Read Glass Towers: Surrendered Online

Authors: Adler,Holt,Ginger Fraser

Glass Towers: Surrendered (5 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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Chapter Five


We headed back to the Estate, a short drive from Rum Pointe. Harrison led me into one of the upstairs bedrooms. When I walked in, I was completely floored. There was an array of beautiful designer dresses hanging on a rack.

“Wow, they are just gorgeous! How in the world did you...”

“Simone actually helped out with this one.”

“Ah, Simone. Of course. That girl knows me like the back of her hand. This is just amazing.”

“She did spend quite some time selecting these for you.”

I walked over to the rack and started sorting through the hangers, while eyeing each of the garments from top to bottom. There were a few each in white, nude and blush.

“I love them. They couldn’t be more perfect.”

“Good. They are all yours.”

“All mine?”

“Yes, each and every one of them. I know we will get good use out of the dresses for various future events. They are all unique and will look exquisite on you. I’ll thoroughly enjoy taking each of them off you
Mi Amore
.” He said seductively.

I felt my face blushing
, and I was so taken aback by the whole thing that I didn’t have a quipped response. “Well, thank you. I love them all.”

“I love you
, Danielle. I want to always see you happy like this.”

“Your hair and makeup team will be here shortly. Antonio is our wedding coordinator for this evening. He
, of course, was chosen by Simone, and they have been working closely to design a beach ceremony for us.”

“How sneaky, but genius. I can’t believe she didn’t spill the beans to me! Knowing she can’t keep anything a secret.”

“I made it worth her while, she graciously agreed.”

“Oh you two. I am just ecstatic over this. I can’t believe this is actually happening in a few hours. So
, if Clarke knows, does anyone else know?”

He smiled his panty
-dropping mega-watt grin. “Well, remember the night I surprised you at the beach. I had some time with your father before you and your mom came home. While we visited, I asked your dad for your hand in marriage.”

I gasped. “Seriously? How gallant of you
, Harrison.” I purred, “ So, do my parents know we are getting married now? I mean do they know you planned this getaway and wedding?”

Again, he smiled in his delicious way. “Yes and no. I told them
that I planned to ask you to marry me when you got here, if you said yes, then we were going to marry right away so the rest of the trip could be our honeymoon. I have not contacted them yet; we can call them tomorrow to tell them. Now, Simone knows everything, I needed her help to pull this off.”

“I still can’t believe she kept this under wraps. No wonder she was being a little standoffish when I was getting ready for the trip. So what about your parents
? Have you told them?”

“Yes, they are thrilled I have found someone
with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. They were a bit hesitant because it does seem rushed to them, but they are excited to welcome you into the family. My mother said that any woman that would pull me out of my slump was daughter-in-law material.”

“Oh, am I dreaming? This all seems so surreal! I guess I was the only one who didn’t know about the plan.” I giggled.

He made a move toward the door, “Ok, I will let you relax and get ready. Next time I see you will be at our beach ceremony.” He paused, “You know, you have made me the luckiest man in the world. I love you
mi amour

“I love you.”

Oh, swoon! Harrison kissed me gently on the forehead and then my lips. He excused himself and set off to get ready.

I rummaged through the rack again, and
came across a floor-length white silk and chiffon dress. It had a halter neck and a long slit up to my mid thigh. There was also a small gathering of material in the back that swooped down, resembling a train, and the back was open. That was the perfect beach wedding dress. If there was a slight breeze, it would sway a little in the warm air. I slipped it over my head. It fit just beautifully and accentuated my natural curves.

About ten minutes later
, the ‘glam team’ arrived to doll me up. I was so glad Simone thought of every last detail! Goodness knows I need the help sometimes! The hair stylist put soft curls into my hair, so it was loose and flowed freely about my sun kissed shoulders. For the makeup, she applied a soft shell pink on my lids. To add drama, she lined the top lid at the lash line and the corners. It simply enhanced my natural beauty, as the ‘glam gal’ put it. I thought it made my green eyes simply pop. She brushed a little bronzer on my cheeks, forehead and chin, which gave me a dewy, glowing appearance. Though, I doubt that I would have needed it. The light inside me was blazing bright that night, and that had to be radiating through my skin. A little coral lip stain and a touch of gloss and I was good to go. I rubbed some vanilla scented skin glow lotion over my entire body. I slipped on a pair of silk thong panties then I put on the gorgeous gown. I stood in the mirror, admiring myself, when goose bumps traveled up and down my spine. I was so happy that I for a second thought it may have been a dream. For once in my life, I was letting myself live without restrictions. I acted with wild abandon for the man I love. Satisfied with my appearance, I turned to leave the room and follow my destiny.

I walked downstairs and ran into
a handsome young man. He was on the main landing of the entryway, pacing the floors back and forth, holding a pen and notebook. He was about 6’2, strong build, green eyes, dark loose tousled hair, tanned skin and wore impeccably tailored clothing. That was the guy Simone hired to plan the ceremony? Mr. Gorgeous? I hoped he could execute the secret plans she had been keeping from me.

“Oh, look absolutely stunning. Just stunning! Come here let me take a look at you.”

“And you must be Antonio,” I extended my hand to his.

He bypassed my hand and threw his arms around my neck.

“Oh, Mrs. Towers, well soon to be, it is a pleasure to meet you, gorgeous. Just radiant,” he gushed as he grabbed both of my hands and extended me out to arm’s length looking me up and down.

Gay, of course
, he is gorgeous and gay. Simone really knows how to pick them. I just love all her friends in the ‘industry’. I was seriously relieved. I was sure that he knew what he was doing.

“I got a sneak peek of your soon-to-be husband, and let me tell you girl, he is fine beyond belief. You and Simone sure know how to pick them!”

I just stood there with my mouth slightly agape. I was not sure how to respond to him.

“Now then daaarling, Miss. Simone herself has planned everything, and I have simply executed it, I believe
, almost perfectly! Come, let me give you a peek at what is going on outside,” he sing songs.

“Where exactly is Harrison?”

“Oh, he is in the guest house. We wanted to make sure there are no chances of him seeing you.”

Antonio took me into the Great Room
, and we both peered out the windows. The sun was beginning to go down and the lighting was just beautiful over the Cayman waters. There was a beautiful archway made out of vines. Lovely white and blush colored flowers filled the whole structure. On the ground, there were about six conch shells filled with what looked to be coral, blush and white orchid as well as roses and tropical flowers.

“Are those....”

“Yes beautiful, those are the shells that you and your man collected on your horse adventure. It was actually Harrison’s idea. He brought these to me and asked to have them filled with your favorite flowers, to match the other decor. He is a very thoughtful man. I don’t believe I have ever had a groom come up with such a genius idea. So romantic, if you ask me.” He fanned himself in a dramatic fashion.

large and small vases, flickering with candle light, lit up the sand. Finally, there was a pathway made of coral rose petals that trailed from the steps to the beach, all the way to the archway. It was absolutely perfect. I couldn’t have designed the scene better myself.

“Oh Antonio, this is beyond what I could ever imagine. Thank you, thank you!”

“Oh doll, you are so welcome. It is my pleasure.”

I have one last special surprise for you before we get started with this grand evening. Come with me.” Antonio grabbed my hand and led me back to the master bedroom. There was a massive full-length mirror lying against the wall in front of the bed. Harrison and those mirrors!

“Okay, I have specific instructions. What I am about to give you is your wedding gift from Harrison. You must stand in front of the mirror and close your eyes.”

“Really? Okay.”

I walked over to the mirror
, and Antonio followed behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and whispered, “Are you ready for this?”

Oh god! How many times have I heard that line in the past few months!

“Yes! Yes ready!”

I hate surprises!

“Remember do not open your eyes for anything.”

“Okay, got it.” I took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds. My nerves were getting the better of me. What in the world could he have had up his sleeve?

After the longest two minutes of my life, I heard footsteps behind me. All of the sudden, I felt cool metal on the skin around my neck. A necklace.

“Antonio, can I open my eyes now?”

mi amour
, this completes it.”


“Open your eyes my love.”

I slowly opened my eyes and grabbed my neck. GASP! Oh my, the necklace! The blue sapphire and diamond necklace I wore to the Gala in Hood River!

“This is yours, Mrs. Towers, all yours. You are stunning.”

Harrison kissed me on the shoulder and grabbed both of my hands from behind me, as he nuzzled his face into my hair.

“Oh Harrison, this is the necklace I wore to the Gala. I will never forget that evening.”

“And you will never forget this evening either.”

Oh my lord, I thought. This stuff only happens in the movies, not in my life. I was floored.

“Something blue is the necklace. Now
, for something new. These are also for you my love.”

I turned to Harrison holding a small white box. He opened up the lid, and inside were a pair of diamond cushion cut earrings. They looked to be two carats each.

“Oh Harrison, you really know how to buy some jewels. Wow, I love them.”

“These are classic and sophisticated. As soon as I saw them, I knew they were you.”

“Now, for something old. I want you to have this.”

Harrison reached into his pocket and pulled out a fabric hankie with lace edging
, which was rolled up. He unraveled it, and out fell a beautiful hair clip. It was encrusted with diamonds and pearls, and looked vintage.

“This was my grandmother
’s clip. She wore it on her wedding day. It was given to her by her mother. Then, she gave it to my mother, whom also wore it when she and my father were married. Now it is yours, and you will pass it to our daughter.”

I started to tear up, as I took a piece of hair and slid the clip into place, delicately holding the strands of hair at the side of my head.

“It is beyond beautiful Harrison. I will always treasure this piece. What a wonderful gift. Thank you so much. Words cannot express how full of joy I am.”

He leaned in and cut me off. His lips pressed against mine
, as he cupped my face with his right hand, and holding my left hand tightly.

“You know
, Harrison, you really aren’t suppose to see the bride before the big reveal!”

“I know but I figured this whole wedding is anything but traditional
. I will take my leave nonetheless. I will see you in a bit, my love.”

He kissed me on the lips again
, and that time it was longer and more passionate. Before he walked out the door, he gave me those ‘I want to lay you out right here’ eyes. Damn he was fine, and he would be all mine in a matter of minutes.

Harrison headed outside to prepare for our ceremony. I took one last glance in the mirror and smiled to myself. This is really it, the day I thought may never come again is actually here.

“Oh gorgeous, look at those jewels. Lord almighty that man knows how to ice you up, that is for sure. Quick, let’s freshen you up and get this show on the road to diamonds and romance! Oh, before I forget, here is a glass of the sparkling 2011 production. Your soon-to-be hubby thought you might need to be loosened up.”

“Oh, of course he did. He is always thinking ahead!”

I grabbed the glass of champagne and slurped it down. Yum. That should take the edge off a little.”

“Damn girl, are you nervous?”

“Not at all. Okay, let’s do this. I am ready to be Mrs. Towers for the rest of my life.”

We headed
into the warm tropical breeze off the terrace. I could see Harrison in the distance as he looked toward me. At that point, I
getting very nervous.

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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