Read Glass Towers: Surrendered Online

Authors: Adler,Holt,Ginger Fraser

Glass Towers: Surrendered (3 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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The experience was exhilarating. A once-in–a-lifetime experience. The horse enjoyed the warm water and the swim as much as we did; I will always treasure that memory.

After we finished our swim, Ben took my horse and shells back to the stables. Harrison and I removed our wet clothes and rode back on one horse, in our swimsuits. Our bodies dried quickly in the warm Cayman sun. I was riding in front, with Harrison behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist, as his hands guided the reins of the horse. The sun was beginning to set, as we made our way back to the stables. We started to slow down so we could watch the sunset together. It was one of the most romantic moments of my life. Our bodies damp from the water, skin touching skin, the burning chemistry running through our veins. We turned to look at the sunset, while Harrison kissed me gently along my shoulder. He planted sweet kisses up m
y neck, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close.

Chapter Three


We made it back to the estate, got cleaned up and ready for the evening. Once again, I had no idea what Harrison had planned.

I walked out of the bathroom, to the master bedroom, and there was a rack of clothes against the wall. Oh, my! Seriously!? The most gorgeous brightly colored, high-end designer dresses. Below them, sat an array of shoes, jewelry and clutches and a white box with a turquoise ribbon. I untied the ribbon and opened the box. Inside the box was a breathtaking white fitted corset top, made of satin and lace and matching white lace panties. This brought back memories of the other lingerie Harrison had given me in the past. None of them have ever been white.

“Aw yes, that will look amazing on you against that Cayman bronzed skin, Danielle.”

“Harrison, is it gorgeous. Thank you. And the dresses, they are exquisite.”

“I want my love to be happy. I want to take care of you, Danielle. I want to always take care of you.”

Omigod, he said it. He wants to take care of me always! Shit! What does this mean!? White lingerie, romantic days and nights, and wanting to take care of my every want and need.

“Here, this is the one.”

Harrison handed me a blush colored dress from the rack. It had intricate beadwork and lace mixed in. It was just perfect.

“I will meet you out on the deck, Ms. Austen.”

Oh, shit! How does he always do this to me! I wonder if it will always be like this when we are together.

I walked out on the terrace, and there he was. In a while linen, short sleeve shirt, tucked into his navy dress shorts and a pair of deck shoes without socks. God, he is sexy. He turned when he heard me making my way out onto the deck. He was holding two glasses of what looked to be champagne. He advanced toward me and handed me a glass.

“If I forget to tell you tonight, you look beautiful, Danielle.”

We walked past the pool and down the steps. Harrison’s arm around my waist; it felt oh so good there too. There was a low table set up in the sand, with candles in clear vases, of all sizes, surrounding the table. I could see wine and food spread all around. A white blanket covered the sand and tons of white and ice blue throw pillows were placed all around the blanket. Gorgeous blush and pink roses, in small vases, sat on the table.

Oh my! “, how did you do all this? Did you put this all together?”

“Ms. Austen, do you really underestimate the romantic gestures I can draw up on my own? Yes, I threw this all together. For you. This was a first for me. I wanted it to be perfect and to be exactly the way I envisioned this night to look.”

Wow, I could not believe what I was hearing. Mr. Mogul, himself, planning romance at every corner of our trip. I was loving every minute of it, of course. All of it. He was evolving, from a man who was so concise and to the point into a romantic, chivalrous man. The all-business executive was slipping away, and I could see a man who truly enjoyed making me feel loved.

We sat down to a wonderful meal. A trio of fish with mango salsa and caramelized onion had been prepared for us, with mashed potatoes and veggies on the side. A huge bottle of Dom sat ready for us in an ice bucket; although, we saved that for after dinner. We enjoyed a nice glass of Towers Vineyard Reserve with dinner.

“So, Danielle. Where do you see yourself in, say, five years?”

Whoa! He was throwing out all the good questions early.

“Honestly, Harrison, I suppose that I want to be settled down, married, maybe starting a family. I would not want to waste any time, if it was with the right man. I want to have my career on the side, and strive to be the best mom, wife and partner that I can be. I know that I was destined to be more than a career woman. I was meant to be a mother and wife as well.

“The right man, you say. Do you think I would ever be the right man, Danielle?”

Holy shit! Was he asking me if he was worthy to be the man for me? Since when did confident, powerful Harrison become so vulnerable?

“You, Harrison, are the only man for me. I cannot go for one day without you crossing my every thought and action. I cannot bear to breathe normally when you are not with me. I get anxiety when I have to be more than a few hours away from you. My body craves your body, like a moth to a flame. After the past few days, Harrison, I know what it is that I want.”

“What, Danielle. What is it, exactly, that you want,” he gazed intensely across the table, the candlelight flickering between us. For a few seconds, all I could hear was the sound of waves gently crashing against the sand.

I inhaled deeply and slowly until the air filled my whole chest, and then I exhaled slowly, not sure, if I could make the words come out of my mouth.

“Danielle, I love who I am when I am with you. You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you and when I’m with you. Being with you keeps me alive and makes me a better person. Each day, I fall deeper in love with you.”

Holy hell! Where is he going with all of this?

Harrison stood up and moved closer to me. He grabbed my hands in his and looked deep into my eyes.

“I was made for loving you, Danielle. I want to be the reason that you wake up smiling every morning. You are everything that I could ever want and need.”

I felt the tears start to swell in my eyes. Was this going where I think it was going? I started to tremble. Not out of fear, but out of happiness and joy. Was I about to hear the words that I thought I would never again hear.

Harrison pulled off the top of one of the decorative boxes on the table. Inside, was a beautiful oyster shell box. It almost looked like mother of pearl. Gorgeous. I started to panic. My breath quickened and slowed all at the same time. I tried to take a deep breath, as I bit my bottom lip.

Harrison took one hand behind my head and leaned in for a soft, sensual kiss. I could have stayed there, in his embrace, for days. Finally, Harrison released me enough to face me. He quietly stared into my eyes, as if to see everything inside of me. “I want to make you so happy, Danielle. I don’t want to go on another day without you by my side.”

He opened the small box, and my heart skipped a beat.

Harrison pulled out the most exquisite diamond ring. It was a four carat, cushion-cut diamond, set with two rows of pave diamonds all around the band.

GASP! “Oh, Harrison, what....I mean....does this.....”
I could not get anything out of my mouth. None of my words made sense, and I could not complete a sentence.

“Danielle, I want to start living the rest of my life right now, with you, and only you forever. You are my world, and I cannot imagine another day without you. Will you make me the most blessed and happiest man in the world, Danielle? Will you be my partner for the rest of our lives? Make beautiful babies together? Travel the world and conquer our dreams together? Make love and cherish one another for all the years ahead of us? Will you marry me?

“Harrison, I.....Yes....YES! Of course, I will marry you, Harrison! I can’t believe this is .....”

Harrison cut me off and his mouth sealed over mine. Our tongues found each other with deep, pure passion. After that long, deep kiss, Harrison broke our embrace and gazed at me with his sincere, loving eyes, “I am going to make you the happiest woman, for the rest of our lives, Danielle.”

He slid the ring onto my left ring finger and brought my hand up to his lips. He kissed my ring finger gently whispering, “I will cherish you every day of our lives. I promise you, Danielle.”

“Harrison, you have already made me the happiest woman in the world. I can think of nothing else, but spending the rest of our lives together. But wait, how are we able to get married, Harrison? The whole world thinks you are engaged to Marion.”

“Don’t worry
; it’s all been sorted out. The short version of the story is that I had the bank manager track down the deposits before I got here on Friday. The Bank’s fraud department found an electronic trail to a bank account, where Marion was stashing the funds. I recovered the funds, and they have already been wired to Towers Enterprises in Montreal. It was quite simple, really. Either she walks away quietly and leaves us alone, or she gets hauled off to prison. I am sure that she will choose the former.”

“I see
, but I am confused! You had the funds wired to Towers Enterprises, not Holdings?

“Right, my company is Holdings
; my father’s company is Enterprises. “

“Ok, that makes a lot more sense
. I guess I never realized the name difference.”

“Anyway, Enough about
Danielle. Let’s not waste another minute of our time together talking about all of that. I want to focus on the here and now.”

Finally. After all that bitch has put me through, may she rot in hell. I can’t believe there are actually women like this in the world. It must be a sad life to live. She lost, and how she did not see that coming, is beyond me.

I heard music begin to play in the background. A soft smooth jazz was coming from the main house. There must have been an outdoor sound system. How romantic!

Est-ce que je peux avoir cette danse mon amour
? May I have this dance my love?” Harrison stood and extended his hand to mine, as he gave me that killer smile. I get to be with this man for the rest of my life! This is unreal. I sincerely hope that nothing gets in the way of our happiness.

I reached for Harrison’s hand
, and he pulled me up from my seat. I sprang into this chest, as he caught me. He took his finger and placed it under my chin, as he brought my face up level to his. Our eyes caught. Love and  sensual seduction were written all over them. I grabbed Harrison on both sides of his face and gently brought him to my mouth. I kissed him softly, as if I never wanted to let him go.

We danced under the Cayman full moon. Close, skin to skin, our breathing heavy with passion and our bodies locked as one. The ocean splashed against our bare legs. It felt so good to be in Harrison’s strong embrace. I felt safe for a change.

Harrison turned me towards the water and placed his arms around my waist, as he held my hands. We stared off into the moonlit water, silently swaying ever so slightly to the cool sensual music that played in the background. Not a person, boat or home was in sight. That moment was all ours.

Harrison swept my hair to one side and gently kissed my shoulders, dragging his lips to my neck. Sensually
, he trailed his tongue along the back of my upper shoulder and to the other side. His tongue sent shivers and electric waves of pleasure through every vein in my body. My skin was turning hot and my sweet spot getting wet and turned on. Harrison’s hands ran up my side and down to my hot core. He cupped my pussy in his hand and squeezed it ever so firmly.

“Ah, you are ready for me aren’t you
, Mrs. Towers,” he whispered in my left ear.

Mrs. Towers! God that sounds good! What a fucking turn

My body was melting into his, and pressed up against his firm
, hard cock. I felt every inch through his shorts getting aroused. He slid his hands over my belly and up to both breasts. He massaged them, then squeezed my full breasts in his hands. I threw my head back into his shoulder, as I reached both hands and grabbed his hips. I had to steady myself somehow. I was so turned on, I felt weak.

All of the sudden
, Harrison stopped, and turned me around. He kissed my forehead tenderly and then my lips again.

“Come, let’s eat our dessert. We can’t skip that.”

“Really, Harrison? Dessert?”

“Mrs. Towers,” Harrison said seductively as he slid one finger inside me.

Holy hell! Yes, there... right there. God, that feels so fucking good. Don’t stop.

“Yes, you
ready! Well, let’s just keep this warmed up. You are going to need it tonight.”

Warmed up, was he kidding me? He had just proposed to me
, and he wanted to play these little sexual mind games with me?

I turned and walked a few steps back to the spread
that he had on the beach for us.

“So, Harrison,
I have a few questions for you,” I began, as I refilled our glasses of champagne. I was then sitting on top of the short rock wall that stood behind our beautiful spread. Harrison walked over from the table. He grabbed his glass of champagne, and threw half of it back.

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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