with a little curtsy which had Lucas holding his belly while he roared with laughter.

"Me goofy!" At first he seemed shocked but then started laughing as loud as Lucas.

"You? But you're not mean."

"Ha! Let's see what you have to say about that when girls start wanting to date you. I'll be the meanest baddest momma around! Ha! Trust me because I can be mean." He shook his head and continued to laugh but Lucas knew I was telling the truth.

"Oh Grayson you don't know it but you are probably the best thing that's happened to this family since Olivia walked into our lives. Things seem kind of right and balanced now because of you."

I was taken aback by what he said and at first seemed offended but I guess he was right. If it weren't for Grayson I'd probably still be acting like the barracuda I tried to pretend I was. I probably would still be pining over Caleb and not giving him a chance at showing me what happiness could feel like because I was living in my own misery. I looked at Lucas and he tipped his hat at me while I grinned back.

"You two go in while I grab your luggage. I think they're waiting for you."

I nodded back and grabbed Grayson's hand and walked up to the massive door that you could only have for a castle. I looked around and chuckled because I've always been so surprised that Cash didn't have a moat around the place as big as it is.

We walked in the foyer and I heard nothing but chaos and I absolutely loved it and realized how homesick I had been. I heard Cassidy crying and Carmen telling everyone lunch would be ready in 30 minutes. Olivia was telling everyone to settle down because we would be arriving any minute and then sighed when Hank started crying along with Cassidy. I burst out laughing when we finally reached the living room and kitchen.

"Well if this scene doesn't make me feel like I'm finally home I don't know what would."

Olivia stopped in her tracks and grinned and shook her head and rushed over to hug me and threw Hank into my arms who immediately stopped crying when he looked into my eyes.

"Well hey there Hank! Now if you aren't the cutest little Mohawk wearing dazzling deep blue eyed baby I've ever seen." I gave him a big blow kiss on his cheek and he immediately started giggling and tried to pull my hair.

"Oh here I am trying to make everyone look and act presentable and as soon as you walk in it seems that time has stopped. No more crying babies and everything seems right in the world. How in the world do you do that Claud?" I laughed at her question because I had no clue what she was talking about but it sounded like we showed up at the right time.

"I'm just being me O! Crazy Aunt Claudia! For some reason babies love it." I heard running footsteps coming in my direction and then the banter of laughing children.

"Aunt Claudia! You're here! I missed you so much!"

"Eden! Oh look at you my sweet girl! You look like you've grown an inch since I've seen you! I squat down and give her a hug and look into her beautiful brown eyes and immediately see Vanessa in then which always has my eyes mist up a little every time I see her when it has been awhile.

"That's what Daddy said this morning. He said he's going to find a way to stop me from growing up." She seemed worried and a little upset by the thought of it and she whispered to me to where no one could hear. "Do you think he would really do that?" I stifled the laugh that I wanted to let go of but whispered back to her.

"I don't think so baby girl but if I know you're daddy he'll try to find some way to do it. Don't worry though. If he finds a way to do it I'll let you run away with me okay?" She put her arms around my neck and gave me a tight hug and whispered thank you and grinned at me. I looked up and Gideon was patiently waiting for mine and Eden's hello to end. He kept looking over at Grayson and he was nervously looking around. I got so distracted by the craziness that I forgot that I had introductions to make. Olivia pulled Eden away and took Hank out of my arms and I reached out to Gideon and gave him a hug and kissed him in his cheek.

"I sure missed you my sweet boy! Have you been staying out of trouble?" He sheepishly looked over at Olivia and she laughed out loud. There's no telling what he's been up to while Caleb and I have been gone.

"Oh about as much as I'm capable of I guess." I couldn't help but laugh and Olivia had to turn around so that he couldn't see her laughing but managed to keep a straight face when she turned around.

"Let's just say that he's in the doghouse with Carmen at the moment. He kind of... Okay. Not kind of... he actually put tape on the kitchen sprayer this morning and let's just say that Carmen has already had her bath for the day and she's none too pleased. I wouldn't doubt that she takes away his snack privileges for a couple of days after that stunt." I heard giggles behind me and knew immediately who it was coming from. I turned around and Grayson was trying really hard to hold his belly in to keep from laughing too hard in front of everyone.

"Hmmm. That sounds like something that happened to me a couple of days ago. Doesn't it Grayson?"

"Oh no! You mean we have to watch out for TWO of them now? Oh lord this is going to be hilarious!" I couldn't help but laugh because one rule that Olivia always had with her kids was that if it was funny you wouldn't get in trouble.

"Okay boys! Gideon, meet Grayson. Grayson, meet Gideon." Gideon did the unthinkable for an 8 year old and walked right up to him and shook his hand.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you! So you're my new cousin huh? Ya know... You look just like Aunt Claudia. It's kind of freaky since you're a boy cause she's really pretty." He looked at me and back at Grayson with a weird look on his face. Oh no! I wasn't expecting Gideon to sound so rude when they first met and this wasn't how I wanted this to go.

"Yeah well you look exactly like your dad it's kind of freaky as well. What are you? His clone?" Oh good lord!! Smart ass comment gets a smart ass comment back! Well shit! Both boys busted up laughing and I let out the breath I was holding. Gideon pointed at me and laughed even harder.

"Geez Aunt Claudia! Did you think we weren't going to like each other? I love this kid already! I was just messing with him. It's what boys do." He looked down at Grayson's cast and pointed. "Can you play xbox with that?" Grayson gave him a sad look and shook his head. "I guess you can't swim either so... Hmmm... Wanna go bowling?" My son looked at me with a complete confused look on his face and I shrugged my shoulders and nodded letting him know that it was okay.

"Is Lucas gonna take us?" All of us laughed at his question. I guess I forgot to explain to my child all of the luxuries that come with the house.

"Oh dude! Have they not told you that we have a bowling alley downstairs? Dude!" Gideon looked at Olivia beaming with excitement. "Mom? Can I show him the house and then take him bowling?" She grinned and nodded her head at him but then yelled.

"Yes but there's a but Gideon Kingston!!" Don't you dare roll your eyes at me young man." He stood up straight and composed his face which made me turn around and not laugh out loud. "No playing on the elevator or running up and down the stairs and do not and I repeat DO NOT go above the 4th floor!!!"

"But I wanted to show him-" she shushed him up real quick.

"Gideon! Those are the conditions buddy. Take them or leave them but first." She walked over to Grayson and gave him a hug and kissed him on his cheek. "You need to get used to giving your auntie a hug every time you see her." He grinned at her and nodded his head.

"Yes ma'am. Can we go now? Please Mom?" She walked over to Gideon and gave him a hug and kisses and gave him a light pat on his bottom and nodded.

"Yes but you two better not pull any practical jokes today. At least wait until thanksgiving when your father and Uncle Caleb are here. No jokes on any of us women! Alright?" Both boys grinned from ear to ear. I turned around very impressed with her parenting skills.

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