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A Word to Islamofascists

November 14, 2007

OK, I’d like to say something about the Muslim Council of Britain, whose leader recently accused the security services here of increasing tensions in society by fostering a negative image of Muslims, which is pretty ironic given that the Muslim Council of Britain itself is probably the most high profile negative image there is of Muslims in this country, apart from the actual suicide bombers.

Of course there are various ways that you can increase tensions in society; not least people who constantly push for unwarranted religious privilege, and who issue lists of demands that would impose Islamic values on every school in Britain.

People who refer to themselves as community spokesmen when they actually speak for nobody but themselves and their Wahhabi fundamentalist paymasters in Saudi Arabia, where just last week somebody was actually executed on suspicion of practising witchcraft.

Intolerant misogynists who are given a frlatform to insult this country during Remembrance Week by comparing Britain with Nazi Germany, in a tasteless and calculated slur guaranteed, and doubtless intended, to insult and offend every grieving war widow in the land.

They also want a ban on alcohol in public and a more modest dress code for everybody, whether they’re Muslims or not, and whether they like it or not. How inclusive. How thoughtful.

This organistation, like its American equivalent CAIR, or the Council on American-Islamic Relations, is the respectable face of terrorism in the West. The sort of society they’d like to create already exists in Saudi Arabia, where children are raised to hate Jews and to refer to them as vermin and pigs and apes; where young men are so sexually repressed by their religion they spend all their time furiously masturbating over violent internet pornography like a bunch of Catholic priests, and where women have to be invisible in public to avoid being raped.

So you can see why we in Britain might be a little hesitant about welcoming these kinds of values into our society.

But of course this hasn’t prevented our spineless government from pandering to these fanatics at every opportunity, most recently promising state-funding for hundreds more Islamic schools, thus encouraging segregation and separation in society, and sowing the seeds of conflict for future generations to have to deal with. They might as well be putting lead in the water supply, and they know it.

It would be easy to blame this on misguided political correctness, but this is actually cynical political opportunism. The truth is the Muslim vote is just too important to lose in places where the Labour Party needs to win. So as usual they’re happy to inflict long term damage to achieve short term ends.

They even gave a knighthood to the previous head of the Muslim Council of Britain, despite his public pronouncement that death was too good for Salman Rushdie. They gave him a knighthood anyway for the sake of community relations.

You know what’s good for community relations? People who come to this country and who adapt happily to our way of life, or, if they find that it’s not quite to their taste, they piss off and live somewhere else. That’s really good for community relations.

If you don’t like how we do things in Britain, get out. You weren’t invited here, and you’re not wanted here.

And please don’t lecture us on moral values. When you can’t even bring yourselves to condemn stoning as a punishment, it’s clear that yours is the morality of the cave man.

And for your information, we do have strong moral values in Britain; we just don’t feel the need to enforce them with an iron rod because we’re not as insecure as you are, and because we believe people should be free to make their own choices in life and not be dictated to by small-minded medievalists who despise everything this country stands for.

And by the way, this has got nothing to do with immigration. Let me make this very clear. I welcome immigration to Britain. I think that within reason it’s a healthy thing for the economy, I think it’s a good thing for the country. This is about religion, and only about religion.

So to any white supremacist morons out there who think they can latch on to this video in the way they’ve attempted to with some of my previous videos, go and take a piss on a live electric rail, because I’m not your friend. I’m your enemy. And I’m proud to be your enemy, just as I’m proud to be the enemy of every creepy Islamofascist on this planet, because you people are two sides of the same coin, and it’s an evil worthless poisonous currency that I want nothing to do with.

As for the Muslim Council of Britain, if you insist on shoving your religion into people’s faces all the time you shouldn’t be surprised to get it shoved right back at you, because that’s how we do things in a free society, and if you don’t like that you know what you can do.

The people of Britain know damn well that the reason for tensions in our society is nothing to do with the security services or the police, and everything to do with the activities of people like you, the true enemies of Muslims in this country, because every time you open your mouths you make things worse for Muslims. You increase the tension, you increase the resentment. And this is deliberate on your part, because you want Muslims to be in conflict with people all the time in an attempt to intimidate us into allowing you to impose your narrow beliefs and your barbaric values on our society. Well you can whistle up your sawn-off trouser leg for that one my friend, because it’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever.

And as for accusing us of being like the Nazis, that really is pretty rich when it’s clear that if people like you ever did achieve the kind of universal power you crave, there would be another Holocaust, and everybody knows it.

So we in Britain are going to carry on living the way we like, regardless of what you think about it. We’re going to carry on treating women as human beings, and not as possessions. We’ll drink alcohol in public if we damn well feel like it, regardless of your sensibilities, and we’ll walk around dressed any way we choose. And you might as well get used to it, because if you don’t you’re going to have a miserable time here, because you’re always going to be in conflict. And maybe that is what you want, but I don’t think it’s what most Muslims want.

To my mind, if religion has a legitimate purpose, it’s not as a vehicle for conquering and subduing people as you seem to believe, but as a personal means – and I do mean personal – as a personal means to achieving a peaceful heart, which is, I think, its only legitimate purpose.

And a religious person who is in constant conflict is clearly not even looking for a peaceful heart, and is therefore abusing their religion, and by extension abusing the people who follow that religion, the very people you claim to speak for, you liars, you hypocrites, you duplicitous, mealy-mouthed, unprincipled terrorist-sympathising scum.

Thank you for your time. I’d wish you peace but you wouldn’t know what to do with it.

Why Debate Dogma?

November 27, 2007

I’ve had quite a large response to my video about the IslamoNazis who are attempting to drive a fundamentalist wedge into British sciety with the connivance of our corrupt dhimmi politicians, and some of the most positive messages I got were actually from Muslims who are themselves embarrassed by the activities of these people, so that was very gratifying, and thank you very much indeed for all those.

Inevitably there was plenty of negative feedback as well, from the usual religious nutjobs, but also from some atheists who have told me that they think I’m giving atheism a bad name. Yeah, right. Like it ever had a good name.

I’ve been told things like my arguments are too crude, I’m damaging the atheist cause, I’m not contributing to the debate, and my personal favourite: “You won’t convert anyone to atheism by insulting people.”

Well, OK. First of all, as regards being crude. We are talking here about religion, in case you hadn’t noticed, and it doesn’t come any cruder than monotheistic dogma. I can only aspire to that level of crudity. But just for your sake I promise to do my very best.

Obviously I’d like to show more respect for people’s sincerely held beliefs, of course I would, but unfortunately that would violate my own sincerely held belief that religion is a filthy lie and a threat to civilisation. So you can see the problem I’ve got with that.

Besides, I don’t think I’m insulting anyone who doesn’t deserve it a thousand times over. I also think if we did a bit more insulting and a bit less pointless debating, then religion might not have such a falsely inflated idea of its own importance, and there might not be so many people on this planet who want us all to live our lives according to ideas and stories that would embarrass a second rate fantasy novelist.

I think to engage dogma in debate is to legitimise it and to confer on it a status that it simply doesn’t deserve.

With its arrogant intrusiveness I think it long ago forfeited any claim it may have had to be treated with respect. Too many liberties have already been taken.

Religious dogma has been allowed to encroach on ground it has no right to occupy, and to claim authority where it has no authority to claim anything. And I don’t think this is a matter for polite debate, especially when all you’re going to get is the usual raft of glibly held but unexamined certainties hammered home like coffin nails at every opportunity, because dogma is blind and deaf to anything reason has to offer. Faith is non-negotiable. So where exactly is the debate?

You obey the rules of reason. Religion ignores them, and neutralises your argument before you’ve even opened your mouth. It’s not interested in anything you’ve got to say. It’s just waiting for you to draw breath so it can say: “Yes, that’s all very well, but you’ve still got to submit, because it’s written in this book.”

Right now in the UK some Christian fanatics are attempting to take out a prosecution for blasphemy against the producers of a popular comic opera.

Now the very idea of blasphemy, the idea that blasphemy even exists as a concept says it all for me about religion, because what this really means is that some human beings have taken it upon themselves to feel insulted on God’s behalf. They don’t trust God to decide for himself whether to be insulted and to deal with the matter in the appriate way on Judgment Day. No, they want to see punishment dished out right here on earth for their own satisfaction. Because it’s not really about God, is it? It’s really about them and their personal mental illness, as it so often is when religion is exploited and misused by pig-ignorant narrow-minded zealots.

This is the same mentality that wants to compel us all to live in the past. And the past has plenty to teach us, but I don’t think it should be allowed to detain us against our will.

Freedom from religion, from other people’s unprovable beliefs, is our basic human right. At least I think it is. And some very determined people would like to take that right away from us. And if we don’t do anything about that they’re going to be allowed to succeed.

Maybe you think the way to deal with this is to engage it in polite debate, and to make all your little points and counterpoints and show us all what a clever dick you are, and that’ll be great fun for you. And the good news is you don’t even have to worry about somebody like me coming along and damaging your cause, because you haven’t got a cause – what you’ve got is a hobby.

If God existed, and if I had any reason to ask him for anything, I think I’d probably ask him to save me from the curse of polite and deferential atheists.

Religion is out of control right now precisely because too many people have been too diplomatic for too long. If we’d had the balls to do some straight talking years ago when we should have, and put this insulting nonsense in its rightful place with astrology and palmistry, we wouldn’t even be talking about this now. We’d be doing something more useful with our time. What a waste of an Enlightenment.

So my position is pretty clear. Believe whatever you want, but if you want me to believe it, then provide evidence or expect mockery and ridicule. Do not expect polite debate.

I’m not trying to convert anyone to anything. I don’t give a damn what anyone believes as long as I don’t have to keep hearing about it. And by the way, that would include condescending atheists, just for future reference.

I’m not interested in arguing about whether God exists or not. I couldn’t give a shit. If he does, he can go and suck eggs for all I care. In fact, he can know himself in the biblical sense, because I want nothing to do with any god who would encourage murder on his behalf, which the god of the desert repeatedly does. In fact, I’m ashamed and embarrassed to have been created by somebody with such moronic values, which is why you’ll never hear me bragging about it.

So I’ll carry on giving his so-called religion the verbal finger, and you can carry on with your polite discourse, and who knows, maybe you’ll come to some kind of amicable compromise where you only have to spend half your life on your knees – that might work for you. And if not, well, at least you’ll have something to keep you occupied, which is the main thing really, isn’t it?

OK, that’s enough. I’m out of here. Peace and love to one and all.

Laugh at Sudan

December 3, 2007

Well, it’s another public relations triumph for Islam. I was wondering when the angry street mob would appear, I must admit. Who’d have thought it would happen right after prayers? What could they have been listening to?

The government of Sudan has come in for quite a lot of criticism over this,* but apart from shaming their country, debasing their religion, and insulting their Prophet, I think they’ve handled it rather well, certainly by their usual standards. At least nobody has been massacred yet, which is a step in the right direction.

Of course we were all hoping they would come to what’s left of their senses and admit that this was just an innocent misunderstanding, but, as we know, they chose to misunderstand the misunderstanding and make fools of themselves, embarrassing their own people, and turning their country into a laughing stock. I bet they’re even laughing at them in Pakistan over this one. Maybe even in Saudi Arabia. Actually, no. In Saudi Arabia they’d probably execute the teddy bear.

Why they let this happen I really don’t know. Maybe they felt they weren’t getting quite enough contempt for their unparallelled record of murdering their own people in Sudan.

Maybe they weren’t happy with just being known as the genocide capital of the world, and they wanted to get a little bit more attention, just to show themselves off properly in all their full three-dimensional bollock-brained stupidity.

To be fair, the government probably would have let this slide, but for the influence of some hardline clerics who insisted on dragging their religion into the dirt and insulting their own Prophet by using his name to score what everyone can see is nothing but a cheap and grubby political point.

And they’ve got the nerve to talk about inciting religious hatred, these spiritual vampires, when they’re the ones who have been preaching up this storm of hate, demanding that she be publicly executed to make an example of her, when all they’ve really done is to make an example of themselves, and it’s the usual example, the classic combination of cowardice and cruelty we’ve seen time and again embarrass and disgrace the Islamic religion.

This has done their faith more damage than a thousand blasphemies a million times over, but they’re too thick to realise it.

Human nature being what it is, you just can’t help wondering now how many pet dogs in the West, or even pot-bellied pigs, have found themselves renamed overnight from Patches or Trixie or Gus. They’re even selling Mohammed teddy bears on eBay, for God’s sake. This is not a good result for Islam. But then it so rarely is these days.

I was listening to a radio interview with a member of the Sudanese parliament, and he was asked if he was insulted by the Prophet’s name being used like this, and he said: “No, the Prophet Mohammed is beyond any insult.”

Well, isn’t it just a shame that so many of his hare-brained followers are not.

But I guess that’s what happens when little men get hold of big ideas they don’t know how to handle.

Men who call themselves scholars and who think they’re educated because they’ve memorised the Koran, which admittedly is quite an achievement, even if it has got nothing to do with knowledge or wisdom and everything to do with self-hypnosis.

But now that she’s been pardoned and she’s coming back to Britain, presumably things will start to return to normal. The Sudanese government will carry on murdering its own people while we stand by and watch.

We’ll send money to help, of course, as usual, even if much of it does end up in private Swiss bank accounts, as usual.

And then we’ll wait for the next bunch of opportunistic ignoramuses to disgrace their religion by choosing to be offended yet again about absolutely nothing at all.

It’s so pathetic in a way that it’s almost hardly worth generating the contempt, but I feel like making the effort, don’t you?

Peace to all teddy bears, whatever they’re called.

* The Sudanese authorities arrested teacher Gillian Gibbons for allowing children to name a teddy bear “Mohammed”.

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