GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born (18 page)

BOOK: GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born
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Virgil flicked the wand and said the spell again “Corpus Exanimus.” The same light came out of the tip of the wand and shot towards Geluna like lightning, but she was standing all ready to fight back. She waved her scepter and deflected the spell easily, and grinned and mocked Virgil

“How petty,” she laughed at Virgil “You have to say the spells. Your wand does not even know your own feelings.” She raised her scepter up to her face and looked at it “Let me show you how the masters do it.”

She pointed the tip of the scepter towards Virgil and the same light came out of it. Virgil now knew if he was to get hit by this spell, this would be his end and his brother would not be able to take over Thraenus and make it a peaceful place for everyone to live in. Therefore, in an instant, he raised his wand and yelled out “Auxilius Armus!”

Everything paused for a moment. Everyone gazed upon Virgil and his spell as the dark court hall shone bright with the white shield that had appeared around Virgil. It was the same spell that Azar had used against the ice giants to push them off of the cliff. The shield spread apart and blocked Geluna’s spell but soon, the shield broke because Geluna’s spell was continuous and very strong.

Azar was filled with pride, for his student, Virgil, was fighting one of few witches that were left and she was the strongest witch in existence right now.

When the shield broke, Azar’s pride was set on pause and he had to help his apprentice. He was standing by Virgil, fighting the Gelun trolls, when he jumped in front and put his staff in the way. He stomped the ground with his staff and the shield came out again, but his shield was far stronger than Virgil’s. He was a master, therefore, he did not have to say the spell; his staff understood him and his feelings.

The shield quickly blocked the spell and Geluna was left devastated. She raised her hands in the air and suddenly, her crown began spit out some eerie smoke. This smoke was green and made it seem like it had life in it. It rushed outside where the oak trees were, in the front yard, and engulfed it all within it. It breathed life into all of the oak trees. Their branches shuffled and twisted together into clumps that resembled the arms. The bark of the stem became their face and the stem became the body. The tree monsters forcefully pulled their roots out of the stony ground and made them their feet. Their roots were like a shapeless monster that wrapped around the enemy and squeezed the life out of it and trapped it inside itself for sustenance.

They quickly cleared up the front yard, for they were monstrous green beasts that were a product of sorcery. They were hundreds in numbers, and were against the small, yet brave and courageous men. The Empirion army was no match for the green monsters and soon they squeezed the life out of them and quickly ran inside the court hall. They were brainless creatures. They bumped into each other yet they were smarter than the trolls. Trolls were the most idiotic and the most thick headed creatures on the face of Thraenus.

Geluna had a grin on her face when she saw the monsters arrive in the hall. She sat back on her throne and watched the monstrosity take place. All of the Empirions that were left to fight, including Virgil, were surrounded by Geluna’s green monsters and the Gelun army but they still did not lose hope, they still kept fighting. All of their efforts were futile, for they were surrounded and the group was closing in on them. And even though Virgil had the gauntlet which his brother had scavenged from the hidden valley, on his hand, it was a numbers game. The gauntlet only proved to be of little help against the wooden giants.

Just as all hope seemed lost, there came Neiham’s fire serpent. It came from the top of the room, from the balcony where she was standing. The serpent swept the room and gave the Empirions room to breathe and gain their balance back. Some of the monsters caught on fire as well which balanced the numbers a bit and just as the serpent vanished into a cloud of smoke, Leosher jumped from the balcony into the circle to help his brethren. He was still bruised and battered from all the abuse he had suffered. Neiham had offered him the elixir for his health, but he refused because he was too prideful.

He did not have his scythe with him either, because it was taken away from him and it was sitting next to the throne of Geluna. Leosher swaggered with a limp, to his brother who was fighting the enemy and took the gauntlet off of his hands. He put the the wooden fist on and looked straight ahead at Geluna with a hawk’s vision, angry and determined. His anger sharpened his reflexes and instincts and as he walked towards Geluna, many of her soldiers, minions rather, tried to kill the already injured Leosher, but he punched their heads off, without even looking. He was locked onto his target and none stood in his way, not even the giants, for Leosher simply kicked them out of his way. He swaggered up the steps and stood before Geluna, angry and vengeful. 

Leosher’s posture and eyes inflicted fear onto Geluna’s soul. Her brown, flawless face turned red with fear and she trembled with terror. She was terrified, for she saw her end in his face. Leosher raised his hand up to his face and clenched his fist. Now, when Leosher saw fear in the eyes of Geluna, he smirked with pride. He was overjoyed, for this was the first time, the prideful beauty, the witch of Gelus was feeling fear. She had killed many and had inflicted pain on countless families; she had brought poverty and famine to the residents of Gelus and had fed herself as much as she could; she had lived for long, too long and now, it was her demise being brought forth by the very gods that created her and her master, Samael was not there to help her.

Leosher lifted her up in the air with his right hand and slammed her on the ground like a rag doll. He afterwards slowly began stepping on her head and crushing it under his heel. The entire battle stopped and all gazed upon the end of the queen. After a while, he lifted her back up again and punched her in the face with his right hand, the hand that had the gauntlet. Her spells were now slowly lifting away, first the green monsters died down, and then the spell that was on the Gelun lifted away. Geluna had been controlling their minds and was making them work for her against their wills. All of the rulers were doing this, making the soldiers work against their will. When the green, tree monsters died and fell on the ground, the spirits they had stripped the Empirion soldiers from, returned back to their original owners and revived them but they were still battered, for the squeezing took its toll.

All of the fighting stopped and the soldiers stood in place to see the demise of the queen. She was helpless, like a new born child without her mother to protect her, like an open nerve, feeling everything. She trembled with fear and screamed with hopelessness and the agony that Leosher was putting her through. She cried and begged for mercy but Leosher did not budge at all. He stood in front of her and did all he could to torture her. When Leosher dropped her on the ground the second time, she quickly got up to her knees and hugged Leosher’s legs. Leosher had her scepter in his hand and Geluna, being the evil witch she was, tried to snatch it away from him but Leosher did not let her.

“Geluna, stop trying,” yelled out Virgil from the back “Your reign of terror is over” added Urey. Usere, Azar and Neiham stood on the side, smiling, for they had been waiting for this moment all their lives.

They all realized the importance of this moment, and were happy with this and suddenly, a Gelun soldier began a chant “Kill the witch” and soon, there was a shout “Kill the Witch!—Kill the Witch!—Kill the Witch!”

Leosher kicked her on the head and pushed her towards her throne. She fell back and fell flat on the ground. Leosher slowly walked over her cape, then her gown and finally reached her head. He put his foot on the curly, messy hair of the queen and put the other foot on her head. He held the scepter in his left hand and kneeled with his right hand, the hand with the gauntlet, high up in the air. He kneeled down and yelled out “Let them know, for there is a new king, Leosher!” and he crushed her head his hand. The blood that was spilt quickly turned to sand and the carcass of Geluna turned to sand as well. The entire atmosphere of the castle changed too. The soldiers rejoiced and the water logging of the castle transformed into something a little better.

All the grimness of the castle vanished and now, it was a beautiful castle with white walls and with beautiful courtyards and beautiful sceneries.

As Leosher sat on the throne, all present in the castle bowed to him and hailed “Long live our king, Leosher!”

There was a smirk on his face for his dream was finally coming true and he was another step closer to becoming the ruler of entire Thraenus. Now he had control over the oceans and the Western part of Thraenus, which was known as Gelus. “Virgil—brother,” said Leosher “Come here.”

Virgil nodded and listened to his brother. He walked up the steps and kissed his brother’s hand, for he could not hug his king, “Yes, brother,” asked he, “Is there anything you wish me to do?”

“Write a letter to all the tribes living in Gelus and tell them to come to the castle immediately, for tonight, they shall sleep under the rule of the new king.”

“Yes, brother, as you wish.”

Virgil smiled and left the court hall with Neiham and Usere to write letters to all the tribes and towns that were in Gelus. All of the soldiers from the Gelun army joined the Empirions and now the Empirion army increased two times in size. They all went to the army quarters where they sat and enjoyed the new, peaceful reign of the king who gave freedom to do anything.

Azar, Urey and Barian were the only ones left in the room with Leosher. They walked to their king and Barian began talking “My lord, may I suggest a feast for our brave men to enjoy?”

“Yes,” Leosher smiled “Let them have a grand feast and get ready for the arrival of the people. They should arrive by tomorrow, for there are no deadly paths now.”

     Then he looked at Urey
and asked “What is your suggestion?”

“Master, might I suggest that we give new weapons to our men?”

“Yes, get the armory ready and replace the broken weapons.”

And then he finally looked at Azar who was standing graciously, waiting with a pipe in his mouth and smoke coming out of his nose and onto his white beard “Master, do you need assistance?”

Leosher was shocked. He sat up in his throne and asked “What do you mean?”

“You are bruised and battered. You have gore on your bare chest and gashes on your faces with clotted blood.”

Leosher felt his face with his dirty, darkened hands and looked at Azar again “Get to the point.”

“Master, please let me help you you. Let me heal your wounds.”

Leosher smiled at him and slouched again “Go ahead, bring the elixir, and bring me new clothes for the coronation tomorrow as well. I shall look my best tomorrow.”

“Master, the best dressers will come to the castle tonight and will prepare you for the coronation. They will give you a royal cloak, royal armor and everything else, but for now, let me heal your wounds.”

Leosher nodded and Azar went to his sister who was in the front yard helping Virgil write the letters. He obtained the lava flower elixir from her and went back to the court hall where he gave a few drops to his king. Leosher happily took them and his wounds began healing. There was a crackling sound and his wounds sealed back. All the gashes vanished and the clotted blood fell off of his body. He was completely rejuvenated and all the torture marks from his body vanished, as if nothing had ever happened.

“Thank you,” said Leosher “Now, go to Virgil and send him to me. I wish to talk to him.”

Azar smiled at his master and went back to the front yard.

“Virgil,” said he, “Your brother wishes to see you.”

Virgil nodded and rid his hands from all the ink he had been using, with a rag, and went to his brother. He walked through the beautiful yet dark court hall and stood before his brother

“Yes—I heard you summoned me.”

Leosher stood up and looked down upon him “Bring me the weapons for the demise of the rulers. I already have the gauntlet, where are the others?”

“They are right here—with me brother.”

He took the gladius sword and the spear out of his sheaths and walked up the steps. He presented them to his brother and he put them beside his throne. After presentation, Virgil left the court hall and left Leosher all alone on his throne. After Leosher saw Virgil leave, he got up and gathered his weapon: his Scythe, the Gladius sword, the Spear, the Gauntlet and Geluna’s scepter. He collected all and went outside and talked to Urey,

     “I apologize,” He said while hesitating a bit “For taking your bow and arrows without permission.”

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