Friday (Timeless Series #5) (12 page)

BOOK: Friday (Timeless Series #5)
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It’s A New Day


I threw my purse on the table so hard it slid across the surface and fell on the other side.

Francesca shut the blinds to the window so Axel couldn’t see into the house. A grimace similar to my own was on her face. “I just want to slap him…”

Jason stood there with his hands in his pockets, remaining silent.

“He’s such an ass,” I snapped. “What did I ever see in him?”

“I tried telling you that in the beginning,” Francesca said. “But did you listen to me? No.”

Now I wish I had.

“Come on, Jason. Let’s go have sex.” I grabbed his hand and yanked him down the hallway.

“Uh…alright.” He followed me into my bedroom and shut the door behind him.

I slipped off my heels then removed my jacket. “Let’s get to it.”

Jason sat at the foot of the bed, still clothed. He watched me with expressionless eyes.

“What are you doing?” I grabbed the hem of his shirt and tried to pull it off.

“Marie, sit down.” He grabbed my wrists gently and pulled them away. “Come on, let’s talk.”

“Talk dirty?” I sat beside him and felt the bed bounce underneath me.

“We aren’t having sex.”

“Why the hell not?” I pulled Jason in the house just for that reason. I wanted to get back at Axel, to hurt him the way he hurt me. I was tired of letting him walk all over me, breaking me apart over and over.

“Marie, do you honestly want to have sex with me?” He watched my expression, his eyes already containing my answer. “I didn’t think so. As much as I enjoy sex, I really don’t want to be with a woman who’s thinking about another man.”

Embarrassed, I looked away.

“And it sounds like something happened between you guys…”

I hadn’t told Jason we slept together. “I went to his place because he was going through a hard time. One thing led to another and we spent the night together. I thought we got back together, but to him it was just a booty call.” Jason and I weren’t exclusive but he had a right to know where I slept at night—and whom I slept with.

He didn’t seem hurt or disappointed, but the news was significant to him. “Marie, I like you. I think you’re pretty and smart. We have a great time together. But I really don’t want to get caught up in anything…”

I didn’t blame him for feeling that way. “I understand, Jason.”

“It doesn’t seem like this relationship with Axel is over. I’ll never have a chance under these conditions. I’m not a romantic guy, but I don’t want to keep competing against a guy I’ll never beat.”

“It is over,” I said. “But you have every right to feel that way.” Jason and I were never serious but the relationship didn’t start off right. We never had a chance because I never gave it a chance. I kept thinking about Axel, hoping our love would rekindle instead of focusing on the great guy in front of me.

“I don’t understand what’s going on between you. But it seems like you need to forget about him.”

“I know…”

“Give it some time to die down. Move on and find yourself. When you come to a good place give me a call. But for now, I think I have to take a step back.”

“I don’t blame you.” He’d already dumped me three times now.

“What is it with this guy, Marie?”

I sighed in embarrassment because I didn’t have an answer. “I have no idea.”

“Do you guys have a lot in common?”

“Not really.”

“Are you just really attracted to him? Is it all physical?”

“I am really attracted to him. But no, it’s not physical at all.”

“Then what is it?”

“If I knew I would tell you. If I could describe it I would. But I can’t.”

“Surely, you must know why you love him.”

I thought I did. But was there any concrete reason to love someone? Was it a combination of things? Or was it just a choice? I’d never been in love prior to this so I didn’t really know. “I do…but I also don’t.”

“Well, it doesn’t seem like he appreciates it.”

“No, he doesn’t.” There was no denying that fact. Axel captured my heart the moment our lips touched for the first time. His compassion and sensitivity brought me to my knees. When it was just he and I everything seemed perfect. I could picture us growing old together, surrounded by our children and grandchildren. When I pictured my husband’s face, it was Axel.

But he claimed he didn’t feel the same way.

“Marie, you’re too beautiful and smart to put up with a guy like him. I suggest you move on and forget about him.”

I stared at my hands in my lap. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Stop seeing him so you can get over him. And when that day finally happens, start dating again.”

“If I get that job I’ll be moving to New York in a month.”

“There you go. There’s plenty of fish in the sea—especially the New York Sea.”

I chuckled. “You’re probably right.”

“So…can we be friends?” He extended his hand to shake mine.

“I’d love to be your friend.” I took it before I dropped his embrace.

“Great. I’m glad we could work this out.”

“Me too.”

He looked around my room, eyeing my bookshelves and dressers. He spotted my desk in the corner. It was made of white wood, vintage and handcrafted. “So…what do you want to do?”

I shrugged. “We can get dinner. My treat.”

“I am hungry…”

I didn’t have an appetite since Axel stabbed me in the heart, but it was slowly coming back. “How about pizza and Putt-Putt golf?”

He smiled. “That sounds awesome.”


Axel didn’t come around for the next week, which was nice since I didn’t want to see him anyway. I needed a break from him and all the drama that accompanied him. I wasn’t looking for a husband when we got together, but I also wasn’t looking for a meaningless fling either. Now I realized we both wanted different things and I needed to move on with my life. If Francesca could move on from Hawke, then I could do this.

“You doing okay?” Francesca served the plate of fajitas in front of me.

“I’m better.”
A little bit, at least.

“Has he called?”

“No. Thankfully.”

She sat across from me and took a bite of her burrito. “At least he understands you need space.”

“Actually, he just understands I’m not going to let him play me anymore.”

Francesca ate and kept her eyes on me. She didn’t defend her brother even though he was her family. That told me he really deserved it. “At least you have Jason. He’s nice.”

“We actually went our separate ways.”


“He wasn’t comfortable with the whole Axel thing, and I honestly can’t blame him. He didn’t want to get in the middle of something so complicated.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. He made the right decision. He shouldn’t have to go through that.”

“Well…at least we’re graduating soon.”

“Yeah. Then I’ll be able to get out of here and never see Axel again.”

Francesca gave me a sad look before she kept eating. “I can’t believe the semester is almost over…and I’m actually going to pass my classes.”

My phone rang on the table and I saw a number I didn’t recognize. The area code was from New York.

Francesca leaned forward and looked at it. “Do you think it’s from a place you applied to?”

“I hope so.” My heartbeat kicked into overdrive as I stared at the screen. It could be a callback from a magazine, or it could just be another rejection.

“What if it’s Prada?”’

“Now you’re really making me nervous.”

“Girl, you’ve got this.” She dropped her burrito on the plate. “Own it.”

I took a deep breath before I answered. “Hello. This is Marie.”

“Marie, this is Hilda from Prada. We met for an interview last week.”

I covered the receiver and whispered to Francesca. “It’s Prada.”

She drummed her hands on the table in excitement. “Oh my god. Oh my god.”

I returned the phone back to my ear. “It’s nice to hear from you, Hilda. Thanks so much for meeting with me last week.” My manners kicked in on autopilot.

“The pleasure was all mine, Ms. Prescott. I’m calling because we were hoping you could come down for another interview.”

I covered my mouth so I wouldn’t scream.

Francesca stood up, desperately wanting to know what was being said.

I put my hand down. “I’d love to.”

“Great. I know this is short notice but are you available tomorrow?”

I had econ class but I didn’t give a damn about that. “I’m open.”

“Great. We’ll see you at two.”

“Thanks so much, Hilda. See you then.”

“Goodbye.” She hung up.

“Oh my god!” I jumped up and down and knocked over the chair. I needed some good news after all the shit Axel put me through.

“What’d she say? Talk to me!”

“I got a second interview.” I let out a scream.

“Oh my god. Are you serious?”


“I knew this would happen.  You’re so going to get that job.”

“God, I hope so.”

“When is this happening?”


“Damn, that’s short notice. Don’t you have class?”

“Who cares? It’s not like I have an exam.”


I started to pace back and forth. “Oh my god. I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.”

“Me neither.”

“I’m going to have to take some Nyquil or something.”

“Or Ativan if we had it.”

I headed to my bedroom. “I need to pick out my outfit and change it a million times.”

“Let me help you.” We both abandoned our dinner and headed to my room, doing what we do best. Together, we picked out the best outfit with just the right shoes. Now that I was excited about something I couldn’t stop thinking about Axel for just a few moments. It didn’t last long, but that short amount of time still gave me some peace.


Even though I already had one interview, I was nervous as hell. My leg wouldn’t stop shaking and my heart wouldn’t slow down. There were very few things I wanted this much, and right now this job was at the top of the list.

Hilda asked me a few more questions about my interests in writing and where I pictured myself in the next five years. She took interest in my clothes, noticing the Prada shoes I wore. Then the interview came to an end.

“Thank you for coming down here today. I’m excited to give this to you.” She grabbed an envelope from her drawer and pushed it across the table toward me. “I think you’ll find that we offer a competitive salary with benefits. Think things over and get back to me.”

I stared at the envelope without taking it, unable to believe what she just said. “Whoa…what?”

She gave me a friendly smile then glanced at the envelope.

“Are you offering me the job?” I’d been on very few job interviews, especially professional ones like this. Was this how they hired people? With a letter?

“Yes. That’s why we called you down here today.”

I took the envelope with shaky hands then opened it. The letter showed my salary for the year, along with my benefit plans, my number of sick days, and my vacation hours.

Oh my god.

“Get back to us within a week,” Hilda said. “I hope you’ll be joining us here at Prada.”

Somehow, I kept my cool and didn’t scream. “I’ll take it.”

“Are you sure you don’t want some time to think it over?”

“Absolutely not.” There was no better job out there. This was exactly what I wanted. I didn’t need time to think it over. “I can start the day after I graduate.”

She smiled. “I’m glad to hear your excitement.”

“Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity. I won’t let you down.”

“Stacy had nothing but good things to say about you. Personally, I care more about a person’s drive, personality, and determination than where they went to school and what their G.P.A. is. It’s clear you share the same passion as the rest of us. I think you’ll be a good fit here.”

I wanted to scream all over again. “Thank you so much.” I stood up and shook her hand.

“See you next month.” She gave me a friendly smile before she sat back down.

I waved then walked out, holding my head high and keeping my shoulders back. After I left the building and reached my car in the parking garage I finally let out the scream I’d been holding back. I called Francesca. “Oh my god. I got the job. I actually got the job. I’m officially working at Prada.” I said the words as quickly as possible. It was incoherent but Francesca would decipher it.

“Holy shit! I’m so happy for you.”

“I know…I’m happy for me too.”

“Get your ass back here so we can go out.”

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