from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Logan was concerned as well. Alex always got up right away, but he didn’t move. “He’ll be fine.”

Down on the field, Alex cursed himself as he opened his eyes to see grass. “Fucking idiot!” He knew how to fall. They caught him off guard by pulling his hair. The wind was knocked out of him, and his back hurt. “Shit!” He had forgotten to put his ponytail back under his jersey. Then he felt something. Someone held him down with a hand on his back. “Get the fuck off!” He turned quickly and pushed the opponent away.

“Tough break, dick!” The player walked away laughing.

Coach Smith reached Alex first. “Hey. You all right?”

“Yeah. Just pissed off now.”

“Good.” Smith gritted his teeth. “Use it, son.”

Alex stood and jogged over to his teammates. “Let’s kick their asses.” He tucked his hair away and scowled at the opponent who had knocked him down.

Finally in her chair again, Danielle breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t hurt enough to leave the game, so it must be minor. She sat on the edge of her seat while the next play progressed. When the ball was again passed several times, she lost sight of it. She wanted to ask Logan where it was, but his eyes were glued to the field.

Marie reached over Logan to take Danielle’s hand in hers. She knew she’d be worried. Logan placed a hand on top of theirs and pressed them into his thigh. Marie almost rubbed her wrist over his cock. Instead, she leaned on his arm.

Pleasantly surprised, Logan drew her closer as he wrapped that arm around her shoulders. When Marie settled her head on his chest, he sighed. Maybe, just maybe, she needed what he hoped for. Then her arm moved behind him, and she held him as well. The game went out of focus for a few seconds while he tried to will her to kiss him.
No such luck… Oh, well

Chapter 27

When the final play was complete, Alex looked up at the scoreboard: 24-23. They had lost. He vowed never to have a quickie at halftime again. It zapped his concentration. It wasn’t a total loss. They were still bound for the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, the first week in January. That was cool.

He hurried to the locker room so he could meet Danielle as soon as possible. While he stripped down, several players asked if he was all right. The second half, he was slower and had not scored at all. He needed to find a way to get his dick under control, so that it didn’t affect his game.

Just outside the locker room exit, Danielle stood with Marie and Logan. They held hands, which surprised her. She bounced on the balls of her feet, anxious to hold Alex. The tackle still made her anxious. As soon as he came through the door, she threw herself at him.

“Hey, babe. It’s OK.” He patted her head and wrapped the other arm around her. “I’m fine. I swear.” He felt her shudder and knew she started to cry. As he lifted her chin, he met her watery gaze. “Not even a concussion. I promise you.”

The thought of losing him clouded her rationality for the moment. She clung to him because she wanted to feel his strong body. “It’s over, right?”

He sighed. “One more game, but that’s next month.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips.


Marie looked up at Logan. When he looked back at her, she paused and watched his lips. She wanted what Alex and Danielle had, but she wasn’t sure if Logan was the one to give it to her. Hopeful, she reached up and brushed her lips against his. His response surprised her. He grabbed her by the back of the head and quickly deepened the kiss.

Alex tried to ignore the pair making out, but yet again, his cock started to stir.
Haven’t you had enough yet?
Some days, his dick had a mind of its own. “We should go. I’m starving.”

Marie pulled away, breathless. “Yeah… my… um… my mom… made stew.” She gripped Logan’s arm tightly, a bit lightheaded from the passionate kiss.

Soon after, Alex tossed his bag in the trunk and folded his long legs into the back seat. Why he offered Marie the front, he had no clue, until Danielle slid closer to him and laid her head on his chest. She adjusted her position so he could stretch out one leg around her. Then he felt better.

* * *

As soon as the four of them entered Marie’s childhood home, they heard voices. Marie led the group through the house and into the family room.

Her mother stood right away. “Alex!” She hugged him tightly. “You are a big handsome young man.” Then she turned to Logan. “Not as quite as handsome as this one, though.” She pinched Logan’s cheek. “You boys must be hungry.” For the next few hours, they ate, talked and watched a movie with the entire family.

“I’m beat,” Alex announced when the credits started to roll. “I hope you don’t mind if I head to bed.” He walked around the room while he hugged and shook hands with everyone.

Mr. Parker was last and held Alex’s hand longer than usual. “No hanky panky, boy. The girls stay in their own bunk.” He glared at Alex to burn his seriousness into his brain.

“OK, sir.” Alex smiled. “I’ve had a long day. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Hunter sat up. “I’m tired, too.”

From there, it was decided that everyone should head to bed. The girls helped convert the couches into makeshift beds, and then they walked upstairs to prepare the bedroom. Danielle watched Marie set the beds up. She put two pillows on each full-size bunk and pulled out extra blankets in case someone got cold. It looked like a production, not just a routine. Then her mother walked in, and it all came together.

“Young lady, if I hear any odd noises from this room, I will bust down that door and tan all your hides. No fooling around, got it?”

Marie nodded and went back to fixing the beds. When her mom was gone, she giggled quietly. “They snore so loud, they won’t hear a thing.”

When Mr. Parker came to check on them, the boys were in the top bunk, girls on the bottom. It seemed to him that both young men were already asleep, but his daughter and her friend talked softly. He smiled and closed the door.

Marie winked at Danielle. “Only a few more minutes, and then we’ll switch. You guys take this bunk. I’ll go up there to Logan.”

Danielle heard Alex’s soft snore. “OK.” She closed her eyes and relaxed.

“You can take the scarf off now.”

“Right.” Danielle loosened the knot and tossed the garment to the floor. “I didn’t want your mom to ask questions.”

Marie smiled. “I get it, but it’s just the four of us now. No reason to hide anything.” She lay there and listened. A few doors closed. Then the house got quiet. When her father was obviously asleep, she giggled and got out of bed. “I’m gonna set an alarm, so we don’t get caught.” She had snuck boys into that room for years.

Danielle waited, unsure what to do.

“Alex… Alex…” Marie shook him.

When he didn’t move, she ran her hands over his strong chest and called his name again. He finally stirred. Then he turned over and threw an arm over Logan’s chest.

“Hey. Get off me, man.” Logan pushed Alex’s arm away.

Marie giggled. She still hoped to sleep with him before they graduated. “Alex, switch with me.”

Alex turned the other way and jumped when he came face to face with Marie. “Oh, shit!” He thought she was in bed with him. Quickly, he sat up and covered his crotch with the blanket. “What’re you doing?”

“Trying to get me some.” Marie winked.

Alex’s mouth dropped. “You’re not getting any of me.” He pointed his thumb at Logan. “He’s up for grabs, though.” He jumped down to the floor. “Your mom said no noise, so maybe he should gag you.”

Marie let out a soft laugh. “You guys aren’t too quiet yourselves.” She snuggled beside Logan and placed her hand in his boxers. “Time to wake up, my sexy lover.” She stroked his semi-erect penis slowly.

Danielle smiled when Alex crawled under the blanket with her. “I thought her parents would never go to sleep.”

“Sorry I crashed, but I had a hot dream.” He took her in his arms and kissed her lips hard. “I dreamt about us making love in the locker room. The guys were cheering us on, and then one of them…” He pressed his lips together, unsure if she would freak out about the rest of the dream.

She waited for a while, but curiosity got the best of her, “One of them what?”

“Um.” He looked at the sheet under them. “Maybe I shouldn’t say.”

Her mouth opened to say something, but she stopped. The guilt on his face told her he hid another kink. “No more secrets. Remember?”

“Yeah, I know.” He sighed and lifted her hand. “I… well… before you, sex was different for me. It was just to get off. With you, it’s amazing and special. I didn’t want to expose you to the things I used to do. Some of it was pretty degrading for the women… Well, to some people at least. I just did what turned me on.” He took a deep breath. “I like watching other couples. I like being watched. I like sharing women and making them scream from too much pleasure. I used to do a lot of things you don’t seem to like.”

She touched his face with her fingertips. “I’m just inexperienced and maybe a bit fearful. If you want me to try something, ask.”

“Will you let another guy touch you while we make love?” He didn’t see fear. “Or another woman?” She drew back on that question. “OK. Maybe you’re not bi. I’m not either.”

He looked into her eyes. “Are you OK with me being so open before you?” She nodded, so he continued. “Do you think you could do something kinda open with me soon? Not that I don’t love making love to you, but sometimes I want a bit more.”

She smiled. “Just break me in slowly.”

“Promise,” Alex replied.

Chapter 28

Classes had ended, and the Atlanta trip was a week behind them. Alex, Danielle, Logan and Marie sat in the girls’ room surrounded by books, laptops and empty pizza boxes. They studied for finals all day that Saturday. Well, most of the time was spent studying. There were random kissing breaks, too.

It was close to eight at night when Alex stood up. “We all need a break. I feel like my head’s gonna explode.” He stretched. “Who’s with me?” Everyone raised their hand. “Good. We’ve been at this for days. I doubt I’m gonna fit anything else into my head at this point.”

Danielle rubbed her lower back. “The floor is killing me anyway.” She took Alex’s offered hand and stood as well. “What should we do?”

* * *

Brian was on the roof across from the dorm building, binoculars to his eyes. He saw everyone get up and hoped they would quit as they usually did about that time. For the past week, he had watched them and made note of everyone’s habits. Marie and Logan normally left the room about eight and went to the room next door. Then they fucked. He liked to watch them.

On the other hand, he hated when he caught Alex and Danielle at it. He had several times that week. Once he jerked off to it and pretended she was his again. That night he hoped Alex did what he always did and took a shower. That left Danielle alone just long enough for him to pounce.

He seethed as she put her hand to her belly. “That fucking asshole. Wait till I make her get rid of that bastard baby.” He still had the illusion he could take her back.

* * *

Alex collected the pizza boxes before they headed out. They decided to go for a drink to unwind. Danielle was the only one under 21, but of course she didn’t plan to drink. Alex lifted her hand and kissed it as they walked down the stairs.

“I won’t drink too much. Promise.” Alex subtly looked around once they were outside. He had gotten several texts in the last week from that same untraceable South Florida phone number. All alluded to them being watched.

When they arrived at O’Henry’s Pub, they found many other classmates there. Logan had his arm around Marie’s shoulders while they made their way to a free booth. He was glad Marie was more receptive to more than sex. She didn’t mind public displays of affection any longer. To prove it, he pulled her body against his and kissed her passionately on the mouth.

“Wow,” Marie let out when he pulled back. She grabbed his arms to steady herself. The power of the kiss was more than she was used to, but they had gotten even closer that week. “What was that for?”

Logan smiled and let her slide into the booth first. “Just for being hot.”

Alex smirked. He was glad they finally acted like a true couple. “Babe, you hungry?” Her morning sickness had tapered off, and her appetite had increased. He just wished her belly showed evidence of his child inside of her. “They have chicken wings.”

Danielle licked her lips. “Sounds good, but not many.” She had developed an affinity for them, but her stomach was quite full already.

Alex ordered wings, a round of beer and a lemonade for Danielle. Then he pulled her closer. “Is it too early to talk about names?”

“I don’t know.” Danielle hadn’t thought of it yet.

Marie grabbed Logan’s thigh. “How about Alex Junior?”

“Do you really think there should be another
running around?” Alex laughed. “Imagine this kid at 15, full of hormones, fucking everything that moves?”

Danielle looked at the table, uncomfortable with the image. Her chest constricted with doubt that she was enough for him.

It had been a joke. Although it was the truth about Alex. He had jumped almost every willing girl since his sophomore year of high school. “Hey, beautiful.” He ran the back of his fingers along her arm. “I’m kidding.”

She turned to him. “You miss doing a different woman every night, don’t you?” Her bottom lip quivered while she held back her emotions.

“No.” Alex was serious. “I swear I don’t.” He took a deep breath. “You made sex into something amazing. No other woman could compare anymore.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips. “You’re all I need.” Another kiss. “All I want.”

She smiled but still worried his higher sex drive would hurt their relationship one day. “Have I been helping you feel better this week?” She couldn’t be more specific in front of their friends.

“Yeah, babe.” He leaned back and thought about the night before. “It’s all working. No worries.”

* * *

Brian was back at the dorm. He planned to break into the girls’ room. The guard was not there for the moment. He hoped they didn’t stay out too long, but he also hoped they didn’t catch him. No one was at that end of the hallway. He worked quickly anyway. Once he got the door open, he hid in the closet. He had waited for the chance all week.

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