Give Me Something (8 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lee

BOOK: Give Me Something
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I need your ID.”  Tucker cautiously drawled, hoping that I had a fake.  We probably should have discussed his before coming to a club, but he didn't need to worry.  I had more fake IDs than I knew what to do with.  I reached into my purse, pulled out my wallet, and carefully pulled out the one with my real name on it in case Tucker sneaked a peak.

I ordered you a rum and Coke,” he said, handing the waitress my ID.  She quickly glanced over it before returning it to Tucker.

Thanks. How did you know what I drink?” I inquired.

I know a lot of things about you, Lila Garrison.”  He handed me the ID, placed his arm around my shoulders, and glanced out at the club.

And how exactly do you know these things about me, Tucker Kline?”  I asked, letting my shoulder nudge into him, as I pulled my hair to one side and tilted my head with a flirty smile.

I asked around,” he replied.  I started to wonder if he had a folder full of information on me as well. 
Who exactly has he been talking to?
  “Where'd you get the ID?  It looks real.”

I know a guy,” I smirked.  “That one even has all my correct information on it.  With the exception of the birth year, of course.”  He gave me an impressed nod.

Hey, presh!” Brynn bounced up to our table in her usual fashion.  Tonight she was wearing a perfectly styled ponytail and a silver sparkly mini-dress.  “Hello, Tucker.” She turned her attention to him, giving him a not-so-sly once over with her eyes.

Hi, Brynn,” he said, returning her smile.

Are you alone?” I asked.  “You can sit with us.”

Actually, I'm waiting for my date. She shook her head. “I don't want to interrupt.”

Don't be silly.” I motioned for her to sit. “You don't have to wait by yourself.”  I look to Tucker hoping that he didn't mind.  He winked, letting me know it was okay with him.

I have a better idea.” She looked at the dance floor and back at us with a smile.  “Tucker, would you mind if I stole your date for a quick dance?”

Tucker's eyes turned to me.  I was already grinning in anticipation of dancing.  It was the perfect way to get a little bit closer to Nick without looking obvious.  “Not at all.” He graciously slid out of the booth and offered me his hand to help me out.  “Just don't keep her out there all night.” He wagged his eyebrows at Brynn.

“You got it boss.” She playfully saluted him.

I stood up from the seat, my hand still in Tucker's.  He pulled me against his body and whispered into my ear, “Watch your dress.”  He let his lips press into the skin just below my ear.  I felt the air leave my lungs as he released my hand.

As I walked out to the dance floor with Brynn, the tingling sensation on my skin made me flick my eyes back to Tucker who was now joined by a handful of his fraternity brother I recognized from the party I'd gone to.  I was starting to resent the fact that Tucker had the ability to do that to my body.  This would be a lot easier if he wasn't so freaking gorgeous.

You are one lucky bitch, Lila Garrison,” Brynn hollered above the music as she pulled me next to her.  “Tucker keeps looking at you like he wants to eat you alive!”

I shook my head, gave her my most convincing smile, and tried to make myself believe that I hadn't noticed the abundance of sexual tension that was starting to mount between us.  My eyes immediately went to the DJ booth and locked with Nick's.  There was no way I was going to let a little bit of lust get in the way of getting exactly what I wanted.  Nick's eyes fluttered between the mixing board and the space where Brynn and I were dancing.  I started moving my body in sync with the rhythm of the music, adding an exaggerated sway of my hips timed precisely with the thump of the bass.  I watched as Nick checked to see where Tucker's eyes were before he let a wink fly in my direction.  Brynn was oblivious to the interaction between us as she took her arms above her head and she gyrated her body in a full circle.  Nick slowed the rhythm down and I moved in time with the music, bending my body down, giving him an ample view of my cleavage.  When I thought he'd gotten a good peek, I whipped my head back and seductively ran my tongue across my lips.  I could tell it was working when I saw him bite down on his bottom lip and shake his head at me.  One of the waitresses motioned for Nick's attention and he leaned over to talk to her, breaking our stare.  I was planning my next move when I felt a pair of hands splay across my hips and pull me into a wall of a man.

“You look amazing out here.” Tucker's raspy whisper in my ear only added to the tizzy I'd worked myself into dancing for Nick.  He started moving his body with mine.  With each syncopation of the rhythm, our bodies collided.  For as strong and solid as he was he had surprisingly good rhythm.  Tucker's hands moved down the fronts of my thighs and his fingers tickled the skin at the hemline of my dress.  I moved my ass against him as I let his touch melt my insides.  His lips trailed kisses along my bare shoulders as I wrapped one arm up around his neck.  I closed my eyes as I felt his hands move back up my body and settle on my hips. “The things I'm gonna do to you...” he whispered.  A combination of a moan and a sigh passed my lips as I imagined all the
I wanted him to do.

The sudden scratching of a record and the abrupt change in music jolted my eyes open.  When I opened them I saw Nick look quickly down at the mixing board.  I knew that he'd done that on purpose.  There was no way he'd screw up the transition between songs that way.
Was he jealous?
I stopped dancing and turned to Tucker.  “I need a drink.”

I motioned to Brynn that we were going to go back to our seats and pulled Tucker off the dance floor.  Lucky for me, our drinks had arrived.  I grabbed mine and tossed the tiny red straw on the table.

“I don't think Nick liked the way we were dancing,” he noted, sliding in the booth with a smug grin on his face.  “He changed that song pretty quick.  Maybe he doesn't want us dating.”  I was surprised that Tucker was as perceptive about Nick as I was.  I guess they did live together.  “Guess he's taking that whole brother-sister thing seriously,” he laughed.

I downed the drink in two gulps.  “He has no say in who I date,” I
told him.  What the hell was Nick doing?  Was he trying to ruin everything?  I took Tucker's hand and let him pull me in the booth next to him.  “And who said we were dating, anyways?”

The way you were dancing with me makes me think we are going to do a lot more than date.”  He placed his hand on my leg and slowly moved it back and forth across my bare skin.  It must have been the two glasses of wine I had with dinner coupled with the rum I'd just downed, because I suddenly felt lightheaded.

That's going to take a lot more than just dancing, buddy,” I playfully whispered into his ear.

Okay, buddy.” His hand moved from my leg to my face in a split second. He tilted my face to meet his, while his free hand moved to my waist and pulled me closer to him. My hands instinctively went to his chest, gathering the fabric of his shirt and pulling him toward me.  My mind flashed to Nick, but I suddenly didn't care if he was watching.  All I wanted was for Tucker to kiss me, which he did.  Good and hard.  His lips moved over mine in a domineering attack that I willfully surrendered to.  I was putty in his hands and I loved the way it felt.  He pulled my bottom lip between his teeth before flicking his tongue against mine.  The entire club disappeared as we faded into each other.  Tucker kissed like he did everything else – with a purpose.

Let's get out of here,” Tucker whispered as he pulled away from our kiss.  I hesitated a moment before following him out of the booth.  I felt a bit guilty leaving with Tucker, but then again I was trying to make him fall for me.  It appeared to be working and this
what Nick wanted.

By the time we made our way out of the club and back to the car, I was pretty sure I knew what Tucker wanted to do.  Before he opened my door for me, he pushed me up against the car and let his lips continue to dominate mine.  I was about three seconds away from letting him throw me in the back seat and have his way with me.

“Wait,” I panted between labored breaths, “we need to slow this down.”  My mind was saying stop, but my hands continued to navigate down his muscular back to the bottom of his shirt.  Just as I was about to slip my fingers under it and feel the warmth of his skin on my hands, I stopped, alerting him to the fact that I really wanted to put the brakes on what was happening in a parking lot full of drunk college kids.

Really?” he asked before letting his lips nip the sensitive skin of my neck.  “I was hoping we could speed this along and you'd let me take you back to my place.”  He raised his head and greeted me with a sinfully delicious smile.

As tempting as that sounds...” his hands slid from my waist to the curves of my hips as he returned his mouth to my neck. “And feels...”  I felt myself start to succumb to him again and willed my hands to separate us.  I knew I had a lot of ground work left to lay if I wanted to get access to his fortune, but all I could think about was being just another conquest to him.  I knew he'd dated a lot of women, and whatever it was he was doing to me made me want to be more than the girl doing the walk of shame and never hearing from him again.  “Please, we need to stop.  I don't want to be...” I trailed off.  “We just need to slow down.”

You're right,” he said, pulling his lips from mine.  “You just look so damn good tonight.  It's hard to control myself.”  It most definitely was
I could feel every inch of him as he pulled me closely to him and wrapped his arms around me.  “You'll never be one of those girls, Lila.  I like you too much already.”  I felt my heart skip a beat.
Could he read my mind?
He placed a soft kiss on my cheek before opening the car door.  “Let's get you home.”


Chapter 6

I wasn't surprised when I cracked my eyes open the next morning and saw Nick lying on the bed facing me with smirk.

“Morning, sleepyhead.”

Hi,” I said, still half asleep, letting my eyes fall shut.

Guess you're worn out from your wild night with Tucker.”

My eyes were open.  Fully open.  “Excuse me?”

“Nothing,” he said, throwing his hands behind his head and rolling on to his back.  “I just assumed the way you left the club last night you were with him until the wee hours of the morning.”  He tried to keep a cool demeanor, but I knew he was digging for information on what happened after we'd left.

For your information, Tucker brought me home after we left the club. There was no
night.” I paused.  “I was just doing my job.  The job you asked me to do, remember?”

Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes.  “I just didn't expect all the touchy shit.”

Tucker's not like the old the guys we're used to dealing with.  He's young and hot...” I couldn't believe I'd just said that to Nick.  I could tell by his expression that he didn't really want to hear it.  I started to backtrack. “You know what I mean.  It's going to take a little bit more to keep him interested.”

I got it,” he said flatly.

And what was with you screwing up the music when we were dancing?  Not cool.”

I have no idea what you're talking about.”  He tried to play it off, but I could see he was hiding concern in his eyes.  “My hand must have slipped or something.”

If I didn't know any better, I'd say
you're jealous,” I added, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.  When the cover fell from my body I was reminded of the fact that I was too drunk,
or hot and bothered
, to put on pajamas.  Instead, I was wearing a strapless bra and a very revealing pair of silk panties.  I saw Nick's eyes meander over to my body.  Normally, I would have pulled the cover back up and modestly hid myself from his view.  Maybe it was the attention I'd been receiving from Tucker or the fact that I knew Nick really wanted to be with me, but I felt pretty secure with myself. I turned to give Nick a frontal view of what I was – or better yes, wasn't – wearing.

Am not,” he forced out.

I think you are,” I smirked, moving over to straddle him.  “I think you are really...” I placed my hands on opposites sides of his head, leaning over and lowering my mouth inches from his ear.  My hair spilled around his face. “Really... j
ealous.”  Nick closed his eyes and took a deep breath in through his nose.  I felt him tense up as I continued to torment him by gingerly moving my body against his.  He moved his hands from behind his head and placed them on the bare skin of my waist, his rough fingertips kneading into my flesh.

Is that what you think?”  He asked as his eyes snapped open.  Before I could answer he quickly shifted his weight, flipping us around until he was on top of me.  Grabbing my wrists, he moved my arms above my head, pinning me in place. “Maybe a little,” he whispered, letting his lips linger on my cheek.  “I don't like the fact that he's getting to spend all this time with you, but I know you're only playing a part.  You're good at this and I know you'd never let it go too far.  I can handle dancing and touching and... kissing.”  I could tell he forced himself to add that last part.  He'd seen Tucker kiss me already, and I couldn't take back what had already happened.

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