Friends With Multiple Benefits (9 page)

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Authors: Luke Young,Ian Dalton

BOOK: Friends With Multiple Benefits
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Victoria opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words.
she simply shook her head.

"You're not…" Jillian made a face. "Are you with a patient?"

"Not exactly." Victoria shrugged.

"What do you mean not exactly?"

"Jillian I need you to come into this room right now," the beautiful doctor said with authority.


"Just please do it." Sighing, Victoria moved away from the door and returned to her chair.

Jillian poked her head through the
but could not see the one-way mirror. The sounds of soft moaning could be heard emanating from the speaker. Darla's soothing voice followed, "You are doing fine, Peter. Let me know if you feel like you're getting close to climaxing."

"Uh, okay."

Jillian glared at her and whispered, "I can't believe you are inviting me in there. Isn't this unethical?"

"Technically yes, but I really need you to see this."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jillian raised her palms. "What could you possibly need me to see?"

"Just get in here."

"No, I will n—"

"Get in here," Victoria whispered harshly.

"Can they hear us?"

." Narrowing her eyes, Victoria motioned with both hands for her to get her ass in the room.

"Okay," Jillian grumbled then timidly stepped inside with her hand shielding her eyes. "I'm here. Now what?"


"I don't understand what you…" Jillian's words trailed off as she saw
—the enormous entity hanging from the man standing just a few feet behind the glass. "Is that… is that real?"

"Um, yeah, I mean, he's right there," Victoria replied in a trance-like

"Who is that?"

"That's my client who has trouble maintaining his erections."

"He doesn't look like he's having trouble now?"

"Well, Darla is really good."

"She must be."

Victoria and Jillian gazed unblinkingly directly at
the sex
surrogate continued her massage therapy techniques.

"Where, um, exactly would you put
… like that?" Jillian asked, in a soft, slow voice.

"I supposed with a lot of lube you could fit it, you know, inside."

They shared a brief what-the-fuck look then returned to the glass, mesmerized.

"I'm literally frightened, yet I can't look away," Jillian said.

Peter's erection softened a bit and it flopped over where Darla's hand was clutching it at the midpoint. She appeared to be struggling just to hold up the sheer weight of it.

"He has some erectile issues," Victoria said.

"How could he not?" Jillian widened her eyes. "You could divide that up between four guys and you'd still have some left over."

"Yeah, I just had to show someone else."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to erase this from my mind." Jillian cringed, still transfixed. "Why the hell did you show me this?"

"I wanted to make sure I
wasn't seeing
things. I had to discuss it with someone. It's like the eighth wonder of the world, isn't it?"

"Uh-huh. Why didn't you just talk to Darby about it?"

"It's Darla."

"Darla. Why didn't you talk to her about it?"

"That might be considered unprofessional."

Jillian scoffed. "I'm not on the medical board or anything, but I'm pretty sure this is unprofessional too."

"Probably, but as long as no one finds out I should be okay."

"How does his body support that thing? I mean, doesn't it take a lot of blood to fill that up."

"It must."

Darla was breathing heavily on the other side of the glass as she worked her magic on Peter and brought him back to a full hardness. When she got him
she wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Wow, it's actually bigger now than when I first came in here, right?" Jillian asked. "Or am I seeing things?

"No, it's definitely bigger."

"I really miss Brian right now."

"Yeah, I wonder what Jim's doing."


Less than one hundred feet away, Jim was in the house and had just put Kaylie down for a nap. Carrying the baby monitor with him, he headed out to Victoria's office. He opened the door leading from the waiting room to the hallway and stepped inside. To the right he spotted
the open
door and as he reached it he heard the voice of a woman he didn't recognize.

Realizing Victoria was in the observation room watching a private client session, he stopped in his tracks. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you had a session today."

He heard muffled voices and cursing then heard rustling as Victoria sprung up out of her chair and rushed to the door. "Yes, uh, you know no one is allowed in here during the um—"

"Sorry." Jim stepped back then something caught his eye between the gaps in the door hinges. He spotted a person standing behind the door. "Is that… Jillian?"

"What? No." Victoria replied shaking her head.

Jillian." He pushed the door open and stepped inside. "If no one is allowed in here what's she…" His words trailed off when he saw what was behind the glass. "Holy shit."

Victoria began, "We're just um…"

"What the hell is that?" Jim asked.

"It's my new client."

"No, I mean. That can't be real." He glanced at Victoria then returned gape-mouthed to the woman giving the largest penis in the world a sensual rub. "That's a prosthetic or something, right?"

"We think it's real."

"What's it like fourteen inches?"

"I'd say it's in that ballpark." Victoria shrugged.

"That's some ballpark. What's he feed that thing?"

"We don't know." Victoria tore her gaze away from the monster and looked to her husband. "What did you come in here for? Did you need me?"

"Um, I, uh, forgot." Jim's mouth fell open as he rubbed his head. "Oh, yeah, I didn't realize you had a session. I was going to make some lunch."

"I'm not hungry," Victoria said.

"I don't think I'm hungry now either." Jim stepped back toward the door. "I think I need
a beer
or maybe a Xanax."

Suddenly, the patient moaned loudly. Jim stepped back in the room just in time to see the huge climax that erupted out of the monster cock. Blasting like a geyser, it kept going and going and it was almost as impressive as the massive unit that produced it. The three voyeurs watched with their eyes wide and their jaws slacked.

"Holy mother of God!" Jillian shook her head.

"I don't know about you, but I would have been disappointed with anything less," Victoria said.

"I think I'm going to go find Brian." Keeping her gaze on the aftermath, Jillian stepped backward and bumped into Jim. "Sorry. I'll see you guys later for dinner, right?"

"Oh, yeah," Victoria replied.

"Bye." Jillian turned and stepped out of the room. She lost her balance and steadied herself by placing a hand on the wall.

"Jim, I just need to wrap things up in here and meet with Darla for a second. Meet me in bed in ten minutes."

"Okay," he replied, still
shell shocked,
as he backed out of the room.



Jillian drove like a bat out of hell toward the tennis club, exceeding the speed limit the entire way and running a few stop signs as well. She burst through the door and
it for the front desk pointing to the office door as she said to the clerk, "Todd, is he in there?"

"What?" Todd replied.

"Brian." She moved behind the desk and headed for the door.

"Oh, yeah. Hi, Jillian. How are you feeling?"

Ignoring the question, she stepped into the office and closed the door. After flipping the lock, she turned to him. "Hi."

Looking up from his desk, he narrowed his eyes. "Hey, is everything all right?"

"Uh-huh." She headed to him and kissed him on the lips. Dropping down to her knees, she grabbed the
of his shorts. "Sorry, we haven't been able to have sex lately, but I really want to now. I feel better."

"Okay." He smiled as he lifted his rear off the seat. She tore down his shorts and underwear exposing his mostly flaccid penis. Rising to her feet, she kicked off her
and pulled down her stretch pants and panties.

He eyed her closely. "What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing, I just realized how much I missed you."

"Okay?" He made a face.

She glanced down to see his penis was responding quickly. Leaning down, she took hold of it and stroked it for about a minute until it was super-hard. She climbed on his lap and positioned her entrance over his erection. The moment his bulbous head touched her she groaned. Her mouth opened wide and she pressed it hard to his lips, sucking his tongue into her mouth and sinking fully down on his lap.

She rocked back and forth then up and down like a woman possessed and all he could do was hold on for dear life. Over and over she lifted up high on his lap then slammed down hard. His erection was nearly popping out of her on the upswing and twisting and bending at uncomfortable angles as she plunged down. From the look on his face and the way he was gripping her bottom, it appeared he was struggling to keep her from doing any permanent damage to one of his favorite body parts. After about two minutes more of this near-violent
she cried out with delight as a huge climax rocked through her.
and spent, she sat fully on him, wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, and gyrated her hips in small circles over him.

When she finally stopped moving, he gazed over her shoulder wearing an expression born of terrified relief.



About ten miles away, Victoria was sitting behind her desk in her office when Darla poked her head through the partially open door.

"Hey there," Victoria said.

Darla plopped down in the chair, grimacing and rubbing the wrist on her right hand. "Peter just left."

"Good." Victoria pointed to the surrogate's hand wearing a sympathetic expression. "Is everything okay?"

"I think so." Darla looked her in the eye. "Why didn't you tell me about, um, his, extraordinary size?"

"I swear I had no idea. It never came up."

"Never came up?"

"I swear it didn't. He's… um, he's got to be in the one percentile, right?"

Darla widened her eyes. "There is no doubt about it."

"It seems odd that he wouldn't have mentioned it." Victoria shrugged. "It's almost as if he has no idea that he's endowed in such an unusual way."


Victoria put on a hopeful smile. "Do you think I could call you tomorrow to go over everything? I've got another… I've got something I need to take care of right now."

"Oh, sure." Darla rose from her seat.



Less than two minutes later, Victoria burst through her bedroom door. She discovered Jim already under the covers sitting against the headboard and she unbuttoned her blouse. "Where's Kaylie?"

"Still sleeping. Is, um, the Guinness Book World Record Holder gone?"

"Yes." She unsnapped her bra then slipped her skirt and panties off and lifted the covers off him.

He pulled the covers back over his groin.

"What's wrong?"

"Suddenly I feel… I don't know… inadequate."

She smiled then climbed into bed next to him. "You are

Folding his arms, he turned away from her. "I don't think I like you watching this guy have his

penis, although impressive, has so many logistical problems associated with its usage that I can't even imagine how a normal woman would enjoy it."

"Yeah." He returned his attention to her and frowned.

She pulled the covers off him once again. "And second there is only one penis in the world for me."

"Would that be this one?" he asked with a grin.

"Uh-huh." She took his flaccid penis in her hand and gently massaged it.

Leaning his head back, he groaned. His cock thickened with her sensual touch and he gasped the moment she wrapped her lips around it.



Back in
central, Brian struggled to catch his breath with his pregnant wife firmly planted on his lap and evidently still recovering from her climax. He hoped the pain he was currently feeling in his groin area was nothing serious or permanent. He felt moisture leaking between his legs and placed his finger there to take a sample. When he brought it up to eye level, he was relieved to see it was not blood, but merely sweat mixed with some other sex related fluid.

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