from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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He tried to adjust the slats on the door, but they were stationary. That wouldn’t do. He pulled out his key ring and shoved the biggest one between two slats at eye level. The slat cracked. He removed just enough wood to give him a decent view. After he had put his keys away, he closed the door. He could see Danielle’s bed and the door, depending on the angle he stood. All he needed now was the patience to wait for their return.

* * *

Back at the pub, Danielle laughed. Logan told the story of the day he and Alex met. “Did he really ask that?” She couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah.” Logan chuckled along with her. “I told him I had no idea where the hot girls hung out.”

Alex came to his own defense. “They usually hang out together. I just wanted to get laid that night.” He rolled his eyes. “Then he told me to put an ad online, and I’d have psychos all over me.”

“I thought he was kidding.” Logan took a swig from his beer. “Like two hours later, he brought two chicks back to our room and shoved one onto my lap.” He bit his lip. “At Alex’s direction, she stripped me and went at me. I just sat there in shock while she did her thing. Girls never paid any attention to me until he came along.” He pointed his thumb at Alex. “He changed my life.”

Marie looked at him with longing in her eyes. “So glad he did. You were a bit uptight when we first met. I like you better all loosened up.”

Danielle looked at her hands. “I wish I had stories like that.” She looked back on her life and only saw pain; nothing funny.

“Hey.” Alex ran the back of his fingers down her cheek, and then lifted her chin. “We’re making good memories together.” He pulled her to lean on him. “One day you’ll have stories to tell.” He caressed her belly. “Like the day we made our baby. We were so lit up. You jumping in the pool naked is something I’ll never forget.”

Danielle blushed. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“If you hadn’t,” Alex ran his hand over her abdomen again, “We might not be having this baby.” In his mind, it was a blessing he forgot about condoms that night. He kissed her lips softly. “I love you and this baby.”

“Hey, what’s up?” Gary came to their table with a drink in his hand. “There’s gonna be a party over at Gamma House tomorrow night. Kinda like an end to cramming celebration.”

Logan’s eyebrows went up. “Wouldn’t that work better after finals?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Gary grinned. “I think better on a few beers.” He raised his bottle. “Well, here’s to another semester almost down.” Everyone at the table lifted their glass or bottle. “May the next one be just as much fun!” After he had taken a drink, he walked over to another table.

Alex looked into Danielle’s eyes. “You’re getting tired.” He brushed his lips over her cheek, and then near her ear. “I’m hoping you got just enough energy for making love.” He lowered his voice. “I’ll go easy on you tonight.”

She smiled, shyly. “I think I’m up for that.”

“OK, time to go.” Alex got to his feet. “I got the bill.” He caught the waitress’ attention. “We need the check.” He studied Danielle’s face to be sure she didn’t pretend to want him. She looked at him sideways a few times. She was definitely into it. As soon as the waitress handed him the check, he put three 20s in her hand. “Thanks.”

She smiled, widely. “Thank you, too.”

When everyone was buckled in, Alex pulled out of the parking space rather fast. His cock was stiff as a board, and he didn’t want Danielle to grow any more tired. He had to stop short after a block because the car in front of him stopped. His arm went out to protect Danielle. “Sorry.”

“Alex, calm down.” Danielle took his hand in hers. “I promise I won’t crash on you again.”

He hated when he came to bed all worked up and found her asleep. “If you do, can I wake you? Please?” He shifted his hips to try to stop the painful friction in his jeans.

“You won’t have to, but yes.”

Logan laughed quietly and nuzzled Marie’s neck. “Glad you’re always available.” He slid a hand over her breast and squeezed. “I get some pussy tonight, too, right?”

“Of course.” Marie winked.

Danielle pretended not to hear a zipper open and stared out the windshield. She clutched Alex’s hand and thought about what he had said earlier. Happy memories had been scarce before she met him. There were a few with her grandmother, but her father or Brian ruined most of the ones she had.

After he had parked, Alex tugged Danielle to the girls’ room. He couldn’t wait another minute. He opened his pants as he unlocked the door. “God, I can’t remember the last time I was this horny.”

“At your parent’s house.” Danielle giggled when he dropped his pants before the door closed. She was able to talk about sex with him somewhat. “I guess this means…” Her mouth dropped when he stood before her naked. His cock was huge. “How did it get that big?”

Alex looked down and stared for a few seconds. “No wonder I’m dizzy. All the blood’s down there.” It was at least an inch bigger than usual and noticeably thicker. “Can you handle it?”

She licked her lips and hoped she could. Then she got to her knees before him and held his shaft in her hand. Her tongue collected the fluid that oozed from the opening. She listened to him groan when she eased the head into her mouth. When he grabbed her hair, she tensed, but he held onto her, nothing more.

Brian had a perfect view of the scene. He watched with his jaw almost to his chest.
She’s sucking his dick? She hates to do that
. He was angry but couldn’t look away. In his opinion, Alex got
too much pleasure from his woman.

Oblivious to their audience, Alex and Danielle moved to the bed, both of them naked at that point. Alex gently laid her down and ignored his cock’s desperation to fuck. He lay on top of her as they kissed passionately. Each touch of her mouth made his dick twitch, so he pressed it against her thigh.

She moaned and locked her feet above his back. That forced his cock between her legs. He ground it into her folds, and her back arched. “Alex, I can’t wait.”

“God, babe.” He reached between them and directed the head of his cock to her entrance. “Relax, or it’s gonna hurt.” He tested her by pressing in a little. He grabbed the mattress and slid into her a few inches. “Fu—uck!” He withdrew and thrust in again to get a bit deeper.

Her body shuddered with each stroke. When his hips met hers, she closed her eyes. It wasn’t easy not to react when he brushed her cervix. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. “Love you, Alex.”

“Love you too,” he whispered and cradled her body as he fucked her slowly. “You feel so good.” He gently pushed his hips into hers and circled a few times. “Am I hurting you?”

She shook her head, filled with pleasure. Seconds later, her hips lifted, and her legs hugged him. “Alex… Alex… Alex…”

He growled as she forced his entire erection into her pussy. She gripped it tightly for a few seconds at a time. It sent sparks up his spine and down his legs with each wave. He kissed her to try to distract himself. Then he groaned into her mouth. It was difficult to fight his own orgasm.

In the closet, Brian stared in shock.
He made her cum without moving?
Jealousy raged. He wanted to end it. However, he had lost the last time they fought. No way would he be able to overpower even a distracted man of Alex’s size. After he had let out a quiet breath, he channeled his anger into how they would pay. In his mind, they had destroyed his life.

“Babe,” Alex called to her. “Did you… cum… enough?” Instead of an answer, she cried out and clung to his arms. He let the guilt go and called out, “Cumming… oh God.” He sighed as a stream of semen filled her.

Danielle’s body went limp when her orgasm abated. She felt one more spurt let loose before Alex hugged her. She couldn’t talk or even move. They were both covered in sweat, but she didn’t care. She wanted him to hold her until she fell asleep.

“Hey,” he whispered in her ear when he pulled out. “I gotta pee.” He kissed her nose, just as her eyes closed.

Brian watched Alex wrap a towel around his waist and assumed he was about to take his nightly shower. He waited until Alex was gone. As quiet as possible, he opened the closet and looked for a reaction. Danielle didn’t move. He crept across the room to her bed. She looked peaceful. That made him even angrier.

In a flash, he yanked the blanket off and pounced on her. She stirred as her hands were pinned over her head with his good hand. Then her eyes opened. He covered her mouth with his to stifle her scream.

Panic set in. Danielle thrashed but could barely move her limbs. When she felt him fumble with his pants, tears fell. “Please! Not again!” she tried to say.

While he struggled to keep her still, he pulled his cock out. It was no easy task with only the fingertips free on his broken hand. Then she blocked him with her knees. He had to let her hands go to force her legs open. Her nails raked his face and neck. With a growl, he pulled his head back.

“Bitch.” He slapped her face, hard. “He likes to do you without a condom, huh? Me too.”

* * *

Alex had gone into his room after the bathroom, to grab a change of clothes. Marie and Logan were fucking under a blanket. He ignored them and went through his drawers. Danielle’s bed creaked. That caught his attention. He glanced at the wall between their rooms. The noise got louder, and then there was a faint scream.

“What the fuck?” He quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and rushed to her room.

* * *

Brian growled, “Mine!”

“Oh, shit!” Alex cried out. Brian was on top of Danielle, and her eyes were filled with pain. “Motherfucker!”

He grabbed Brian and yanked him back. Then he shoved him to the floor. He had to keep control. He assessed Brian with a quick look; his pants were open, and his dick was out.

“Son of a fucking bitch!” With all his control lost, Alex stomped on Brian’s crotch. Brian howled in pain. “You get off on hurting her?” Alex stomped on him again. “How’s that feel?” His foot landed again, even harder. Another scream from Brian. “Huh? You like pain?”

Logan came into the room in a pair of boxers. “Danielle, you OK?”

She had been frozen in fear but grabbed the blanket and covered her naked body. “Make him leave. Please.”

“Call the cops!” Alex shouted. “He’s not supposed be anywhere near her.” He grabbed Brian by the collar and punched him. “I should kill you. What’d you do to her?” He could think of nothing but making Brian pay. A few more hits, and Brian whimpered.

A large man appeared in the door. “How the hell'd he get in here?”

Alex glanced up at the guard that should have been on duty the entire night. “That's what I wanna know.” He slugged Brian in the face again.

“I only went out for a minute to smoke.” Guilt was written all over the guard's face. “I'm so sorry!”

“Too late.” Alex swung again, blindly. He wanted to inflict as much pain as he could.

Logan pulled on Alex’s arm when Brian’s nose started to bleed. “Stop it. She needs you.”

Alex dropped Brian and hurried to Danielle. “Damn it. I’m sorry.” He took her in his arms as he lifted the blanket to do a cursory exam. There was blood on the bed and her inner thighs. “He raped you?”

She buried her face in his chest. “Please.”

“My phone’s got no signal.” The guard moved around to try to change that.

Since he restrained Brian, Logan couldn’t call anyone. “Marie!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. “Marie, hurry up!” When she blew into the room in a robe, he told her, “Call 911! I got Brian down here.” Brian fought Logan’s hold. “If you don’t stay still, I’ll have her cut your balls off.”

Marie scanned the room. Her eyes landed on Brian’s open pants, and then the blood. “Don’t touch anything! It’s all evidence.” She looked at Danielle and was sure what had happened.

Brian felt Logan’s grip loosen. He ignored the biting pain in his groin and broke free.

Seconds later, the guard helped Alex tackle him. “No fucking way.” Alex looked up at Marie on the phone. “Logan, get her some clothes.” He had Brian’s arms locked behind his back. “You’re gonna pay for this.” The guard blocked the doorway. Brian had nowhere to go.

With shaky hands, Danielle let Marie help her into one of Alex’s T-shirts and pajama pants. She was relieved Alex stopped Brian quickly. “Tell them not to let him out again,” she whispered to Marie.

“They won’t.” She lifted Danielle’s trembling chin. “Look at me.” When she could see her fearful eyes, Marie continued. “We’re all here.” Carefully, Marie hugged her.

“Babe, I’m here,” Alex called to her as he held Brian at bay. “He’s not getting away from me.” Brian struggled. He yanked his arms back further. A pop and a scream told him that Brian’s shoulder dislocated. “Serves you right, asswipe.”

When campus police arrived, Alex handed Brian off. Brian’s pants fell to his ankles. Alex sat on the bed and gently pulled Danielle into his lap, as he whispered words of assurance. Statements were given after that. Then it was off to the hospital again. Thankfully, Danielle had minimal injuries and was released without much treatment.

* * *

Alex brought her into the guys’ room, so she wasn’t reminded of Brian’s attack by her own room. “You sure you’re OK?” He led her to his bed and eased her onto the soft mattress. “You don’t have to lie to me. I can take the truth.”

“I’m just a bit sore.” She lay down and faced the wall to hide her unwarranted shame.

He spooned her body. “What’s sore?” He had not been able to get any details out of her. She even made him leave to give her side of the story to the police. “Babe, talk to me.”

“It’ll be better tomorrow.” She knew it would be. It was only because she fought Brian and was no longer used to his size. The tear had clotted well, but it stung. “Please let it go.”

If he hadn’t seen the blood, he wouldn’t know what she hid, but he did. The doctor had said she was lucky, so there must not be much damage. He was terrified her soul had been scarred again, though. If they had to start over, it would be hell. “Babe, let me be here for you.”

“Not now. Please.” She sniffled and gripped his hand tightly. “Just hold me.”

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