from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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With a nod, Danielle snuggled into his hard body. “Love you, too.” The weather had cooled considerably, but she didn’t want to complain. His warmth surrounded her.

After a few minutes more, the wind picked up a little. Alex noticed goose bumps on her arms and rubbed them. “I can ask Dave for a sweatshirt or something.”

“I’m still OK.” She laid her head on his shoulder. Then she looked up when the screen door slammed shut. Marie and Logan had come back hand in hand.

Marie was in Logan’s lap as soon as he sat. She smiled at Alex. “Did we miss anything?”

Alex looked at her. An image of her astride Logan at the hotel in Nashville came to him. His cock twitched. He shifted his hips and wished the crotch of his jeans weren’t so tight. Then he felt guilty. He leaned his forehead on Danielle and hoped she could handle sex later that night.

* * *

“I have an announcement,” Dave shouted, and then waited for everyone’s attention. “As you know, our season ended with a bang, thanks to Alex here.” He waved a hand in Alex’s direction. “We all played well this year. The team really came together when we needed to. I hate to say it’s my last year, but I’m graduating in May. Hopefully, those of you who play next season will carry on the tradition of a year-end celebration.”

Charlie stepped forward, on Alex’s other side. He waited for the signal as Dave continued on about loyalty and tradition. In his eyes, it had become boring. Then Dave winked at him. He moved to his right. Quickly, he swept Danielle out of Alex’s arms.

“What the fuck’re you doing?” Alex grabbed at Danielle. Then everything spun as Dave lifted him and tossed him a few feet. “Shit!” Alex flew through the air. He landed in the freezing pool. Seconds later, he burst to the surface and shivered. “What the hell, man?”

“Best player takes a dunk!” Dave laughed. “Sorry it’s so cold.”

Danielle squirmed out of Charlie’s arms. Alex’s lips quivered, and they had turned blue already. She said, “He’s gonna get pneumonia.”

“He’ll be fine.” Charlie chuckled as he grabbed the towels they hid earlier. “His dick might shrivel up, though.” His laughter got louder.

She rolled her eyes. “It’s not funny. Help him out.”

Alex scowled at Charlie as he ascended the stairs. Then he took the towels. “You could’ve warned me.”

“Hey, man, at least you emptied your pockets.” Charlie stifled another laugh. “Last year Rick lost a new phone. He was pissed.”

Marie shouted, “Nice throw, Dave. Better than last year!”

Filled with worry, Danielle rushed to him. “You’re freezing.”

“I’m… O—K…” His teeth chattered. He realized it was also tradition and tried to take it in stride, but he was so cold. “Shi—it… that water had to be like 50 degrees.” The wind had picked up, which made it even worse.

Dave realized it had been too cold for the pool. “We gotta get you into dry clothes. Come upstairs.” He put a hand on Alex’s wet shoulder. “I’m sorry, man. Didn’t think it would be so bad.”

Alex looked up at him as they walked. “Too… bad… season… don’t… end… in… sum—mer.” He ground his teeth to stop them from chattering. “Fuck.”

Danielle followed behind them. “We’re gonna need a warm blanket.”

“I got a few in my room,” Dave assured her. Once in the bedroom, he searched his drawers, while Alex stripped off his wet clothing. When he had a dry outfit that might fit Alex, he pulled a heavy blanket from the top shelf of his closet and laid it on the bed. “This is a good one.”

Danielle helped Alex dry his body as best as she could. The towels were drenched and didn’t help much. She hugged him to help warm him. “Get on the bed,” Danielle told him. When he sat down, she frowned. “No, under the blankets. We have to warm you up somehow.”

He nodded and crawled under the covers. As he still shook, he watched Dave leave the room. “Get in here with me. That should work.” She took off her shoes, lay with him and held him close. “Body heat, babe.” Alex could think of no other way.

“In Dave’s room?” She feared he would return.

Alex shivered again. “Please. I’m so fucking cold.” He reached a hand down and sighed. His dick wasn’t hiding anymore. He watched her undress while he stroked it slowly. Each piece of clothing made it grow longer and thicker. By the time she was naked, it was fully erect and ready for action. “Come here.” He lifted the blanket invitingly.

She snuggled against him and was shocked at the temperature of his skin.
Shouldn’t it have regulated already?
“It’s not working.”

“It will.” He turned and held her close.

She caressed his arms and chest, to try to speed up the process. Every inch of her skin that touched his tingled. The cold aroused her. She didn’t tell him, though, just rubbed his body with hers, which allowed moisture to pool between her legs. Then she jumped when he touched her thigh. “What are you doing?”

“My dick’s cold, too,” he whispered. “I know something that will make it warmer.” He rolled them, so he was on top. He began to kiss her neck. “This will work much faster.” His fingers rubbed her clit as he tried to get her into it quickly. “I need you.” His tip was poised at her entrance while he kissed her lips with extreme passion. He felt the pool of moisture. “Mmm, you’re wet.”

She cringed as he pressed into her. She had expected it to hurt. It didn’t, and his dick was cold as well. Her back arched with pleasure. He gave her several languid strokes, each deeper than the last.

“Does it hurt?” The pained look had faded, but he had to know.

Danielle’s hands slid down his back while she replied, “No.” His breath over her ear made her shiver. “Oh God, Alex.” As her eyes rolled back, he shifted her legs around his body, one at a time.

He held himself up by his forearms and moaned as he thrust in further. It was as if they had not had sex in a month. “Fuck, you feel good.” He tried to be careful, afraid to hurt her. “Babe, you OK?”

Pleasure had flooded Danielle’s core. She couldn’t answer. Her nails raked his chest. Then their eyes met. He ground into her and forced every inch inside. Suddenly, she cried out. Overwhelming ecstasy washed over her. She gripped Alex’s arms and called out his name loudly.

“Love it, babe.” He groaned and leaned down while he kissed her neck. His hips moved slower while she thrashed beneath him. “Feel how well it worked? You’re so hot, I’m burning up.” His head went back when her hips lifted up to his. He glanced down, between their bodies and watched her move with him. “Damn.”

She had never had the urge to participate, when on her back. Brian’s rhythm had never allowed it, and his cruelty didn’t bring on desire. Alex, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. When her hips rose to meet his again, the sensations became stronger. Their rhythm sped up together. That was even better. Within seconds, she had to grip him tighter. Tears started to fall. Inside, she throbbed rhythmically.

Alex pumped faster, a surge of pleasure filling him. “Babe… Babe… I’m cumming.” He let go deep inside of her as he held her tight. “God, so fucking good.”

She panted as her body reacted to his yet again. Her hips ground into his uncontrollably. She looked up to say something, but words did not come. Instead, she whimpered and moaned.

“Sorry it was quick, beautiful. It’s been a long time.” He looked down to find her in tears. With a sigh of worry, he pulled out, slid down and held her close. “Why do you always cry?”

She sniffled and fought to catch her breath. “Because… I love… you.” She felt like she was high on an overdose of love and pleasure.

He smiled, sure she meant sex was different with him. “I wish it had always been this amazing for me.” His lips brushed hers. “I never knew making love was so much better.”

She gave him a half-smile while she still trembled inside. “Alex, can we go home? I’m tired.”

He got to his knees and stared at her. “We should’ve waited until we got home so you could go to sleep.” He searched for her clothes, and then helped her dress. “If you pass out in the car, I’ll just tuck you in your bed.”

“I don’t want to be alone.”

He cupped her cheek. “You won’t be. I just meant, sleep if you need to in the car.”

When Alex was in a dry outfit, they walked out of the room. Dave had just come up the stairs. “They kinda fit.” He laughed at the way his clothes looked on Alex.

“Yeah, well, they’re better than nothing.” Alex was glad the shoes fit at least. “We’re heading out.” He tucked the bundle of wet clothes wrapped in a towel under his arm. Then he winked at Dave. “You might wanna change your sheets.”

Dave grinned. “I figured. We heard fucking.” He looked down the hall, and then back. “Glad me and Charlie gave you a push. I hope you remember some of that night at least.”

Alex glanced at Danielle’s abdomen and felt a flutter of pride. “Yeah, it was an amazing night.”

Chapter 26

Logan pulled into the driveway while he gripped the steering wheel. He wasn’t sure what to expect. When the car was in Park, he looked over at Marie, next to him. She started to stir. Then he glanced back at Danielle sprawled across the back seat. They had left so early; she was too nauseous to sit up at all.

“We there?” Marie groggily asked. She looked up at her parents’ house and grinned. “Wow, that was fast.”

With a slight laugh, Logan replied, “Yeah, because you slept most of the way.” He had driven four hours straight. They only stopped once for a bathroom break. “They know we’re coming?”

“Yes.” Marie smiled. “They think you and I are only friends, so no grabbing my ass.”

He smirked. “I’ll find a way.” Quietly, he got out of the car and stretched, before he put his coat back on. Then he opened the back door and gently tugged Danielle into his arms.

Danielle was startled when her body moved but relaxed when she heard Logan say something to Marie. “Where are we?” It was just over a whisper.

“Marie’s house.” Logan kissed her forehead while her legs bounced. They hung over his arm. “How’re you feeling?” He had her wrapped in the blanket she had on her in the car.

She opened her eyes halfway, still out of it. “I guess OK.” Her stomach had settled, but she missed Alex. It was their first time apart in a long while.

Marie walked up the porch steps, her jacket lapel up to protect her neck. Memories came to her. She played in the yard and raced up those same steps. She lived in that house for as far back as she could remember. It was a hard decision to go to a college hours away, but she was glad she did it.

“I can walk now,” Danielle insisted as she looked around. Logan set her on her feet as she held onto his arm. It took her almost a minute to get her bearings. She tugged the blanket around her body tightly. “Why is it so cold here?” It was a good thing Marie insisted she pack Alex’s extra winter coat.

From the top step, Marie called to Danielle, “We’re like 400 miles north. That’s why.” She shivered.
Why didn’t I wear jeans instead of leggings?

Logan put an arm around Danielle’s back. “Alex would fuck me up if I let you walk up the stairs on your own.”

“I’m not sick or hurt, just pregnant.” Danielle shook her head. Then she stepped on a patch of ice, and her foot slipped.

Quickly, Logan steadied her and helped her up the rest of the way. “See. You’re not used to this weather. Everything gets a bit slippery. Alex needs to get you boots.” He let her go once they were on the porch. “I’ll tell him later.”

“Oh, my goodness! You’re here!” Marie’s mother, Rose, squeezed her daughter tightly. “I missed you.” The week since Thanksgiving felt like months to her.

Danielle was surprised by her thick Southern accent. Marie’s was not quite as strong. She smiled at Mrs. Parker while she moved closer. “Nice to finally meet you.”

Rose put her hands to her face as she looked over her daughter’s roommate. She had heard a lot about her. Mostly things she was told to keep to herself. However, she couldn’t stop herself from hugging her. The girl stiffened in her arms, and she looked down to see fear.

“Child, I won’t hurt you.” Rose cupped her face in her hands and tilted it up. “You’re family now. I always hug my children.” She waited until Danielle relaxed, and then rubbed her belly. “Just like you’ll hug yours.”

Nervously, Danielle met her eyes. “Thank you.” Not even her grandmother had held her like that. Her family did not express many positive feelings. She was glad when they were led into the house.

“I set up your room for you; boys on the top, girls on the bottom.” Rose didn’t look back as she headed back to the kitchen where she prepared a stew for dinner.

Marie winked at Logan. “That’s where I like my boys—on top.” She knew her mother would not allow the couples to sleep together.

Logan looked around and tried to understand why they all had to sleep in one room. Then they walked into the family room. There were several men and boys there who were watching a football game. The oldest sat in a recliner. The others spread over two couches. He backpedaled a bit. He did not expect to meet her entire family.

“Come in. Come in,” Marie’s father called to her friends while his daughter kissed his cheek. “I’m Leo. These are her little brothers, Micah and Joshua.” He gestured to teens next to him then to the ones on the far couch. “That’s her cousins Hunter and Peter. They’re staying for the weekend, too. Aunt Nina is in the hospital again.”

Danielle approached Marie. “I have to pee.” The two walked to a side hallway that led to several doors. Marie opened the bathroom door for her and walked away. Before she entered, her phone chimed. “Hello?”

“Hey, babe. You guys still driving?” Alex was in the locker room. He tried to relax, but he hated to leave her that morning.

She leaned on the doorway. “No. We’re at Marie’s.”

“You said you’d call me as soon as you got there.” His breath quickened while his worry increased. “What’s wrong?”

“Alex… I’m…” Her voice faltered.

He closed his eyes and silently berated himself. “Oh my God. I’m sorry. I’m not him. I was just worried. I swear. Babe, it’s OK.” Guilt washed over him.
Is she having flashbacks?

She took a deep breath. Fear still gripped her. “I’m fine.”

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