Read Glass Towers: Surrendered Online

Authors: Adler,Holt,Ginger Fraser

Glass Towers: Surrendered (2 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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“So, are you complaining?”

“Not at all, handsome. I am game!”

“Good. I figured so. You know I am going to make love to your sweet body in more ways that you have never imagined.”

Lord! I am not sure he will ever lose his sexual appetite. I mean come-on, I should nickname him the bionic sexual man. But, still, I am not complaining!

Harrison helped me unpack; we took a little snooze to recharge our batteries and headed out to the ocean. We spent the remainder of our day swimming, snorkeling, collecting shells and just enjoying our alone time with each other. Making out under the sun, our bodies were against one another every minute of the day. We could not seem to keep our hands off one another. That evening, we ventured into town and spent the night dancing away at the Warf, which overlooks the ocean in Georgetown. I have never ever seen Harrison so out of his element. He was fun, carefree and out of his head. Of course, every woman in the restaurant and dance lounge was eyeing him all night long. I did not mind. An exotic location, with the best-looking man in the joint and his arm around me and mouth pressed against my lips the whole night, I could not picture doing anything else. Who knew Harrison had such moves! Okay, I figured, since he rocked the sheets, he would do the same on the dance floor. And, did he ever deliver!

We danced about two hours and it was nearing 11 PM. Harrison grabbed my hand and pulled me off the dance floor. He led me through the crowd of people, while everyone was staring at us. Well, mainly, staring at Harrison, for that matter.

He pulled me into a corner, outside on the patio of the restaurant. Grabbed both sides of my face and planted the most delicious, sensual mind blowing attack on my lips. His want and need showed through in the way he kissed me. As if he could not get enough. God, that made me so hot. My whole core and sex were pulsating with desire. I just wished he would pull my dress up and fuck me right there, right then. His body pressed up against mine, with his hands now firmly against the wall. He had me captured in between the wall and his body. Exactly where I always want to be. I can never get enough of this man.

Harrison tore his luscious lips away from mine, his breathing ragged from passion. He got close to my ear and whispered, “Danielle, you have absolutely no idea how hard it is for me to force myself to stop thinking about you. Not sometimes, but all the time.”

Shit! Swoon! Melt! I was melting damn him, just melting. Limp. That was exactly how I felt. He knows exactly what to say to me at the most perfect time. He can’t ever stop thinking about me. God, I love this! If he only knew that he consumes my every waking second of every damn day.

So, this is love. True, honest, uninhibited, passionate, vulnerable love.

Harrison proceeded to grab my hand and led me down a stone staircase. It put us right out on the sand. The water was calmer than I had expected it to be. Harrison and I walked hand in hand down the beach about a half a mile. The beach was pretty quiet, maybe only a handful of people out while we walk Seven Mile Beach. Grand hotels and palm trees line Seven Mile. This was a nice change from our secluded resort estate. I loved being immersed in the Cayman culture. Absorbing the Caribbean music, eating conch fritters and all the delicious seafood dishes. The Caymanians are really some of the nicest people I have met, in my entire lifetime. The island was so clean, safe, and full of life that it made you feel good to be there. ‘No worries’ I guess should be the catch phrase for Grand Cayman.

Harrison found a secluded alcove on the beach. It was almost like a private little beach, surrounded by large rocks. We ducked through, and Harrison grabbed my hands. He pulled me close to his body and ran his tongue from left to right, over my bottom lip.

“God, I want to just bite this delectable, firm lip of yours, Danielle.” His hands slid up my dress and grabbed my ass firmly, as he pulled me into him. The sounds of the crashing waves against the rocks covered my sensual moans. He started to work his tongue over my lips and down my neck. Running his tongue up and down my neck, while stopping to suckle at my ear, he hit my sweet spot, sending shivers down my spine. He pulled the rest of my dress over my head and tossed it behind him. He began to slide his body and tongue down, down and down. He stopped at my breasts. Grasping both of them in his hands and squeezing firmly, as he pushed his face in between them. Licking underneath my hard tits and flicking his tongue all around them, while he took each one deep into his mouth. Devouring every last inch.

“Jesus, Harrison.”

He looked up at me and gave me that devilish smile. My body trembled as I grabbed his hair and pulled him closer into me.

His tongue was moving south, over my belly button, and then horizontally to my waistline. He began to run that expert tongue up and down the length of my sides, while holding firmly onto my hips.

In a matter of seconds, his mouth was on my soaking wet heat, through my lace panties. Running his tongue up and down the length of my swollen, needy lips. I felt as if  I was ready to combust. He continued to tease me, ever so well. I faintly remembered him doing this before. Honestly, this was one of the hottest things that I had ever experienced. Harrison continued trying to plunge his tongue through the lace. I wanted it so bad. My panties were soaked with his desire and my juices. I reached down, as I could not take it any longer. I slid my panties to the side and pushed his face into me as he went wild on me. He pulled back just a little. His tongue flicked at my entrance, and then slightly parting the tissues, he threw his hands behind my ass and pushed me into his mouth as he slipped his tongue deep inside me. His whole face devoured inside of me. He continued, faster, harder, and with the most passion that I have ever felt when he has eaten my pussy out. This is one thing that I could never live without. Number one would be Harrison, and number two would be how he makes me cum with that skilled tongue of his. Damn! I lifted one of my legs and placed it on the rock to the right of me, leaving Harrison beneath me. Wrapping his hands under my thighs and holding my body tight, he attacked my sex.

I started to feel the build up and my wetness was pulsating hard on his tongue. I just wanted to come all over that sweet tongue of his. He loves it when he can pleasure me like that. I can feel his strength and determination to get me to climax in record time. All of the sudden, he stuck one finger inside of me, as he was tongue-fucking my pussy. The pressure of his finger and his tongue heightened the pleasure. The feeling of having both inside of me, pleasuring every inch of my sex, set me off. I threw my head back, as I grabbed onto those hot locks of his. Pulling tighter with both hands as my orgasm intensified. My body was shaking and pulsing. That full-body cum that he was giving me, led me to scream out his name, while losing all control of my breathing. I feel as if I have just run wind sprints for 30 minutes. I could not keep up. The orgasm  did not stop. I pushed Harrison’s head away as my orgasm came down, I could not take any more of his tongue on my dripping sex.

ter Two


I awoke the next morning in the master bedroom of ‘Serenity’.

I looked next to me, and found that Harrison was not in bed. On his pillow is a sunset-orange and pink rose. I picked it up and it smelled divine. I climbed out of bed, threw on my robe, and ventured out to the Great Room. I could smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The kitchen island was arranged with every type of breakfast food that I could imagine. I headed out into the Great Room, and I could see Harrison outside on the deck, talking on his cell. I watched him while he conducted his call. When he hung up, he seemed to be staring out into the light blue ocean. He was wearing nothing but a low-rise pair of white cotton pajama pants. Damn, he was fine. A true sight, with those messed up ‘I just got rocked’ locks flowing in the slight breeze.

I headed out onto the balcony.

He turned, as I opened the sliding glass door.

“Aw, my love. You slept well. How do you feel?”

“I feel amazing,” I reply, while holding the rose in my hand. “I really don’t want to leave here. I like spending every minute and hour of every day with you.” I took the rose and held it up to my nose to take in the sweet aroma.

“Me too, beautiful. I wish I could just whisk you away and never return back home. Come, you must be hungry.” He took his hand in mine, and we walked inside the kitchen.

“Thank you. For the rose. That was so romantic to see when I woke up. I’d rather it have been you, but I love it.”

“You are welcome. It is called a sunset rose. I thought it would fit tonight just perfectly.”

“What’s going on tonight?”

“Oh, Danielle. Do you really think I am going to give all my cards away?” He smiled with a devious little grin. I knew that a plan was churning in his head. I could tell that he had this whole trip planned to a T.

We finished breakfast, relaxed poolside for a while, and got dressed. It was late afternoon, and I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. We headed out the front doors to find a Jeep Wrangler, with the top off, waiting for us.

“Is that a part of our adventure today?”

“Mmm hmmm. That it is.”

“Wow! I have never been in one before. What a great way to explore the island! Okay, so where are we heading to, Harrison?”

“If I told you, everything wouldn’t be so exciting anymore, now would it?”

“Okay, Okay...I know the drill. Let’s go!”

I could see the young smile on his face wash over him. He looked like a college boy who was just taking his new girlfriend on their first date.

We took a long drive through Georgetown and made our way to the west side of the island. Through winding roads, we made our way to a place where there were no hotels in sight. Small, brightly colored homes lined the streets. There were a few roosters here and there, and a cow!

Whoa! A cow on the side of the road! Ha! With a bell around its neck and all. Okay, that was just hilarious. I love this island. Laid back is an understatement.

We pulled into a driveway and I saw horses in the distance.


“Harrison, look at me. Are we going horseback riding?” I could barely contain my excitement.


“Oh, come on!” My voice escalated with excitement.

We pulled into the sand parking lot, and I flew out of the car.

I walked as fast as I could up to the fence of the arena, where the horses were kept. Three horses were already saddled. .”

“Do you like them, Danielle?”

“Like them? I am loving this. We actually used to have a horse when I was younger. I was small, but I remember that we had to give him away to a good home.”

“Oh, I had no idea. Is this okay for you?”

“Okay? Yes of course! I love horses. This is beyond what I could ever imagine that you would have planned for us. I was really little when I used to ride, you will have to teach me all over again.”

The guide took Harrison and I out to a secluded beach, miles of white sand beach and ocean, with no one in sight. It was so romantic. If only we could have gotten rid of the guide who had to escort us. We ended up at the tip of the island. The horses trotted through some shallow water, where the ground was covered in conch shells. Large, gorgeous, pink, orange and ivory shells were tucked near the green grasses that grew out of the water.

Harrison turned to me and I knew that he could see the excitement in my eyes. He jumped off the horse and gathered about six shells. He had tucked away a large plastic bag with him. So sweet! I overheard him ask the guide to help us. Harrison handed our guide the bag of shells and helped me off my horse.

“Harrison, what are we doing?”

“Well, I thought we could swim with the horses.”

“Swim with the horses? Are you kidding me? Since when do people swim with the horses?”

“Haven’t you heard of this? So you don’t want to?”

“Oh, my! This is not going the way I planned. This just seems all too dangerous.”

“Don’t worry, pretty girl. It will be just fine. I promise,” the jolly Caymanian man says to me.

“Okay, it is now or never. Let’s do it.”

“That’s my girl. Okay, Ben will go out first, and then our horses will follow him. Are you okay with that?”

“Um, sure. This is safe right?”

“Ben, have there been any accidents while doing this since you have worked at the stables?”

“Oh, just one or two. Nothing to worry about.”

“Okay that is reassuring, Harrison. One or two? See how he doesn’t go into detail about what happened!?!?!”

“Will it make you feel better if we share a horse?”

“YES! Oh God,  yes.”


Ben guided his horse into the water, and we watched him as the horse swam with Ben on his back.

Amazing. Just amazing. It looked as if the horse liked it as well. I had never seen anything like that.

“Don’t worry, pretty girl, they are trained to do this. You will be fine!”

Harrison and I slipped into the water. The horse let out a loud neigh, and scared me half to death. I grabbed Harrison’s hand and squeezed it as tight as I could. Am I really riding with Harrison on a horse, in the water, on Grand Cayman! Someone pinch me now!

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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