Give Me Something (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lee

BOOK: Give Me Something
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“If that's the case, then why does everyone else think he's so great?” I inquired referring to all of Tucker's friends.  Nick was the only one who had ever said anything bad about him.

He's good at the show.  You've have no idea who he actually is.”

I'm starting to think that you're the one who has no idea who he is.”  Nick's expression was one of agitation, but I didn't care.  I was done hurting people who didn't deserve it.

Look,” he said sternly, “I didn't want to have to tell you this, but I overheard Tucker talking to some of the guys at the house about you.”

What did he say?”  My curiosity piqued.

They were giving him shit about being so serious with you. He told them that as soon as he sealed the deal he'd be on to the next girl.”

Hmmm...” I murmured out, trying to make sense of it all.  “You believed him?”

Why wouldn't I?  I watched him play that game all last year.  I told you he was a player.  He loves the chase.  He'd do anything to fuck a girl.  Just look how easy it was for you to get that check from him.”

I guess,” I mumbled out as I bit at my lip.  Why was I letting myself get so wrapped up in this guy?  He'd told me himself that he'd been with a lot of girls. He probably told them the same things he told me last night.

He throws money around and promises girls the world just to get a piece of ass.  It's ridiculous,” he exclaimed and shook his head as if he was such a saint when it came to girls.  “Sorry if this upsets you, Rae.”

I shook my head and cast aside any feelings I thought I had for Tucker. “It doesn't upset me.  I just let him get in my head.  I should have just listened to you from the get-go.”  I rested my head on Nick's shoulder.  I was pissed at myself for falling for Tucker.  I should have never let a pretty face and even prettier words cloud my judgment.  I realized that the way Tucker made me feel was exactly the way I made guys feel about me before I took their money.  “Thank you.”

“Of course.  I should have made sure you really knew what you were dealing with.  Tucker's a charming guy. It's not your fault that you fell for his routine. He's not like the old sleazebags you're used to dealing with.”

I shouldn't have let my guard down.” I pulled back and looked at Nick's smiling face.  “It won't happen again.  I should have just trusted you from the beginning.”

It's okay, Rae,” he said, stroking my hair.  “Now that your heads back in the game, we're good to go, right?  Because I need you.  I can't do this alone.”

Yeah.”  Hearing that Nick needed me reminded me that I needed him too.  After all we'd been through together I felt guilty for even entertaining the possibility of having anything real with Tucker.

And then he kissed me.  It was different than the passionate kiss we'd shared the last time.  This time it was sweet and tender.  His lips slowly moved over mine in a delicate rhythm.  My stomach fluttered at his touch.  It reconfirmed that Nick knew me better than anyone.  He was more than just my best friend.  He was my everything.  He removed his lips from mine and let our foreheads rest together.  “I needed that,” I whispered.

“You're my girl, Rae.  You know that, right?  I always know what you need.”

I rested my head on his shoulder.  Nick was right.  I was his girl and now that I knew all about Tucker, his earlier proclamation of the same meant nothing.  I wondered how many of the girls Tucker had called his girl.  Hell, he was probably paying for all of them to go to college. 

I pulled Nick in closer to me and took in a deep breath.  After our conversation, Tucker was just another guy with easy money. 
Game on.


Chapter 10

Other than a couple lunch dates, I hadn't seen Tucker all week.  On top of us both having full class loads, I had work and he had fraternity obligations.  I cashed the check Tucker had given me and handed the money off to Nick.  He sent it to Belletti, and I was able to let a little bit of relief into my system.  We still needed twenty-eight grand to pay off Nick's debt, but I'd come up with a way to keep Tucker on the hook and squeeze some more money out of him – my fake birthday.  Of course, my actual birthday was still a few months away, but no one knew that except Nick.  Birthdays equal gifts and I was hoping that Tucker was an over-the-top kind of guy.

Brynn and I were all set to head over to the Sigma house for my birthday party that Nick had planned.  My job was to play dumb and act super surprised. I took extra care in getting ready.  I was to be under the impression that it was just another kegger at the frat house, so I picked out a casual outfit: the skinny jeans that made my butt look the best, a red, fitted long sweater with a deep-v neckline, and my cute slouchy, black boots.  By the time I added on a necklace and my silver hoop earrings, I was pretty sure that I'd made casual look pretty sexy.  Aside from the way the jeans hugged all my curves just right, the shirt I had chosen showed just enough cleavage to keep Tucker's attention on me.  Added bonus – red was Nick's favorite color.

It's your birthday!” Brynn lilted as we walked down the street.  “I'm sorry that we didn't have time to plan a party for you.”

It was comical to watch as Brynn used all of her acting tricks to convince me that there wasn't a party behind the doors of the house we were about to walk into.  I could hear the music blaring as the freshman pledge on duty that night opened the door for us.

“Evening ladies.” He smiled as he motioned for us to enter.  “Have a
time,” he added with a chuckle as with wide eyes.  He really could have benefited from a few of Brynn's acting classes.  Just as we turned to go into the living room, Nick halted the music from his DJ booth and immediately started playing the Beatles' birthday song that everyone used when they were trying to look cool and avoid falling into the cliché of the actual
Happy Birthday
song.  Either way, I hated birthday songs.  I would have much rather listened to anything that didn't remind me how much my actual birthday was just the beginning of a childhood of being disappointed.  Maybe it was selfish, but every birthday I spent wishing I'd gotten an actual Barbie instead of a dollar store knock-off doll.

Nick's smiling face caught my eye as I painted on a look of “Omigod, you did not just surprise me?!” I even pulled my hands up to my face like the girls in pageants do when they find out they are the winner. 
Take that, Brynn!
  I watched Nick fight back a laugh at my performance before being swept up in Tucker's arms.

Happy Birthday, buddy,” he whispered in my ear as he circled me around the floor.

Thank you!” I beamed as he set my feet down.  “You did all of this for me?” I looked around at the balloon-and-streamer decorated room.  There was a crowd of people, most of whom I recognized from my time at the house with Tucker.

I wish I could take all the credit, but it was your old pal Nick, over there” he nodded his head toward the DJ booth.
“You didn't even tell me it was your birthday,” he said as he looked down his nose at me with a slight frown.

I guess it slipped my mind,” I played dumb.  “Someone has been occupying all my thoughts lately.”  I rose up on my toes and placed my lips on his.  His arms tightened around my waist as he pulled my mouth tight to his.  He tasted so good, bu before I let myself devour him, I pulled away.  “Let's save that for later.”  I was becoming seriously pissed off at myself for
to kiss him.  I'd thought that I had my willpower under control, but then he came over looking all yummy in his jeans and fitted blue polo and I forget what I'm doing. 
Damn it, Lila.  Get it together! 
Aside from the fact that I was overly attracted to him, I had managed to keep my emotions in check, too.  If I was just a piece of ass to him, then he would just have to be the same for me.  The fact that I was going to be able to get Nick out of debt was the real goal.  I'd just have to “suffer” through the kissing part.

We can definitely do that,” he said with a sexy grin.  I was so focused on the possibility of kissing him later that I didn't even notice Brynn standing beside until she cleared her throat.

Are you two lovebirds ready for a drink?” she asked, holding up two red plastic cups, each filled to the brim with beer.

I slipped from Tucker's grasp and grabbed my cup. “Sure am!” I took a big swig, hoping the alcohol would settle my nerves.  I finished the glass in three big gulps and handed my empty cup back to my friend.  “Get me another?” I requested, wiping the corners of my mouth.

“That a girl!” Brynn laughed as she handed me the other full cup and headed back toward the keg.

You better slow down, birthday girl,” Tucker warned, taking the cup from my hand and pulling up to his lips for a drink.

Yeah, you better slow down,” I heard Nick's advice over my shoulder.  “Wouldn't want you to do anything stupid tonight.”  I turned around to see him with a less than pleased look on his face.  I was just about to tell him that I could handle my liquor just fine, when Tucker spoke in my defense.

Don't you worry, Nicky,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder.  “I'll take good care of her.”  The air felt thick as I took in a deep breath. I leaned back against Tucker and watched as Nick struggled to hide the jealousy in his eyes.  I'd never seen Tucker be so possessive of me.  Apparently, the kiss he witnessed between me and Nick was still on his mind.

I know you will,” Nick sneered and plastered on an agreeable smile.  “I just came over to wish Lila a happy birthday.”

Thanks, Nick,” I said. “And thanks for party. It's perfect.”  I tried to convey to him through my eyes that I had everything under control.  He smiled and nodded at me with a wink to let me know that he understood.

Well, I better get back to the music.  Have fun tonight.” He turned to leave, but before he took his first step he looked back at me. “Save me a dance, Rae.”

You got it,” I agreed as I felt Tucker's arms tighten on my waist.  When Nick's back was to us, I turned in Tucker's arms.  “Do you mind telling me what that was about?”

What?” he asked coyly.

You know what I'm talking about.”

It's nothing.” He leaned in and tried to distract me with a kiss.

Nice try, buddy,” I taunted as I pulled away from him.  “I told you that you have nothing to worry about.  Nick and I are just friends.” I lied.

Yeah, I know.” He hung his head. “Sorry.”

It's okay.” I tilted his head up with my hand.  “Just remember, I'm with you.  Not him.”  I lied again.  The truth of the matter was I wasn't really with either of them and it was starting to suck.  I needed another drink, like yesterday.

You're right.  Must just be my arrogant side,” he laughed.  “I mean you're the hottest girl in the room.  I gotta defend my claim.”

Is that right?” I grinned as I put my arms around his neck and started swaying to the music.  “I'm your claim, huh?”

You're something like that,” he smirked, pulling my body closer to his and matching my rhythm. We stayed on the dance floor for what seemed like hours as I let myself get lost the sweet embrace of Tucker's arms.

Shots, shots, shots!” Jenna sang as she danced her way out on the floor.  Matt was following closely with a tray full of tiny glasses.  “Happy birthday!” she yelled, wrapping her arms around me.  Judging by her enthusiasm, she must have started celebrating for me early.  I laughed as Matt handed Tucker and me shot glasses.  Jenna grabbed hers and we clinked them together before throwing our heads back and swallowing down the throat-burning concoction.

My face twisted at the taste. “Whew! Thanks guys!” I shook my head at Matt and Jenna.

“Just doing our part to make sure the birthday girl has a great time,” Matt said, patting Tucker on the back.  “We can't leave it in this guy's hands.”

Don't you worry. I'm going to make sure that Lila has a great time,” Tucker insisted and flashed a cocky smile my way.  What the hell did that mean? I immediately thought about what Nick told me.  Tucker was crazy if he thought I was going to get wasted and sleep with him.  He had a lot of nerve acting so freaking superior in front of Matt. 

I'll be right back,” I uttered and quickly turned from the group.  I needed to get some air and calm down before I told Tucker to shove it up his ass.  I walked through the crowd and out the back door.  The deck was cluttered with party goers and beer cans, so I opted for an unoccupied picnic table across the yard.  I was stewing on my thoughts when Nick sat down next to me.

You okay?” he asked with a slur, lighting the cigarette that was hanging from his lip.

I studied him with a stern look. “You're a hypocrite, you know that!?”

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