GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born (19 page)

BOOK: GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born
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     Urey laughed “It is fine, my lord, for all that I have is yours.”

“Anyways, would you go to the Armory, where your brother is working and tell him to make sheaths for my weapons?”

I shall do it right now.”

After Leosher was done with all his works, he went to the bed chambers of the deceased queen and slept there. Though it was only afternoon right now, he was too tired, for he had not slept last night either and as he lay on the soft, fluffy bed with white bed sheets and a heavy wooden frame, and a pillow made purely of the feathers of the phoenix and cotton of the dwarves, he instantly fell asleep, for this was the best bed anyone could ask for.

When he was asleep, he was visited by his mother in his dreams. She wore her white and golden gown with rosy cheeks and platinum, cream colored hair with a golden tiara and a whip in her hand. She was happy and overjoyed, for her son had finally defeated the queen and freed at least one third of the people of Thraenus from the treacherous rule of the three minions of Samael who himself was somewhere unknown, with his wife, unaware of the fact that his demise was upon him.

Both found themselves again, in the white void with nothing but those two, floating around. She smiled upon him,

“Son, I am proud of your work.”

“I know—I know I did well,” Leosher was cold towards her “I do not need any appreciation from you.”

Asurot was a little disappointed from the behavior of her son “Why do you act like this towards me? You have changed so much. You began pure with no intentions to do harm to any fellow living being but now, you are a power hungry, brutal and gore loving monster.”

Leosher looked at the pale floor that they were hovering over.

“The perfect boy is gone. You used me as a pawn in a game. I was created for the sole purpose of defeating the rulers and killing Samael and getting rid of the constant fear that the gods live in. You did not want me; you did not care about me. You threw me to Thraenus from Aseroth, where I could have gone to rule over many planets just like Thraenus but you sent me to this hell hole. You made mistakes that I now have to cover.”

Asurot showed sincerity and came close and put her hand on his shoulder “Son, do not worry, for if you prove yourself to be worthy enough of the Throne of Thraenus, you will receive the Throne of Aseroth as a gift. Now remember one thing, you cannot gain control over the other 7 realms, for if you try, Saulus will be there to guard them. But for now, treat the people well. Restore their faith in the gods and make Gelus, a part of The Empire and make it prosper. Move on to the other kingdoms and do the same, fulfill the purpose you were born to fulfill.”

After her talk, she vanished in the white void they were standing and Leosher was left behind, alone. But then suddenly, the entire void became pitch black and the same shady creature appeared that Leosher had once seen before in his dream, while he was still traveling towrds the hidden valley. It was the same hooded figure in his hell-like lair. It had asked Leosher to join him but left and now it was here again and again, there was black smoke in front of Leosher’s face. No matter how much he tried to move it and brush it away, it did not budge.

“Congratulations on your win against Geluna but you will need as much power and strength you can get to fight Samael and Saulus. Join me and you shall receive powers that none have seen before.”

Leosher smirked but the shadow could not see it for the smoke shield was in the way

“What do I have to do to join you?”

“Just be in a contract with me. Give me your freedom and soul and all the dark powers known to me shall be yours. Serve me and the universe shall serve you.”

Leosher laughed and mocked him “Do you think I was born yesterday? I will never sell you my freedom. If I do so, all my power will go to waste. It will be worthless, pointless even.” There was a sudden change in the way he was talking. His voice became heavier and there was gravel in his voice “Now leave me alone!”

Leosher swung and threw a punch. It missed its target but it did what Leosher intended for it to do. The shadow jerked back and turned to watery smoke. The entire lair turned to water like smoke and was vanished into nothingness and again, Leosher was left in the white void where he had met his mother but then suddenly, he heard noises. These were the noises of happiness. There was the noise of children playing and people rejoicing which pulled him back into his own, physical body.










    Leosher finally woke up from his dreams, fresh and happy, for he knew it was his big day. He woke up and saw that there was something going on. The entire castle was filled with happy workers and residents of Gelus and these were the noises that had pulled him out of the void.

They all had cleaned out all the dirt, all the mud and all the rotten plants that had been building up in the castle for 2 millenia. They washed the white walls and made them shine; they cleaned the floors and cleaned the throne as well. The castle was a barren, nasty place where the evil witch lived but now it was a happy, clean place where the Empirion king resided.

After he had wondered enough, Leosher finally asked one of the women who was standing outside the bed chamber. She had a duster in her hands and she was cleaning out all the ornaments that the people had brought and was putting them in place to make the castle look beautiful.

“What is all this commotion about?” The woman did not see Leosher but just as his voice hit her ears, she looked at him and bowed “Good Morning, my good lord.”

Leosher nodded and asked again “What is all this commotion about?”

“My lord, we are getting the castle ready for your coronation today. All the residents of Gelus, even the beasts and animals will come.”

Leosher nodded again and then walked out of the hall and into the court hall, where his brother was getting the Throne swapped with a more lavish, golden throne. This was a gift from Azar and Neiham, for they were the only two who could afford it.

“What is that?” Leosher asked “Who gave the throne?”

Virgil looked at it and then back at Leosher “It is a gift from your loyal servants and friends, Azar and Neiham.”

Leosher scratched his chest and then walked to the Throne and when the workers finished their work, Leosher sat down on it. It was made of gold with a soft red seat and back and had arm rests. It had black gems in it which made it pleasing to the eye. It had a foot stool which was connected to 6 steps, made of silver. As he loved his new Throne, his earthly mother, Adne, walked in the court hall and beside her was Meagon.

“Mother!” Leosher got up from his Throne and smiled “It has been so long.”

Adne walked to her son with tears in her eyes and her arms wide open. Leosher hugged his mother and then hugged Meagon as well.

“How are you, mother?”

“I am fine, but what happened to you?” Adne asked with concern, “You smell like a hog.”

     Meagon giggled when Adne said that, and she commented as well
“When was the last time you bathed?”

“I have been at work for a long time. I have not had a bath for a long time.”

Leosher hugged both of them again “I have to go get cleaned up for the coronation,” Then he looked at his mother “Mother, you should bath too and wear fancy clothes, for you are a royal now. You cannot have even a speck of dust on you and look at you; you are covered in dirt with long nails and rags as your clothes. You look like a hag.”

Meagon was a little upset because this was no way to talk to his mother and even though he was a king, he still had to respect his mother but she did not say anything, for she did not want to make a fuss out of something as small as this.

“Meagon,” Leosher looked at her and smiled “Get her ready for the coronation” and after talking, he went back to his bed chamber where the best dressers of the kingdom of Gelus were waiting for him. They were three elves, tall and fair.

“My lord,” said the head elf “We are here for your royal garments.”

Leosher smiled and looked at all three of them “I know exactly what I want.” He moved forward and stood straight “I want an armor of the thickest caliber, toughest boots, a thick cloak and a long coat with a hood.”

“Nice choice,” the female elf giggled “You would look mighty in those garments.”

The head elf quickly broke in “You will find your garments ready in an hour or so, until then, you should take a bath.”

Leosher nodded and opened the great windows of his bed chamber. A gush of pleasant wind came through the windows and brushed Leosher’s hair briskly. Though they were thick and had turned brown with dirt and blood from all the gore they had endured, they were long enough to be brushed with the wind.

Leosher walked over to the balcony that looked over a pool of sky green, clear water and a cascade that came down from the mountains. This water was made by all the ice on top of the mountains. This pool witheld colorful fish in it as well. This was the water that went on to be the circular stream of muggy water that surrounded the castle and resided the alligators in it, when Geluna was alive but now, they were clear waters with no man eating creatures in it. The water was warm and the mist from the cascade covered the top. There was colorful flowers blossoming on the banks and the trees were no longer deadly but instead were beautiful and increased the beauty of the scenery.

Leosher quickly plunged into the water and soon, the water became muggy for he was too dirty. The running stream moved the muggy water and soon, the water was clear again. Leosher sat under the cascade and relaxed and forgot about all the gore he had seen in the last days. He relaxed as much as he could but then, there were trumpet sounds and there was a big clanking sound as well. The new gates of the castle had been open for the citizens of Gelus and soon, hordes and hordes of people moved in. It was filled with cultures. Dwarfs, Elves, Humans, Fairies and all kinds of other creatures came to see the new king of Gelus, the king of The Empire. Many creatures from other kingdoms came to see the coronation because this was a historical event, the first official coronation in two millennia was occurring and none wanted to miss it.

The castle was packed with people which made Virgil change the location and he ordered it to occur in the open back yards of the castle.

The back yards were huge grasslands with water fountains and cobble stone pavements. The yard was in the farthest part of the castle and was surrounded by thick walls. The entire crowd was able to fit in and some of the watchers crushed the beautiful, silvery creamy flowers.

The Throne was brought out to the front of the crowd where everyone could see it and all waited for Leosher to come out. When he noticed that his people had arrived, he quickly got out of the pool and went back to his chamber where the elves had his clothes ready. His armor was silver with the emblem of Leosher, his own face. Leosher put the armor on and put the battle pants on. He then put the boots on too. They were made of the alligators the Empirion army had slain before. Their laces were thin strips of green vines. They were black in color, just like the pants, and pointy in the front. His coat was long and had golden epaulettes and matched the pants and the boots. Both, the coat and the pants were made of the alligator skin as well. The coat reached down to his knees and had a hood in the back and there were golden buttons on the coat with the same, Leosher emblem.

Leosher tied his hair back with a piece of string and the elves made two braids in the front. Both braids were thin and dangled in front of his face but they looked magnificent. They afterwards combed his beard too. He then took the sheaths that Usere had made for him and sheathed all of his weapons and put them around his back and sides. He put the gauntlet on his hand, and now he was ready to go.

He stepped out of the bed chamber and there he was, his brother, waiting for him,

     “You look great” he said
“But let us go now, for it is not good to keep the people waiting for so long.”

Leosher nodded and began swaggering towards the yards. His face lit up when he heard the drums and the trumpets welcoming him. He loved all the attention and his happiness grew even more when the people began cheering for him.

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